Director's growth history


Fangyuan was not allowed to enter the bathroom again.This time, she really lost her face. When Fang Yuan saw Zhang Yitong again, she felt as embarrassed as she wanted.This is better than making Zhang Yitong directly on the bed, and it makes Fang Yuan feel uncomfortable.If Zhang Yitong sat on the bed, I would regret and be afraid; in such a time, I was hardened twice in front of Zhang Yitong and touched twice, this is simply being molested and insulted by Zhang Yitong!After studying with Zhang Yitong in the party school for one and a half months, I kept my head down and didn't look up every day. What should I do?

He helped Zhang Yitong carry the luggage and went downstairs.Zhang Guoliang was already waiting there, seeing Fang Yuan carrying a suitcase in his hand, and looking at the pretty girl beside Fang Yuan, Zhang Guoliang was so envious!Being an official is good, and there are beauties around every day.In No. 5, Chen Qiuping's little rascal, dressed up like a movie star, swayed in front of the principal every day; now that the principal is going to study at the party school, another beautiful woman swayed in front of the principal every day.Principal, what a blessing!

Envious in his heart, Zhang Guoliang ran over immediately, took the luggage and put it in the trunk.Fang Yuan opened the car door like a gentleman, and said: "Director Zhang, please." Zhang Yitong smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Director Fang." Looking at Fang Yuan, his eyes were a little more ambiguous and a little more teasing.Fang Yuan's face flushed slightly, and she gently led Zhang Yitong to the door.Coming to the other side of the car, Fang Yuan didn't dare to sit in the back row, but directly opened the passenger's door and sat in the passenger's seat.

Fang Yuan got into the car and said, "Let's go, the Municipal Party School." Zhang Guoliang said, "Okay."

The car moved smoothly.Zhang Yitong really wanted to make fun of Fangyuan again, but with Zhang Guoliang as an "outsider", he could naturally hold his own.There was no words all the way, and the car arrived at the gate of the Municipal Party School in more than ten minutes.The door outside was open, and there were two signs hanging on the door, one was the Party School of Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, and the other was Dongzhou Administration College.Strangely, no one stopped the car, and the car drove straight in.In the parking area, Fangyuan saw the big screen at the main entrance of the teaching building saying: "Warmly congratulate the opening of the training class for reserve cadres at the department level in Dongzhou City."There were already people in twos and threes standing at the door of the teaching building, talking to each other.Zhang Guoliang parked the car and asked: "Principal, I am waiting for you and Director Zhang here?" Fang Yuan said: "I don't know where the dormitory area is, just wait here. When we get to the dormitory area, I will trouble you to help us carry our things." Move over." Zhang Guoliang said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan and Zhang Yitong got out of the car.The people in twos and threes standing at the door of the teaching building all turned their eyes to this side.Fang Yuan and Zhang Yitong drove over in the same car, and immediately attracted attention.Someone has already reached out to say hello: "Director Fang, Director Zhang, good morning!" The person who greeted was Wang Song, the director of the Longwan District Public Security Bureau in a police uniform.

Fang Yuan was a little embarrassed.Maybe it's not a good thing to come here with Zhang Yitong today!I was tricked by Zhang Yitong.Zhang Yitong has a private car, so he can drive here by himself, why does he have to take my car?At this time, Fang Yuan had some recollection, maybe Zhang Yitong wanted such an effect!For Zhang Yitong, Fangyuan suddenly lost any desire and emotion, and only felt ashamed: "Oh, it's really a big loss to be touched by such a scheming woman."Can it be touched by other women casually?

"Director Wang, you look much more heroic in police uniform than in plain clothes last night." Zhang Yitong didn't mind the scrutinizing gazes from the party school students at all, how could these people understand their own thoughts.There are many right and wrong for divorced women.Zhang Yitong could foresee that during his study at the party school, there would inevitably be harassment of one kind or another.But as long as you come with Fangyuan and leave all the time, if anyone wants to harass you, you have to weigh it carefully.You can't find someone who is older or similar, in that case, there will be more rumors; if Fang Yuan is younger, the rumors will naturally be small.Of course, if there is any harm, it will be Fang Yuan, not me, Zhang Yitong.Anyway, I, Zhang Yitong, have already faced enough rumors now.

"Director Zhang, your demeanor today will definitely impress everyone from leaders to teachers." Wang Song followed suit quickly, "It is said that there are school belles and class belles in the university. When Director Zhang arrives, the school belles Become a class flower, and a class flower becomes a class grass."

Zhang Yitong naturally never refuses such compliments: "Oh? I still have such a great charm? Director Wang, would you like to be a flower protector?" Wang Song glanced at Fangyuan and said, "Don't dare. Yes. Director Fang is here, so I will be his bodyguard, which is more or less the same."

Fangyuan's heart was poked again by Zhang Yitong with a needle.This Zhang Yitong really speaks at a very high level, taking advance as retreat, deliberately leading Wang Song to say that he dare not be a flower protector, right?This is obviously bundling!Bind her with me, what is Zhang Yitong's purpose?

Fang Yuan said: "Director Wang, you are being serious. I'm afraid I'm going to lift the shoe for Director Wang, but Director Wang may not use it." Wang Song looked nervous and serious: "Director Fang, don't say that. You are the mayor. Bureau leader, I am the leader of the sub-bureau. What's more, Director Chu Yin is as close as a brother to you, and it is my honor to be a little follower for Director Fang!"

ah?Wang Song was indeed a policeman, and even this secret relationship was found out in just one night.Being able to sit on the post of director of the Public Security Bureau really has two professional brushes.

Fang Yuan said: "We will be classmates from now on. Classmates are equal and get along friendly." Wang Song nodded and bowed: "That is, that is. Director Fang, this is my business card. If you need anything in the future, please contact me directly. For big things, let Director Chu Yin handle them; for small things, I, Wang Song, can handle them without ambiguity. After school starts this fall, I will send more police to ensure that there will be no little yellow hair around the school to harass No. 5 Middle School. s student."

Zhang Yitong couldn't believe his eyes and ears.When Wang Song talked to Fang Yuan, it was like a subordinate talking to a superior.The director of the Public Security Bureau has always been very powerful. Generally speaking, even the district chief and the secretary of the district party committee may not be very convinced, because the personnel power of the Public Security Bureau is in the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Dual leadership, but the district does not hold personnel power, and sometimes the command does not make much use of the police.Usually, there is no problem, a call is made, and the police station immediately dispatches the police; but when there is a demolition dispute, the public security bureau will usually stand by and watch. At this time, the urban management and law enforcement team listens to the words of the district more than the public security bureau. Because the personnel power and financial power of the urban management and law enforcement brigade are all in the district.

Zhang Yitong took a look at Fang Yuan, feeling in his heart: I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.It seems that the onion I soaked this time is really a green onion!

Li Xiaoliang, deputy director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, also came over and shook hands with Fang Yuan: "Director Fang, hello." Fang Yuan didn't have a deep impression of Li Xiaoliang, but sitting in the deputy guest's seat last night, he knew Li Xiaoliang's importance.Li Xiaoliang was very low-key yesterday!Fang Yuan said: "Director Li, please give me your advice." Li Xiaoliang said: "Director Fang is young and promising, and has many good qualities for me to learn from. During the party school, we communicate more." Fang Yuan nodded solemnly: "Okay, Director Li." Li Xiaoliang greeted Zhang Yitong again: "Director Zhang, you have a good face, I wonder if you can communicate with my family." Zhang Yitong said: "Director Li, leave me the phone number of my sister-in-law, I will contact her "Li Xiaoliang said: "Okay. I'll tell you her phone number right now."

Fang Yuan, who was standing on the side, looked at Li Xiaoliang with admiration in his heart.This Li Xiaoliang is not ostentatious, only peaceful.But with a few short words, I have a good impression of him, and to Zhang Yitong, I even directly used my wife's diplomacy.The method moistens things silently, but quickly established a relatively close relationship with himself and Zhang Yitong.This is the level, it seems that I have more to learn from Li Xiaoliang.

At this time, Huang Feng, the chief of the first section of the secretary of the municipal party committee, came out of the teaching building and walked towards this side.Huang Feng greeted Zhang Yitong: "Director Zhang, hello." Zhang Yitong smiled very affectionately: "Secretary Huang, hello." Huang Feng smiled slightly: "Director Zhang, you are so beautifully dressed, I am afraid that many people will be fascinated today. Let's go." Zhang Yitong said: "I'm afraid that my old lady won't be able to fascinate Huang Dami!" Huang Feng glanced at Fangyuan, and Fangyuan's heart skipped a beat.God, it was definitely a mistake to pull Zhang Yitong today.How could Fangyuan forget Wang Guodong's words that Huang Feng conveyed in the morning?Fang Yuan regretted as much as she wanted in her heart!

Huang Feng said: "If you are fascinated, you must be fascinated. However, Secretary Wang is strict with the people around us, and we don't move with our hearts."

Fang Yuan felt that Huang Feng's words were clearly meant for him.

Zhang Yitong said: "It's better to manage yourself than others." Huang Feng said meaningfully: "Director Zhang said it very well! It's better to manage yourself than others. If you can't control yourself, it's useless even if others control you." .”

Fang Yuan felt that his face was getting hot again.

Zhang Yitong said: "Yes, Huang Mi's words are enlightening and inspiring!" She also gave Fang Yuan a meaningful look, making Fang Yuan want to run far away now.

Huang Feng said: "Director Fang, you came early!" Fang Yuan said: "Section Chief Huang came earlier. Shame, shame!" Huang Feng said: "It's better to come early than coincidence. Today, Director Fang and Director Zhang came really well." Coincidentally!" Fang Yuan blushed: "Director Zhang called and asked me to help with the luggage." Huang Feng said: "Director Zhang, you are a dignified director of the government reception office, is it difficult to arrange a car?" Zhang Yitong Said: "This is my freedom." But Fang Yuan still understood Huang Feng's meaning: Zhang Yitong can come here by himself, so calling me to bring her here clearly has ulterior motives.Zhang Yitong's explanation was a bit forced, Zhang Yitong hated this Huang Feng to the core: I want to do something, why does Huang Feng hate it so much!

Huang Feng said: "Director Fang, the head teacher asked you to help me." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I'll go with Section Chief Huang." Huang Feng said: "Director Zhang, see you later." Obviously he didn't want to Zhang Yitong followed.Unexpectedly, Zhang Yitong didn't care at all, showing a strong psychological quality: "The head teacher, I might be able to help." Huang Feng said: "The head teacher didn't call your name." Zhang Yitong said : "This is my self-recommendation." Huang Feng said: "I have nothing to say."

After entering the hall of the teaching building, several students came over to say hello.A few of them were classmates from the party last night.Fang Yuan greeted people politely, but she was still feeling guilty inside.Huang Feng said: "Director Zhang, you can sign up here. The leader only named Fang Yuan, and I can't do it casually." Zhang Yitong smiled and said, "Okay." The hatred in his heart was overwhelming.

Huang Feng brought Fang Yuan to a room, knocked lightly on the door and entered.Huang Feng said: "Minister Qun, Fang Yuan is here."

Fang Yuan saw that there was only one person in the room, and that was Qun Feng, executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.Qunfeng came over: "Xiao Fang, hello. Long time no see." Fang Yuan said: "Minister Qun, hello." Qunfeng said: "This morning, Zhang Yitong came by your car?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes. Qunfeng said: "Why did she come here in your car? As far as I know, she can send any car from the government reception office, and she also has her own private car. Tell me about the situation before and after." .”

Fang Yuan concealed the plot of being touched by Zhang Yitong's little brother, and reported to Qunfeng in detail.Qun Feng had a sullen face, while Huang Feng was serious.After listening to Fang Yuan's introduction, Qun Feng asked: "Fang Yuan, what do you think?" Fang Yuan said: "Minister Qun, I think she planned everything in advance, and she has a deep plan." Huang Feng said: "I drove after drinking yesterday, She also said it at the banquet, right?"

ah?Huang Feng even knew about this!Fangyuan's sweat dripped down.

Qunfeng said: "Our party's criteria for selecting cadres has always been to have both ability and morality, and put morality first. If you are not righteous, even if you have the ability, you will not go further. Fangyuan, from a personal point of view, you are your father. students; from an official point of view, you are a reserve cadre that the municipal party committee focuses on training, and Secretary Wang of the municipal party committee has high hopes for you, so you must not let Secretary Wang down!"

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