Director's growth history

3174.1903, finishing touch

Seeing that Yao Changqing's refusal had a strong meaning, Fang Yuan thought of Qiu Zhengxuan, Huang Jiawei, and Dai Lianghua.These three people are actually suitable candidates for the principal of No. 68 Middle School.The most suitable one is of course Huang Jiawei. Huang Jiawei has professional expertise and is also a person who does things. However, for the complicated situation in 68, can Huang Jiawei handle it?Dai Lianghua can manage this complicated situation. She handles things steadily and seriously, and is especially good at doing ideological work for teachers. Unfortunately, Dai Lianghua is not good at business.Qiu Zhengxuan is more suitable!He has relatively strong business ability and the ability to grasp the overall situation. Can he be promoted in an exceptional way?

Fang Yuan said: "I really don't want to see the 68 High School, which has sweated so much, go down." Yao Changqing said: "Me too! However, I believe Director Fang will be able to find a good way." Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "I He is not a fairy." Yao Changqing said: "Director Fang can achieve outstanding results no matter what job he does. This time, representing the Municipal Bureau to deal with the crisis in 68, it actually proves that only you come, everyone can rest assured " Fang Yuan said: "Principal Yao, if you flatter me at this time, it's easy to hit the horse's hooves." Yao Changqing blushed and stopped talking.

Fang Yuan returned to the lecture theater.The lecture theater was very quiet, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Fang Yuan's face.Fang Yuan said: "Right now, the party committee of the Bureau is still in meetings to study the matter of 68 Middle School. I can confirm one thing now: Miao Qun will no longer be the principal of 68 Middle School; Zhou Susu will no longer be the vice-principal of 68 Middle School! Before, Dong Mei, vice principal, presided over the work of No. 68 Middle School."

The teachers all applauded.In fact, many teachers already knew the news in the afternoon, because Hao Dingyi had already announced the suspension of Miao Qun and Zhou Susu's duties.Now, after Fang Yuan's oral confirmation, it is even more certain.

A middle-aged female teacher stood up: "Principal Fang, come back and be our principal! We have always missed when you were in charge of teaching and led everyone to take the high school entrance examination. You are on the front line every day. Teachers, who are so embarrassing?" Don't work hard? Look at Miao Qun, who stays in the principal's office every day and doesn't come out, and even does that with Zhou Susu in the principal's office, how can he look like a principal?"

A burst of laughter caused chaos in the auditorium again.Fang Yuan waved his hands, waiting for everyone to be quiet.Perhaps it was because Fang Yuan was really influential, the lecture theater quickly fell silent again.Fang Yuan said: "Who will be the principal, the party committee of the bureau still needs to study. However, now that we all know everyone's wishes, I'm just wondering if we can find a suitable way."


Hey, Fangyuan was really ashamed.Fang Yuan said: "I have a lot of affection for the 68 High School. The candidates I recommend to come to the 68 High School must be cadres who are dedicated, capable, fair and upright, and lead by example. Principal Yao is now in the 3rd High School, and the 3rd High School is also very good. It's important, when Principal Yao comes back, who will take care of No. 3 Middle School? I am the principal of No. 5 No. 5 Middle School. Judging from the current situation, I am in No. 5 No. 68 Middle School, and the school can be [-]% stable; but if I leave No. [-] No. One out of [-]!"

A teacher stood up: "President Fang, simply let the 5 of the 68, and the junior high school in the 68th middle school. In that case, you are both the principal of 5 and the principal of 5."

The applause rang out enthusiastically.Obviously, everyone is very interested in the teacher's proposal.Fang Yuan looked at Sun Hongjun, who also nodded.Heh, this may really be a better way to solve the current puzzle.Fang Yuan said: "I will seriously consider this suggestion. Today, I promise everyone here that I will definitely take up a suitable position in 68. I want to ensure that 68 will recover the great situation that was thriving before!"

The applause sounded again.Obviously, the teachers were full of expectations for Fangyuan's promise.However, at this time, Fang Yuan's heart did not relax. What Fang Yuan thought of was the overall situation, and what she thought of was the city's education system.The trend of petitioning cannot be allowed. If the teachers of No. 68 Middle School realize the harm that petitioning has brought to the education system, what if they cannot stimulate their psychological rebound?

At this time, a young teacher stood up: "Director Fang, if you don't hold a position in the 68 Middle School, we still have to stand at the gate of the Municipal Education Bureau. Anyway, we have already stood once, and we are not afraid to stand again. The third time."

There was another round of warm applause. It seems that the teachers are very interested in petitioning!Fang Yuan looked back at Sun Hongjun, Sun Hongjun's eyes were full of worry!If this trend is not stopped, the education system of Dongzhou will be affected more profoundly, and even endanger the social stability of Dongzhou!

Fang Yuan said: "I fully understand and support the teachers' reporting your aspirations and wishes to the superiors; however, I firmly oppose the way the teachers use this afternoon to report their appeals!"

The audience froze.The teachers couldn't believe it, it was something they trusted, and they were looking forward to what Fang Yuan, who was the main leader of No. 68 High School, would say.Fang Yuan was not afraid of such questioning gazes, and became very calm in his heart: "There are many ways to reflect wishes and appeals, and you don't have to stand collectively at the gate of the Municipal Education Bureau. Today, Secretary Sun of the Municipal Education Bureau came , He is the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. If you have any questions, you can report to Secretary Sun through letters or representatives. But why didn’t you report the situation directly to Secretary Sun before? If you think you are not familiar with Secretary Sun, you You can also report the situation to me, and after I understand it, I will also report to Secretary Sun, Director Zhai, and Secretary Hao."

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit depressing.

Fang Yuan said: "Teachers are role models for students. Teachers should train students to become citizens with morality, culture, love of science, and law-abiding. If teachers don't act according to the law, how can they cultivate law-abiding students? Miao Qun If you have a problem with Zhou Susu, you can report it to your superiors through normal channels. Why did you go this way? Have you ever thought about it? Ah! It is clear that the problem can be solved through normal means within the scope of policies and systems, but it is necessary to use such an extreme form?"

Fang Yuan's voice was stern, completely different from the previous Fang Yuan in the impression of the teachers.Could this square be the second seedling group?Some timid teachers are already scared, but not all teachers are.A young teacher stood up: "Director Fang, you are threatening us. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance!"

Fang Yuan stared at the young teacher, but the young teacher was not afraid, and stared at Fang Yuan.Both of them are young people, and it seems that there is no problem of who is afraid of whom.But the young teacher obviously couldn't hold his breath: "Director Fang, you don't have to look at me like this. You can fire me at worst. If I leave education and find a job in society, it's not necessarily worse than being a teacher. Maybe I still I can be a big boss." The young teacher was obviously very proud of his "heroic feat", and even had a provocative smile on his face.

Fang Yuan has never been afraid of thorns.Fang Yuan said: "Okay, you have a personality. Then let me ask you: If you became a big boss and your employees went to petition every day, what would you do?" The young teacher was stunned. Obviously, he Never thought about this question.After hesitating for a while, the young teacher said: "Then I will fire them all!" Fang Yuan said: "That's a good point. During the contract period, if the employees are fired, the employees will go through the labor supervision department, the labor arbitration department and even the court according to law. , apply for compensation. They will have a legal channel to report their demands and protect their own rights and interests. You have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages to the employees, what should you do?" The young teacher said: "Why should they apply for compensation?" Fang Yuan said : "The law stipulates that no matter whoever violates the "Labor Contract Law", both the labor and the capital will be punished." The young teacher said: "Then I will hire a new batch of employees." Employees, can you guarantee that they will no longer petition? What’s more, even if new employees are hired, you have to solve the problems that the original employees appealed to.”

The young teacher was silent.Everyone was silent.

Fang Yuan said indifferently: "You can't be a big boss with your appearance. Think about it, the way you do things. If you were an employee, you would shout every day that wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance. Which company would want to hire someone like you?" Employees? If you become a boss, who is willing to follow you? What's more, with your mentality, you can't be a big boss at all. People live in this world and must follow the rules of the world. If you can change These rules, then you can change the unreasonable parts; if you feel that your own power can not change the rules, then you have to learn to adapt to these rules. What are the rules? Rules are laws, that is, ruling the country according to law, and some rules are subtly influenced by people. It is invisible and intangible, but it also plays an important role in social management."

Sun Hongjun, Yang Fang, and Yao Changqing said with emotion: Fang Yuan and this young teacher are about the same age, but the depth of ideological awareness and understanding of problems is already several levels different.

Fangyuan turned to the main topic: "Teachers, I didn't threaten you. I admit that it is completely correct for you to report your demands. Miao Qun and Zhou Susu do have problems! I just object to the way you express your demands. Don't use the website Such a drastic way at the gate of the Education Bureau, but there can be better methods and approaches. Everyone told me the relevant situation in advance, and told Secretary Sun, can we not pay attention to it? But everyone didn’t do it! Don’t you think so? Do you think it is inappropriate to do this? Think about it, how do parents in society treat us petitioning teachers? How do other systems treat us petitioning teachers? 68 Central Committee cannot recover its vitality and continue to develop without a harmonious and stable In this situation, the more than 30 teachers who participated in the petition asked themselves: What have you done for the harmony and stability of 68? Why didn’t you directly report to me or Secretary Sun through a joint letter or sending a representative to appeal? If the method you taught Instead of reporting your problems at work through legal channels and reasonable means, the whole class went to the principal to complain to the city education bureau, do you think it’s appropriate?”

No one spoke, everyone was listening to Fang Yuan's speech.Fangyuan said: "Comparing your heart with your heart and thinking in other places, I hope that No. 68 High School will still be a school full of vitality and competitiveness. I hope that all the teachers in No. 68 High School can be a model of knowing and abiding by the law. For this time, more than 30 students Teacher □□, the leadership of the bureau has promised not to pursue it. But I want to express an attitude: the teachers in 68, if the appeal is not reflected in a reasonable and legal way and method, but directly through □□ or random posts on the Internet If you post a responsible post, then we will deal with it seriously in the future and will not be lenient!"

No one fucks anymore.Some people may still be dissatisfied, but most of the teachers have been "shocked" by Fang Yuan.

Sun Hongjun and Yao Changqing held their breaths, they were very worried that Fang Yuan's toughness would lead to the teachers' retaliation, but no one retaliated.

Fang Yuan was still not satisfied, and said: "The incident of the teacher of the 68th Middle School happened, and I have also seriously reflected on it. Maybe the teachers don't know that there is a more legal way to express your feelings. Today I communicated with Secretary Sun, and I plan to Together with Secretary Sun, we will promote two things. The first thing is to improve the training, selection and supervision mechanism of cadres. In the future, we will no longer be able to select some unqualified people to take the top positions; the second thing is that I and Secretary Sun must actively promote smooth channels for teachers and grassroots schools to express their reasonable demands. Through the smooth channels, teachers can give feedback in a timely manner. If this first thing can be done well, then every school’s The cadres are all good, and the teachers are naturally more satisfied; the second thing is to open the window for everyone to report problems and open the way, so that the teachers can express their appeals in the most appropriate way. The teachers said that OK?"

The suppressed applause was especially enthusiastic.Who wants to go to petition?Most teachers don't want to!Now, if the principal arranges it well and the channels for reporting problems are smooth, there will be no teachers willing to take the risk to petition.Yang Fang and Yao Changqing both took a long breath, while Sun Hongjun sighed: Fang Yuan's political tactics, both soft and hard, are not much inferior to Zhai Xinwen's.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun is the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau and the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee. Now, let Secretary Sun speak for everyone."

There was another burst of warm applause.Sun Hongjun took a few steps forward and said: "Teachers, I will start to promote the construction of the two mechanisms mentioned by Director Fang just now. As the deputy secretary in charge of cadres, I will choose suitable cadres for everyone in the future. The direction of my efforts; as the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee in charge of disciplinary inspection and petition work, I will also try my best to unblock the channels for everyone to report problems. Let me simply say, if you encounter problems, how to report them through reasonable and legal channels.”

Sun Hongjun focused on step-by-step reflection and leapfrog reflection.Sun Hongjun guides everyone to report the problem step by step. If the problem is not resolved after the report at the grassroots level, it can be reported to the higher level.Under normal circumstances, do not leapfrog the level of reporting, but if you encounter particularly major and particularly urgent issues that need to be reported, special circumstances can also leapfrog the level of reporting.To report problems, the real-name system is required, so as to get the fastest processing.If it is an anonymous report, according to the relevant regulations, it will not be accepted in principle.

Sun Hongjun was not tepid, and slowly explained to the teachers the way to reflect the problem.Fang Yuan suddenly felt emotional: I have said so much, and Sun Hongjun added this last point, which is really the finishing touch!It seems that my partner with Sun Hongjun should really be a good partner who complements and cooperates with each other!

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