Director's growth history

3005.1766, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection 1 speech shocked 4 seats

At 1:55 in the afternoon, two cars, light vehicles, stopped at the gate of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Huang Jie, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Niu Decao, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, got out of the car accompanied by three staff members of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun, Fang Yuan and other school-level leaders from Dongzhou No. 5 High School went up to welcome them.The smile on Zhai Xinwen's face was as bright as the sun on a sunny day: "Welcome Secretary Huang, Secretary Niu and all the leaders to visit Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Huang Jie nodded: "We are also here to learn." Zhai Xinwen said: "We Disciplinary inspection work still needs to be further strengthened." Huang Jie said: "Only when you know what is lacking can you advance." Niu Decao said: "Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future."

What the two secretaries said made Zhai Xinwen feel uncomfortable.This clearly means that the discipline inspection work of the Education Bureau has not been done very well.This cannot be blamed on the two secretaries of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The main reason is that in the past two years, many important cadres have had problems.First, Liu Ming, the former principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, was dismissed from public office; then, the deputy director Yu Shengli, deputy researcher Feng Liang, and infrastructure section chief Zhang Zhihua were successively arrested. Ni Yousheng, the former general affairs director of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School was also arrested. Get up and hand it over to the judiciary.This is a disgrace to Dongzhou Education. As the secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, Zhai Xinwen feels ashamed when he thinks about it.What Huang Jie said and what Niu Decao said were not unreasonable.

Sun Hongjun also warmly shook hands with the leaders of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.Obviously, Niu Decao and Sun Hongjun are familiar with each other because of the frequent contacts at work. He held Sun Hongjun's hand and said, "Red Army, don't worry." .”

Huang Jie's concerned gaze rested on Fang Yuan's face, which made Fang Yuan feel a little nervous.Huang Jie is a typical non-aggressive and pretentious type. Although there is a smile on his stern face, his eyes are like lightning, as if he can see through people's minds. Fang Yuan can't help but think that he is really unclear about the relationship between men and women. In the place where the eyes met, they softened unknowingly, not daring to meet Huang Jie's eyes again.

"Secretary Huang, welcome to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for inspection and guidance." Fang Yuan said sincerely.Huang Jie said: "I've thought about coming here for a long time. Comrade Fang Yuan is a young reserve cadre with outstanding achievements in Dongzhou City. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has always paid attention to it!"Huang Jie said: "Comrade Fangyuan, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has received many reports from you!"

Fangyuan was so surprised that his eyeballs almost fell out, and in a hurry, he blurted out: "I didn't do anything bad, and I didn't make any financial mistakes." Huang Jie didn't speak, and Niu Decao had already stood by Fangyuan's door with a smile on his face. In front of him: "Having a report letter is not necessarily a bad thing. Now which cadre does not have a report letter? Xiao Fang can't worry too much!" Fang Yuan was too frightened to say a word.At this moment, Fang Yuan thought of his father-in-law's exhortation, and was full of a sense of awe towards the discipline inspection committee.

Following behind Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun, Fang Yuan dared not show his face again.Several deputies also followed behind Fang Yuan, not daring to say a word.Qiu Zhengxuan looked at Dai Lianghua, then at Ruan Shaoxiu, feeling in his heart: Today's news is really shocking.Na Hong whispered: "I didn't expect that." Dai Lianghua stretched out her finger and put it to her lips: "Woo!"

Zhou Yujie walked in the forefront of the leaders and introduced the relevant situation of Dongzhou No. 5 High School to comrades Huang Jie, Niu Decao and the Commission for Discipline Inspection.With special emphasis, he led Huang Jie and Niu Decao to look at the school's anti-corruption propaganda window.Huang Jie was very interested in the school's publicity window, and even looked at it carefully.In the shop window hung the anti-□□ propaganda wall chart bought by Qiu Zhengxuan, pasted the teacher's experience in learning the "National Code of Professional Ethics for Primary and Secondary School Teachers", and pasted the middle school students' perception of learning the "Code of Conduct for Middle School Students".Although some content is not directly related to anti-corruption and honesty, but if you think about it carefully, there are actually many similarities.In particular, what Qiu Zhengxuan guided was to combine compliance with the "Rules for Middle School Students" with being law-abiding citizens. Many of these middle school students will become party and government cadres across the country in the future.

Huang Jie looked at all the contents in the window very carefully and carefully, but didn't say anything.Niu Decao said to the accompanying staff: "It's very meaningful to take a picture of this!" Huang Jie asked: "Where are we going?" Zhai Xinwen looked at Fangyuan.Fang Yuan said: "Please ask Secretary Huang to visit our school history museum. This little Zhou teacher will explain to Secretary Huang, Secretary Niu and the leaders." Huang Jie nodded and followed Zhou Yujie into the school history museum.Coming out of the school history museum, Zhou Yujie took Huang Jie to visit some special classrooms or exhibition rooms visited in the last quality education on-site meeting, and introduced to Huang Jie and others the achievements of the comprehensive implementation of quality education in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Huang Jie listened and nodded frequently, but rarely spoke.But Niu Decao asked this and that from time to time, listening with great interest.

Fang Yuan became more and more in awe of Huang Jie.But for Niu Decao, this feeling is missing.Although Huang Jie always had a faint smile on his face, sometimes, silence can establish a special authority more than talking too much.

With the end of the first get out of class, Fangyuan still mustered up the courage to say: "Secretary Huang, Secretary Niu, leaders, our school is currently holding a school-wide squadron meeting and class meeting around the "Rules for Middle School Students" and striving to be a law-abiding citizen. The next class will start in 10 minutes. If the leaders are interested, we have a squadron meeting prepared by the first class of junior high school." Huang Jie said: "Now that we have prepared, let's take a look."

The 5 members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, together with Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun, make up 7 members.Fang Yuan said: "Let's wait in the small meeting room, I will accompany you to the squadron meeting."

The squadron meeting was obviously reprocessed by Qiu Zhengxuan and others.The squadron counselor (head teacher) closely focuses on the main line of abiding by the code and abiding by the law, and guides the whole class in the interaction with the students, establishes the concept of abiding by the law, and strives to be a good citizen who abides by the law.Through the performance of a few small scripts, I know what is right, what is wrong, what can be done, and what is illegal and criminal.Huang Jie was listening while recording something.Sitting there, Fang Yuan felt like she was on pins and needles, feeling really nervous, and kept thinking in her mind: Why do I have so many reports?What was reported?It's just too scary.

Fang Yuan didn't know how he finished listening to the squadron meeting.After leaving the door of the classroom, Huang Jie asked: "Where are we going?" Fang Yuan said: "Please invite Secretary Huang, Secretary Niu, and the leaders to our party member activity room. There, there are all the rules and regulations that we have formulated in recent years and communicated to the superiors." Regarding the work system and related activities of anti-corruption and upholding integrity." Huang Jie said: "Okay, let's go and have a look."

In the party member activity room of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, Huang Jie flipped through the files one by one with great interest.While watching, he listened to Dai Lianghua's explanation.Dai Lianghua had put in a lot of effort beforehand, but in fact the idea in her heart was very simple, that is to change the bad impression in Fang Yuan's heart, and prove that she is a competent, conscientious and meticulous deputy.Perhaps, Huang Jie admired Dai Lianghua's steady and meticulous personality. After listening to the introduction, he asked: "What do you do in school?" Dai Lianghua, the secretary, mainly assists Fang Yuan, the secretary of the general party branch, to do a good job in the school's party affairs work, including discipline inspection work." Huang Jie said: "The work is very solid!" Dai Lianghua said: "Thank you, Secretary Huang, for affirming that I have cooperated with Fang Fang in all these tasks. What the principal did was also to implement the work deployment of the Municipal Education Bureau Party Committee and Disciplinary Committee." Huang Jie looked at Dai Lianghua and said no more.

When he came to the small meeting room, Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Huang, Secretary Niu and all the leaders, in recent years, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has fully implemented quality education and achieved some results. Please watch the documentary about Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School fully implementing quality education. "Huang Jie said: "Okay."

Chen Qiuping adjusted the dvd and TV immediately, and replayed the movies that were missed at the provincial quality education site.The members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection usually rarely come into contact with the specific work of education. Watching this film today is also full of novelty.The film systematically and vividly reveals the reasons for the progress of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and clearly demonstrates the innovative measures and innovative ideas in the practice of quality education in recent years.After watching the film, Huang Jie said, "Any other arrangements?"

Zhai Xinwen looked at Fangyuan.Fang Yuan said: "The school organized a booklet, which includes me and other school cadres' thoughts on anti-corruption and building a clean and honest government, some teachers' insights on the construction of teacher morality, and how the majority of students abide by the law. Give each leader a copy, please criticize and correct." Huang Jie said: "OK."

Chen Qiuping and Ruan Shaoxiu hurriedly delivered the newly printed brochures to each leader one by one.Huang Jie opened the booklet and read it carefully.Of course, in addition to looking at the catalog, the focus was on Fang Yuan and Dai Lianghua's work perception.

After reading the two sentiments, and then browsed the teacher's sentiments and students' sentiments, Huang Jie asked: "Secretary Xinwen, Secretary of the Red Army, what other arrangements do you have?" Sun Hongjun had an idea and said: "Secretary Huang, Secretary Niu , Leaders of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, it is rare for the leaders to come to Dongzhou Education, and I also want to take this opportunity to report to the leaders on the situation of the discipline inspection work in Dongzhou Education." Huang Jie said: "Okay."

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