Director's growth history

3028.1784 Secretary Zhao dropped a shock bomb

In the afternoon, Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee paid a special visit to the retired veteran cadres in Dongzhou City, and asked Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng to take good care of these old comrades. They had made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of Dongzhou in the past, and they still It is a valuable asset for the development of Dongzhou.In major decision-making, we must listen to the opinions of veteran comrades, and let them be well-off, happy, and active in old age.

Afterwards, in the central meeting room of the Municipal Party Committee, at a meeting attended by all the serving deputy municipal leaders of Dongzhou City and the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government, and the CPPCC, Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee listened to Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng respectively representing the Municipal Party Committee and Report on the work done by the municipal government.Secretary Zhao fully affirmed the rapid development of Dongzhou City in recent years, and praised the fruitful work done by Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, Municipal People's Congress, Municipal Government, and CPPCC.For the future development of Dongzhou, Secretary Zhao put forward the following requirements: First, we must conscientiously study the party's political spirit and firmly establish a scientific outlook on development.Always keep in mind the main theme of scientific development, and regard the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society as the theme of scientific development. We must further increase the intensity of scientific and technological innovation, further strengthen the promotion of energy conservation and emission reduction, and devote ourselves to the sound and rapid development of Dongzhou. .The second is to firmly establish the purpose of governing for the people.We must always keep in mind the flesh-and-blood relationship between the party and the people. Every party member and leading cadre comes from the people and is a member of the people. We must always keep in mind the purpose of serving the people. Every decision-making The opinions of the people must be solicited, every decision is to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people, and every policy introduced is conducive to the better life of the people.Only by doing more and doing good things for the people at all times can the people be satisfied with our party committee and government and support the work of our party committee and government.The third is to pay close attention to people's livelihood.Today in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, I saw that the innovative practice of this school reflects the satisfaction of the people; today in the people's livelihood market, this work in Dongzhou City, especially Lubao District, is also quite popular. It is not big, but it is a pioneering work to improve people's livelihood, and it has won the support of the people.I hope that comrades will carefully read **'s statement on people's livelihood work in the party's *** report, and earnestly do a good job in people's livelihood work.People's livelihood work is a popular project, and it should be placed at the height of maintaining and developing the party's ruling position to pay attention to people's livelihood work.The fourth is to attach great importance to the work of social stability and strive to build a harmonious Dongzhou.Stability is the prerequisite for development. Without stability, there will be no development and harmony.We must attach great importance to the investigation and resolution of various hidden dangers in society, and eliminate all kinds of contradictions in the bud.The root cause of the conflict lies in the distribution of interests. We must pay attention to the method of interest distribution so that the vast majority of the people can benefit from the benefits and enjoy the fruits of reform, opening up and development.It is necessary to reduce and eliminate illegal administration, and devote ourselves to building a fair, clean and transparent party committee and government.The fifth is to further strengthen party building.Strengthening party building is not empty talk, but must be implemented in daily work all the time.We must always keep in mind that the party represents the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, so the party committee's functions of commanding the overall situation and controlling the direction must be persisted at all times.We must firmly grasp the principle of the party's management of cadres, focus on training young and promising cadres with both ability and political integrity, give them tasks and burdens, and let them grow up as soon as possible.Special attention should be paid to the construction of grassroots party organizations and the construction of private enterprise party organizations, so that grassroots party organizations and grassroots party members become strong fortresses distributed in every corner of the party.It is necessary to attract private entrepreneurs who abide by the law, pay taxes according to the regulations, and are enthusiastic about public welfare to join the ranks of party members and recommend them to the posts of deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC to further expand the representativeness of the party.It is necessary to recommend capable and wealthy party members in the countryside to participate in the elections of the two committees of the village, so as to better lead the villagers to become rich.The sixth is to strengthen the unity of the team. Under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, adhere to the principle of absolute centralism, give full play to the functions of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, strengthen scientific decision-making, make independent decisions, and establish a correct and scientific development direction.It is necessary to give full play to the legal supervision of the National People's Congress and the absolute supervision of the CPPCC to escort the various decisions of the party committee and the government.Only when the team is united can we better concentrate our efforts on construction and single-mindedly seek development, and the various undertakings of our party and people can develop better.The seventh is to further strengthen patriotic education.Like Dongzhou No. 5 High School, it is very good to carry out a series of effective patriotic education in close connection with the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.We must closely combine current affairs, actively and deeply carry out patriotic education, and guide the broad masses of the people, especially college, middle and primary school students, to put patriotism into work, into study, and into the revitalization of the Chinese nation. Actively contribute to the great revival.At the same time, we must sort out the relationship between patriotism and maintaining social harmony and stability. To be patriotic, we must cherish this hard-won harmonious and stable situation, bury our heads in learning, work, and development, so that our great motherland can surpass China as soon as possible. Advanced, standing among the nations of the world.

When Secretary Zhao was speaking, the meeting room was completely silent.Everyone is desperately recording and trying their best to digest and absorb.Perhaps to ordinary people, Secretary Zhao's words seem to be empty words and clichés, but to the party and government cadres above the deputy city level in Dongzhou City, every sentence contains profound meaning and needs to be carefully considered In order to understand the deep meaning of it.In Secretary Zhao's words, there are both hope and demand; both affirmation and criticism; both ideas and strategies.Although his speech was not long, he stood tall and saw far, showing a very high level of policy and cognitive insights.

Wang Guodong said that we must keep in mind and implement Secretary Zhao's instructions, strictly enforce self-requirements in the seven aspects mentioned by Secretary Zhao, give full play to the leading role of the municipal party committee, strive to build a united and harmonious team, fully implement the party's political spirit, and strive to Promote the scientific development of Dongzhou, establish the party for the public, govern for the people, pay attention to people's livelihood, attach importance to stability, strengthen party building, accelerate the development of various undertakings in Dongzhou, and live up to the ardent expectations of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary Zhao for Dongzhou.

Song Yunsheng stated against his will that under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and under the legal supervision of the Municipal People's Congress, he should pay attention to the supervision of the CPPCC, implement the various arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee, and promote the better and faster development of various undertakings in Dongzhou.

In the evening, Secretary Zhao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General Ren Hongjiang attended a dinner hosted by the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee.On this night, Secretary Zhao lost the majesty of the day, and drank and mingled with the party and government comrades in Dongzhou. score.At the same time, both Qingjiang TV Station and Dongzhou TV Station have reported on Secretary Zhao's itinerary of the Provincial Party Committee, and the written media of Qingjiang Province have also made arrangements for a comprehensive report on Secretary Zhao's itinerary tomorrow morning.

That night, Secretary Zhao and his party took a flight back to Hangzhou at Yongqiang International Airport under the collective welcome of Wang Guodong, Song Yunsheng and other members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.Before the tea is cold, Secretary Zhao's very tight day's itinerary in Dongzhou, and every word that Secretary Zhao said, spread rapidly at different levels and in different areas within the Dongzhou system, the fermenter.Especially the cadres above the deputy city level, as long as they still have heart and lungs, as long as they still want to improve or keep their positions, each of them is destined to have a sleepless night.Either with the best allies, or locked in the office or the secretary alone, seriously appreciating and chewing the spirit of Secretary Zhao's speech, including Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng.

Song Yunsheng, Deng Yuncong, and Chang Youqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, soaked in a hot spring pool, letting the mineral-rich hot spring water infiltrate every cell in their bodies.Song Yunsheng hasn't said a word since he entered this hot spring health care center.Neither did Deng Yuncong, nor did Chang Youqiang.Sheng Zhiren said he was not feeling well, so he didn't come over, which made the atmosphere even more depressed.

Finally, Song Yun let out a long sigh.Deng Yuncong also sighed.Chang Youqiang also sighed.The same sigh, the meaning is not exactly the same.

Song Yunsheng said: "What Secretary Zhao said today is very meaningful!" Deng Yuncong said: "Yes!" Song Yunsheng said: "After doing so much work, why doesn't Secretary Zhao pay attention to it? I am planning to move towards the port construction Why did Secretary Zhao favor Ninghai Port and discourage my enthusiasm?” Deng Yuncong said: “Secretary Zhao also said that Dongzhou Port has changed from a river port to a seaport. This change of thinking is correct. Yes." Song Yunsheng said: "I have been so proud, now I am extremely depressed!" Deng Yuncong said: "You can't say that, Yunsheng. I believe everyone can see your work performance." Song Yunsheng said: "I'm worried about the follow-up chain reaction!"

This is a very real problem.Today, Secretary Zhao repeatedly emphasized that to strengthen the party building and the unity of the team, they are undoubtedly supporting Wang Guodong.I believe that a large number of cadres will pay more attention to Wang Guodong's opinion because of Secretary Zhao's brief inspection in Dongzhou and his bombshell speech.What worries Song Yunsheng the most is that the right to speak in the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee will be greatly affected!

After a long time, Song Yunsheng said: "Today is not without harvest. At least, we know what Secretary Zhao cares about and what he pays attention to. Yun Cong and Youqiang are not depressed. Perhaps, after a year or two, I will be Secretary of the municipal party committee. Strengthening party building means strengthening the leadership of the party secretary of the municipal party committee. It is said that Lu Yao knows the horsepower and sees the hearts of the people over time. Some comrades are shaken, so they apply a sentence that the chairman used to Mao Zedong back then, the sky is about to fall Yu, my mother wants to marry, let him go." Chang Youqiang said: "I always maintain a high degree of consistency with Mayor Song." Song Yunsheng said: "I know Youqiang's feelings very well. Now we can be honest with each other. I don’t even have a fig leaf on my body. This kind of frankness is enough to prove everything.” Deng Yuncong said: “Yes! We are alumni, and we have always been under the same teacher.” Song Yunsheng said: “Yes! We have clarified the direction of our efforts for the next step. Yun Cong, Youqiang, and Secretary Zhao attach great importance to people's livelihood, so we still need to innovate in the work of people's livelihood; Secretary Zhao attaches great importance to scientific development, and I think the government has to come up with new methods in scientific development; Secretary Zhao attaches great importance to stability, so in the near future, I will personally handle a few petition cases.” Deng Yuncong said, “Secretary Zhao also attaches great importance to Fang Yuan!”

Song Yunsheng recalled the private communication with Xu Daren, director of Secretary Zhao's office, and said, "This is both expected and unexpected! Of course we should also pay attention to young cadres who are valued by the secretary of the provincial party committee. Yun Cong, next time the standing committee member of the municipal party committee At the meeting, I think you will propose that Fang Yuan be transferred from deputy director inspector to deputy director, okay?" Deng Yuncong said, "That's no problem." Song Yunsheng said, "I reckon that there will be no objection. But Whoever brings it up first has a different meaning! Zitian needs to strengthen contact. Zitian may not have a direct connection with Secretary Zhao, but there may be a direct connection. I'm not sure. However, Zitian and Vice Governor Qu Bitong , Director Liu of the Department of Education has an unusual relationship, this can be confirmed." Deng Yuncong said, "Yes."

At this time, Song Yunsheng also came to the spirit: "The chairman is amazing! The united front, party building, and armed struggle are the three treasures for the victory of the new socialist revolution. From today's perspective, the united front and the construction of the organization , Reasonable struggle or struggle, are also three treasures!"

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