Director's growth history

3084.1829. Critical moment

When the Wenchuan Earthquake occurred around 2008:5 p.m. on May 12, 1, Wang Xingbang was in Zhai Xinwen's office, asking for instructions on whether to hold a dinner to welcome Secretary Hao Dingyi in the evening.Zhai Xinwen was silent, and while he was still thinking, he felt the house shaking, and the water in the water glass on the table rippled in circles.Zhai Xinwen stood up suddenly: "What's the matter?" Another shock came, and Zhai Xinwen panicked: "Xingbang, it's an earthquake! Quickly, tell the comrades in the building to go to the street. Pass the office immediately and inform All schools and district and county education and sports bureaus asked teachers and students to go to the street and to the playground." Wang Xingbang also panicked and ran out quickly.

Zhai Xinwen came to the corridor and shouted loudly: "There's an earthquake, everyone shouted at each other and went to the street!" People from all floors rushed out of the office, panicking.Zhai Xinwen said: "Everyone go down the stairs in an orderly manner, don't crowd. I'll be the last one to go out!" Seeing Zhai Xinwen, many people felt at ease.When Zhai Xinwen came to the office, he saw Wang Xingbang and a staff member busy sending notices, and said, "Be brief. Isn't there a text message system? First send the text messages to the mobile phones of the leaders of the schools and education and sports bureaus." Wang Xingbang said, "Yes."

Zhai Xinwen and Wang Xingbang were the last to leave the Education Bureau building.Seeing Zhai Xinwen finally come out of the building, people couldn't help applauding Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen said: "Have you all come out? Let's see if anyone else is not here." Lu Zhenghong said: "Director Fang is not here." Zhai Xinwen said: "Fang Yuan has returned to school." Hao Dingyi was not there, but No one mentioned Hao Dingyi.Zhai Xinwen knew that Hao Ding had gone to hand over the work of the Youth League Committee once he returned.Tomorrow, Hao Dingyi will officially come to the Education Bureau to work.Thinking of Hao Dingyi, Zhai Xinwen felt pain as if a nail had been nailed into his heart.This is really a nail that has been planted in the Dongzhou Education Bureau with all its efforts!Chen Qizhi was released, but it didn't work. Now another Hao Dingyi is inserted.Hey, do you think I, Zhai Xinwen, are that soft dough that you can knead?Then you underestimate me, Zhai Xinwen!

It wasn't a very strong shock again and again, but it came from under the feet, and everyone's faces showed panic.It was an earthquake.Zhai Xinwen said: "Everyone call home to make sure they are safe." Everyone took out their mobile phones and called home.Zhai Xinwen said: "Education involves thousands of households, and children are the treasures of each household. Director Wang, can you pull out a phone, and I will call the district and county education and sports bureaus." Wang Xingbang looked at the building, a little timid.Zhai Xinwen sighed, and said, "I'll do it." Zhang Yuanqing said, "I'll do it. The Physical, Health and Art Department is on the first floor. I'll take out the phone number of the Physical, Health and Art Department." Zhang Yuanqing walked into the building bravely. At that moment, another shock was felt, and the building seemed to shake.Zhai Xinwen said: "Stay back, everyone!"

Zhang Yuanqing opened the window and took out the phone.Wang Xingbang rushed over at this time and pulled the phone away from the building step by step, while Zhang Yuanqing tried his best to extend the phone line.Zhai Xinwen was a little moved, and shouted: "Yuan Qing, come out. It's almost done."

Zhang Yuanqing came out with two small square stools.Putting the telephone 5 meters away from the building on a square stool, Zhai Xinwen sat on another square stool and calmly made calls to various district and county education and sports bureaus.The comrades in the office, except Zhang Yuanqing and Wang Xingbang, were all 20 meters away from the building.Seeing Zhai Xinwen make phone calls one by one, the staff in the distance were all moved!At the critical moment, Director Zhai rushed to the front line, but what about the new Secretary Hao?Sun Hongjun said: "Comrades, we all have mobile phones and asked about the safety of our home. Now, everyone divides the work and everyone notifies one school. I think we can make all schools ready for earthquakes soon. Section Chief Cao, you can assign it, okay?" Cao Bensong said, "Okay, I will assign it."

Everyone informs a school, which is undoubtedly very efficient.After talking with the principal on the phone, everyone found that just a few minutes ago, Zhai Xinwen had sent text messages to the principals of each school through the Dongzhou Education Office.The image of Zhai Xinwen's determined command and disregard for safety has further grown in the hearts of the staff of the Education Bureau.Calling now is just to understand the situation more practically, not to give charcoal in the snow, but to icing on the cake.

In this way, Zhai Xinwen has been sitting less than 10 meters away from the building, and finished all the calls he needed to make.When he learned that there were no student casualties in any school or district or county, he let out a long sigh of relief.Walking in front of his subordinates, Zhai Xinwen forced a smile on his face: "Have everyone reported the safety of the family? Do you understand the situation at home?" Everyone talked about the situation at home, and Zhai Xinwen said: "When will the family They are the most worrying places. Thinking of this, we can understand how important the responsibility of education is. The people entrust their children to us for education. At the very least, our education should ensure their safety and keep them healthy. "Sun Hongjun said: "Just now, I asked everyone to call each school and contact each school individually. The principal of the school said that he had received a text message from the Municipal Education Bureau more than ten minutes ago. Director, you don't care Anwei, insist on sending text messages to the school in danger, and you are the last one out of the building, we all admire you." Zhai Xinwen said: "This is what I should do. I am the director, and the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai!" Turning his face, Said to Wang Xingbang: "Director Wang, contact the city government office immediately, report the situation of Dongzhou Education to the city government, and find out what happened to this earthquake." Wang Xingbang said: "OK."

At this time, Zhai Xinwen took out his mobile phone and called his wife Yu Hua: "How is the situation at home? Have you called your son? Have you called the old man? Well, good, good. There are many things about education, and I don't care about it." Come on, please bear with me, thank you!"

Only then did the people in the Education Bureau know that Zhai Xinwen had made so many phone calls just now, and it was only now that he took the time to make a phone call to his family.There was more admiration and respect in Zhai Xinwen's eyes.

Soon, Wang Xingbang reported what he learned from the municipal government: a strong earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, more than 2000 kilometers away.The building vibrations felt in Dongzhou were affected by the Wenchuan Earthquake.Thinking that seismic waves can travel so far, everyone is also shocked: how strong this Wenchuan earthquake must be!

Zhai Xinwen said: "The earthquake is thousands of miles away, but this incident is a good reminder to us. Director Chen, you should immediately work with the comrades in the safety department to draw up a major earthquake safety inspection in the city's education system." According to the notification, we will carry out earthquake-proof inspections in groups of schools under various bureaus and districts and counties in the city. We will focus on checking whether the school’s earthquake-proof facilities are sound, the level of earthquake-proof teaching buildings in schools, and the school’s earthquake-proof education. Director Kong, you and the Basic Education Division will work together to draw up a notice. The main content is: each school should carry out extensive and in-depth earthquake prevention education and earthquake drills to prevent problems before they happen; each school should formulate an earthquake prevention education activity plan and an earthquake emergency response plan to ensure that earthquakes or other disasters such as fires and tsunamis are seriously affected. When a disaster occurs, it can make quick and effective emergency response.”

Chen Qizhi and Kong Lili received the tasks respectively.Zhai Xinwen looked at the crowd and said, "Secretary Sun, accompany me to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School right away. I want to see the earthquake prevention situation of No. 5 Middle School in person." Shockproof in?However, at this time, it is only natural to inspect the earthquake resistance of any school.Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, I will accompany the director to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School."

The staff of the Education Bureau returned to the building one after another.No more tremors were felt, and everyone knew that the earthquake was thousands of miles away in Sichuan, so they felt more at ease.Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun drove to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in a car. Sun Hongjun asked, "Director, do you want to give Fangyuan a call?" Zhai Xinwen said, "Call me. I'll do it myself." Zhai Xinwen dialed Fangyuan's cell phone: "Xiao Fang, I'm Zhai Xinwen. How is the situation in your school?" Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for your concern, Director. Some comrades have called to ask about it just now. When the earthquake happened, we quickly organized all grades to evacuate the teaching building in an orderly manner. They were the last to leave. No student or teacher was injured or injured. Now, everyone has returned to the classroom one after another, and the school order has returned to normal." Zhai Xinwen said: "Good! Your work is very effective! Secretary Sun and I Go and visit the comrades in No. 5 Middle School." Fang Yuan was also a little strange, but Fang Yuan still happily agreed: "Welcome the director general and Secretary Sun to come to No. 5 Middle School to guide our work." Zhai Xinwen said: "It's not about guidance, but to communicate with everyone comminicate."

Fang Yuan led all cadres above vice-principal in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to welcome Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun at the school gate.Zhai Xinwen warmly shook hands with every comrade in No. 5, and delivered a simple speech: "Just now, I heard from President Fang that comrades are in the critical moment of the earthquake. Remember that you are a party member and cadre. As an educator, let the students withdraw first, let the teachers withdraw first, and stay at the end. This kind of spirit is exactly the spirit that our Dongzhou educators should possess, and it is also the spirit that every leading cadre should possess Spirit. You are doing well!" Sun Hongjun said: "When the strong earthquake was felt, Director Zhai was also the last one to leave the building of the Education Bureau. Regardless of personal safety, Director Zhai sat less than 5 meters away from the building. In order to supervise and guide the earthquake prevention situation of schools in all schools and districts and counties, I personally made phone calls and did not leave the Education Bureau building until I finished calling every district and county.”

Everyone looked at Zhai Xinwen with a little more respect in their eyes.Zhai Xinwen said: "I just did what I should do! I am the chief officer of Dongzhou Education, and I must take responsibility for everything about Dongzhou Education. Don't talk, let's go and chat with everyone .”

From Zhai Xinwen's face, Fang Yuan couldn't see any loss or anger on Zhai Xinwen's face.Fang Yuan admires Zhai Xinwen's city and heart!Today, Bi Quanli came to the platform for Hao Ding in person!Hao Dingyi is the deputy secretary of the Dongzhou Youth League Committee, and he can be regarded as Bi Quanli's direct descendant.The placement of Hao Dingyi in the Dongzhou Education Bureau was clearly intended to make Zhai Xinwen look bad.Today, Fang Yuan did not approve of Bi Quanli's speech. Sun Hongjun is the vice chairman of the Youth Federation and Fang Yuan is a member of the Youth Federation. This is clearly a queue, and it is also a reminder to Zhai Xinwen that when Hao Ding comes, he will be in the same order as Hao Ding There are many people.But looking at Zhai Xinwen now, it seems that he has recovered his calm state, and his mind has turned to work.This point, I really should learn from Zhai Xinwen!

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