Director's growth history

3164.1895, forcing

Fang Yuan suddenly felt that there was not enough time.Only one day was given, and I was about to go to the party school.At the level of Fangyuan, he fully understood the meaning of the party school.The training of the party school this time will definitely have a positive and important impact on the development of future life.It is said that going to the party school may not make further progress; but if you don't go to the party school for further study, it will be more difficult to make further progress.The Central Party School, Provincial Party Schools, and Municipal Party Schools have all undertaken the important task of cultivating cadres for the Party and the government. Even the Central Party School has set up training courses for county-level cadres.At the central level, the county level is actually an authentic grassroots cadre, but the county level, especially the county party secretary and county head, are at the forefront of the party's governance.The quality of the secretary of the county party committee and the head of the county directly affects the people's evaluation of the party; similarly, whether the party's policy program can be effectively implemented depends on the county level; similarly, the county level also undertakes economic development, Ensuring people's livelihood, maintaining social harmony and stability, and managing and cultivating grassroots cadres are important positions that can truly reflect the party's dedication to serving the people.In recent years, strengthening the cultivation of cadres at the county and department levels, especially county party secretaries and county magistrates, has become a new topic and task of the Central Party School.As for the provincial party schools, the training of county-level cadres accounts for nearly half of the workload of the party schools.The municipal party school depends on whether it is a municipality directly under the central government, a city under separate state planning, or an ordinary prefecture-level city; the party school in an ordinary prefecture-level city is the highlight of the training for cadres at the department and deputy division levels.After being trained by the municipal party school, department-level cadres are expected to be promoted to deputy divisions in a relatively short period of time; the possibility that deputy division-level cadres are expected to be promoted to the division is increasing.

Fangyuan participated in exactly such a training class, with 50 trainees, all of whom were leaders from various counties, districts, and municipal departments.Fangyuan felt the pressure, especially when she learned that she would be appointed as the organization member of the temporary party branch and the deputy squad leader of the class committee.

But now, there is no time to think about these things.Fang Yuan returned to the school immediately, and immediately called a meeting of the vice-principal cadres.At the meeting, Fang Yuan said bluntly: "Colleagues, the day after tomorrow, I will participate in the training of the Municipal Party School for one and a half months." Everyone's eyes were full of surprise, and of course envy.Na Hong said: "Congratulations to Fang Xiao. The party school training is over, and Fang Xiao should be promoted again."

Fang Yuan now hates that red more and more.Fang Yuan said: "It doesn't matter whether you get promoted or not. The important thing is to be able to do some real work. Then, principal, I will talk about work first. After talking about work, you will read your book in front of all of us. review."

This is forcing me to make a move!Fang Yuan looked at the red, and the red face changed: "Fang school, I..." Fang Yuan said, "I think a school should cultivate a working atmosphere of being aggressive, fair competition, and harmonious coexistence. Create a work atmosphere behind the backs of others. And spreading rumors, that is not a healthy state of mind, nor is it a working atmosphere that is conducive to the progress and development of the school. To promote the formation of a correct working atmosphere in the school, we must start from ourselves and take the lead from our cadres. The principal, you Just take this head on." That blushing face was filled with shame, indignation and helplessness.Fang Yuan said: "I originally planned to let you read your review in front of all the teachers. This time, let's read it in front of a few of our school-level cadres. If there is another time, whether it is in the school What you say is still outside the school. As long as you have real evidence, you must conduct a self-criticism in front of all the teachers in the school! In the same way, no matter who it is, anyone who speaks ill of others behind the scenes without factual basis, as long as If there is a solid basis, they will all be reviewed, and if they are serious, they will be given disciplinary sanctions, and those who refuse to mend their ways after repeated admonitions will all be transferred from the No. 5 Middle School.”

Fang Yuan's expression was very serious: "I just hope that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School can truly form an atmosphere of doing business and not being surrounded by gossip and gossip." Huang Jiawei said: "I very much support Principal Fang's opinion, everyone will do things, Putting your mind into your work is the most important thing. It’s not good for the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, but it will bring down the atmosphere of the school.” Na Hong was very angry: “Huang Jiawei, Who do you say is a crow?" Huang Jiawei said: "The principal, I didn't mention you! I just said those random guys. Could it be that the principal has a guilty conscience and thinks he is that random crow?"

"You!" Na Hong pointed at Huang Jiawei's face, but couldn't say a word, tears streaming down her face.

Fang Yuan said: "Principal, wipe away your tears, I still have work to talk about." Now that Hong was really afraid of Fang Yuan, she obediently wiped away her tears, gave Huang Jiawei a bitter look, picked up a pen, and prepared to record Fang Yuan's words.Fang Yuan said: "The holiday is coming, but I can't be at school. The daily work of the school is entrusted to all of you here. You, Principal Qiu, will take the lead." Qiu Zhengxuan said, "Please rest assured, Principal, I will do my best." Fang Yuan said: "The vacation ceremony was presided over by Principal Qiu. We are discussing the work opinions of the summer vacation. Summer vacation time is very precious. Although teachers should rest, it is also a good time for teachers to learn and recharge their batteries. Our summer vacation work opinions, Teacher training should be a key point, and the school's development in the new semester should be taken into consideration. This summer's work advice will be sent to every teacher before the holiday, so hurry up. Principal Ruan took the lead in this matter. "Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Okay, principal." Fang Yuan said: "The enrollment work for the new semester will be carried out in accordance with the unified deployment of the Municipal Education Bureau. For all normal enrollment, Principal Qiu will be in charge of the junior high school; Principal Huang will be in charge of the high school. Just do it step by step." Qiu Zhengxuan and Huang Jiawei nodded.Fang Yuan said: "As for those who want to choose a school to come to our school, no matter who greets them, they must write down their names and relevant information. After the training in our party school is over, we will study and deal with it. Principal Qiu took the lead in this matter. Okay?" Qiu Zhengxuan said, "Thank you principal for your trust."

Na Hong hesitated to speak, but still didn't have the guts to speak out.Fangyuan ignored her, and said to Dai Lianghua: "Secretary Dai's important task is to select reserve cadres for Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Perhaps this summer, some of our comrades will be promoted to more important positions, for example, some middle-level students will go to other schools Vice-principal, and some of our vice-principal comrades may go to other schools to serve as principal principals. It is always a good thing that progress is always a good thing. Therefore, Secretary Dai must choose the most capable and most capable students for our school. Appropriate talents with both ability and political integrity should start to build a continuous reserve echelon." Dai Lianghua said: "Principal, this work is in progress, and I will definitely select comrades who can do things in accordance with the requirements of the principal."

Fang Yuan nodded: "Principal, are you ready for the art education plan for the new semester?" Na Hong muttered, "It's still early before the new semester starts!" Fang Yuan said, "Attitude determines destiny. Disappointed! What does it mean to plan ahead? What does it mean to plan early? What does it mean to play chess and watch seven moves? Now, you read your review! After reading the review, everyone will discuss and discuss it. , re-examine! In the second half of today's meeting, we will hold a meeting on life, self-examination and self-examination, so you can take the lead!"

Fangyuan is really hot.What is yang obedience and yin violation?What is non-implementation of government orders?That red is such a typical example!Since you don't give me face, why should I give you face!If you don't kill your chicken a little harder, how can other comrades better implement any instructions on school development?

Na Hong felt that she had lost all face. She hated Fang Yuan, but she didn't dare to refute.Filled with humiliation, Na Hong read her self-criticism, shedding tears of grievance while she was reading, scolding Fang Yuan in her heart that she must die.

After finishing reading, Na Hong raised her head and looked at Fang Yuan: "Principal, I have finished reading." Fang Yuan said, "Na Hong, I think your review is not deep! Avoid the serious and take the light, and you don't understand from the mind that you are soliciting and spreading rumors behind your back. Words and deeds, just talking about what I heard this time, you fabricate rumors about me and provoke the relationship between me and President Qiu. Since you have said about me, you must have said about other comrades here, and you must have slandered more than once I am Fangyuan. Don’t you just talk about these things? Then Hong, you just commented on Principal Qiu, Secretary Dai, Principal Huang, and Principal Ruan after I came to Dongzhou. With director Chen's release, let's reflect in front of everyone today, let's talk about it."

Nahong put her head on the table in grief and indignation, crying loudly.Even Dai Lianghua and others felt that they couldn't bear it, and felt that Fang Yuan was indeed a bit domineering, a little too aggressive.But what he didn't expect was that Fang Yuan said coldly: "Na Hong, you have to say it even when you cry. Don't think that no one knows about your sarcastic remarks, gossip, or gossip. I Tell you, I have endured you for a long time! You should cry today, but you must say all the unfounded things you said in the past year, and review them in front of us!"

"You want to force me to death?" The red eyes, full of anger, looked directly at Fangyuan.Fang Yuan is not afraid: "Na Hong, I never force others, only others force me. I always give others a chance, but it's okay to give it once, and it's okay to give it twice, but I can't think that opportunities can be given all the time! I will Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is here to develop No. 5 Middle School and to work in No. 5 Middle School. In the past year, I asked myself, I just focused on doing all kinds of work well, and I never opened my mouth like some people , talking nonsense everywhere. Then Hong, you must review all the irresponsible words you have said indiscriminately in the past year today, otherwise today’s organizational life will not end! I am not forcing you, but fulfilling The responsibility of a school party branch secretary, no one, no superior, would oppose criticism and self-criticism in organizational life! Even if you find someone to tell your grievances, can your reasons be justified? Do you dare? Pat the world's conscience and say, haven't you said so many things that shouldn't be said?"

Fang Yuan also glared at Hong with anger, as if wanting to swallow that Hong alive.That red hate!I wish I could eat Fangyuan's meat and peel off Fangyuan's skin, but I have a guilty conscience after all.In the past year, how many things have I said that I should not have said!I can't even remember the red.But some words can be remembered clearly, but can they be spoken?If you say it out loud, won't you offend everyone here?Where will I put my face in the future?Are you still planning to continue working in the Eastern State education system in the future?If you say it, it will really stink and the brand will lose its face, and you will no longer have the face to stay in Dongzhou 5.Na Hong doesn't want to leave Dongzhou No. 5 High School!This school has good benefits, good treatment, and a good reputation. Fang Yuan also let her have a chance to show herself!Which school did I change to, where would the headmaster treat me?

Thinking of this level, Na Hong was filled with deep regret: It's not that Fang Yuan didn't give herself a chance, but how did she do it and how did she say it?However, how could he say so many pretentious things at this moment?That really cost my life!

The red eyes receded, and the mouth closed tightly.Today's lesson will be engraved in my heart, and I will never forget it, whether I hate it or regret it, I really don't dare to talk about Fang Yuan again, this Fang Yuan's wrist is really powerful!In front of everyone, holding an organizational life meeting, a typical conspiracy, so that I can't express my bitterness or sadness.She stood up and bowed ninety degrees towards the circle: "Principal, I was wrong, I was really wrong. I shouldn't talk about you behind your back, I have failed your trust in me! Principal, I am really wrong!" I made a mistake, can you forgive me?" Fang Yuan said: "I don't even know where you are wrong. Tell your mistakes so that all the team members present can hear and understand." Na Hong said: "The principal , can I not say it? I am willing to write all the things I should not have said and leave them to you. But I really can’t say them! Principal, give me another chance, please, give me another chance I have a chance. I’ll go back and write, and I’ll write everything out, just don’t let me say it, okay?” That red bow to the end reveals the professional advantages of music and dance, which is almost 180 degrees!

Fang Yuan looked at Na Hong coldly and didn't speak.But Huang Jiawei couldn't help scolding: "Then Hong, since you know today, why bother? You are very capable and professional. You could have made more achievements, but the bad thing is your mouth. In your petty mind, if there is a little jealousy, you can't help but make a rumor and make a sarcastic comment. Do you know that you are shooting yourself in the foot with a stone! I was hit today, and I know it hurts; When you slandered others, did you expect today? Did you expect the principal to ask you to conduct a thorough review at the first life meeting?" Seeing that Huang Jiawei took the lead, Qiu Zhengxuan was anxious and said, "Then Hong, look at everyone here. Ladies and gentlemen, who is not putting your heart and soul into work? Who else is like you, talking nonsense with your mouth open. You must deeply review this matter!" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "The school must cultivate a good atmosphere. It's easy. Is it easy for the principal? You have to worry about you people slandering and attacking behind your back, but you also need to focus on making bright spots in your work and making achievements. Then principal, you are talking about others with your mouth open, have you ever heard what others say? You?" Na Hong bowed to Fangyuan again: "Principal, please. Give me a chance to write to you what I said nonsense in the past year. I promise, if I talk nonsense again in the future, Just let the lightning strike me to death, and let the car hit me to death when I go out!"

Oh, a poisonous curse has been cast.Fang Yuan said: "Communists are all atheists, so Hong you are also a Communist. Well, today I will give you another chance, tell me what you shouldn't have said in school in the past year, Write them all out. Not only mine, but also our principal Qiu, Secretary Dai, Principal Huang, Principal Ruan, Director Chen, and the teachers of the whole school. Not only what you said in school, I also want to write about what you should not say outside the school, talking about the school, about me, about the comrades present and the teachers of the whole school with non-Dongzhou No. 5 middle school people. Before 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, send the electronic manuscript and Hand over the typed drafts to me. I can guarantee that if you don’t make the same mistake in the future, I will keep it secret forever; I will suggest punishment for you at the party committee meeting of the bureau!"

Fang Yuan is a member of the bureau's party committee and deputy director!Na Hong felt that she was completely defeated. She was completely defeated by a 28-year-old young man.And they didn't play any tricks yet, they just brought it to the school's school affairs meeting and organization life meeting in a grand manner.Na Hong once again bowed deeply to Fang Yuan: "Principal, I will write, I will write." Fang Yuan looked at the others and said, "What do you think?"

Suddenly, Fangyuan saw Chen Qiuping's grateful gaze and crystal tears from the director of the office...

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