Director's growth history

3034.1790 Seemingly unintentional, but actually intentional

In the evening, Ma Lianghe and Zhang Shangang hosted Fangyuan and Qianqian in the name of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and expressed their warmest congratulations to Fangyuan for winning the No.1 first prize in the Qingjiang Provincial High School Quality Class Competition.During the banquet, Ma Lianghe received a call and temporarily left the private room.After returning, Ma Lianghe smiled and said to Yuan Yuan: "Xiao Fang, there will be a part of the celebration meeting tomorrow, which is to present awards to model workers who have won the provincial 'May [-]st Labor Medal'. Just now I received a call from the leader of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions , Tomorrow's award ceremony, you will be on stage as a representative of Dongzhou Model Workers to receive the award." Fang Yuan said, "Please ask the team leader to represent you?" The leaders of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions will naturally consider it comprehensively. As the chairman of the city trade union, I don’t have the right to make decisions.” Qiang Xiang said: “It’s great that Principal Fang is on stage to receive the award. Look at me, I look like an old farmer in the countryside If you put on a suit, you will be a farmer entrepreneur or a contractor. It’s better to be Principal Fang.” Ma Lianghe said: “Yes! Cramps, when the time comes, you will embarrass Dongzhou and Director Ma, and you will be in trouble." Ma Lianghe said: "Xiao Fang stands in front of the students every day, and just participated in the provincial class competition. Don't panic in front of you." Ma Lianghe blinked, and said to Yuan Yuan: "Xiao Fang, you have to trust the political acumen of the leaders of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, maybe there will be a surprise tomorrow!"

Back at the hotel, took a shower, and wanted to talk to Xiangqian, but found that Xiangqian was a relatively silent person, and the two of them didn't have much in common.In addition, Fang Yuan's mental stress over the past few days has been completely relaxed now, and he collapsed on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

Fangyuan woke up at 6:7 in the morning.In high school, teachers usually arrive at school at 6 o'clock in the morning.Fangyuan's biological clock is at this time, and she wakes up at 4 o'clock without an alarm clock.After getting up, he released the waste in the bathroom. After washing up, Fang Yuan went downstairs.The environment of Jinhuayuan Hotel is really nice. It was the end of April, and a lot of various flowers bloomed. All kinds of trees and shrubs in the courtyard are lush and luxuriant, which is pleasing to the eye.When you walk out of the hotel, you will find Baom North Road. There is a small river across the road. To the northeast of the hotel, there is a small park where you can already hear the music of someone practicing Tai Chi.

Fangyuan strolled across the road, walked into the park, breathed the fresh air in the park, looked at the pleasant greenery and all kinds of blooming flowers, Fangyuan felt that if he lived in such an environment every day, he would be really happy and comfortable!Looking at a dozen old people on the flat ground over there, practicing Tai Chi to the music, Fang Yuan thought of what Ma Lianghe had said to him last week.Yes, it is necessary to strengthen the physical exercise!Thinking that I can only do radio gymnastics, and I can't play Tai Chi or Baduanjin, I can't help but feel a little regretful.Seeing someone jogging on the Yonglu Road, Fang Yuan walked over and started jogging too.After running back and forth from one end of the park to the other end of the park, Fang Yuan was out of breath and had to stop to catch her breath.Looking at those old people boxing again, I suddenly saw a familiar figure~~ah, Ma Lianghe, the chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, was among them.

Fang Yuan walked over quickly: "Chairman Ma!" Ma Lianghe said: "Oh, Xiao Fang, you got up so early?" Fang Yuan said: "Chairman Ma has come early?" Ma Lianghe said: "The body is the capital of revolution. , I am used to getting up early, doing some Taijiquan, and practicing Baduanjin, which makes me energetic all day." Fang Yuan said: "I really admire Chairman Ma." Ma Lianghe said: "I want to go there I’ve played Baduanjin all the way. How about you come with me?” Fang Yuan said, “I don’t know how to do it!” Ma Lianghe said, “No, you can take a look at it first. Baduanjin is very simple, but practicing After finishing, the whole body is full of firepower. What our ancestors researched is much better than that radio gymnastics." Fang Yuan said: "When I return to Dongzhou, I must practice." Ma Lianghe said: "Okay Ah, let's go to the Workers' Cultural Palace. There is a master in the Workers' Cultural Palace who specializes in teaching Baduanjin and Taijiquan. I will say hello to him and let him teach you." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you. I will definitely learn. Ma Lianghe said: "The Workers' Cultural Palace is a subdivision of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, so I'll have the final say." Fang Yuan said, "Chairman Ma, how can I thank you?" Ma Lianghe said, "It's a small matter!"

Ma Lianghe played Ba Duan Jin all the way, which made Fang Yuan mesmerized by watching.Seeing that Ma Lianghe finished playing, Fang Yuan said: "Chairman Ma played really well." Ma Lianghe said: "It's not bad. Practice makes perfect, the more you play, the more you feel. I usually practice a little step Zhoutian, combining this Baduanjin with Combined with Xiao Zhou Tian, ​​I feel very good, the Qi circulates in the body, the Qi moves freely, the mind moves the various organs of the body, and the coordination and coherence of the body are getting better and better." Fang Yuan said: "Whether Zhou Tiangong will Will it make people go crazy?" Ma Lianghe said: "Small Zhoutian is very simple to say, it is a kind of health-preserving exercise of Taoism, and it is very different from Shaolin Hard Qigong. The master I recommend has opened up both big and small Zhoutian , he can also teach you. It doesn’t matter if you can’t get through this little Zhou Tian, ​​as long as you learn to keep your mind on the dantian, it’s actually very good for restoring your spirit and strength. Let’s go back to the hotel for breakfast. Today’s meeting is very important, we can’t Oh late."

At 8:30 in the morning, several buses stopped at the parking area of ​​Jinhuayuan Hotel.The delegates who participated in the May Day Celebration and Commendation Conference of Qingjiang Province got on the bus one after another.Ma Lianghe and Fang Yuan sat together, and said to Fang Yuan: "Today's meeting is held in the Provincial Great Hall of the People. After you sign in, you may arrange another seat. The staff will notify and guide you at that time. Just follow along." Fang Yuan we agreed."

In fact, the Provincial Great Hall of the People is very close to Jinhuayuan Hotel.When he was approaching the Great Hall of the People, Ma Lianghe pointed to a tall building on the west side of the road and said, "Look, there is the provincial government building. The top leaders of Qingjiang Province are all on this building. This building is very feng shui Well, on the north side of the West Lake, according to Feng Shui, the north of water is the most popular way of water. In recent years, many leaders who have walked out of this building have become national leaders, like Secretary Xi is now Member of the Politburo Standing Committee and Vice Chairman, Secretary Zhang is a member of the Politburo and Vice Premier. According to gossip, the main reason is that this place has good feng shui, good local atmosphere, and the location of the provincial government building is good!"

I really didn't expect that Ma Lianghe also studied Feng Shui!Fang Yuan sighed, but said nothing.Ma Lianghe whispered to himself: "In my dreams, I want to work in this building! It's a pity that I'm not happy with the oars." All of them are full of troubles, and they are full of shame. They are ashamed, and their appearance is slow. ψPan tan skeletal postscript case 3 gull disadvantage Punishment for being stupid

The provincial government compound is separated from the provincial Great Hall of the People.When signing in, Fang Yuan was led by the staff to sit in the middle seat on the right side of the second row in the audience area.Fang Yuan is very submissive, so he can't ask why he must sit here, but he sees a piece of paper on the back of the seat in front, with the word "Fang Yuan" written on it.Oh, it's all done in advance!

Soon, the Great Hall of the People was full of people, and a cheerful march sounded. From the left side of the rostrum, the provincial leaders came out. The first person Fang Yuan knew was Secretary Zhao who had just visited Dongzhou .Among the few people who came in behind, Fang Yuan didn't know any of them.Fangyuan lowered his head to look at the materials, and then compared the standing boards on the rostrum, and then matched the number of people. It turned out that the standard of attending the meeting today was very high. The people sitting in front of the rostrum, from the middle to the two sides, were: Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhao and Director of the Provincial People's Congress, Governor Feng Feng of the Provincial Government, Li Jianshe, Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Guo Feng, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Song Jiejun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Deputy Governor, Bei Zhenlong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization, and Member of the Standing Committee of the Governor Tian Guohua, Minister of Propaganda, Major General Sheng Jianbo, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Political Committee of the Provincial Military Region, Ren Hongjiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee, Xia Hanchun, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, attended the meeting and sat in the front row of the rostrum.Hehe, today's May Day Celebration and Commendation Ceremony, the standard is really high! (Feng Feng, in real life, is a department-level leader. In the novel, he played the role of the governor of Qingjiang. Li Jianshe, a die-hard book friend, asked to play the role of a department-level leader. He is currently arranged to be the chairman of the provincial CPPCC. Guo Feng, Song Jiejun, and Xia Hanchun are all Century VIP book friends. There are comrades in charge of the department-level real-time leaders who are also reading "The History of the Director's Growth", did some book friends not think of it?)

Sitting in the second row, Fang Yuan could see the faces on the rostrum clearly.It's a pity that after looking around, I know Secretary Zhao and Secretary-General Ren, and the rest have never met in person, and they don't know each other.Fangyuan didn't know, but there are already many people who have paid attention to Fangyuan. The first one to pay attention to Fangyuan was not Secretary Zhao, but Major General Sheng Jianbo, because his old superior, the former deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region, Wang Yongsheng, had mentioned to Sheng Jianbo Fang Yuan, asked Sheng Jianbo to take care of Fang Yuan when he could.The second person who paid attention to Fangyuan was Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee because of a news report in "Qingjiang Daily".The third person who paid attention to Fangyuan was the Propaganda Minister Tian Guohua. When Secretary Zhao asked for all the news and promotional materials about Dongzhou No. 5 High School, Tian Guohua paid close attention.This time, Secretary Zhao inspected Dongzhou City, and took a photo with Fang Yuan on the "Qingjiang Daily", which has already attracted many important officials of Qingjiang Province, including Governor Feng Feng, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Guo Feng, Organization Minister Bei Zhenlong, etc. their attention.

The celebration and commendation meeting was presided over by Feng Feng, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor.He said "the meeting is now", so that the audience was suddenly silent.Governor Feng is very young, in his early 40s, handsome and mature, he seems to be from either the Communist Youth League or the Organization Department.Governor Feng said: "Comrades, on the eve of the glorious festival of the working class and working people all over the world ~~"May [-]st" International Labor Day, we are here to celebrate the "May [-]st" International Labor Day and Commendation Conference. The main task of today's meeting is to commemorate "May [-]st", commend the advanced, and further mobilize the vast number of employees in the province to make contributions to the construction of a prosperous, peaceful, civilized and harmonious New Qingjiang. The leaders attending today's meeting are..."

Governor Feng introduced all the leading comrades seated in the front row one by one, and then solemnly announced: "The first item of the meeting is to play the national anthem. Please stand up!"

In the Provincial Great Hall of the People, after the majestic national anthem was played, Fang Yuan's mood was extraordinarily excited, and he couldn't say why.In the school, a national flag raising ceremony is held every Monday, and the national anthem is also played.But why is the national anthem heard here different from the one heard in school?

Governor Feng announced: "Now, Comrade Xia Hanchun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, will give a speech!" Xia Hanchun walked to the speaking seat and bowed to deliver a speech.The speech was short but full of enthusiasm, which made every model worker present or representatives of various industries feel a kind of warmth surging in their hearts.

The third item was the announcement of the commendation decision, which was read out by Guo Feng, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. Fang Yuan heard very clearly that Deputy Secretary Guo read his name and unit.In terms of unit positions, the position of deputy director of the municipal government was not declared, only the position of "principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School".

The fourth item is the awards.The first to come to the stage to accept the award was the representative of the unit that received the "May [-]st Labor Award".At this moment, Fang Yuan's heart was beating violently.Fang Yuan saw that every representative of the unit receiving the award had a bright smile on his face, and all the camera reporters stared at each other, looking for the most suitable angle for them, and the flashes kept flashing.Governor Feng announced: "Now, please accept the labor model representatives who have won the 'May [-]st Labor Medal' of Qingjiang Province on stage."

Fang Yuan followed everyone to the rostrum one by one.When Fang Yuan stood in front of the leader who could only stand in that position, he realized that he was facing Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee!In an instant, Fang Yuan understood the ingenious arrangement of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions.I don't know if Chairman Ma of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions also participated in some opinions.Fang Yuan was a little flustered, but still polite: "Secretary Zhao, hello!" Secretary Zhao was stunned when he saw Fang Yuan, "Comrade Fang Yuan, congratulations on winning the title of provincial model worker." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Secretary Zhao. !" Stretching out his hand, he pulled a small red box, which contained a "May [-]st Labor Medal" with special significance.Secretary Zhao stretched out his hand and said, "Comrade Fangyuan is excellent, I have seen it. Being able to be rated as a model worker in the province proves that what I saw is correct. I hope you will cherish your honor and make greater achievements in your work!" Being held by Secretary Zhao, Fang Yuan's heart felt warm, as comfortable as being shone by the sun in April.Fang Yuan said: "I will work harder and live up to Secretary Zhao's expectations." Secretary Zhao nodded.

The eyes of the audience are now focused on Secretary Zhao and Fang Yuan of the Provincial Party Committee.Because of the simple conversation between the two, while the other award-winning model workers were already facing everyone, Fang Yuan's back was still facing the audience.

Just as Fang Yuan was about to turn around, he suddenly heard Governor Feng Feng say, "Comrade Fang Yuan, please shake hands." Seeing Governor Feng's kind eyes, Fang Yuan hastily reached out to shake hands.Governor Feng said: "Congratulations, you have been elected as a provincial model worker!" Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Governor Feng!"

All the other 9 model worker representatives were waiting for Fangyuan to turn around, and Fangyuan finally turned around. At this moment, the flashlight seized this rare opportunity and kept flashing!

Ma Lianghe, who was sitting under the stage, could see clearly and clearly what happened on the stage just now.What Fang Yuan said to Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee is not important, what is important is that the two of them interacted and communicated for several minutes; more importantly, Governor Feng also shook hands with Fang Yuan specially!The information contained here is too rich, and it needs to be digested carefully!

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