Director's growth history

3182.1910, Running away

In order not to add disturbance to the 68 Middle School, Kong Lili met the dismissed Miao Qun and Zhou Susu in the deputy director's office at the request of Zhai Xinwen.After Kong Lili announced the decision made by the bureau's party committee, she asked, "Comrade Miao Qun, Comrade Zhou Susu, do you have anything else to say?"

Miao Qun knew that although such a punishment was severe, it was not Zhai Xinwen's protection for him.The rank of Zhengke is still there, so what if you record a major demerit?As for the economic issue, it only means to decide whether to investigate or not to investigate after the departure audit.When I was the principal of No. 68 Middle School, I ate and drank some of the money from the public, but I didn't get a cent from my family.As for those who gave gifts outside or bribed by relevant units, nothing was found in the departure audit.As long as Zhai Xinwen is still there, he still has a chance to make a comeback.Miao Qun had learned about the situation of the party committee at that time through other channels: Zhai Xinwen insisted on protecting it, Kong Lili insisted on supporting it, and Fang Yuan expressed his position at a critical moment, allowing the bureau's party committee to determine the main line.Although Geng Qing made a strong attack, it seemed that after Fang Yuan's statement, the whole trend was completely in favor of Zhai Xinwen's proposal, and finally made such a decision that did not hurt his muscles or bones.

Miao Qun said: "I completely obey the punishment of the bureau's party committee. Because I did not do my job well and brought trouble to the bureau's party committee, I feel that I have let down the trust of the bureau's party committee, especially Director Zhai. I must deeply review my mistakes and reflect on my mistakes. For myself, strive to stand up again in the new position in the 3rd.”

Kong Lili was very satisfied with Miao Qun's answer: "Comrade Miao Qun, the party's policy has always been to learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones, and to cure diseases and save lives. I believe Director Zhai is also satisfied with your understanding." Miao Qun showed a look of shame on his face: "Actually I also wanted to do well, but I didn’t do well.” Kong Lili’s tone was very gentle: “There is no gold, and no one is perfect. Comrade Miao Qun, Director Zhai and I will pay attention to your performance in 3.” Miao Qun Say thank you."

Zhou Susu, who was still in a daze just now, suddenly broke out: "I don't accept it!" The voice was so loud that Kong Lili and Miao Qun jumped.Zhou Susu stood up abruptly: "Miao Qun, you are being bullied like this, you look like a softie, are you still a man? I am really blind, how can I fall in love with you, a softie!"

Both Kong Lili and Miao Qun were very surprised by Zhou Susu's foul language.In Kong Lili's eyes, the abnormal relationship between Zhou Susu and Miao Qun can be confirmed now.From Miao Qun's point of view, how could Zhou Susu, who has always been gentle and considerate, suddenly be so rude? How is she different from a woman who butchers pigs and sells meat?

Zhou Susu said loudly: "Director Kong, I don't accept it! Why should I be punished so severely? Why should I be dismissed as the vice principal? What did I do wrong? If the bureau's party committee can't give me a reason to persuade me , I’ll go to petition too! If the Education Bureau can’t solve it, I’ll go to the city to appeal; if the city can’t explain it clearly, I’ll go to the province to petition; at worst, I’ll go to Beijing again!”

Kong Lili was a little stunned on the spot.If Zhou Susu makes another petition, will Zhai Xinwen still be alive?

Miao Qun was impatient: "Susu, don't talk nonsense." Zhou Susu was even more angry: "Who is talking nonsense? Miao Qun, people slapped you in the face, and you are still pretending to be a grandson! You are really mad at me!" She turned to Kong Lili: "Director Kong, what does my poor grades in the 68 high school entrance examination have to do with me, Zhou Susu? I am not the vice principal in charge of teaching, let alone the principal responsible for the main leadership. Why should I be dismissed as the vice principal? Position? Why should I be punished for serious demerits?"

These few questions made Kong Lili really unable to answer.Kong Lili said: "This is a decision made by the bureau's party committee." Zhou Susu said: "Is this how the bureau's party committee disregarded human lives? I asked Director Kong, what mistakes did I make?" Kong Lili said: "The teachers who petitioned said you I have an improper relationship with Comrade Miao Qun." Zhou Susu yelled: "They are farting! Miao Qun is divorced and single; I am divorced and single. Even if we live together, that is our freedom. It’s okay to fall in love. Who are we hindering? Which law have we violated? Which law can say that our relationship is an improper relationship between a man and a woman?”

Kong Lili was dumbfounded.

Zhou Susu didn't finish the calculation: "Miao Qun and I have a normal gay relationship. Even if we are in love, there is no law. There are some people, married women who commit adultery with married men. Such people should Shouldn't it be dealt with? If I'm given a serious demerit just because I'm with Miao Qun, should the men and women who commit adultery be fired from public office?"

The sharp words touched Kong Lili's sore spot.Does Zhou Susu also know the relationship between himself and Zhai Xinwen?Kong Lili really regrets it now, she shouldn't have accepted this job of announcing the punishment decision.However, when the matter has reached such a chaotic level, how should he end it?

Miao Qun stood up: "Director Kong, can I have a few words with Comrade Zhou Susu alone?" Kong Lili said quickly as if she had grasped the straw, "Okay, let's talk."

Kong Lili almost ran away.Without thinking about it, she went upstairs to find Zhai Xinwen.Pushing open the door, Kong Lili burst into tears. When she saw Zhai Xinwen, she was really full of grievances, but she found an outlet to vent: "Xinwen, I have no face to be a human being. I don't want to live anymore."

This blow frightened Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Kong, the principal of No. 42 High School, Chen Xinhua, is still here. What is your urgent matter? Can you wait until I finish talking with Principal Chen?" Kong Lili only noticed at this time that the principal of No. 42 High School, Chen Xinhua, was actually in Zhai Xinwen's office. .At this moment, Chen Xinhua had already stood up, standing there in embarrassment.Seeing Kong Lili seeing herself, she quickly squeezed out a smile: "Director Kong, I'm sorry, I didn't see anything."

This really made Zhai Xinwen's nose crooked.Zhai Xinwen stared: "Xinhua, what are you talking about? What do you mean you didn't see anything?" Chen Xinhua said, "I'm sorry, Director, I said something wrong. I saw everything." Zhai Xinwen felt that his lungs were about to explode. : "Then what did you see?" Chen Xinhua said: "I didn't see anything."

July day, hot.Although the director's room was air-conditioned, Chen Xinhua was still sweating profusely.Chen Xinhua said: "Director, you have something to discuss, I will come in later." Zhai Xinwen said, "You just sit there." up.Chen Xinhua sat on the chair as if on pins and needles.Zhai Xinwen asked: "Director Kong, what's the matter?" Kong Lili said: "That Miao Qun accepted the new arrangement happily after the conversation, and expressed his apology for letting down the party committee of the bureau and happy to see you. That Zhou Susu jumped up immediately. Gao, dissatisfied with the disciplinary decision of the Party Committee of the Bureau.”

Zhai Xinwen interrupted Kong Lili: "Director Kong, wait a minute." Then he said to Chen Xinhua: "Xinhua, you'd better go out for a while, and call you after a while." Chen Xinhua breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Okay." Yes, Director." He also ran away.

Kong Lili closed the door and locked it from the inside. She couldn't hold back the grievance in her heart any longer. She threw herself into Zhai Xinwen's arms and scolded: "Xinwen, Zhou Susu said that she is single, and Miao Qun is single, just to fall in love. It is also legal to live together. Zhou Susu sarcastically said, if she is removed from the post of vice principal and given a serious demerit, then some married women hook up with married men, should they be expelled from public office?"

Zhai Xinwen's heart skipped a beat.Kong Lili said: "Xinwen, did Zhou Susu know about the matter between us? In that case, neither of us can keep it! My daughter and family can't be kept either. How can I educate in Dongzhou in the future?" Go up?"

Zhai Xinwen faced a huge problem.He hugged Kong Lili in his arms, and his heart also appeared in a state of panic, an ominous omen surged in his heart.Could it be that I, who has always been shrewd, is about to fall down because of the collective petition case in 68?No!no way!I am the most capable person in Dongzhou Education. Not only can I run Dongzhou Education well, but I can also play my role in higher positions.Whoever blocks my progress, I will let him die!Zhou Susu, you bastard, I'm going to let you know this time, what kind of consequences will happen if you annoy Zhai Xinwen!

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