Director's growth history

3135.1872. Reporters are not fuel-efficient lamps

In fact, Fang Yuan really didn't want to be interviewed by any reporter at this time.It should be said that Fangyuan is very happy for Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School's excellent results in the 2008 college entrance examination. This result can shatter all voices of doubt, especially those who think that Fang Yuan is too young to be the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, those who I think Fang Yuan is just the voice of a junior high school teacher who doesn't understand high school teaching at all.But if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, Fang Yuan does not want to put herself in dire straits.Therefore, the introduction of Huang Jiawei, the first-line teachers, just don't want to put themselves on the fire.

But now, this wish has come to nothing.Ni Runqing has clearly expressed his desire to conduct a series of reports, how could Fang Yuan refuse?What's more, since it was an instruction from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and it must have something to do with Minister Dou, such an interview cannot be rejected.Since it cannot be avoided, it is better to deal with it calmly.Fang Yuan's mind turned quickly, and finally came up with a solution.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you to the leaders of the TV station and the newspaper for their great love for Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Since it is a series of interviews, it is indeed inappropriate to interview me on the first day. I will provide an idea for reporter Ni and good friends to refer to. If I hope that the news reports will become more and more sublimated, so you can conduct interviews from the shallower to the deeper, from the grassroots to the high-level, from teachers to cadres. The first interviews are of course the front-line teachers of our 5th middle school, and then the students and parents of the students, and then interview us. The director and the principal in charge, the next interview subject may be me, Fangyuan, but this is by no means the end. After that, I should interview Director Zhai Xinwen of the Education Bureau, Bi Quanli, the deputy mayor of the municipal government in charge of education, and then interview Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and Song Song of the Municipal Government. Mayor, this is a complete interview process. If you want to go from the leader to the masses, then the first interview should be Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee or Mayor Song of the Municipal Government. Eight poles can’t reach me here, right? ?”

Ni Runqing smiled sweetly: "So, it's not appropriate to pick you today?" Fang Yuan smiled affirmatively: "Of course. But I'm here to make a guarantee for all reporters: I warmly welcome all reporters to interview, and firmly support all reporters to interview. I will do my best to facilitate the interviews of the reporters. In particular, the 21 students whose college entrance examination scores exceeded 660 points, their parents and class teachers, as long as they need it, I can coordinate them to accept the interviews of the reporters. I think, TV viewers And the majority of readers are more concerned about how these children got more than 660 points in the test, and don't care about me."

The smile on Ni Runqing's face became stronger. Looking at the "very treacherous" Fang Yuan, he couldn't help but tease: "You are really a cunning one!"

Fang Yuan's face turned red all of a sudden.When Zhou Yujie said this sentence, it felt a little flirtatious; but when it was said in Ni Runqing's mouth, it not only meant a little flirtatious, but also contained a big sister's love for a little brother. The naughty kind of doting and tolerance.Zhou Yujie's face at the farthest point also had a burst of heat, and all his attention was focused on the faces of Ni Runqing and Fang Yuan for a while. Could it be that there are some unclear things between Ni Runqing and Fang Yuan?

Ni Runqing said: "We have already come today, and it is definitely inappropriate not to interview. However, what you said is somewhat reasonable. Dongzhou TV Station will interview from the grassroots to the top. I don't know what the colleagues in the brother units are going to do? The reporter of "Dongzhou Daily" said: "I want to go back and ask the leaders. My initial idea is to first interview Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee or Mayor Song of the Municipal Government, or Mayor Bi, and then interview Director Zhai Xinwen. The third interview The target is Principal Fang." "Dongzhou Evening News" Ren Xiaoai said: "The political mission of the Evening News should be small. I am going to interview all the students with a score of 660 or more in the college entrance examination and conduct a series of exclusive interviews. Parents and students who are currently in the second and first year of high school are most concerned. Let’s start the interview with Dongzhou’s top student in the college entrance examination, and ask Principal Fang to give him support.”

For Ren Xiaoai, Fangyuan felt a little guilty. Alas, this talented, individual, and temperamental female reporter could have been a bosom friend, that is, the kind who didn't involve in love, but she just wanted to be in love. It is unacceptable for Fangyuan to develop in this direction.Especially now, many people in the education system have been punished for not handling the relationship between men and women properly. Fang Yuan wanted to cut off the relationship with other women, including Chi Liping, and did not want to make mistakes in this regard, so he was very serious about any Xiao Ai has always been respectful and far away.As for the hot kiss in the bamboo forest and the happy together in the single dormitory, Fang Yuan doesn't want to see it again.

Fang Yuan said: "Reporter Ren, please contact Principal Ruan and Director Chen of our school. They will support your interview." She makes direct contact.Ren Xiaoai said coldly, "Thank you."

The reporter of "Dongzhou Metropolis Daily" said: "I still want to know why Dongzhou No. 5 High School has achieved such rapid development in the past year under the presidency of President Fang. You know, a college entrance examination may have 21 students entering Peking University, Peking University, etc. Tsinghua University, not only has never happened in Qingjiang Province, but it is also very difficult for famous schools in other provinces of the country to appear. Of course, except for schools in Beijing. I heard that Beijing’s college entrance examination score is higher than that of any other place in the country. At least 200 points lower. When the same college entrance examination paper is used throughout the country, you can only get into Tsinghua with a score of 660 in other places, and you can get in with a score of 440 in Beijing. In order to take care of Beijing, the State Education Commission allows Beijing to take one test paper and other places in the country to take one The test paper, even so, the questions are [-] times simpler, and Beijing students still fail to pass other provinces and cities, especially Shandong, Jiangsu, Qingjiang and other provinces. When I entered Tsinghua University and Peking University, I was very dissatisfied, thinking that education fairness has become an empty talk in the matter of the Beijing college entrance examination. Therefore, every year at the National People's Congress and the Political Consultative Conference, there will be a joint proposal by representatives of the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, requiring the admission score of the Beijing college entrance examination. It is consistent with the whole country. It is precisely because Beijing began to use the test papers issued by the Municipal Education Commission alone that other provinces and cities have also begun to follow suit. The college entrance examination is over. The country insists on education fairness every day, so why can it favor Beijing in this way? Is this fair to candidates from other parts of the country?"

It seems that this young female reporter is also an angry youth.Fang Yuan's heart was calm, standing at the height of the deputy director, he naturally had a deeper understanding of this issue.It is difficult to be the leader of the country!There are many yamen in Beijing, so there are many yamen, from ministers to directors and division chiefs, there are too many officials, and there are too many children of officials.Most of the yamen are not that fond of studying, and naturally their academic performance is not as good as the candidates in Shandong, Jiangsu and other places, who have achieved excellent results through hard work, but put the main energy on puppy love and making friends.If the national admissions are based on one paper and one score, it can be said that the admission rate of Beijing's college entrance examination may only be ranked in front of Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and other provinces and regions, and ranks at the bottom of the country.what does that mean?After graduating from high school, a large number of officials' sons and sons "wander" into the society, and some of them will be lawless and become a hidden danger to social stability.If they are put in university for another four years, and their world outlook and outlook on life are matured again, quite a few of them will become legal citizens and even useful talents needed by the country.In order to have a place to control the sons of these officials, there will be special preferential treatment for the admission scores of the Beijing college entrance examination. First, the scores can be lowered by a few hundred points to enter the university, and then when the voices of the people across the country become stronger and stronger. , Beijing took the lead in formulating its own questions.If you write the questions yourself, there is no comparability with the scores of other places in the country. Although the admission score is still very low, the Beijing side can explain: the questions we gave in Beijing are very difficult.In fact, it will only be simpler than one roll for the whole country.

Fang Yuan said: "There may be some changes in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, but I suggest you interview the teachers of the third year of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and the vice principal in charge of the third year. The eyes of the masses are discerning. From them, you can Find out the real reason for the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. If you interview me, then I have the taste of a prince selling melons, which is not good." The reporter from the Metropolitan Daily smiled: "Principal Fang, in fact, I am very concerned about the development of the school. , You are also very concerned about the other principal! Last year you were the vice principal, and this year you are not only the principal, but also the deputy director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau. The promotion of this position is like a rocket. Do you have any secrets here?"

Oh, what a difficult question to answer!After thinking for a while, Fang Yuan said: "The leadership's care, love, and personal positive efforts are inseparable. I think that the leadership's vision is not bad. Facts have proved that I can lead Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to new progress. "The Metropolitan Daily reporter seemed to be full of ideas: "Yes, Principal Fang is really admirable. As the deputy director in charge, he won 11 first prizes in the provincial quality course competition; as the principal of No. 5 Middle School, he directly let Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School Satellites were released in the college entrance examination! I am getting more and more curious about you now!"

Ni Runqing looked at the young deputy director beside him with a smile, and his inner thoughts were exactly the same as those of the Metropolitan Daily reporter.This young man really has too much curiosity. How did he create such a work performance?Sitting at the farthest distance, Zhou Yujie looked at Fang Yuan with a lot of emotion: If Fang Yuan was an unmarried man, then how Fang Yuan would look like the Prince Charming in his dream!

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for your curiosity. Please allow me a little **, thank you. The information I can disclose now is: I am married, have a wife, and have a son."

Everyone present laughed.A reporter from the Metropolitan Daily teased Fang Yuan: "Principal Fang, don't I get curious if you tell this information? Are you afraid that I will eat you?" different!

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