Director's growth history

3170.1899, right and wrong

Letters and visits are an important manifestation of the humanization of Chinese politics, and to a certain extent, they are a unique form of corruption in China.Many countries, including the United States, are legalized countries. After the court's first instance and second instance are final, it is the final conclusion. No matter whether the parties have grievances or not, they can no longer complain to any department.But China is different. As long as ordinary people feel that they have been wronged, even if they are finally judged by the municipal intermediate court, provincial high court or even the Supreme Court, they can still report it to the petition departments of the party committees and governments at all levels or the petition offices of various departments. problem, and to express grievances.In fact, this is also a form of socialism, a special channel with Chinese characteristics to listen to public opinion, understand public sentiments, and resolve public grievances, a form of socialism that is not available in any other country in the world. □□ is a good thing, but it is generalized, thinking that everything needs □□, that is actually another misunderstanding, like Thailand is a typical example, when the regime that supported Thaksin was in power, the Yellow Shirts occupied the Prime Minister’s Office , the international airport, etc. paralyzed the country; when the anti-Thaksin regime was in power, the red shirts surrounded the capital~~ This basically brought the whole country to a standstill, where is there any normal production and operation?Thailand, which has always relied on tourism as its pillar industry, has suffered unprecedented damage to its tourism industry~~ To a certain extent, if the □□ exceeds the limit, the whole society will form anarchy and disorder, so □□ also needs to be restricted , There is also a need for a restrictive mechanism and means, just like the United States claims to be the most religious, but in the United States, there may be gangsters pointing guns to their heads at any time, if they resist, they will be killed immediately, no need to go anywhere □Procedures or procedures for reporting to superiors; just like France is also an anti-discrimination country, when North African immigrants in France expressed anti-discrimination in Paris, there may have been some radical behaviors in the middle, but they were brutally met by the French police □□, hundreds of people were killed. □□ and ** are actually a relationship of opposites and unity. Too much □□ means chaos, disorder, low efficiency or even inefficiency. It is normal that the procedure cannot be completed after a few years; too strict, although it means a great increase in efficiency, execution, and order, but once there is a lack of supervision, if there is a wrong decision, it will cause serious damage to the country and the people. Huge damage.Therefore, a real sex country needs to find a balance between sex and corruption. Many countries in the world, including China and the United States, that are becoming or have become rich are exploring more efficient forms of sex.

Letters and visits are an active exploration that embodies the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture and the rule of man. The newly emerged "mass work department" is a deepening and new exploration of the mechanism of letters and visits. The manifestation of the old man stopping the sedan chair to complain of grievances in the new era is expected to resolve grievances through the intervention of the petition department, especially the large-scale reception of leading cadres.In fact, letters and visits have indeed solved the sufferings of many people. In many places, the completion rate of first-time letters and visits has reached more than 90%. The attitude of "crying children get milk", retired, have nothing to do at home, go to the petition department to make a fuss, and take advantage of the government.The worse the commotion, the local government adopted the form of buying peace with money in order to calm things down, allowing some petitioners who didn't have much grievances but who were particularly troublesome to take advantage of it, and got tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of "safety" they didn't deserve. Fees", also created a number of professional petitioners who specialize in petitioning as a profession, and some of them also made a fortune as a result.

There was once such a petitioner in a certain city. He really had a grievance. He was slightly injured at work and healed for free.After retiring, I remembered this incident again, and went to the petition department to petition for compensation.Because it is very noisy, the petition department is restless, and the petition bureau puts pressure on the company to resolve it.The operation of the company was very difficult at that time, so I managed to raise 1 yuan and gave it to this person, and signed a guarantee never to petition. A few months later, he appealed again and went to Beijing.Because of the violent disturbance, there was no other way. The Bureau of Letters and Calls of the city paid 3 yuan from the special fund for letters and visits to this person, and signed a guarantee never to petition again.A year later, this person brought up this grievance again, and continued to appeal. In the provincial capital and the capital, he would not come back, and went to the relevant department to collect the form.Getting a watch means deducting points and money for local petitioners. Under multiple pressures, the city paid 8 yuan to obtain a letter of guarantee never to petition, but a few months later, this person appeared again in Beijing, and the request It has been raised to 20... Money cannot buy real peace. Letters and visits are a good way to help the people solve their difficulties, but they are also being used by some people with ulterior motives to take advantage of the country and other taxpayers' money.Therefore, how petition petitions can really help those in difficulty, and how they can truly withstand the pressure brought by those petitioners who make unreasonable visits or demand extremely high prices, still needs to be explored again.

Like the teacher in 68, his appeal is justified.Under normal circumstances, it can be resolved at the first visit.Now, what Fangyuan is facing is just such a case of petitioning with reasonable demands.Although it was the first visit, the number of petitioners exceeded 30. Both Hao Dingyi and Zhai Xinwen were under tremendous pressure.And more than 30 people did not enter the Education Bureau building, but stood at the door of the Education Bureau, which attracted many onlookers, forming a small-scale crowd gathering.

On a July day, the sun was scorching hot. From 7:2 p.m., teachers from No. 68 Middle School gathered at the gate of the Municipal Education Bureau.Hao Dingyi is the secretary of the party committee and the first person in charge of letters and visits. It is conceivable that he is under great pressure.He is young, in his early 30s, and in front of these teachers, where he can stand up, he can't hold the scene at all; after Zhai Xinwen came out, the situation is still chaotic.No matter how you invite him, if you don't invite him in, Zhai Xinwen won't give you any face.Fortunately, Zhai Xinwen has a lot of experience in letters and visits. He asked the staff of the agency to move chairs, asked the teachers to sit in the yard of the agency, and guided the crowd to leave. within the scope of the bureau.

In the event of a group visit, according to relevant regulations, it should be reported to the higher authorities.Zhai Xinwen discussed with Hao Ding whether to report it or not. Hao Dingyi was really scared: "Director Zhai, can we delay reporting this matter? It's not a glorious thing. We can solve it within the scope of the education system. It should be resolved within the scope of the education system." Zhai Xinwen said calmly, "According to the regulations, it should be reported." This is a good statement of his position.Hao Dingyi said: "Let Miao Qun come, let Zhou Susu come, and let them wipe their own asses." Zhai Xinwen sighed: "If they can clean themselves, so many teachers will come Petition?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Make a decision immediately, first suspend Miao Qun and Zhou Susu's duties. For other appeals, please go back and study the teachers."

Before the decision was announced to the teachers, the city government office and the Municipal Letters and Calls Bureau had already called.It is said to ask about the situation, but it is actually criticism and accusation.At the crucial moment of welcoming the Olympic Games, when the Olympic torch relay is about to arrive in Dongzhou, which department is not nervous when such a thing happens.Soon, Bi Quanli called Hao Dingyi to understand the situation. On the phone, Bi Quanli scolded Hao Dingyi and asked him to calm down the situation. Whoever makes trouble before the Olympic torch relay will be punished. Take full responsibility!Song Yunsheng also called Zhai Xinwen, and Song Yunsheng only said: "Whoever recommended Miao Qun as the principal of No. 68 High School is also responsible." Zhai Xinwen was so frightened that he quickly recalled, and found that although Miao Qun was the secretary of the party committee when he was It was recommended and promoted, but at that time I cleverly won the approval of Han Suzhen, and the nominee was Han Suzhen.Together with Sun Hongjun, Zhai Xinwen found the relevant files of Miao Qun's promotion recommendation at that time, and it was indeed recommended by Han Suzhen.This made Zhai Xinwen take a long breath.

Later, Hao Dingyi, Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun, etc. appeared again at the scene of petitioning teachers.Hao Dingyi announced on the spot the decision of the bureau's party committee: Suspend Miao Qun's post as principal and Zhou Susu's post as vice-principal, and Dong Mei, the vice-principal, will temporarily preside over the school's work.Originally thought that the teachers would be able to go back, but everyone rushed to put forward other demands: 68. Ask Fang Yuan or Yao Changqing to return to the principal of [-] Middle School; Economic problems of Qun and Zhou Susu.

Hao Dingyi had never experienced such a thing in the Youth League Committee, and he was in a panic.He almost looked at Zhai Xinwen, begging Zhai Xinwen to make up his mind.Zhai Xinwen said: "Teachers, we have written down all your requests. I can promise that I will never hold any of our teachers accountable, because if you don't have to, you will never report the situation to the Municipal Education Bureau. The other two This question, we will have a meeting today to study it, and we will give you an answer within three days, okay?"

Another teacher suggested: "We want to meet Director Fang, we trust Director Fang the most."

In a word, it made Hao Dingyi and Zhai Xinwen feel really uncomfortable.Under such circumstances, Zhai Xinwen asked Wang Xingbang to call Fangyuan, who was not in charge of letters and visits, and rush to the Education Bureau.

When Fang Yuan stopped at the gate of the Education Bureau in his Audi and greeted Wang Xingbang who was standing at the gate, teachers from No. 68 Middle School had already seen Fang Yuan.All the teachers of No. 68 Middle School stood up, no matter they were old or young.Everyone rushed over at once. Many of them were like homeless children seeing their relatives. Tears fell and their voices were choked up, but they still expressed their strong desire to return to 68 Middle School to be the principal.Some teachers began to tell Fang Yuan about Miao Qun and Zhou Susu's "bad deeds" at school.Especially this year's high school entrance examination results are very poor, the school has long been a mess, because the bonus distribution is unfair, Miao Qun is nepotism, and the opinions of the school teachers are gone.Today, only teachers with a sense of justice came to express their appeals; if the Education Bureau does not solve the problems in 68 in time, more teachers will join the ranks of petitions!No one wants to petition, but only when they are cornered!A teacher said: I am most worried that the Education Bureau will make a fuss about the evaluation of professional titles, title selection, expulsion from public office, and withholding wages in the future. Please Fang Yuan must be the master for everyone and not let everyone be implicated because of this petition.

Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi just shook hands with Fangyuan, then stood beside Fangyuan and listened to what the teachers said.Fangyuan felt angry: Mary is next door, I will go to the party school the day after tomorrow, so I added this trouble today, and my first real date with Song Sisi had to be interrupted.Fang Yuan's face became more and more serious. Looking at Hao Dingyi and Zhai Xinwen, each of them also looked serious. It is conceivable that they are under a lot of pressure.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Hao, Director Zhai, I just came here, and I don't know the decision of the bureau's party committee yet." Hao Ding talked about the decision just now, and also said Zhai Xinwen's promise.Fang Yuan said: "Teachers, Director Zhai and Secretary Hao have already promised you, I think everyone should go back. The party committee of the bureau will give you an answer within three days. If the answer is not satisfactory at that time, the teachers will express your feelings. I am I really hope that everyone can express their wishes through letters or representatives instead of gathering at the gate of the Municipal Education Bureau. As long as everyone's request is reasonable, I believe that Secretary Hao and Director Zhai can do their best to meet the requirements of the teachers. Let’s all go back to work hard, and we are not allowed to come together again; if there is any dissatisfaction, then send a representative, or write a letter, or make a phone call directly. In that form, we will also taken just as seriously.”

Hao Dingyi said: "Director Fang is right. What he said represents the opinion of the bureau's party committee."

"We trust Director Fang. Director Fang, you must think carefully about our requirements!" The teachers were still a little worried.

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "I will definitely consider it seriously. I believe that every leader of the bureau's party committee will seriously consider it."

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