Director's growth history

3131.1869, blushing

After the Provincial Examination Institute announced the results of the college entrance examination and the scores of the first and second grades, the entire Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School was boiling.The optimization of teaching methods by teachers and the mastery of learning methods advocated by Fang Yuan as the vice principal have enabled Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to achieve unprecedented excellent results, far exceeding the years when Liu Ming was the principal and the year when Yang Fang was the principal. college entrance examination. More than 600 high school students, more than 470 have reached the undergraduate military inspection line, which means that 5% of the students in Dongzhou No. 78 will have at least the admission qualifications for the third batch of undergraduates.

The third batch of undergraduate schools, in 2008, were the second-level independent colleges of private universities and public universities. For students who did not meet the admission requirements of the second batch of undergraduates but did not want to study junior colleges, they provided the opportunity to study undergraduates. The tuition fee is generally one academic year. More than 1 yuan, which is more than twice the tuition fees of the second batch of undergraduates and the first batch of undergraduates, which are around 4000 to 5000 yuan.

With such achievements, the teachers and students of the whole school were originally excited. What is even more exciting is that there are as many as 131 undergraduate students who have reached the top line, accounting for more than 20% of all senior high school graduates!Although the admission scores of various colleges and universities have not yet been issued, according to the admission scores of Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nanjing University and Qingjiang University in the past years, the admission scores of the most famous universities in the country may reach Peking University and Tsinghua University in Qingjiang Province this year. There are 21 students admitted to qualify for the cut-off score.In 2007, the two most famous middle schools in the north of Qingjiang Province, Tsinghua University and Peking University, admitted 16 students and 12 students respectively. The total number of students in Peking University shall not exceed 10.

On the campus of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, whether it is really happy or jealous, the exciting news and bright smiles are all over the campus.In the principal's office, several deputy principals were all collected, and everyone had smiles on their faces.Fangyuan couldn't hide his excitement, because in the past few hours, not only was there a lot of laughter in the school, Fangyuan also received the secretary of the municipal party committee Wang Guodong, the mayor Song Yunsheng, the executive deputy mayor Deng Yuncong, the organization director Sheng Zhiren, the propaganda director Dou Shengzhong, the discipline committee Secretary Huang Jie, Standing Committee Deputy Mayor Bi Quanquan, Deputy Mayor Zhou Pengyou and many other city leaders called for consultation and congratulations.

It seems that this good news not only caused joy in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, but also caused profound shock waves in Dongzhou Education Bureau and Dongzhou City.Even such sentiments have affected the students from junior one to senior two in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Seeing their brothers and sisters achieve such excellent results in the college entrance examination, the students are even more proud of being students of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and they are full of confidence and hope for the future college entrance examination.

"Exciting!" The red face was flushed, as if all these achievements were made by her.Na Hong said: "In the past, it was the best time. Five of our students were admitted by Tsinghua University and Peking University a year. This year we may break through to 5 students. This is really exciting!" He shook his fist.

Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Yes, Principal Fang is a good leader. It is Principal Fang who fully advocates teaching and learning practices in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, so that we can achieve immediate results." State No. 5 Middle School, I am so convinced. Fang Xiao, this time Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is not only proud of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, I am afraid that Ninghai Middle School, Hangjiang Middle School, and Provincial Experimental Middle School will all be replaced by Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School this time. Shocked by the school?"

Fang Yuan said: "Principal Zhengxuan and Principal Jiawei have put in a lot of hard work in the work of teaching. No one can deny this. Speaking of it, I was busy all day long, and the specific work was getting better and better. Less. The biggest credit goes to Principal Jiawei. Director Yang and the teachers in the third year of high school are all heroes of Dongzhou No. 5 High School!" Huang Jiawei said: "I just followed the principal's instructions seriously. In addition, the teaching and research section The teachers here are also credited."

Fangyuan's cell phone rang, and everyone consciously shut up.Fangyuan picked up the phone: "Thank you for the assistant, I was talking about the teaching and research section just now! Thank you for the assistant, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has achieved gratifying results in the college entrance examination this time, and you and the teaching and research section under your leadership have contributed a lot." The call was made by Xie Bingguo Yes, speaking of it, Xie Bingguo was also very happy.From the results of the whole city, because the results of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School are outstanding, although the results of other schools are basically the same as in previous years, the good results of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School have driven the city's first-level and second-level success rates. , pass rate, excellent rate and other indicators, it is estimated that Dongzhou City's college entrance examination results this year will not be ranked eighth or ninth, and it is very likely to rise to fifth or sixth.This is also a very remarkable achievement!

Xie Bingguo said: "Director Fang, this is because of your good leadership! The teaching and research section is just implementing the spirit of your instructions!" Fang Yuan said: "Your choice of the topic is good. Thank you for the help of the bureau. A good school does not mean the quality of the city's college entrance examination All good, I hope that, combined with the front-line practice of the teaching and research section in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, next year we will promote the research on teaching and learning methods throughout the city, seek benefits from classroom teaching, strive to make new breakthroughs in teaching and research, and create a new situation in the city's teaching. "

Talking to Xie Bingguo, Fang Yuan quickly entered the state of the deputy director in charge of teaching, and immediately reached the height of the city's education.Xie Bingguo said: "Okay. During the summer vacation, I will ask the teaching and research sections of various disciplines to come up with plans, and the teaching and research sections will come up with a general plan and report to you." Fang Yuan said: "The plan doesn't have to wait until the summer vacation, I think it can be done now. Others Not to mention, before the end of June, I want to see the general plan of the teaching and research section, and the specific plans of the teaching and research staff of each academic stage and subject."

To tell the truth, Xie Bingguo was vaguely upset that Fangyuan used such a leading and commanding tone to assign tasks.But Fang Yuan was a senior official and had proved his ability with his strength, so Xie Bingguo readily agreed to Fang Yuan's request.

Fang Yuan put down the phone, and Na Hong said, "Principal, we can't tell other schools the secret of our school's good grades in the college entrance examination this year! If everyone learns it, what will we do in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School?" Qiu Zhengxuan said, "Yes. .Principal, you must know that the competition we face is still very fierce. Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School, Ouhai Middle School, and Jiangnan No. [-] Middle School have always been eyeing us!"

Fang Yuan glanced at Qiu Zhengxuan, but did not answer immediately.That's all for Na Hong to say that, Qiu Zhengxuan said that, which made Fang Yuan feel very disappointed.Vision determines the pattern, this saying is not false at all.Qiu Zhengxuan's vision may only be at the level of the school. Can such a comrade be qualified as the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School?Seeing Huang Jiawei’s silence, Fangyuan decided to probe Huang Jiawei’s thinking: “Jiawei, what do you think about this?” Huang Jiawei thought for a while and said, “Education that satisfies the people is actually trying to make all the people feel better. The masses are satisfied. As long as the quality of education in each school is improved, the common people will be more satisfied.”

Fang Yuan looked at Huang Jiawei appreciatively, nodded and said: "One good is not really good, everyone is good. I remember the chief designer once said that some people are allowed to get rich first, but in the end we want to get rich together. Applying this sentence to education, I think it is also very common. I am now the deputy director in charge of teaching in the city, so I can't just consider whether a school is good or not from the school level. Zhengxuan, then Principal, sometimes you have to look at things from a higher height!"

Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Yes, I remembered it." He was extremely depressed in his heart, it was really an accident that Huang Jiawei took the first prize in Fangyuan's heart.

Fangyuan's cell phone rang again.Fang Yuan picked it up, and it was Zhou Yujie who called: "Director Fang, I have something to ask you for instructions." Hearing Zhou Yujie's melodious voice, Fang Yuan's heart was agitated, and he didn't know why.Fang Yuan said: "Xiao Zhou, what's the matter?" Zhou Yujie said: "Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has achieved very good results in the college entrance examination. I wish Director Fang and Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you." Zhou Yujie said: "Director Fang, should a reporter be invited to report on such a good result?" Fang Yuan smiled.It seems that Zhou Yujie got into the situation quite quickly!Fang Yuan said: "What's the attitude of Section Chief Teng?" Zhou Yujie said: "Section Chief Teng is very supportive of my work." Fang Yuan said: "I think it's best to ask Director Zhai for instructions." Zhou Yujie said: "Okay. "Fang Yuan said: "It is more appropriate for Section Chief Teng to report." Zhou Yujie said: "I see. Thank you." Make up your mind, it's better."

The comrades around were a little surprised to see Fang Yuan guiding a young staff member so persuasively, as if they had forgotten that Fang Yuan was only a little over 28 years old.Several people had already guessed that it was Zhou Yujie, but at this time, when Fangyuan called, everyone could only keep silent.Zhou Yujie seemed to have doubts: "Should I ask Director Zhai for instructions, or Secretary Hao?"

Hey, that's a really tricky puzzle!Fang Yuan thought for a while, and said, "Let Section Chief Teng figure out a way." Zhou Yujie laughed, as if forgetting that Fang Yuan was the deputy director, and couldn't help but angrily said, "You're such a slicker!"

Fang Yuan's face turned red all of a sudden.I really didn't expect Zhou Yujie to say such a thing at this moment!This sounded a bit wrong, as if the two were not superiors and subordinates, but lovers flirting!

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