Director's growth history

3200.1924. What is the purpose of becoming an official?

The classrooms of the party school are relatively large.When Fang Yuan and other students entered the No. 3 classroom where classes are held every day, Fang Yuan found that every student had his own seat.Qun Feng, Executive Vice Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Lei Xianhong, Executive Vice President of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee and head teacher, accompanied Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, into the classroom. All the students gave warm applause to the three leaders.Fang Yuan didn't know, Shi Mingxiang and Sheng Zhiren didn't stay, whether they were busy with their respective work, or they were asked to leave.But Qun Feng stayed, which surprised Fang Yuan, and even realized something from it.

Wang Guodong stood on the podium.Qunfeng and Lei Xianhong sat down in the unoccupied seats in the back row without name plates, and started listening to the class like a student.

Wang Guodong smiled, scanned the audience, cast his kind eyes on every corner and on everyone's face, as if Wang Guodong really saw everyone, and even nodded slightly.Warmth permeates everyone's heart.Fang Yuan suddenly thought of a question: Why didn't Song Yunsheng attend?

Wang Guodong said: "Today, I'm here for the first class. The content of the class is the history of the party. I don't have a lecture script, and I don't plan to teach it according to the script. I just want to chat with every student. History of development. Let’s ask a question first: who knows how the party was established?”

Immediately someone raised their hand.Fang Yuan looked back and saw that it was Shang Qianjin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Youth League Committee and Director of Organization.Wang Guodong said: "Tell me your name and unit first, and then answer the questions."

Suddenly, Fang Yuan realized something.A short, plain sentence actually has a deep meaning.Does Secretary Wang Guodong want to register the 45 students from the party school in his mind first?

Shang Qianjin stood up with a steady and respectful attitude: "Report to Secretary Wang, I am Shang Qianjin, Organization Director of the Youth League Committee." Wang Guodong nodded: "Okay." , on a cruise ship in Jiaxing. There, the party’s first congress was held and the founding of the Communist Party of China was announced.” Wang Guodong nodded: “Very well said. Does anyone have anything to add?”

In the first row of seats, a young cadre in his 30s raised his hand.He said: "Reporting to Secretary Wang, I am Mi Xinyou, Mayor of Chengguan Town, Yanping County. I believe that the establishment of the Communist Party of China is not just a matter of establishment at a certain point in time. The establishment of the party is inseparable from international cooperation. Domestic background. From an international point of view, the widespread dissemination of communist theories in the world and the revolutionary victory of communism in the Soviet Union have largely inspired domestic aspiring young people; Although the colonial semi-feudal society was established, it was still chaotic and divided by warlords. Many scholars and young students are actively exploring new ideas, new theories, and new methods for revitalizing China and saving the people from suffering. The May [-]th anti-imperialist patriotic movement aroused the strong patriotic enthusiasm of many scholars, young students, and intellectuals. This created a particularly favorable environment for the spread of communism in China. It was under such circumstances that a group of People with lofty ideals who believed in communism gradually grew, which promoted the birth of our party."

Wang Guodong said: "Mayor Xinyou's answer enlightened us. For anything, we should not only know what it is, but also know why it is."

Everyone is very nervous.It can be seen that Wang Guodong admired Mi Xinyou, but did not comment on Shang Jinjin's quick answer.No review is bad review.Shang Qianjin sat there, he no longer had the composure he had just now, but appeared embarrassed.Fang Yuan suddenly wanted to laugh: This Shang Qianjin is really capable of pretending.It turned out that his stern appearance was an act, rather than a true peace of mind.

Wang Guodong said: "I think the mayor of Xinyou analyzed something very well just now. From the moment the Communists accepted the theory of communism, the firm belief they established was to revitalize China, make China prosperous and strong, and let the Chinese people live a better life." Good day. It is this belief that allowed the Chinese Communists to shed their heads and shed blood during the 28-year course of the new socialist revolution. The Communists of the laboring masses were able to put aside their personal grievances and unite with the Kuomintang, which represented the big capitalists and big consortia, to fight against the Japanese invaders. This put the interests of the country and the nation first. During the arduous journey, how many mighty and unyielding revolutionary martyrs have emerged under the severe torture of the enemy. Their heads can be broken, their blood can flow, and their firm belief in communism cannot be shaken! Sister Jiang, who everyone is familiar with, when ten fingers are nailed When I took the bamboo stick, I still had a firm belief when my heart and lungs were painful. And when Beijing held the founding ceremony, the song embroidered with the red flag in the prison was enough to move our hearts!"

Wang Guodong's affectionate words washed the hearts of the students.Fang Yuan doesn't know others, but he knows himself. At the beginning of today's lesson, he was deeply shocked.

Wang Guodong said: "Comrade X, the chief architect of the reform and opening up, why did you lead the second generation of the central leadership and the people of the whole country to embark on this broad road of reform and opening up? Food and clothing, and then move towards a well-off life! The practice of reform and opening up for 30 years has transformed China from a poor and weak country into an important force in the world. Encourage other countries to jump out, and then pretend to be the big brother to uphold the so-called justice. Looking at the world, which country dares to provoke China? Sarkozy in France threatened to boycott the Beijing Olympics. What happened? We started from repairing a Carrefour enterprise In the beginning, the cancellation or delay of the Airbus aircraft order forced the French government into a state of distress, forced Sarkozy to change his words, and forced the □separatist leader□□ to France, and Sarkozy visited other countries the day before The country, avoid meeting with the Communists. Students, drink water and think of the source, what is the root cause of China's prosperity and strength day by day? Who is playing a vital role in making the Chinese people richer day by day? The motherland is strong, this Only the people of the country can go all over the world with pride; the motherland is poor and weak, and the people of this country will be discriminated against or despised wherever they go! Think about it, everyone, the superior material life we ​​enjoy today and the benefits brought by the motherland Pride and glory, where is the root?"

The classroom fell into a state of contemplation.No one rushed to answer like Shang Qianjin.Wang Guodong also stopped talking, but sat quietly on the chair on the podium, giving everyone time to think.

The classroom has been very quiet.It's not that no one wants to answer, but that they lack the courage; it's not that no one wants to show off in front of Secretary Wang, but they don't want to show off the limelight.It was Wang Guodong who broke this rare tranquility.After more than ten minutes, Wang Guodong said calmly: "All this is due to the party. The party is a party that represents the fundamental interests of the people; the party is a party that wholeheartedly promotes the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I believe that no matter when, No one can deny the party's achievements, and no one can deny the party's efforts and great achievements in enriching the Chinese people and rejuvenating the Chinese nation. Every Communist should always keep in mind that the party's ruling purpose is to govern for The party is able to lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country and the Chinese nation to achieve one great goal after another because it serves the people wholeheartedly and relies on the people wholeheartedly. Everyone here is the future and hope of the party. What should we do? Only in this way can we better fulfill the important tasks entrusted by the party and the people and live up to the expectations of the party and the people. This is a topic that every party member and cadre at every level must think deeply about.”

Wang Guodong stood up, picked up the chalk, and wrote a few words on the blackboard:

What is an official for?

Wang Guodong sat down again and said: "This is the first question I give you today. Every student has to complete this homework. As the teacher of the class, I promise to review everyone's homework carefully. Don't rush to do the homework tomorrow. Just hand it in. I'll give you a week to think about what we are officials for. Because my working hours are relatively tight, there is a limit on the number of words. Each student can have a maximum of 2000 words. Comrade Xianhong, I will send homework next week. Put it away and hand it to Comrade Qunfeng." Lei Xianhong stood up and said, "Okay, Secretary Wang."

Wang Guodong stood up again and wrote five more words on the blackboard:

rule the country first

Wang Guodong said: "This is the valuable experience of China's state management in the past 5000 years. Whether it is ancient or modern, whether it is China or foreign countries, whether the government is clear or not directly determines whether the country is prosperous and vigorous. With the prosperity of the country , Our party has also had the phenomenon of sexism. Although these phenomena are only isolated phenomena, their impact is extremely bad. Among the 100 mayors and deputy mayors, there may be a mayor and vice mayor who is a gangster, but The direct impact is that the masses will think that the vast majority of party members and cadres are gangsters. Just like there may be tens of thousands of kindergartens in the country, but it is because three kindergartens have hacked students to death that the common people We believe that the security of schools and kindergartens across the country is not good. It must be difficult for ordinary people to judge the mainstream and tributaries, primary and secondary. In fact, we did have faults. After all, there were indeed security problems in three kindergartens. The problem has also hurt the happiness of dozens of families.□□It not only hurts the image of the party, but also alienates the distance between the party and the masses, reduces the trust of the masses in the party, and more seriously, it also threatens the party The ruling status of the party affects the long-term stability of the country. The task of implementing the party's management and strict governance of the party is more onerous and urgent than ever before. ** pointed out that the development of the party in the past 87 years tells us that resolutely punishing and effectively Prevention of corruption is closely related to the support of the people and the survival of the party. The situation of the struggle against corruption is still grim and the task is still arduous. Fight to the end. Vice Chairman Xi, the former Secretary of the Qingjiang Provincial Party Committee, also repeatedly emphasized the importance of doing a good job in cadre work and effectively preventing epidemics. , The emphasis is on implementation, solid work and no exaggeration. It is necessary to truly select cadres with firm politics, outstanding achievements, excellent style of work, and trust by the masses, and prevent speculators with bad conduct and bad intentions from seeking benefits. Some officials engage in flashy , The "image project" that wastes people's money and money has seriously damaged the government and the government's prestige, and needs to be corrected urgently. It is necessary to improve the official assessment and evaluation mechanism, and to hold accountable and punish those officials who have caused heavy losses and serious consequences due to fraud, dereliction of duty and malfeasance. The central leadership attaches great importance to it Thinking about it from another angle, it just shows that the problem of corruption and management of party members and cadres has been placed on the important agenda of the central government, and it also shows the difficulty of managing party members and cadres and the complexity of the struggle against corruption. Easy! There are 8000 million party members, 780 million civil servants, more than 2000 cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels (including deputy positions), more than 3 cadres at the prefectural and departmental levels, and hundreds of thousands of cadres at the county, department and township level. Calculated in millions, it is indeed very difficult to manage every party member and cadre well. The more difficult it is, the more management must be strengthened and stricter, because the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest. If the cadres cannot manage China's defense is getting worse, and it is very likely that when the number of party members and cadres in the Communist Party has accumulated to 2 or 10, they will rushBreak the psychological bottom line of the people.Although this 10 is still a small amount compared to 8000 million and 780 million, it is enough to affect the support of the people! "

Having grown so big, Fang Yuan has never been touched so deeply.If Fang Yuan was not a first-level leading cadre, if Fang Yuan did not have the feelings of worrying about the country and the people, Fang Yuan might think that Wang Guodong was talking about the truth; but in Fang Yuan's heart, with a strong desire to develop Dongzhou education well, he gradually Improving his vision, from wanting to teach well to running a school well to developing a prefecture-level city's education well, Wang Guodong's words are like a panacea for enlightenment, opening Fangyuan's heart.

Wang Guodong said: "The United States is now relatively clear, not because of its two-party politics. The United States has also experienced a period of serious corruption. At the beginning of the 20th century, the United States had a two-party system for a long time. At that time, the United States was developing rapidly but corruption was prevalent. , power rent-seeking, collusion between officials and businessmen are prominent, and the serious and widespread corruption of officials has led to the overall corruption of social morality and a comprehensive spiritual crisis. It has also caused a sharp increase in the gap between the rich and the poor, and various social conflicts have suddenly become acute, endangering social stability. At this moment, The American press led the whole society to set off a vigorous "dung picking" movement, which effectively curbed the spread of the epidemic, promoted the improvement of American society, and avoided a major social crisis. Since the establishment of Singapore, the government has always been relatively clear, and there have been some There are many things we can learn from. Facing the epidemic phenomenon in our country, I would like to ask everyone: What can we do to prevent it? How can you personally prevent it?"

It is indeed a very real problem.Fang Yuan thought of himself. In fact, he had just become a deputy director-level party member cadre, but in some respects, he was not very strict with himself.A cigarette, a box of tea, a bottle of wine, and some souvenirs are nothing in my eyes.This, isn't it?Does this violate the laws of the country?Recently, Dongzhou Bank of Communications has also used hundreds of thousands of family savings for financial management. Obviously, this is also cheap. If he is not the deputy director of the Education Bureau and the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, President Qiao Guanyun will arrange such a Special financing?

Fang Yuan's heart became tangled, Fang Yuan was really confused.From becoming the principal to the present, no one has reminded me what can and cannot be taken. Now Fangyuan desperately needs someone who understands to tell herself: what should I do so that I will not become a person who is hated by the people and affects the party? The image of the Communist Party and the corruption of the party's reputation!

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