Director's growth history

3041.1796. What else can I do?

There is the key of Chi Liping's house in Fangyuan.When Fang Yuan opened the door of Chi Liping's room with trembling hands, he really didn't dare to open his eyes to look at the living room.Quickly flashed into the room, closed the door, Fangyuan saw the living room was in a mess, but no one was there.Rushed into the bedroom, only to see Chi Liping lying on the bed, motionless.

This really frightened Fang Yuan, who couldn't care less about the sexiness and beauty of wearing only her pajamas, which is extremely fragrant, happy, and tall, she walked over and hugged Chi Liping: "Xiao Chi, wake up; Xiaochi, wake up!" Chi Liping's extremely weak voice sounded from beside her ear: "You are here! What are you doing here?" She didn't resist, nor threw herself into Fangyuan's embrace, perhaps, she really didn't have any strength left .Fang Yuan looked at this pretty face that had already been weeping, the tears on the face had already dried up, forming criss-cross water stains, clear and endearing.Fang Yuan was heartbroken and terrified: "Xiao Chi, why are you so stupid?" Chi Liping said weakly, "Am I stupid? Maybe I am really stupid. You don't want me anymore, what's the point of me being alive? Suicide note I've already written it, you should read the suicide note first."

Reason told Fang Yuan that stabilizing Chi Liping's emotions was more important than the suicide note, although Fang Yuan was very concerned about the content of the suicide note at this moment, and wanted to know if the suicide note was related to him.Fang Yuan said: "Xiao Chi, in fact, you should have a better life and a better future." Chi Liping smiled indifferently: "Without your love, I can't see the beauty, I can't see the future. Let go of me, Leave me alone, I'm an outcast that no one loves, let me fend for myself. The only thing that makes me feel guilty is that I'm sorry for my parents, they raised me so much, I just walked away .”

Tears gushed out of the eyes again, revealing the true feelings, and there was no room for falsehood.Fangyuan looked flustered, thinking of all the possibilities of suicide, quickly let go of Chi Liping's body, looked at Chi Liping's wrists, there was no problem with one wrist, and the other wrist was also fine, but there were blood beads oozing from the middle finger Come.Fang Yuan was a little flustered, and gently held Chi Liping's hand: "Xiao Chi, what's wrong with you?" Chi Liping smiled wryly: "If there is no bloody handprint on the suicide note, who would believe it?" Feeling that a heart is sinking, this is not dragging people into the water completely, and I will never give up!Fang Yuan asked anxiously: "Xiao Chi, do you have a Band-Aid at home?" Chi Liping said: "No need. What do you want a Band-Aid for? A dying person, can a Band-Aid heal all the wounds in my heart? Fang Yuan, don't worry about it." Me, you should read the suicide note."

Fang Yuan's remaining rationality told herself to calm down.Fang Yuan looked around, and immediately saw a small medicine bottle with the name Barbital on it.Kong's family has a medicine box, because Kong's mother is a professional doctor.Fangyuan knew that barbiturate was a sleeping pill, and his head exploded.He asked in panic: "Xiao Chi, have you taken sleeping pills?" Chi Liping said, "Take a little." Fang Yuan hugged Chi Liping desperately, and said, "Go, go to the hospital right away, and have your stomach lavaged." Liping said: "I only took four tablets, my head is so dizzy, I just want to sleep now."

I only ate 4 slices!Fangyuan suddenly limp in the ass, just now he had the strength to hold Chi Liping and rush to the hospital, but now he has no strength at all. 1 tablet is enough for mild insomnia patients; 4 tablets is a little more for severe insomnia patients.What does it mean to be physically and mentally exhausted? This is what Fangyuan feels like now.But Fang Yuan really didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction with Chi Liping at this time. Fang Yuan sighed softly and said, "Xiao Chi, I'll get you a glass of water. Drink more water." Chi Liping Jiaolan said: "Fangyuan, my head is really dizzy, I just want you to hold me and let me sleep for a while, okay?"

sleep?What if I really fell asleep?Fang Yuan was afraid that Chi Liping would die!Fangyuan said: "Xiao Chi, you must drink a large glass of water first. Listen to me." Chi Liping said: "Okay, I will listen to you in everything." Fang Yuan poured a large glass of water for Chi Liping, let Chi Liping drank it down; followed Chi Liping's instructions, found a band-aid, and bandaged Chi Liping's middle finger; found a towel moistened with warm water, and wiped Chi Liping's face clean , the youthful and beautiful face returned again, although his face was still a little pale.

Chi Liping looked at Fangyuan's busyness for herself, and felt even more sad: Is this the only way I can make Fangyuan pay attention to me and take pity on me?In Chi Liping's heart, there were mixed feelings, a little bit of relief, but also a little bit of sadness and loss.Chi Liping hadn't eaten since morning, and had already had two meals. After drinking water, she felt even more hungry.People are like iron, and food is like steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will be hungry, let alone two meals.Chi Liping said: "Fangyuan, I haven't eaten for two meals. I'm really hungry now." Fangyuan wiped off his sweat and said, "I'm going to cook now."

Listening to the voice from the kitchen, Chi Liping sighed in her heart: It would be great if Fang Yuan was her husband!When I was sick, when I didn't want to move, Fang Yuan was busy in the kitchen like now, this is the warmth of home!How much I need a good man who can take care of me!

Looking at the suicide note on the bedside table, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Chi Liping's mouth.In any case, this suicide note should give Fang Yuan a shocking education. If he wants to leave me, I will make a similar suicide note to see if he still dares to leave me!Sleeping pills, can I, Chi Liping, take that?I just said to take 4 pills, and Fangyuan was frightened. From now on, I will always keep bottles of sleeping pills in my room. One bottle is full, one bottle is half bottle, and one bottle is empty.In different situations, different sleeping pill bottles are used to play different roles.

The fragrant noodles are served.Chi Liping was already drooling.I can't wait to jump up from the bed immediately, pick up this bowl of noodles, and eat it all in one go.But if this is the case, then everything I did today will be in vain!What's more, I really didn't eat two meals, and I was really hungry and had no energy.

Chi Liping bowed her body vigorously, but couldn't move.Fang Yuan quickly said: "Don't move, I'll feed you." Chi Liping said: "Actually, I can eat by myself. If you help me up, I really can. Just put two pillows on my back." Fang Yuan said, "Xiaochi, don't force yourself, let me feed you. Come, I'll help you to lie down."

Fang Yuan put the noodles on the bedside table, and saw the suicide note again.In the lower right corner of the suicide note, the dark red bloody handprint made Fangyuan feel nervous and shocking.Fangyuan helped Chi Liping up and lay half down, feeding Chi Liping noodles mouthful like taking care of a patient.The noodles are sliced ​​with ham, poached eggs, sprinkled with chopped green onions and sesame oil, and the aroma is overflowing.Chi Liping watched Fang Yuan taking care of herself so meticulously, tears couldn't stop flowing down, dripping into the noodle bowl.How nice it would be if Fangyuan took care of me like this every day!If Fang Yuan is sick, I will definitely be able to cook noodles for him and feed him like he is taking care of me now.

Fangyuan gently wiped away the tears on Chi Liping's cheeks with a tissue, and comforted softly: "Xiaochi, don't cry." Chi Liping said, "I'm so excited! Fangyuan, if I get sick every day, how wonderful it would be !" Fang Yuan's heart was a little confused: "Xiaochi, don't say that. I'm hungry, let's eat noodles first." Chi Liping nodded vigorously: "Yeah." Chi Liping ate up a big bowl of noodles.Fangyuan gently wiped off the grease from the corner of Chi Liping's mouth, and comforted him gently: "Xiao Chi, don't do such a stupid thing again, okay?" Chi Liping burst into tears again: "No! If you don't Just ignore me, if you don't love me, I will still take this step."

Fang Yuan felt that her heart was about to jump out of a panic.There is really no such experience, how to deal with it, Fangyuan is completely blank.Fang Yuan said: "You can have a better future." Chi Liping was firm: "No, without you, my life is gloomy, and my life has no color. What am I doing alive?"

ah?Fang Yuan felt that he was about to suffocate, and had a feeling of being forced to go to Liangshan.Chi Liping said: "Yuan, hug me." How dare Fang Yuan refuse?Gently hugged this warm and fragrant nephrite body, somewhat familiar, somewhat unfamiliar, and somewhat fearful.There is no sexual impulse, just want to be comforted, Fang Yuan also feels that her heart is hurt, and she needs someone to comfort her hurt heart.Fang Yuan thought of Shao Keqing, if Sister Shao was here, she would throw herself into Sister Shao's arms and cry aloud!One misstep will cause eternal hatred, how should I face this Chi Liping in the future?Being with Chi Liping, I was worried that it would affect my career progress; if I wanted to make a clean break with Chi Liping, it would be a matter of life or death, how would I deal with it?I think how decisive I was when I was repairing and disposing of my opponent back then, but today, I am so helpless in the face of cutting off the affection that should not be there!Fang Yuan is in pain, Fang Yuan is helpless, Fang Yuan doesn't know who to turn to, to give her an idea, to think of a way, such a thing, who to tell?

Chi Liping pressed her face to Fang Yuan's and rubbed gently. It had been too long since she had sex with Fang Yuan.After eating enough and gaining strength, Chi Liping thought of Fang Yuan's □□ skillful technique, which made her want to die, and felt a little itchy down below.However, today is really not the best time to make love.As long as you can capture Fangyuan's heart and people in Fangyuan today, it's not impossible to have sex tomorrow!Chi Liping's voice was as soft as the spring breeze in March: "Yuan, I will love you well and exclusively in the future. Cen Baiqiang and other men, in my eyes, are worthless Value. I only love my Fang Yuan, I only love you alone, okay?"

Can Fang Yuan refuse?Does Fang Yuan dare to refuse?Fang Yuan didn't even have the strength to sigh.Chi Liping said: "Yuan, my suicide note is useless now. Take a look at it, and then tear it up. With you by my side, this suicide note is useless." Fang Yuan's heart seemed to have been wounded , was sprinkled with a handful of salt again, it was a heart-wrenching pain!Fangyuan let go of Chi Liping's body, and tremblingly picked up the suicide note on the bedside table.The suicide note reads:

"Dear Mom and Dad:

Your unfilial daughter is about to leave this world.In this world, you two are the people I miss the most.There used to be someone who was deeply in love with, nostalgic for, and obsessed with, but he no longer loves me, and is going to leave me. What is the point of my living in this world?

I'm leaving, the only thing I think about is my father and mother.You have raised me so much, you have worked so hard and put so much effort into it.And I can no longer give you two elders a pension!But I will do my daughter's filial piety and prepare money for your retirement!I will entrust my former friend, Fang Yuan, the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, to sell my house and my car, plus the hundreds of thousands in my bank card, there should be 200 million.

I really love him and I don't hate him at all.He has his difficulties, he has his difficulties.He has a wife and a son, and he can't marry me, but I just love him and love him without hesitation.No man has touched my heart so much, and he is leaving me now to live the happy life with his wife and son.Where is my happiness?I have no love, no happiness, do I still have the courage to live?I want to apologize to him, because I love him, so I wanted to test him, but I shot myself in the foot.I regret it very much, but there is no medicine for regret in the world.How I want to clear up this misunderstanding with him!How I want to tell him personally that I really only love him alone!But he doesn't even want to answer my phone...

Parents, take care of yourself.The 200 million pension money can't be exchanged for the kindness of your two elders in raising me, but it can be regarded as my daughter's heart!I will entrust my former friend, Principal Fang Yuan, to transfer the money to your elders.

I had to kill myself.In order not to affect anyone, I specifically declare: My suicide has nothing to do with Fang Yuan, the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School!This is my voluntary act.My former friend Fang Yuan is entrusted with full responsibility for cremating my body, and no one else is allowed to touch my body!

Chi Liping

January 2008, 5. "

The dark red blood handprint, stamped on the name and date, is clear and dazzling.What is 300 taels of no silver here?Insert a sign and write: 300 taels of silver are not buried here.Doesn't this tell people that there is silver here?When Wang Er stole the silver, he also put up a sign: The silver was not stolen by Wang Er.It was written in the suicide note that it had nothing to do with Fang Yuan, but entrusted Fang Yuan with the funeral affairs, entrusted Fang Yuan to hand over the money for honoring her parents, and did not allow others to touch her body. His unit, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, wrote...Fang Yuan almost collapsed: As long as such a suicide note is obtained by the police, he will be 300% ruined and [-]% will be infamous forever!What kind of future, what kind of family, what kind of career, if they are all taken away in one bowl, I will have nothing!The suicide note of "There is no silver [-] taels here" is the bloody and ironclad proof of our love relationship with the third party!

Fang Yuan's hands trembled, not knowing how to deal with this complicated situation.If she wanted to sever ties with Chi Liping, if she wrote such a suicide note, would she still be alive?However, being with such a scheming woman, Fang Yuan felt terrified from the bottom of her heart!

Two soft little hands stretched from Fangyuan's waist to the front, and a soft body stuck to Fangyuan's back. The gentle voice was like sweet poison: "Yuan, tear up the suicide note. The suicide note is useless. Can you please?" From the suicide note, you can see my love for you, my determination, and I'm actually just trying to excuse you, and it has nothing to do with you."

Yubai's small hands and slender jade arms were originally the pride of a beautiful woman. At this moment, Fang Yuan clearly felt that these were not two arms around her waist, but the body of a beautiful snake wrapped around him tightly, unable to break free...

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