Director's growth history

3036.1792, as if Confucius Tian was gone

There are many people attending the banquet, one table after another.As a leader, he definitely couldn't stay at the table where Fang Yuan was sitting for too long.But Fang Yuan's reply still left a deep impression on everyone: "Thank you General Sheng, I will definitely convey it."

This is a sentence that Fang Yuan said after "finely crafted" thinking.Under what circumstances, I can't say something like "I don't know who Deputy Commander Wang is".If you say it, you are deceiving yourself.Without Wang Yongsheng's acquiescence, would Wang Quan still be able to contact him now?Without Wang Yongsheng's approval, how could Wang Yongsheng accept the Dahongpao that Wan Daquan sent during the Chinese New Year?This kind of reply naturally included Fang Yuan's idea of ​​wanting to take advantage of the situation.Of course, Fang Yuan didn't know that Wang Yongsheng had hinted to Sheng Jianbo to take care of Fang Yuan within his ability.

Feng Feng smiled and nodded at Fangyuan again, and took Song Jiejun, Sheng Jianbo, Xia Hanchun and others to toast the next table.Zhang Shangang, who was sitting at the same table with Fang Yuan, was extremely surprised. He remembered Ma Lianghe's instructions, and quickly took the opportunity to run out and call Ma Lianghe: "Chairman Ma, I am Zhang Shangang." Ma Lianghe said, "Shangang, what's wrong?" The situation?" Zhang Shangang said: "Two minutes ago, Governor Feng, Executive Vice Governor Song, Political Commissar Sheng of the Provincial Military Region, and Chairman Xia of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions came to toast the table where Director Fang and I were. The chief introduced Fangyuan's outstanding achievements in recent years, which are so rare that I don't remember Chairman Xia's memory clearly." Ma Lianghe said: "Chairman Xia has been in office for decades, and being able to be a vice-province is naturally extraordinary wisdom. Average." Zhang Shangang said: "Governor Feng fully affirmed the work of the Fang Bureau, and said that if he went to Dongzhou, he would definitely go to Dongzhou No. 2 Middle School. Governor Feng said that Comrade Fang Fang appreciated him very much." Ma Liang He said: "Full is Mayor Bi. No wonder, one is the youngest provincial leader and the other is the youngest city leader. Shan Gang, the information you provided is very important! At least let me connect another thread. "Zhang Shangang said: "Also, Sheng Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Region toasted Fang Ju a glass of wine alone, and asked Fang Ju to say hello to Deputy Commander Wang." Ma Lianghe was surprised: "Does Fangyuan have a military background?" Zhang Shangang Said: "Director Fang's answer is very meaningful. Director Fang said, thank you General Sheng, he will definitely convey it!" Ma Lianghe said: "This is really not surprising!" Zhang Shangang said: "Yes!" He said: "Recalling what happened to Fang Yuan in the past year, it is not difficult to understand many things when we go back to the source. If there are many things that I didn't understand before, today, I finally think very clearly. Shan Just, being good at thinking is an essential quality for a comrade working in an agency!" Zhang Shangang said: "Thank you Chairman Ma for your teaching." Ma Lianghe said: "We must attach great importance to comrades who should be valued, even if we don't see them for a while. There will be no benefit, but there will be no harm, right?" Zhang Shangang said: "I will definitely follow Chairman Ma's instructions." Ma Lianghe said: "What is doing good? It is something that harms others and does not benefit oneself, and we will never do it; You must do things that benefit others and possibly yourself. The philosophy of life always makes people feel so mysterious!" Zhang Shangang said: "Yes, Chinese philosophy is even more a treasure in philosophy!"

Fangyuan returned to Dongzhou by plane at noon on May Day.Along the way, Zhang Shangang gave serious and meticulous service to the two provincial May 5000st labor medal winners, and his bright smile made the two model workers feel the enthusiasm of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions for the model workers.The City Federation of Trade Unions arranged a special car to meet them at Yongqiang International Airport, and took Fangyuan and Qianqian home directly.When sending Fangyuan off the car, Zhang Shangang got off the car and said, "Director Fang, the province has a reward of 9 yuan for provincial model workers, and the city has a reward of [-] yuan. It will be distributed together at the city's May Day celebration and commendation meeting. Tomorrow , and also invite Director Fang to participate in the city’s May Day Celebration and Commendation Conference.” Fang Yuan said: “Do I have to attend?” Zhang Shangang said: “This is Chairman Ma’s meaning.” Fang Yuan said: “Okay.” Zhang Shangang said: "Director Fang has a meeting in the provincial capital these few days and a race in Ninghai. It's been very hard. I took another plane ride and bumped all the way, so go home and rest. The Federation of Trade Unions will send a car to pick up Director Fang tomorrow." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Director Zhang. I have a car. Just tell me the time and place, and I'll be fine." Zhang Shangang said, "Tomorrow at [-] o'clock in the morning, at the Municipal People's Hall. At that time, I will arrange Director Fang's seat." Fang Yuan said: " Thanks."

Back home, Kong Shuanghua greeted him with his son in his arms, and said happily: "Fang Yuan, today Rui Rui is called Dad!" Fang Yuan said, "How is that possible? Rui Rui is so young!" Kong Shuanghua said: "Really. Rui uttered "Dad, Dad, Dad" a lot, very clearly. Rui Rui, call me "Dad" again!" Xiao Qing came over and said, "Brother Fang, I can prove that Rui Rui is indeed called Dad today." Kong Shufang also came over: "Yeah, it's amazing, Rui Rui is only 7 and a half months old." Fang Yuan was pleasantly surprised: "Hey, I have a meeting outside, Rui Rui misses Dad! Dad is so happy! Come on, Dad has two gifts, one for Rui Rui and the other for Rui Rui's mother."

Saying that, he took out the May 110st Labor Medal of Qingjiang Province and put it in Ruirui's arms: "This is the medal my father won, and I gave it to you." Kong Shuanghua said, "Is it just a medal?" Fang Yuan said: "This medal is incredible. According to the management method of labor models in Qingjiang Province, I have this medal. When I retire, I can get 90% of my working salary to retire! Normally, the retirement money is 5000% of the working salary. %!" Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, this medal must be collected." Fangyuan said: "Yes! There is also a gift for you, 4 yuan! This is a reward for model workers in the province." Kong Shufang was very happy Happy: "Xiao Fang, the money you got back in April is really a lot!" Fang Yuan said: "As long as it is a reasonable and legal income, the more the better!"

Hearing that Fang Yuan hadn't had lunch yet, Kong Shufang immediately went into the kitchen to prepare meals for Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan took the child over, and suddenly heard Rui Rui uttered more than a dozen sounds in succession, and the words were clear!Fang Yuan was overjoyed: "My son really calls me Dad! I'm so happy!" Kong Shuanghua said: "Rui Rui doesn't know how to call Mom!" Fang Yuan said: "Son, tell me, what gift do you want? I’ll buy it for you! Whatever you want, buy anything!” Kong Shuanghua said: “He’s too young. After his first birthday, I think that Ruirui will be able to walk and talk, so he may often want to play with things. Lah!" Fangyuan was full of pride: "Ruirui can buy whatever she wants! As a father, I have the ability and strength to buy anything my son wants!" Kong Shuanghua looked at her husband, full of admiration in his heart, Also brimming with happiness!Yes, at a young age, my husband is already the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau and the principal of the No.1 school in Dongzhou City. There is still a lot of potential for future development!The husband's current income has made him no longer need to reach out to his parents for his old age. The various money he receives from the Education Bureau and the school every month is close to 5000 yuan, which is a difference from when he was a teacher. times!What's more, there was so much extra income in April: Jiangnan County gave a bonus of 4 yuan, the Municipal Education Bureau gave a bonus of 1 yuan, and the school successfully handed out a bonus of 3500 yuan to celebrate the quality education. As a provincial model worker, he was awarded a bonus of 4500 yuan; in addition, he attracted investment of 5000 million yuan to Yanping County, and received a commission of 1200 yuan!Adding Fang Yuan's salary and the 12 yuan bonus that Zhang Guoliang sent over yesterday afternoon, he earned almost 1000 yuan this month!Where can I find a second husband like this?My own vision is really good. When Fang Yuan was an ordinary teacher, I felt that he would definitely publish in the future. Looking at it now, it is indeed the case!

Kong Shuanghua said: "Fangyuan, you are busy with work every day, and you don't have time to take care of family affairs. Yesterday I sent 2000 yuan to my parents in Tonghua, and I also called them." Fangyuan's heart suddenly warmed up. Sensible!Fang Yuan said: "Thank you. How are your parents?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Everything is fine, but I just can't think of Rui Rui. My parents hope that we can go back this year." Fang Yuan said: "No problem. June After the college entrance examination is over, let’s go back, okay?” Kong Shuanghua said, “I want to wait until Ruirui is one year old, and I can go by myself, so I can take him back.” Fangyuan said, “It’s cold in Tonghua! By the end of September and early October , sometimes it snows. Going back in June, it’s okay, Tonghua is quite warm.” Kong Shuanghua said: “Then you are still at work, can you ask for leave?” Fang Yuan said: “The college entrance examination is over, this year The important work of the semester is over. This year, I evaluated a provincial model worker. I heard that the province will arrange a 6-day vacation; the city also has a 9-day vacation. Among them, the vacation in the city may be arranged in June. To Changbai Mountain in Jilin. With this opportunity, my fee is free, and you only need to pay the fee, and we will fly back.” Kong Shuanghua said, “It’s so good, can my fee be waived too?” Fang Yuan said : "If I bring it up, I believe it can be avoided. However, we don't want this kind of cheapness. Sometimes, people are greedy for small things and suffer big losses!" Kong Shuanghua said: "No. My husband is so good at making money. I don’t care about these thousands of dollars at all.” Fang Yuan said: “Then make all preparations, initially scheduled for mid-June, and go back to my hometown!” Kong Shuanghua said: “Okay.”

dinner time.Looking at the sumptuous food, although it is not as good as the delicacies in hotels and restaurants, it is the heart of my mother-in-law!Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Mom, you have worked hard." Kong Shufang said: "It's not hard. Seeing your progress, Mom is really happy for you!" Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Mom." Kong Shufang said: "Just don't be too tired. I see that you are very busy every day, and you must pay attention to your health when you go to bed so late at night! Xiaohua and Ruirui are counting on you! And I am actually counting on you too!"

What the mother-in-law said surprised Fang Yuan.Looking at the vicissitudes of her mother-in-law's face, Fang Yuan understood what she meant. What she meant was: she had no hope for her father-in-law Kong Zitian, and she would rely on her daughter and son-in-law to live, and depend on each other for life!That's probably what it means!Inexplicably, Fang Yuan didn't want to take on this responsibility. Fang Yuan thought of Ding Chunxiao and the child in Ding Chunxiao's womb, Wang Quan and Wang Quan's two children, and felt that the responsibility on his shoulders was really heavy.Fang Yuan doesn't want to make any promises, because Fang Yuan is not sure whether he will grow old with Kong Shuanghua in the future.If Kong Shuanghua knew that there were two children of Wang Quan and a child of Ding Chunxiao outside, would she still be able to tolerate it?I can't bear it, how can Kong Shufang expect me to be Fangyuan?Parents must always recognize it, and their children must always recognize it. Whether the father-in-law recognizes it or not has a lot to do with the survival of the marriage. If the marriage exists, it will be recognized; if the marriage is over, it may not be recognized.

Fang Yuan buried her head in the food and stopped looking at Kong Shufang.Kong Shuanghua was a little dissatisfied, and said, "Mom is talking to you!" Fang Yuan said, "I'm listening!" Kong Shuanghua said, "Then you don't have an answer." Fang Yuan thought for a while, and said, "Dad is fine. Yes, I don't think I'm qualified to say anything. I'll say what I should say when I can really be the master at home."

Kong Shuanghua looked at her husband and said, "Fangyuan, this is home, not officialdom. Why do I listen to your words, which sound like official language?" Fangyuan said, "I always tell the truth at home. I just love to listen." Kong Shufang cried sadly: "Xiao Fang, don't worry. As long as you treat Xiaohua well and Ruirui well, you don't have to worry about me." Fangyuan said: "Mom, where do you want to go?" I didn't say I don't care about you! If Dad is gone, I will definitely take on the responsibilities of a son-in-law. But now, Dad is alive and well, and he is the president of the university. I am not a parent, but a family member. How can I Say what a parent wants to say?"

Kong Shuanghua had an angry expression on his face: "Then it's good that dad is gone. Now, you are the head of our family!" Fang Yuan was taken aback: huh?Could it be that during the few days I was in Ninghai and the provincial capital, there was another big disturbance at home?Fangyuan looked at his mother-in-law, still crying; looked at Kong Shuanghua, the angry expression on his face was obviously not fake; looked at Xiaoqing, who looked at Fangyuan eagerly, with a very complicated expression in his eyes.Fang Yuan thought about it for a while, then said thoughtfully: "Yes, today is May Day, and the school should be on holiday." Fang Yuan looked at Kong Shuanghua: "Shuanghua, how about I call Dad?" Kong Shuanghua said : "The principal of Kongda accompanied the vixen to travel abroad. He is not my father! You don't need to call him, just pretend that there is no such person at home!"

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