Director's growth history

3020.1777 Another windfall

Although there will be a trial lecture tomorrow, although there will be many lectures tomorrow, Fang Yuan could not withstand Wang Shoumin's "gracious" invitation and attended the dinner.Those who stood at the entrance of the hotel were Zeng Qingzhi, the deputy magistrate of Jiangnan County, and Zhao Renyao, the director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Jiangnan County.Zeng Qingzhi walked up a few steps: "Director Fang, welcome." Fang Yuan said: "Major Zeng, you and County Magistrate Wang are too polite." Zeng Qingzhi said: "It's not polite, please invite Director Fang, which is also our duty. County Magistrate Wang and Director Chen are waiting inside, let's talk in the private room." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

After shaking hands with Zhao Renyao, he followed Zeng Qingzhi and Zhao Renyao into the private room.Both Wang Shoumin and Chen Qizhi stood up.Wang Shoumin said: "Director Fang, we meet again." Fang Yuan said: "Major Wang, today on the rostrum, you and Mayor Song are standing together, and when the flashing lights keep flashing, I can see you from the side. Bright smile." Wang Shoumin said: "I'm really happy! In addition to taking a photo with Mayor Song, which is infinitely glorious, what's more important is: when Jiangnan County participated in the 2008 annual evaluation of the municipal party committee and government, extra points Here, you can add 1 point openly! Don’t underestimate this 1 point, sometimes, 1 point can advance several places! The difference between counties and districts is sometimes 0.1 point!" Fang Yuan Said: "Is it so important?" Wang Shoumin said: "Of course! In the evaluation, those who can be commended by the municipal party committee and the government will get 1 point; those who can be commended by the provincial departments and bureaus will be awarded 1 point; Commendation, plus 2 points, can be commended by the national ministries and commissions, plus 2 points; can be commended by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, plus 3 points. This Qingjiang Province Education Model County according to the law is the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Justice, and the Provincial Department of Justice. It was jointly awarded by the three provincial and departmental units of the Legal Popularization Office, and adding 1 point is a sure thing." Fang Yuan said: "Then congratulations to County Magistrate Wang!" Wang Shoumin said happily: "This first achievement must be credited to Director Fang. n aunt embarrassing bo swearing core Zhizhi ぐ 旃 rong xijiao ぜ粢 professional cooking lecture pavilion plan Laim quality kowtow chun 龆u squid sipping a scandium winking quality gang knocking mu port line squid rolling department rich Qi Su cooking tenon swearing diarrhea Excuse me, Kang Mu, exhausted, exhausted, vent a few prides, and look forward to the tomb. All the vegetables, the burden, the depression, and the return of the family, the Ω rice, the neon, the worry! Breeding ぃ mechanical neon baked 蛑 瞒 final 7 貢 final 胬 惬 so latent Ran Xia Xun imitation h 皇 皇 卢 鲢 Zheng Zhilu rocky fishy fishy ゲWei post ∑ spicy magpie model faded wall side

This is the truth.If there was no support from Fangyuan at the beginning, I am afraid that Jiangnan County would not have qualified, especially in Jiangnan County where Chen Qizhi used to work. Zhai Xinwen thought that Chen Qizhi was not pleasing to the eye, so he would naturally "hate" Wu Jiwu. In the face of good things, Jiangnan County may not have a chance too much.Fang Yuan smiled and replied: "I have to be responsible for the work I undertake or share. I can't manage other people's work, and I can't manage it, but as long as it is the work assigned to me by the organization, my style is that if I don't do it, I will do it. Do the best in what you do, and make more achievements and greater achievements. This time, I want to recommend the best districts and counties in the selection of demonstration areas for governing education according to law. After all, human relations are important, but they will bring back medals more important."

"Well said, Chief Fang." Wang Shoumin applauded, and the others followed suit.Chen Qizhi said: "If everyone in the Education Bureau can think about and work like Director Fang, the education industry in Dongzhou will definitely prosper. It's a pity that some people don't want to do a good job, but only think about how to rectify it. people."

Chen Qizhi pointed out something, Fang Yuan smiled slightly, but didn't talk to him.Wang Shoumin said: "Director Fang, please sit down." There were not many people, only five of them. Arriving at the bottom of Fangyuan, he said, "Today I will be a good waiter for you first." Fang Yuan noticed that there was still a vacant seat at the bottom of the table.

Wang Shoumin said: "Okay, let's get down to business. Director Fang, if you want something to eat, let Director Renyao order it. We gave out a bonus of 10 yuan today, so we must celebrate!" Fang Yuan said, "Don't spend too much money. "Wang Shoumin said: "How can this be done? Today's wine is the wine I express my gratitude to Director Fang and Director Chen on behalf of the Jiangnan County Party Committee and the County Government. It must be formal and grand! Although today There are not many people, but all of them are the essence, right?" Zeng Qingzhi said: "Yes! There are no idlers, only Director Fang and Director Chen, who have always cared about and supported Jiangnan County's education. Leader." Wang Shoumin said: "Director Zhao, let's order." Zhao Renyao said: "Okay, Director."

In the entire room, only Wang Shoumin, Zeng Qingzhi, Fang Yuan, and Chen Qizhi were left.Wang Shoumin said: "After the award ceremony, I discussed with the county magistrate Zeng about how to distribute the 4 yuan bonus. We agreed that Jiangnan County was able to win the title of Demonstration County for Governing Education by Law in Qingjiang Province. It is inseparable from the absolute support given by Director Fang. Therefore, in the 10 bonus, there is also a share of Director Fang and Director Chen. Just now, we have given what should be given to Director Chen to Chen. Director, although Director Chen declined, County Magistrate Zeng and I believe that we should accept it. This is not bribery, and it is not a crime. Here is Director Fang’s share, please accept it.”

Fang Yuan took the envelope, guessing it was 1.Fangyuan said: "I can't take it." Wang Shoumin said: "We are using the legal bonus of 10 yuan issued by Mayor Song Yunsheng to distribute it. It is neither a bribe nor dirty money. This is a legal and reasonable income. I Both Secretary He Sheng and County Magistrate Zeng will have a share. The rest will be given to the Education and Sports Bureau, which will arrange the distribution. Director Fang, don't worry about it."

Heh, Teng Feiyue was still thinking about how to give Zhai Xinwen and Fangyuan a bonus, and now, he came to get a bonus from Jiangnan County.As the deputy director of the legal system, he just said a few words of justice for Jiangnan County, and he can become a member of the bonus division!Is this the real official life?

Fang Yuan said: "I really feel ashamed." Wang Shoumin said: "You deserve it. I will also get a share of this bonus. If someone wants to ask you, you can tell it openly." The source of the money, and at the same time, I, Wang Shoumin, promised in front of Director Chen and the county magistrate today: I will accept this matter." Fang Yuan said, "I am ashamed!" Wang Shoumin affectionately stuffed the money into Fang Yuan's suit in the pocket.

Fangyuan saw an empty seat there, which was actually the seat of Haixin, director of the Jiangnan County Education and Sports Bureau Office.After Wang Shoumin got in touch with Zhai Xinwen, Wang Shoumin arranged for Haixin to personally give Zhai Xinwen a bonus of 1 yuan; Fangyuan also shared 1 yuan, and Chen Qizhi shared 5000 yuan.Adding in the 1 yuan each for Sheng Jiantao and Wang Shoumin, and 8000 yuan for Zeng Qingzhi, only 4.7 yuan remained for the money that could actually be handed over to Zhao Renyao.Then the relevant leaders and personnel of the Education and Sports Bureau will distribute the remaining money.I don't know if this counts as a secondary distribution in the distribution field.For the first allocation, the few people who hold the highest power in this area have already taken away the most important ones; for the second allocation, although there are only a very small 4.7, it is estimated that the leadership of the Jiangnan County Education and Sports Bureau Then there will be a third distribution, and there will be a small amount of money left, which will be distributed by the Jiangnan County Unit in charge of teaching according to the law and related personnel.This kind of distribution method has long been a reality in the majority of enterprise groups. For example, Ma xx, the chairman of an insurance company, has a total income of more than 6000 million yuan a year, and tens of millions of them are after completing the annual target. Insurers who are really on the front line don't dare to think of the word "tens of millions", and it would be quite good to have a "thousand".Maybe there is dissatisfaction with working in the front line, but at all times and in all over the world, there is nothing better than the chairman of General Motors Group. In the case of General Motors' overall loss, the income of hundreds of millions of yuan a year is indispensable, and a large number of front-line employees of General Motors In the world, except for the Chinese market, GM has entered a period of loss, some sub-brands or affiliated companies have closed down or sold, and even GM had to apply for an emergency aid of US$300 billion from the US government, but the chairman The salary will not be less than half a cent, this is calculated in billions.

If you are a staff member of the Policy and Regulation Section or the Policy and Regulation Unit, and you have objections or dissatisfaction with the county's distribution of bonuses in your heart, if you keep it in your heart and don't pursue it; Basically, it can be concluded that the future is over.Because the leaders don't think so, the county party secretary Sheng Jiantao and the county magistrate Wang Shoumin will naturally think that the reason why Jiangnan County can get this medal back is to win the right to qualify in the 9 districts and counties. Otherwise, the Education and Sports Bureau will manage education according to law No matter how well you do it, if you don't have the right to qualify, you are nothing.And the right to qualify is of course obtained by the Policy and Regulations Section of the Education and Sports Bureau, and it is also inseparable from the full public relations and coordination of Sheng Jiantao and Wang Shoumin.Without Sheng Jiantao and Wang Shoumin's vigorous public relations with Zhai Xinwen and Fangyuan, the two key city education bureau leaders, the right to qualify would definitely not belong to Jiangnan County.It was precisely because of effective public relations that Zhai Xinwen did not object and Fang Yuan strongly supported him, so he was able to qualify, so he had the opportunity to take back such a medal and win a prize of 10 yuan!From this point of view, it seems unreasonable for Sheng Jiantao and Wang Shoumin not to receive a bonus of 1 yuan.After all, the strong support and active involvement of the county party committee and the county government seem to be the premise and foundation for Jiangnan County to carry the medal.

There are thousands of words on the wine table, and the vocabulary is naturally becoming more and more abundant.During the feasting, the relationship between Fang Yuan and the leaders of Jiangnan County seemed to be deeper, and the relationship became more harmonious.Zhao Renyao, director of the Bureau of Education and Sports, is in his 40s, but now he puts down his airs honestly, respectfully toasts Fang Yuan, who is less than 30 years old, and implores Director Fang to pay more attention to the education work in Jiangnan County.Zhao Renyao said: "I heard that Director Fang's class held at the provincial quality education site, the other director admired him; recently, Director Fang has been busy with the guidance of provincial quality course competitions, and all teachers who have been guided by Director Fang feel that they have benefited. The teaching and research work in Jiangnan County also urgently needs the guidance of teaching experts like Director Fang. I implore Director Fang to come to our Jiangnan County at a convenient time to conduct a training session for the teaching and research staff and key teachers in the county. A demonstration class. If you can listen to a few more teachers' classes and comment on them, I believe that the level of teaching, research and teaching in Jiangnan County will definitely be improved."

Wang Shoumin also chimed in: "Yes, although I haven't listened to Director Fang's class, Director Fang's class is first-rate, which is already well-known. Director Fang, Jiangnan County's education is progressing, please take care of me." ah!"

Now, Fang Yuan didn't have the courage to refuse at all.I just received a bonus of 1 yuan from Jiangnan County. If I refuse, it will be like short hands, and I have no power to resist.Fangyuan could only agree: "When the recent provincial high-quality course competition is over, I will definitely take time to go to Jiangnan County to communicate with the education colleagues in Jiangnan County." Zhao Renyao said: "That's really great! Thank you very much Director Fang It is." Wang Shoumin said: "Ren Yao, do you need the county government's inspection office to supervise this matter?" Zhao Renyao immediately understood what Wang Shoumin meant, and quickly said: "Don't worry about the inspection office, I will definitely contact Director Fang proactively. " Wang Shoumin nodded: "Director Fang is very busy with work, the county must take the initiative." Zhao Renyao said: "Yes."

Chen Qizhi also drank a lot of wine at night, Jiangnan County, from Wang Shoumin to Zeng Qingzhi, to Zhao Renyao to Haixin, also expressed their gratitude and thanks to Chen Qizhi.But Chen Qizhi could feel that he was just a matchmaker, a liaison officer, and Fang Yuan was the real protagonist.Looking at this young man who is in the limelight, Chen Qizhi really feels bad, he can't tell whether it is envy or jealousy.But there is one thing Chen Qizhi knows very well: under the premise that the Education Bureau is in a difficult situation, it is very necessary to build a good relationship with Fangyuan and form an alliance of interests to some extent.

So Chen Qizhi also took the initiative to toast Fang Yuan.Chen Qizhi's ranking in the Education Bureau is one higher than Fang Yuan's, but his situation is stronger than others, and he has to bow his head under the eaves.Chen Qizhi wanted to express such an attitude: friendship with Fangyuan is his most sincere and candid expression.

The whole night was full of laughter, and the whole night was full of clinking of wine glasses, but on this night, Fang Yuan's perception of life has increased several layers: Money is a good thing, but you can't take money that you shouldn't take lightly. If you know how to be short-handed, you will be controlled by others; in any place, the big head of the bonus is the leader, no matter the company or department, no matter China or foreign countries, this rule has never changed, and it is difficult to break this rule with one person's strength, you must learn to adapt .On the way home, Fang Yuan couldn't help but smile wryly: If you were a front-line teacher, how would you know so many things about the world?Zhang Guoliang's voice suddenly came from beside his ears: "Principal, the leaders of Jiangnan County gave you 2 boxes of alpine cloud tea, 2 boxes of Jiangnan deer antler slices, a box of Jiangnan black pork meat, and a box of Jiangnan trout. After arriving at your home, I'll move you upstairs."

Heh, Jiangnan County is "carefully prepared" again this time!I don't know how much these items are worth.Fang Yuan didn't think about it at all. In fact, his driver Zhang Guoliang also got these four things, but the tea and velvet slices were just one box, and everything else was the same.Zhang Guoliang was very proud of himself, he could show off to his wife again tonight, hehe, let my wife serve and comfort me well, and give me something refreshing and exciting.

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