Director's growth history

3097.1840, Ding Chunxiao is not a fool

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.History is always so strikingly similar.

Fang Yuan was talking about Song Sisi with Shu Weirong when Song Sisi called.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Sister Shu. You let me catch up on business knowledge." Shu Weirong said: "If you want to do business, you are definitely a good hand. If you quit your job, come here My company, you come to be the general manager, and I will only be the chairman who doesn't care about anything." Fang Yuan said: "Sister Shu is joking." Shu Weirong said: "It is definitely not a joke." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you. I will trouble Sister Shu." Shu Weirong said: "Okay, just tell me if you have anything to do. Regarding the matter of merging or holding Dacheng Company, if you can speak up, you can ask." Fang Yuan said: "Understood."

Picking up Song Sisi's call, Fang Yuan asked, "Hello, Sisi." Song Sisi said, "My dad asked me to ask you when you are free today." Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "I have been busy with your house all morning. , I just figured it out. In the afternoon, I have an appointment with the boss of a company for lunch, to see if I can find a suitable connection.” Song Sisi said, “Thank you, brother.” Fang Yuan said, “It’s just this habit of mine. If you don’t do it, then do it. If you want to do it, try to do it well. Judging from the present, I have encountered a lot of difficulties, and this has not frightened me. Sisi, this time I will definitely help you through the difficulties!” Song Sisi choked up : "Brother, Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and sees people's hearts over time. In the most difficult time for our family, it was the brother who stepped forward. No matter whether we succeed or not in the end, I will be grateful to you! My father and my mother will be grateful to you!" Fang Yuan said: "What do you mean by not caring about success in the end? If I don't do it, I will be successful. If I do it, I will succeed! I don't care about the process, I don't care about the means, as long as the final result."

Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and said these few words, which reflected Fang Yuan's state of mind.Fang Yuan never thought that he was such a resolute and persistent person, never thought that he would never give up until he reached his goal.In fact, this quality has already been demonstrated from the beginning as an ordinary teacher to the first prize in the municipal class, the first prize in the provincial class, and the first prize in the national class, and from the fight with a few people who refused to admit defeat, but Fang Yuan has never realized this. .But today, Fang Yuan realized for the first time his resolute and courageous personality.

Song Sisi said: "Brother..." Song Sisi choked up, unable to speak any more.Fangyuan comforted: "Sisi, face these difficulties bravely. Difficulties are like springs. If you soften them, they will become strong, and if you strengthen them, they will become soft. Have you sorted out all the problems in the enterprise that I asked you to sort out?" Song Sisi said : "I sorted everything out. I'll post it on QQ now." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan carefully read the text sent by Song Sisi, one by one, the more he read, the more he frowned.Looking at it now, there are really many problems in Dacheng Company!Accounts receivable has been quite a lot, reaching more than 2000 million.If this problem can be solved, in fact, to a certain extent, the problem of tight capital chain of Dacheng Company can be alleviated.

Fang Yuan thought about it and decided to call Miao Dongshun.After dialing Miao Dongshun's cell phone number to the last number, he finally put down the conversation.This should be his last resort. In the future, unless it is absolutely necessary, he cannot use this line.It might be a more appropriate way to ask Miao Dongshun to find a way to collect the account, and Miao Dongshun is also trustworthy, but the more Miao Dongshun is asked to do, the more uncomfortable it will be.

Fangyuan began to browse on the Internet, searching for problems such as broken capital chains, large accounts receivable, enterprise guaranteed loans, and export-oriented enterprise transformation. He read a lot of relevant materials carefully, and slowly sorted out I came up with a few ideas.

Ding Chunxiao called: "Fang Yuan, when will you be here?" Fang Yuan looked at his watch, heh, it was past 11 o'clock.Fang Yuan said, "Sister, I'll be there right away." Ding Chunxiao said, "Okay, I'll wait for you at home."

Fang Yuan drove the car out by himself.No one would ask where Fang Yuan went.In Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, Fang Yuan is the principal, and even the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, who ranks higher than anyone else. To a certain extent, it determines the future and destiny of everyone in the school. Who would trouble Fang Yuan at this time?Fang Yuan left calmly without greeting anyone, and went straight to Ding Chunxiao's house.

After parking the car, Fangyuan went upstairs, knocked on the door of Ding Chunxiao's room, and saw Ding Chunxiao who looked quite good.After closing the door, Ding Chunxiao had already wrapped Fang Yuan's waist gently from behind.Fang Yuan was stunned, and stood there quietly.A 40-year-old nanny was packing food on the dining table. Seeing this scene, she immediately retreated to the kitchen and closed the kitchen door.

Fang Yuan felt that this was very inappropriate, but he had no reason to reject Ding Chunxiao.Fang Yuan said: "Sister, sit over there, let's talk." Ding Chunxiao said: "Let me hug you." Fang Yuan didn't speak, and gently held Ding Chunxiao's hand.Turning around slowly, Fang Yuan hugged Ding Chunxiao in his arms, letting Ding Chunxiao press her body tightly against her chest.Ding Chunxiao said: "Fang Yuan, am I really going to be a mother?" Fang Yuan gently stroked Ding Chunxiao's head, feeling not only guilt but also affection: "Yes, my sister is going to be a mother." Ding Chunxiao Said: "It's been three months! In another six months, my own child will be born. He must be smarter and more capable than Dad!"

When it comes to children, Ding Chunxiao seems to be full of infinite emotion.Fang Yuan said: "I also think so in my heart." Ding Chunxiao said: "I will give him all my love." Fang Yuan said: "If you spoil a child, it is often difficult for the child to become a talent." Ding Chunxiao said: "I will give him all my love." No matter. In life, I will definitely follow him; in terms of study and morality, you, the uncle, take care of this. If you are the head, if my son can't get the best education, I will not agree." Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Can I not do my best? Sister, don't mention this matter again, okay?" Ding Chunxiao said: "How can it be done? I work hard every day at Chunxiao Company just for him. In the future, Chunxiao Company will also be his Yes, I hope that he can be as capable and promising as father." Fang Yuan said, "Sister, keep these words in your heart, okay?"

Ding Chunxiao said: "I know. I will not put pressure on you. I will raise the child alone, but you are responsible for the education. Let him go to the best kindergarten, the best elementary school, middle school and high school. university." Fang Yuan nodded, "Okay, I will do my best." Ding Chunxiao said, "I have also completed the birth certificate. I heard from my friends that when I was born in Hong Kong, I have a Hong Kong household registration. When the time comes, I will prepare Go to Hong Kong and give birth to the child." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

There is no love, what is talked about is only the child in Ding Chunxiao's belly, and what is revealed is only infinite affection.The two let go, Fang Yuan saw the happiness on Ding Chunxiao's face!A woman does not want to get married, but only wants to have a child of her own. Such a woman is indeed relatively rare!Of course, since Ding Chunxiao is a little older, he probably has self-knowledge and will not demand marriage.Sitting at the dining table, Ding Chunxiao said, "Would you like some wine?" Fang Yuan said, "No more, I just want to have a meal with you. If there is any difficulty in the company, you can talk about it." Ding Chunxiao said, "It's okay. The development of the company is very smooth. The last live broadcast of the pastry competition found a large number of talents and stocked a large number of new products." Fang Yuan said: "We must pay attention to quality and strictly control quality. Do you know Sanlu? I heard from Shuanghua that many babies who drink Sanlu milk powder all over the country have kidney stones. Now, although the major media have not reported this matter, CCTV is still broadcasting the advertisement of Sanlu milk powder, but I have an intuition , Sanlu milk powder is almost finished. Sister, the quality of the product is more important than anything else!" Ding Chunxiao said: "I know. You reminded me, I will pay more attention to it." Fang Yuan said: "Beware of competitors' framing, Beware of journalists making trouble with their stories." Ding Chunxiao said, "I know." Fang Yuan said, "Sometimes, spending a little money properly and doing advertisements can also avoid things that shouldn't happen. Don't worry about money!" Ding Chunxiao Said: "Yeah." Fang Yuan said: "I have been attacked and framed from being the dean to the vice principal to the principal to the deputy director. I am worried that competitors in the food industry will find ways to trouble Chunxiao Company." Ding Chunxiao said: "Yes." Fang Yuan said: "Of course, if you have trouble and you can't solve it, you can come to me." Ding Chunxiao said: "Got it."

The two chatted while eating, like a family.After eating, Ding Chunxiao said: "I am really happy today." Fang Yuan said: "Me too." Thinking that the central task of today has not been completed, Fang Yuan said: "Sister, how much liquidity do you have on hand now?" Ding Chunxiao was stunned, looked at Fangyuan, and said, "Why, are you short of money? Is it enough if I give you 10?" Fang Yuan smiled: "Sister, I am not short of money. I want to ask you, How strong is our Chunxiao company now?" Ding Chunxiao said: "If you need money to spend, come to me. My sister's money will be his in the future, and you should spend it." Fangyuan said: "If I am really short of money, so I will definitely look for my sister." Ding Chunxiao said: "Well, you should come to me. I am only happy when you find me. As long as you spend it on yourself, on the right way, dozens of Ten thousand, several million is also possible." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for your trust." Ding Chunxiao said: "But there is a premise, you can't spend it on things that shouldn't be spent, and you can't spend it on other women. Except for Sister Hua. You are my younger brother and my relatives. If you want to improve, if you want to give gifts, if you want to make connections, you can take money from me." Fang Yuan said: "I know. I asked How strong is your Chunxiao company? In fact, you want to guarantee a loan for a company." Ding Chunxiao asked: "Which company is it?" Fang Yuan said: "In front of you, I will not speak deceitful words. It is Dacheng Company He is now facing some problems in the capital chain. If he wants to get a bank loan, he needs a reputable and well-run company as a guarantee. Our Chunxiao company has developed well and should be able to win the trust of the bank."

Ding Chunxiao said, "Why do you want to guarantee for Dacheng Company?" Fang Yuan said, "Because the bosses of Dacheng Company, Uncle Song Dacheng and Aunt Zhu Rui, are kind to me. Can you help?" Ding Chunxiao was silent.She looked directly into Fangyuan's eyes, and after a long time, she said, "If you ask me to provide a guarantee because of Song Dacheng's daughter, I will not agree. You know, a guarantee is a big risk. If Dacheng Company If the money is not paid, Chunxiao Company’s money will be used to repay the bank loan! Every penny of Chunxiao Company is hard-earned money. The more we save, the stronger capital we can leave for our children , a more solid foundation. Fangyuan, tell me, is Song Dacheng begging for your help, or Song Dacheng's daughter begging for your help?"

Fangyuan felt deeply ashamed!

Ding Chunxiao said: "If you use your own child's money to help a woman who has nothing to do with me, Ding Chunxiao, I will not agree to guarantee, let alone lend money to Dacheng Company. I still say the same thing, if the money is spent on you , I’m willing to do whatever! Except for Shuanghua, I won’t spend any of Chunxiao’s money on other women!”

Fangyuan has mixed feelings in her heart.Fang Yuan was very surprised by Ding Chunxiao's imposing manner; what surprised Fang Yuan even more was that Ding Chunxiao could guess that the reason for helping Dacheng Company this time was because of Song Sisi.

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