Director's growth history

3067.1814, Supervising Jiangnan County

At the end of the report, Wang Shoumin said: "Director Chen, Director Fang, all inspectors, please give us your valuable opinions." Chen Qizhi looked at Fangyuan, and Fangyuan wanted to express his opinion, but thinking of Zhai Xinwen's instructions, he smiled at Chen Qizhi and said: "Director Chen, you are the main task of education supervision." Chen Qizhi was a little helpless: Today's Fangyuan, could it be that Xu Shu entered Cao Ying?Chen Qizhi said: "Mayor Wang, County Magistrate Zeng, and Director Fang, is it okay to arrange this for the leaders? In the morning, we will focus on checking the files. Several inspectors will separately check the district government, district Files of the Finance Bureau, the District Personnel Bureau, the District Local Taxation Bureau, and the District National Taxation Bureau; in the afternoon, we selected a high school, a vocational school, and a school in the compulsory education stage for supervision and inspection to fully understand the educational investment and facilities of Jiangnan County at the school level Improvement, average student expenditure, public expenditure, etc..” Wang Shoumin said unambiguously: “Director Fang, what is your opinion?” Fang Yuan said with a smile: “Director Chen’s opinion is my opinion.” Wang Shoumin said: “Once County magistrate, just now Director Chen said that you should make arrangements as required. Director Chen, Director Fang, all inspectors, I will not be able to accompany the leaders during the day, so I must toast you a few glasses in the evening. During the day today, on behalf of the county magistrate Zeng Jiangnan County will accompany you throughout the whole process. Of course, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can call me directly, and I will definitely take it seriously and deal with it in time."

After Wang Shoumin left, the work of checking files was in full swing.Fangyuan watched other people's investigations, while studying hard, and asked when he encountered something he didn't understand, whether it was Du Yuting or the supervisors, they all told each other seriously.Fang Yuan didn't think this was showing his shortcomings, he didn't know much about education supervision work, and he wasn't very good at it.In terms of professional specialization, Fang Yuan is not afraid of revealing his shortcomings, he can learn it if he can't, and he will become an expert after learning it.This kind of calm attitude not only did not make the inspectors despise, but also remembered the respect of the inspectors.In the process of learning, Fangyuan learned that education supervision is the supervision of the people's government at the lower level on behalf of the people's government at the higher level, rather than the supervision of the education bureau at the lower level on behalf of the higher level education bureau. The implementation of the "Compulsory Education Law" and "Teacher Law", the "three increases" of education funds and the "not lower or higher" of teachers' remuneration are the focus of supervision.It turns out that the task of the first-level government in assuming educational responsibilities is so important!To run a good education, for any level of government, it is not a form of walking around, but it must take out real money and use RMB to ensure the normal operation of education.During the supervision, Fangyuan personally felt that the government attaches great importance to education, not just lip service as imagined by the outside world. In the end, it will be implemented in the county government budget expenditure. In 2007, the Jiangnan county government's educational financial expenditure accounted for 25% of the entire county's financial expenditure, and it was the largest item among all financial expenditure items in the county.Any other fiscal expenditure items are far lower than education fiscal expenditure.This is a concrete manifestation of the county government's emphasis on education by spending money on education in a down-to-earth manner.

The inspection in the morning is the focus.Whether it is a few full-time school inspectors or Du Yuting, they are all experts. Accompanied by Zeng Qingzhi and Chen Qizhi, Fang Yuan listened with great interest to the several school inspectors and Du Yuting's questioning of comrades from the County Finance Bureau and the County Local Taxation Bureau. Word.Although Fang Yuan did not speak, she gradually mastered a little bit of supervisory skills: Sometimes, the lower levels have to cover up the existing problems more or less, for example, the ratio of education investment to the total financial expenditure is indeed 25%, There is no problem with this, but in 2006 it was 25.3%, and in 2007 the proportion dropped by 0.3 percentage points.Although the total amount of fiscal revenue has increased, so that the total amount of educational fiscal expenditure this year exceeds the amount of educational fiscal expenditure in 2006, but the school inspector found that the proportion has dropped, which violates the requirement of "three increases" in educational expenditure.For another example, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state, the part of tax overcollection should also reflect the "three increases". In 2007, the land tax in Jiangnan County exceeded that in 2006 by 15%.Fang Yuan deeply felt that it was indeed necessary for him to participate in the supervision of the two counties, at least he learned a lot of knowledge that he did not know before.At the same time, Fang Yuan also lamented: The bowl of water for education supervision is also muddy!Although he has the title of deputy director and supervisor, but he is not in charge of this work, so he must not express his opinion.

The work meal at noon was rich, but Fang Yuan insisted on not drinking, so Zeng Qingzhi did not force himself.After lunch, Jiangnan County booked a few rooms and invited comrades from the city to rest.Chen Qizhi looked at Fangyuan: "Director Fang, the school is also on lunch break at noon, I think we should take a break." Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Today Director Chen is the comrade in charge, I listen to Director Chen." Zeng Qingzhi looked at Chen Qizhi, Chen Qizhi was really a little Embarrassment: Up to now, Fang Yuan has not said a single word of the most principled thing!Whether Jiangnan County can get No. 1 in the education supervision and assessment, the key is not with me, Chen Qizhi, but with Fangyuan!Chen Qizhi said: "Okay then. Let's rest until 1:30, then gather and go to a high school, a vocational school, and an elementary school."

Fangyuan is the deputy director, so she enjoyed the treatment of a single room.When going upstairs, Fangyuan said to Du Yuting: "Director Du, come to my room, I have something to ask you." Du Yuting quickly agreed.Under the gaze of Zeng Qingzhi and Chen Qizhi, Fang Yuan and Du Yuting entered Fang Yuan's room.Fang Yuan said: "Director Du, after the supervision this morning, I really learned a lot. Educational supervision is very important!" Du Yuting said, "Thank you Fang Ju. That’s great! Educational supervision is not easy to do!” Fang Yuan said: “The supervision office is the education supervision office of the Dongzhou Municipal People’s Government, not the supervision office of the Dongzhou Education Bureau.” Du Yuting said: “Actually, the supervision office is the education bureau’s office. One has departments under it. If there is no chief inspector and deputy chief inspector at the front, who will care about the counties below?" Fang Yuan nodded.Fang Yuan said: "Director Du, you are an expert in this field. In front of you, I am a primary school student who works in education supervision." Du Yuting said: "Fang Bureau, please don't say that, I can't stand it." Fang Yuan said : "I am aware of my situation. In terms of Chinese teaching, I have some experience of my own; I have also cultivated some experience and abilities in school management. But for education supervision work, I am indeed a layman. Even if I pretend to be an expert, I am not an expert. A real expert will only make people laugh. So, it’s better to let go of your face completely and just be a primary school student.” Du Yuting sighed: If every leader can be as unvain and upright as Fangyuan, that would be great!Du Yuting said: "I believe that after this round of supervision, Director Fang will definitely become a real supervision expert." Fang Yuan said with a smile: "It is impossible to become an expert, but at least you must understand the general way, and you cannot let the people below give you advice." Lied." Du Yuting said: "Fang Ju, from this point of view, you are definitely a good leader." Fang Yuan said: "Good leader? Director Du, don't laugh at me. I haven't learned how to be a leader yet!" Du Yuting Said: "Fang Bureau, do you know? Including me, how many section chiefs in our bureau hope you can take charge of our departments. Look at the departments you are in charge of. Grand prize. In fact, we all know that this award was actively won by the Fang Bureau. Those of us who are section chiefs also hope that our work can be fully recognized by the leaders. It is not important whether there is a bonus or not; It’s good that the work you do can be seen by the leaders.”

It turns out that there is such an understanding!It seems that the matter of fighting for the interests of the law department and the teaching and research section has also helped me establish prestige!Fang Yuan did not show complacency, and said calmly: "This is just what I should do. Everyone has put in so much sweat and achieved good results, so they should be rewarded." Du Yuting said, "If you are in charge of the supervisory room, you should be rewarded." How wonderful!" Fang Yuan actually agrees with Du Yuting's words in his heart: Hey, if I come to take charge of the supervision room, I must fight for the benefits that are due to the comrades in the supervision room who have worked so hard.Fang Yuan smiled, neither affirming nor denying, but changed the subject: "Director Du, counting today, we have supervised 8 districts and counties. You are an expert, and you are also responsible for the supervision work. I would like to ask , out of the 8 that have been supervised, which district or county did the best in the past 2007?"

Du Yuting said: "In front of Director Fang, I can't lie, I must tell the truth. In the past 2007, in terms of the total amount of education investment and the growth of education investment, Oujiang District did the best." Fang Yuan Said: "Why is Oujiang District doing so well? Is there a reason?" Du Yuting said: "Of course, it is the most important thing that the leaders pay attention to. The Secretary of Oujiang District, Liang Zhaopeng, is willing to invest in education. In addition, Oujiang District is an urban-rural combination The districts in the lower part have well-developed commerce and industry, and the fiscal revenue is relatively high, so they have the financial resources to invest in education." Fang Yuan had a better impression of Liang Zhaopeng.Fang Yuan asked again: "Which place can Jiangnan County rank at present?" Du Yuting looked a little embarrassed.Fang Yuan said, "I'll just ask. I basically don't say a word in the morning, and I don't talk too much in the afternoon." Du Yuting said, "I think Secretary Liang and County Magistrate Wang are very familiar with Fang Ju." Fang Yuan said : "I'm here to learn, not to command blindly. Yesterday's party committee meeting of the Bureau had already made a clear division of labor, and Director Chen was in charge of education supervision. If I talk too much, I will exceed the scope of jurisdiction. I can grasp this point Live." Du Yuting said: "Jiangnan County is definitely not in the top three now. Among the three statutory increases, Jiangnan County has not achieved at least one increase." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Director Du. Rest Let's rest, we still have work in the afternoon." Du Yuting said, "Okay, Director Fang."

Fangyuan sent Du Yuting away, feeling a little heavy in his heart: the meal tonight tastes a little heavy!

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