Director's growth history

3094.1837, Can the right and the left be successful?

Wang Xingbang had been standing at the door of the Educational Hotel. When Fang Yuan got out of the car, Wang Xingbang greeted him: "Director Fang, hello." Fang Yuan said, "Am I late?" Wang Xingbang said, "It doesn't mean that I am late Not good. Mayor Bi has come and is communicating with everyone."

Fang Yuan immediately understood what Wang Xingbang said.Fang Yuan said: "Is Director Zhai here?" Wang Xingbang said: "Here he is. I am with Mayor Bi!" Fang Yuan said: "Is Director Wang still waiting for others?" Wang Xingbang said: "Just wait for Director Fang! Director Fang was the last one from the bureau team to arrive." Fang Yuan said, "I'm really sorry." Wang Xingbang said, "I'm here, with the spring breeze blowing, and it's cool, breathable, and comfortable."

Hey, this is a pun, the Chinese are unparalleled in the world in terms of language skills!What is the meaning of Wang Xingbang's words?Whoever is in the banquet hall of the hotel now probably has a hard time.The taste of being a sandwich biscuit is probably not what everyone wants.According to rumors, when the Japanese AV girl starred in the sandwich biscuit show, how uncomfortable it was, those people in the banquet hall now, how uncomfortable it should be!

But this is life. In life, it is inevitable to encounter the situation of sandwich biscuits. It is difficult to choose between two sides.

Wang Xingbang followed Fangyuan, thinking that Fangyuan is now the object that both parties are striving for, but what about himself?If you stay neutral, it's probably time to suppress both ends together; if you fall to one side, the pressure on the other side can be imagined.Alas, in China, it is difficult to be a human being, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky!Wang Xingbang was in so much pain, he felt how wonderful it would be if he was like Fang Yuan!Seeing how steadily Fangyuan walked, Wang Xingbang really doubted whether Fangyuan was really only 28 years old.

When he came to the hall, Hao Ding saw Fangyuan with sharp eyes.He seemed to have forgotten that Yuan did not support him at the top of the party committee, walked over with a smile on his face, and enthusiastically shook Fang Yuan's hand: "Fang Yuan, you are here? Okay, you are here, we can start the meeting I’m done.” Fang Yuan said, “I’m sorry, there are so many things at school, I got caught up.” Hao Dingyi said, “Understood, understood. I totally understand that you must have a lot of things to do when you are about to take the college entrance examination. Fangyuan, Bishi The chief is here, come, come."

Seeing Bi Quanli standing there smiling, Fang Yuan greeted him with a few steps: "Mayor Bi, you are here." Bi Quanli said, "Fang Yuan, congratulations!" Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment.Bi Quanli said: "Don't you want to celebrate the youngest deputy director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau?" Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Mayor Bi." Work hard!" Fang Yuan said, "Yes, I must work hard."

Zhai Xinwen smiled kindly: "Mayor Bi, is it time to take a seat?" Bi Quanli said, "Okay, take a seat."

But immediately a new problem arose.Bi Lili is the guest of honor, who will be the guest of honor?In the past, Zhai Xinwen did not give up the position of host and companion; what about now?According to the convention, the secretary of the party committee is the chief, and the director is the deputy secretary of the party committee; but in the department, the director has the final say in daily affairs, and the party secretary has relatively little authority.

Zhai Xinwen had habitually accompanied Bi Lili to the guest of honor at table one, and Zhai Xinwen also moved the chair Bi Lili was sitting on back.Bi Lili walked to the chair of the guest of honor, said "thank you", then sat down calmly, and said to Hao Dingyi: "Ding Yi, sit down."

Zhai Xinwen was stunned.Hao Ding glanced at Zhai Xinwen with a smile, and sat in the seat of the host.Bi Quanli said, "Director Zhai, go and sit down." Zhai Xinwen looked at the deputy's position, feeling sad and angry in his heart. This is simply bullying!Zhai Xinwen smiled and said, "Okay, Mayor Bi."

Everyone in the audience watched Zhai Xinwen walking steadily towards the position of assistant, and everyone felt different feelings in their hearts.Seeing that everyone was seated, Bi Quanli said: "The Party is the ultimate force leading all revolutionary work. Director Zhai, if Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Song of the Municipal Government attend the banquet, who will take the lead?"

Zhai Xinwen said: "Of course Secretary Wang is in charge." Bi Quanquan said to Hao Dingyi with a smile: "Ding Yi, you will be in charge tonight."

Both Wang Xingbang and Teng Feiyue were dumbfounded.The welcome speech was prepared for Zhai Xinwen; now, the host is Hao Dingyi, how can this be an expression of welcome?Didn't prepare a welcome speech for Hao Dingyi!Besides, where is there a welcome speech to welcome yourself?Seeing Zhai Xinwen sitting quietly in the seat of the assistant, the two of them were even more frightened: I don't know how can the welcome banquet continue today with Mayor Bi's arrangement?

Hao Ding stood up, picked up his wine glass, and was about to give a speech, but remembered that the manuscript of the welcome speech was placed with Zhai Xinwen.Now, to talk to Zhai Xinwen, it is obviously inappropriate for Zhai Xinwen to give a speech.Hao Dingyi was a little embarrassed, and found that Bi Quanli had done bad things with good intentions, and put himself in a position that he shouldn't have been in.

At this time, I can only bite the bullet.Hao Dingyi said: "Respected Mayor Bi, comrades, the municipal party committee has decided that I will be the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Dongzhou Education Bureau. This is a great trust in me and a great spur. Today, the Education Bureau organized a It is a great honor and honor for me to have such a welcome banquet."

Hey, the more you listen, the more awkward it gets!I welcome myself, as if there is no one before, and no one to come after!

Hao Dingyi said: "In the party's ** report, the general secretary listed education as the first priority of people's livelihood, which fully reflects the importance of education. I feel very honored to work in education! I will definitely follow the requirements of the municipal party committee and work hard. Carry out the party building work of the Dongzhou education system on the ground, and cultivate more cadres and talents with both ability and political integrity for the development of Dongzhou education; we must do a good job in the work of party style and clean government, so that everyone in our education system is clean and honest It can be tested; it is necessary to carry out the party's *** report study activities extensively and deeply, so that the spirit of *** can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; it is necessary to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of teachers and the construction of organizational discipline, and strive to build a group of teachers who are satisfied with the masses. Team. I hope everyone can support my work and cooperate with my work. I am here, thank you all."

Heh, what Hao Ding talked about is something that everyone is not interested in, and some comrades are even disgusted by some of the content.Bi Quanli also raised his glass and said, "Okay, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will definitely support your work."

Everyone looked at Hao Dingyi who was standing there, and then at Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen raised his glass with a smile and said, "Welcome Secretary Hao to work in the Education Bureau."

In a word, realm and consciousness are different.Zhai Xinwen's action can be regarded as saving everyone.Everyone raised their glasses to respond to Hao Dingyi and Bi Quanquan's call.The welcome dinner begins without a formal welcome address.

After receiving this cup from the audience, each table drinks from each table.Hao Dingyi said: "Colleagues, today I can barely sit in the lead and accompany position, so I have to lead this wine. I toast the first glass of wine and warmly welcome Mayor Bi to attend the activities of our Education Bureau. I sincerely thank Mayor Bi The mayor’s support and concern for Dongzhou’s education. Mayor Bi, I respect you!” Bi Quanli said, “Thank you.” However, it turned out that no one responded, which made Hao Dingyi and Bi Quanli a little embarrassed.

Hao Dingyi said: "I would like to toast the second cup to all the colleagues in the Education Bureau. I don't understand education. When I came to the Education Bureau, I felt a lot of fear and fear that I would not be able to do the job. I sincerely hope that all colleagues can support me. Thank you in advance for your work.”

Fang Yuan looked at Hao Dingyi and said in his heart: It's really not just ordinary incompetence!That said, it's too level-headed.Do not understand the truth about education, can you say it?I don't understand education, but I want to work in education. Isn't this a slap in the face of myself?Look at Bi Quanli, Bi Quanli's face is really ugly.Fang Yuan sighed: Hao Dingyi, Hao Dingyi, can you always rely on Mayor Bi for the rest of the day?

Seeing everyone holding up their cups and looking at Zhai Xinwen, both Bi Quanli and Hao Dingyi felt strong pressure.Bi tried his best to look at Sun Hongjun and Fangyuan, and gave them two clear hints.Sun Hongjun looked at Fangyuan, and Fangyuan looked at Sun Hongjun, both of them had wry smiles on their lips.

Fangyuan said: "Secretary Hao, I respect you!" Then he raised his glass generously to touch Hao Ding.Sun Hongjun also raised his glass: "Secretary Hao, I respect you!" A smile appeared on the corner of Bi Quanli's mouth, and Zhai Xinwen's face became not so pretty.Fangyuan said: "In recent years, I have been working hard and making achievements. Secretary Hao, I will support anything that is beneficial to Dongzhou's education; I will support anything that is beneficial to Dongzhou's education. Support. This glass of wine, I did it."

Fang Yuan raised her head and drank all the wine in the glass.There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Zhai Xinwen's mouth.At this time, other people would also clink glasses with Hao Ding, drank all the wine, but basically said nothing, or said the same sentence: "Secretary Hao, I respect you!" Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary Hao, I respect you too!" You have a drink. My point of view is exactly the same as that of Xiao Fang, and I will support anything that is beneficial to the education of Dongzhou. I will also drink this cup."

Although Hao Dingyi drank this glass of wine, the bitter taste of the wine strongly permeated his soul: This education is really not so difficult to mix!In the Communist Youth League, why can't you feel this?What people support is work, not me, Hao Dingyi.Even Fangyuan said this, and Zhai Xinwen quoted it again. Besides Chen Qizhi, who else is not with this attitude?

Hao Ding sat down somewhat dejectedly.Looking at Bi Quanli, Bi Quanli also felt that the Education Bureau looked calm on the surface, but the waves were rough underneath.Bi Quanli said: "I think everyone is very united! Well, as long as everyone can support the work that is conducive to the development of Dongzhou education, I believe that Dongzhou education will definitely develop better!"

Zhai Xinwen immediately picked up the words: "Mayor Bi's speech is good! I suggest that for the better future of Dongzhou's education industry, and for the sake of all of us working together to support the development of Dongzhou's education industry, we should do things that are beneficial to the development of Dongzhou's education industry. Regarding the development of Dongzhou's education industry, we respect the mayor!"

Seeing that Zhai Xinwen had left their seats, everyone also left their seats to toast Bi Quanquan.With a smile on his face, Bi Lili scolded his mother in his heart, and they touched each other with a smile, and then drank the wine in the glass generously.

At this time, Fangyuan's cell phone rang, and Fangyuan took a look, it was Song Sisi's.Fang Yuan stood up, said "Excuse me", and hurriedly left the banquet hall.At the entrance of the banquet hall, the manager of the Educational Hotel saw that it was Fangyuan, who was in Dongzhou where education was flourishing, and quickly asked flatteringly, "Director Fang, what can I do for you?" Fangyuan looked at it and said, "Give me a Room, let me make a call." The manager quickly said, "Director Fang, this way please."

A separate room, after closing the door, Fang Yuan called back to Song Sisi: "Sisi, what's the matter?" Song Sisi said: "Fang Yuan, my father wants to see you." Fang Yuan was stunned: "You mean Uncle Dacheng wants to see me?" Song Sisi said: "Yes. Mom and I told Dad many of your suggestions, and Dad said to do what you said first. There are still some things that my dad wants to tell you in particular. "Fang Yuan said: "What's the matter?" Song Sisi hesitated: "My father means that it's better to talk in person."

Thinking of what she had experienced during the day, thinking of new ideas after communicating with Qiao Guanyun, thinking of still attending the banquet, Fang Yuan suddenly felt like going, but it seemed like she couldn't.Fang Yuan asked: "When does Uncle Dacheng want to see me?" Song Sisi said: "Do you have time tonight? My dad is at home, so he can wait for me at home." Fang Yuan was stunned: This is going to Song Sisi's house!

Thinking of the complicated situation in the banquet hall of the Education Hotel, Fang Yuan really wanted to leave!However, Bi Lili has already arrived, can he leave by himself?Maybe it's the easiest way to go, but if you escape today, can you escape tomorrow?Isn't the complex interpersonal relationship between Hao Dingyi, Zhai Xinwen, and Bi Quanquan just training one's ability to deal with complex problems?

Fangyuan said: "Sisi, I really can't do without the dinner to welcome the new Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau tonight. Tomorrow, I will go directly to your company, okay? In the company, I will talk openly. I still have some ideas and ideas. , may be able to help your company through the difficulties!" Song Sisi was pleasantly surprised: "Brother, really? If you can really help Dacheng Company through the difficulties this time, then you are the benefactor of our family! Everyone in our family They will all be grateful to you!"

Fang Yuan said: "You don't need to thank me. There are many problems in Dacheng Company now, and they must be sorted out one by one. Sisi, you do one thing tonight." Song Sisi said: "Brother, please tell me." Fang Yuan said: "You list the problems that exist in Dacheng Company one by one. When I go to your company tomorrow, I want to study the solutions one by one with you, Uncle Dacheng and Aunt Zhu. I will work on the spot and decide on the solution on the spot. Let’s decide on the spot to solve it. Do you think this is good?” Song Sisi said: “Okay, I will definitely bring out the problems existing in Dacheng Company today.”

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan suddenly felt that tonight, he should sort out Dacheng Company's solution to the problem.

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