Director's growth history

3111.1850, unintentionally planting willows to live

Dong Hui smiled bitterly: "We will always listen to Mayor Zhou's instructions. However, Mayor Zhou, the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau has always been a major taxpayer in Dongzhou City, and our own profits are also very limited. Of course, this earthquake , we will definitely follow the spirit of the instructions of the Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau and the unified deployment of Dongzhou City, and actively participate in the reconstruction of the disaster area." Zheng Haiyan, the only woman, said: "Mayor Zhou, Beijing Headquarters, Provincial Petroleum Company , have already issued official documents. This time the headquarters will act in a unified manner. I don’t have much authority here, but if there is a Sichuan aid team in Dongzhou City, I will guarantee a sufficient supply of fuel, with priority and no limit. As you know, Diesel is very tight in the country now. Now diesel vehicles in Dongzhou are only allowed to add 200 yuan at a gas station at a time. Some gas stations do not have diesel fuel. Let me make a statement: All fuel that needs to be refilled for earthquake relief , no matter how big the difficulty is, I will find a way to overcome it here to ensure the supply of fuel for the earthquake relief team, okay?"

Zhou Pengyou said: "Then thank you Mr. Zheng first! Mr. Dong, Mr. Zheng can make such a promise, and I am relieved of the Sichuan aid convoy delivering relief supplies. I just appreciate this pragmatic work style. Mrs. Zheng is always a heroine! This courage is also attractive!" Dong Hui said: "The Tobacco Monopoly Bureau actually has some plans, but it still needs to be studied at the bureau's executive meeting and reported to the provincial bureau for approval. Mayor Zhou Ah, our active participation is also not to be left behind. Ordinarily, there are some things I can’t say before the approval of the bureau’s executive meeting and the approval of the provincial bureau, but as a conscientious Chinese, of course I care about the people in the disaster area. People. In addition to my active donation, the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau is planning to sponsor part of the cost of renting large trucks to aid Sichuan by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. Mayor Zhou also knows that if you rent 100 trucks and run this road for more than ten days, the cost will not be much. Less."

周鹏有眉开眼笑:“董局长,那我就等着烟草局的好消息了。”董辉苦笑:“一定不会让周市长失望的。”周鹏有说:“各位局长,驻瓯的石油公司、烟草专卖局可是走在我们大家的前面v竿诺ノ环6鋈司璧憧睿飧鍪潜敌健!苯煌殖の馓担骸爸苁谐ぃ性u刀拥某盗荆诙莘段冢宦擅馔ㄐ蟹眩夤饭欧选u飧觯薪煌挚梢砸哉骄止南路8飨厍煌u棵牛路8髀非攀辗颜镜恪!敝芘粲兴担骸昂芎寐铮∷淙簧偈樟艘坏愎饭欧眩昧嗣裥摹n饩殖ぃ曳止艿募父霾棵爬铮煌挚墒歉坏昧饔桶。'挂诰蚯绷Γ伎夹碌脑ㄋ悸贰t凼欣锍闪17嗽o欤矣质钦飧鲈o斓闹魅危劢煌u棵拍懿荒茉谠煊蛲瞥鲆恍┰智嗣裥枰8逑侄萦朐智嗣裥牧牡木俅耄故切枰险嫜芯康摹!蔽馓担骸拔乙欢o阎苁谐さ闹甘敬鼐掷铮险嫜芯亢吐涫怠n蚁嘈牛谥苁谐さ牧斓枷拢煌ㄏ低骋欢嵴业礁玫脑ぷ魉悸罚绞焙蛟傧蛑苁谐せ惚a!敝芘粲兴担骸昂冒 u庀罟ぷ饕弊髡稳挝窭赐瓿桑欤怠!蔽馓担骸扒胫苁谐し判摹!

Zhou Peng looked at Sun Tianhao, director of the Grain Bureau.Sun Tianhao said: "Mayor Zhou, the Grain Bureau is inferior to the Transportation Bureau and the Commerce Bureau. To tap the potential, find ways to donate a certain amount of food to the people in the earthquake-stricken areas of Sichuan. Of course, the premise of the food we donate is to ensure the food security of Dongzhou City, keep enough turnover reserves for 180 days, and make more As long as the municipal party committee and government agree, we can donate to the people in the disaster area." Zhou Pengyou said: "Okay. I will report this matter to Mayor Song." Sun Tianhao said: "Mayor Zhou, we We can donate food, but we don’t have the financial resources to transport the food to the disaster area, so the city needs to find a way.” Zhou Peng looked at Dong Hui.Dong Hui smiled bitterly: "Mayor Zhou, the Tobacco Bureau must study this matter as soon as possible. If Director Sun of the Grain Bureau donates all the food, but it cannot be transported to the disaster area, we will not bear it!" Zhou Pengyou said : "How important is the cooperation between departments! Director Sun, wait for my news. Give me an insane amount, and then see how much the city agrees to donate. After the amount is out, you can contact Dong Director, such a good thing must be publicized vigorously. In this regard, Director Xiao Fang has experience, and Director Sun communicates with Director Fang more often to see how to grasp the point and publicize good things well." Sun Tianhao said: "Definitely. Director Fang, more Please support me!" Fang Yuan said, "I will definitely do my best."

Zhou Peng looked at Zhang Ping, Director of Commerce.Zhang Ping said: "Mayor Zhou, in addition to carrying out donation activities within the Bureau of Commerce, the Bureau of Commerce is also planning to mobilize all enterprises in the field of commercial circulation to actively donate money and materials. Foreign trade, domestic trade, and logistics, as long as the Bureau of Commerce All enterprises and companies under the jurisdiction will not be spared." Zhou Pengyou said: "Yes, everyone contributes to firewood. We must rely on the people and trust the people at all times." Zhang Ping said: " At present, what the people in the disaster-stricken areas need most is clothes and disaster relief tents. I plan to mobilize corporate donations for clothes and disaster relief tents to see if the city can purchase some from the government.” Zhou Pengyou said: “Director Zhang’s opinion is very good! When aiding, we must fully consider what the people in the disaster area need most." Zhang Ping said: "Unfortunately, there are too few tent manufacturers at present. If the policy purchases 1 pieces, I am afraid that the local enterprises in Dongzhou will not be able to produce enough. When I go to other places to purchase, there are not many tent enterprises in other places. Taizhou, Ninghai and other places are mainly concentrated. It is estimated that the local production tasks are also very heavy. This is where I worry.” Zhou Pengyou said: “Well, this is a problem."

Fangyuan suddenly remembered that he had communicated with Song Dacheng and asked if he could produce tents.Song Dacheng said that the toy production factory can produce tents by slightly modifying the production line.Fang Yuan suddenly said again: "Mayor Zhou, Director Zhang, I know that there is a company that has the ability to mass-produce tents, and I also know that the boss of this company is willing to change the production of tents." Everyone's eyes were focused on Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's heart turned, and he said unhurriedly: "Mayor Zhou and Director Zhang may still know this company better. Dacheng Group is mainly engaged in the export of underwear and toys, and some of them are also sold domestically. Dacheng Group is willing to sell toys. The production has been stopped and changed to tents, and the production line is currently undergoing transformation. If Director Zhang plans to purchase disaster relief tents, he can contact Dacheng Group."

Zhou Pengyou looked at Fangyuan, thinking about Fangyuan's sudden intention to speak.I have long heard that Fangyuan has a deep relationship with the business world. She planned Chunxiao pastry and achieved great success; planned handsome clothing, which has now become a star enterprise in Dongzhou's clothing industry; helped Dongsheng Sewing Machine plan, and the scale of Dongsheng Sewing Machine has now expanded has increased several times, and has become the top 5 large enterprises in Dongzhou City in terms of tax payment.Now, Fang Yuan mentions this Dacheng Group again. I don't know what kind of relationship Fang Yuan has with this Dacheng Group!

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