Sheng Zhiren bit the bullet and followed Song Yunsheng to the reception room on the second floor of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Sheng Zhiren wasn't even in the mood to admire Chen Qiuping, who was standing at the door with a smiling face and pretty face.A head of the organization of the municipal party committee should follow the secretary of the municipal party committee in and out, which fully embodies the basic principle of the party's management of cadres.Today, following the mayor and appearing in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, if there were only Song Yunsheng and him, it would be fine; the key is that the secretary of the municipal party committee, Wang Guodong, is here. How can this be said?From the perspective of the party's organizational principles and conventions, there is no way to say.

Propaganda Minister Dou Shengzhong stood at the door to welcome Song Yunsheng and Sheng Zhiren.Dou Shengzhong shook hands with Song Yunsheng: "Mayor, you are here too." Song Yunsheng said: "Everyone can come." Dou Shengzhong said: "Yes, it's all for work." Seeing Sheng Zhiren, Dou Shengzhong said: "Mr. , came with the mayor."

When these masters make moves, every sentence is really a sentence, and every sentence is clever.Sheng Zhiren looked at Dou Shengzhong, this guy is bad enough, he can't open any pot and lift it.The Propaganda Minister came with the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, no problem, the Party manages the propaganda, and the Propaganda Department is a department of the Party Committee.Sheng Zhiren thought that he was the head of the organization, and it was really inappropriate to appear with the mayor Song Yunsheng.Sheng Zhiren said with a gloomy face, "Minister Dou, you are indeed the Minister of Propaganda!" Dou Shengzhong smiled and said, "Please."

Wang Guodong stood at the guest of honor seat with a very enthusiastic attitude: "Mayor Yunsheng is here." He stood there without moving, but stretched out his hand.Song Yunsheng held his breath, but he still took a few steps forward: "Secretary." Wang Guodong shook hands and said to Sheng Zhiren, "Minister Zhiren, have you reported to Comrade Yunsheng?"

How could Sheng Zhiren fail to appreciate the power of this sentence?Quickly said: "Yes, I have already reported it." Wang Guodong said: "I have reported it!" Wang Guodong waved to Fang Yuan: "Xiao Fang, come here." Fang Yuan walked over, sweating on his forehead.The weather outside is naturally very hot, but the air conditioner in the reception room is on, and the temperature is still very comfortable.Wang Guodong said: "Everyone sit down, Xiao Fang, you sit too."

Fangyuan is the host, Wang Guodong, Song Yunsheng and others are the guests, so it is easy to sit.Only this time, Song Yunsheng could only sit in the second seat where the guests sat. It was naturally clear at a glance who was the top leader and who was the second leader.Wang Guodong took out a tissue and handed it to Fang Yuan: "Xiao Fang, wipe off your sweat. It's really hot today!"

It's hot enough. Dongzhou No. 5 High School, a department-level unit, suddenly came to the four giants of Dongzhou City. Can it not be hot?Qiu Zhengxuan, Dai Lianghua, Huang Jiawei, and Ruan Shaoxiu were all extremely nervous; only Nahong, with excitement, knew that today was another good opportunity for her to show her face.

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Secretary Wang. Let me ask for instructions. Shall I inform Secretary Hao and Director Zhai of the Education Bureau?" Wang Guodong looked sideways at Song Yunsheng: "What does the mayor mean?" That's fine." Fang Yuan hurriedly said to Ruan Shaoxiu, "Principal Ruan, immediately report to Director Wang of the Municipal Education Bureau and explain the situation clearly."

Fangyuan did not arrange for Chen Qiuping to make this call, and was also worried that Chen Qiuping was not experienced enough to "explain the situation clearly".The arrival of the four city magnates today came without warning or prior notice. Wang Guodong and Dou Shengzhong came in front, and Song Yunsheng and Sheng Zhiren arrived in the back.In this case, we must make it clear!

Song Yunsheng said: "Don't come with a large group of people." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, mayor. President Ruan, only Secretary Hao and Director Zhai are invited." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Understood."

In the reception room, the atmosphere was delicate and slightly tense.The four giants can't speak easily, and they can't let the other party understand their intentions; Fang Yuan and others can't grasp what to say.But we can't be so cold, Fang Yuan bit the bullet and said: "Welcome Secretary Wang, Mayor Song, Minister Sheng, and Minister Dou to visit Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. I sincerely ask all the leaders to give us instructions."

Fang Yuan's words were quite satisfactory, and they were naturally well thought out.Qiu Zhengxuan, Dai Lianghua, Huang Jiawei, etc. all secretly lamented: their bosses are becoming more and more stable, more and more calm like those in positions of power.

Song Yunsheng said, "Xiao Fang, this is my second visit to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in five days." Fang Yuan said, "Yes. The mayor came a few days ago and rewarded Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School's third-year teachers with 5 yuan. All the teachers in the school are very grateful!" Song Yunsheng glanced at Wang Guodong, with a deep meaning: You just came today, I have already been here, and I have brought real benefits.Song Yunsheng said: "Xiao Fang, Dongzhou No. 20 High School has achieved such a good result in the college entrance examination, and the award of 5 yuan is not too much. If you need it here, I can handle special matters and approve special matters." Fang Yuan said: " Report to the mayor, the city government will reward 20 yuan, and the school will reward 20 yuan. In addition, An Dongsheng, chairman of Dongsheng Group, is also planning to spend a sum of money to reward students who have achieved good results in the college entrance examination."

Song Yunsheng nodded, and was about to continue to seize the dominant position, but Wang Guodong said: "Xiaofang, I remember that the school established a 200 million Dongsheng reward fund. When it is time to use it, it must be used. Chairman An Dongsheng has never done it before. So much money for education."

Don't forget the well digger when you drink water!The more Fangyuan has experienced, the more he can understand the meaning behind the words.Fang Yuan said: "Yes, Secretary Wang. The Dongsheng Award Fund has played an important role this semester. After the provincial quality education on-site meeting, some comrades who have made meritorious contributions were given out; students participated in the national and provincial Olympic competitions, and the award-winning students This fund is also used to reward. The college entrance examination school matched 20 yuan, and this money was also used. The establishment of this fund, I would like to thank Secretary Wang. Wan Lai. Thank you Secretary Wang!"

Wang Guodong glanced at Song Yunsheng, which was equally meaningful: 20 for you, 200 million for me.Wang Guodong said: "When it is time to spend, you must spend it, and when it is time to reward, you must reward it. This time, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has won glory for Dongzhou City. You comrades who have made meritorious efforts, those comrades who are struggling in the front line of high school teaching, It’s just a big reward. I heard that a well-known Lugang high school in Hubei has the best college entrance examination results in the province, and that time it rewarded 80.”

The hearts of Fang Yuan, Qiu Zhengxuan and the others all moved, they were so excited!Song Yunsheng said: "Secretary Wang is right. As a coastal open city and a relatively developed city, how can Dongzhou be inferior to Lugang? Let's do this. The city government will approve another 60 yuan to make up 100 million yuan." At this time, Song Yunsheng has always been quite decisive.The money must be approved today, and after passing through this village, after Bei Zhenlong's inspection is over, the order will be approved again, and everything will be equal to zero.Song Yunsheng picked up the phone and dialed Sun Yizhi, director of the Finance Bureau: "Director Sun, give Dongzhou No. 5 a bonus of 60 yuan to reward teachers who have made outstanding contributions in the college entrance examination. The bonus will be in place today."

Both Sheng Zhiren and Dou Shengzhong lamented: Song Yunsheng is indeed a good method, and he will never be soft when it is time to make a move.Several of Dongzhou 5 were shocked.Just said a few words like this, and there was an extra 60 bonus!Several people looked at Fangyuan.Fang Yuan also felt that Mayor Song was competing with Wang Guodong, and the sweat flowed down his forehead again.Qiu Zhengxuan gave Fang Yuan a long look, and handed the tissue to Fang Yuan.It's okay not to thank you.Fang Yuan stood up and bowed deeply toward the direction between Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng: "Thank you city leaders for your love and preference for Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School!"

When Wang Guodong saw that Song Yunsheng did not want to be disadvantaged in everything he did, he sighed in his heart: Anyone who is the secretary of the municipal party committee will feel uncomfortable when he meets such a strong mayor.Wang Guodong remained calm and said to Fang Yuan: "The support of the municipal party committee and the municipal government will continue to be the same as before, and we will pay more attention to it in the future. The party's ** report listed education as the top priority of people's livelihood, and I deeply agree with it. From a broad perspective, education It is directly related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. From a small point of view, the quality of education also directly affects the future happiness of every family. Education is a noble cause of cultivating people. How many talents are cultivated and how to cultivate talents are related to the prosperity of the country. , and the development of the city are closely related. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has set a good example for the schools in the city. Only by running a school like Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will the masses be satisfied. This year, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will be rewarded with 80 yuan. not much!"

Wang Guodong gave the sex and cleverly attributed the matter to the "municipal party committee and municipal government".Song Yunsheng was very dissatisfied: "The secretary is right. Xiaofang, you are now the deputy director in charge of teaching in the city. I hope that next year, more schools will achieve new leaps like Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. If Dongzhou City Tsinghua University and Peking University account for one-third of the enrollment places in Qingjiang Province, and I will not only reward the relevant schools, but also reward you personally."

Song Yunsheng went straight to the main line, regardless of Zhiquan.I, Song Yunsheng, formulate policies around your Fangyuan, no matter how much truth you Wang Guodong says.

At this time, the door of the reception room opened, and Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi appeared in front of everyone sweating profusely.Fang Yuan stood up: "Secretary Hao, Director Zhai." Everyone in No. 5 stood up.Zhai Xinwen shook hands with Fang Yuan, looked at Wang Guodong as the guest of honor, Song Yunsheng as the second guest, Sheng Zhiren and Dou Shengzhong, my mother, it's hard not to sweat!Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary Wang, Mayor Song, Minister Sheng, and Minister Dou, let the comrades in the office inform us in advance, so that we can welcome all leaders to Dongzhou Education for inspection."

Dou Shengzhong said: "Director Xinwen is complaining that we didn't greet him." Zhai Xinwen's head was as big as a drum, sweating profusely: "Minister Dou, there is absolutely no such intention. I just want to greet the leader with Secretary Ding Yi. "Song Yunsheng said: "Xinwen, please sit down." Fang Yuan invited Zhai Xinwen to sit at the main seat, Song Yunsheng said: "Xinwen sit next to Minister Dou."

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