Director's growth history

3209.1933. People who share the same disease

Fang Yuan made phone calls with Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi respectively, and explained the school's absence. Among the 20 teachers, 20 are head teachers.The important thing is that Na Hong did not explain the reason, which resulted in the number of teachers and students in Dongzhou No. 9 High School not meeting the requirements of the organizing committee for the Olympic Torch Relay, embarrassing for Dongzhou Education.Fang Yuan sincerely apologized, and when Zhai Xinwen heard it, he said, "I know the reason. The rehearsal on the second day and the official event on the third day must not be lost." Fang Yuan said, "The arrangements have been made. The number of people will only exceed. It won't decrease." When Hao Ding heard this, how could he accept Fang Yuan's apology?Fang Yuan is now studying at the party school, which is the key training of the municipal party committee.Of course, there are many people who enter the party school to study, but Hao Dingyi feels that the meaning is still different.I heard that the three chief officials in charge of cadres, Secretary Wang, Secretary Shi, and Minister Sheng of the Municipal Party Committee, all attended the opening ceremony, which was unprecedented.Generally, the opening ceremony of a party school is attended by the head of the organization and several deputy ministers, and sometimes even the head is not present.This class is taken seriously!Hao Dingyi said: "Na Hong's behavior should be severely criticized. This matter will be dealt with after the torch relay is over. Those who disobey the organization's arrangements, disobey the organization's discipline, and those who disregard the overall situation must be dealt with seriously. I will never be soft-hearted." Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Hao, let's remove that red note from the No. 5 Middle School. I firmly support the Party Committee of the bureau to punish those who disregard the overall situation and disobey the command." Hao Ding understood Fang Yuan's intention , Said: "It is not enough to just transfer away, but also to be downgraded. Which position do you think is more suitable for Nahong, I will refer to it." Hao Dingyi is a layman education leader, and he really doesn't know the market in this regard.Fang Yuan said: "Na Hong has expertise in music teaching and research, so she can work as a music teaching and researcher in the teaching and research section. But the current music teaching and researcher is doing well, so it is obviously not suitable to change. In addition, the Municipal Institute of Educational Sciences also has art research. If there is a shortage of music professionals in the children's activity center affiliated to the Education Bureau, they can all be considered." Hao Dingyi said: "Then let her develop her expertise."

The next day, another rehearsal took place.In the evening, Dai Lianghua reported the situation of the school again: This time, more than 2800 students and 240 teachers came. Dongzhou No. 5 High School was praised by the Municipal Education Bureau and the Olympic Torch Relay Organizing Committee.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Dai is serious and meticulous in doing things. I knew a long time ago that I will be able to do it well." Dai Lianghua said: "Na Hong also came today. She explained the reason why she didn't come yesterday, and she also explained that she didn't notify the other 20 people. Teacher's reason." Fang Yuan's anger towards Na Hong still did not dissipate: "You don't need to tell me about this. For school work, rely more on Principal Jiawei and Principal Shaoxiu. For junior high school work, you can discuss more with Director Feng Jieyu. Dai Lianghua immediately understood Fang Yuan's intentions, and said, "Okay, I will find Director Feng Jieyu Feng more for the job in junior high school."

Unexpectedly, Fang Yuan received a call from Qiu Zhengxuan: "Director Fang, let me report to you about the situation in No. 68 High School." Fang Yuan was so traumatized these days that his mind was a little weak, and he didn't want to hear it, so he said, "Principal Qiu, are you actually It is the head of the 68 Middle School. You can make decisions on your own. I am a nominal secretary and will not interfere with your daily school management. After your work performance in the past year, I believe that you will be able to make 68 Middle School Take care." Qiu Zhengxuan's heart was warm.Qiu Zhengxuan said: "We still have to report to Director Fang. After all, you are the only full-time job in 68 High School, and I am still the deputy secretary and vice principal." Fang Yuan said, "Let's talk." The rehearsal of the Olympic torch relay is generally good. The school has 68 teachers and 50 students, and our school has exceeded this number. I also announced to the teachers that you are the torchbearer, Director Fang, and the teachers are looking forward to it. I can see your heroism." Fang Yuan said: "I am the second best, and everyone may not be able to see it. To welcome the Olympic torch is not only the expectation of all people, but also a political task that must be done well. Today the organizing committee is summarizing At that time, he emphasized that there was already a city where the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor were punished due to poor organization, and the deputy in charge was transferred away. Zhengxuan, we can't be such a leader!" Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Understood, we must do a good job. " Fang Yuan said: "I will study at the party school for the next month. You are fully responsible for the affairs of the school. I have feelings for 500 Middle School, but I cannot interfere with your work. Tell me what kind of support you need here. I, I will fight for you at the Bureau Party Committee and Bureau Director's office meeting."

In fact, what Qiu Zhengxuan wanted was just such a sentence.Qiu Zhengxuan said gratefully: "Thank you Director Fang. With your support, if I can't do my job well, I will be too sorry for your training." Fang Yuan said: "Don't say such outrageous things. If you have something to say, please speak up." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Director, I wonder if it is possible to transfer some teachers from No. 5 High School to No. 68 High School?"Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "Yes. As long as you can do the work of Teacher Tong, I can release you." Qiu Zhengxuan said, "I really appreciate the director. That's right, through the preliminary observations in the past few days, I feel that, The teaching team of No. 5 High School is good, but the middle-level cadres, except for Fang Shujuan, are not at an ideal level. I would like to make a personnel adjustment for middle-level cadres during the summer vacation. Backbone teachers should be enriched to the middle-level cadre team.”

Fangyuan suddenly understood Qiu Zhengxuan's intention, it turned out that he wanted to build his own team.Fang Yuan said: "Zhengxuan, that's the reason! Enrich one or two, or the problem is not big. You have to pay attention to the backlash from the 68 Central Plains middle-level and teachers. After all, you are still a deputy. If there is too much opposition, it will not be good for you. Your work will be detrimental to your regularization next year and your long-term development in the future. You have to be cautious about this matter." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Yes, Director. It seems that I need to think about this matter again. But , I must replace the director of general affairs, I ask the director to support this." Fang Yuan said: "Okay. Whoever you like, just do his job. He agrees to be transferred to Dongzhou 68 Middle School, and I will let him go. Here, I'll do the work." Qiu Zhengxuan felt relieved, and said, "Thank you, Director." He sighed in his heart: There are people in the court who are easy to handle!The head of the personnel department doesn't need to coordinate by himself, which saves a lot of worry.

At four o'clock in the morning on the day of the official torch relay, Fangyuan was called.Everyone first gathered in the central auditorium of the hotel. Fang Yuan saw that Dou Shengzhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of Propaganda, had arrived, as well as a person of similar age.Some of the torchbearers were obviously not very calm. After being tired for two days, they couldn't help muttering when they were called up so early.Of course, they are mostly social, not torchbearers within the system.For some reason, Fang Yuan felt that he wanted to express his inner feelings, and said loudly: "Dear torchbearers, the city has a population of 500 million, and there are 208 torchbearers in total. We are the only one out of two in a hundred. To be a torchbearer, in the In my opinion, it is a very, very honorable thing, and I will remember it all my life. In my 80 years of life, I am afraid that I only have this chance to be a torchbearer. I don’t know what you think, but I cherish it very much in my heart. How many fights? Everyone's performance today will be engraved in Dongzhou's history."

The muttering was gone.Dou Shengzhong looked at Fangyuan appreciatively, and said to the people next to him: "Mayor Ji, this is Fangyuan, the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau. This year, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School broke the record in the college entrance examination." A good son-in-law!" Dou Shengzhong said: "Principal Kong is also a torchbearer." Mayor Ji immediately saw Kong Zitian standing not far behind Fangyuan.Mayor Ji came over and shook hands with Fang Yuan: "Director Fang, hello. You have spoken well and saved us from having to work." Fang Yuan said, "Hello, leader." Mayor Ji said, "I am Ji Xianming, we are old friends with your father." Only then did Fang Yuan remember that there is a non-Party deputy mayor in the city hall, that is Ji Xianming.Fang Yuan said: "Hello, Mayor Ji." Ji Xianming nodded, walked a few steps, and shook hands with Kong Zitian: "Director Kong, hello!" Kong Zitian said: "Mayor Ji, hello." Ji Xianming said "I'll call you Director Kong, and I'm afraid I won't be calling you for a few days." Kong Zitian said, "You're very well informed!" Ji Xianming said, "If you move to the main hall, you're not suitable to be the deputy director of the National People's Congress. Me. , I really miss your position." Confucius said: "In front of me, Lao Ji can't be hypocritical." Ji Xianming said: "Being the mayor is tiring! The daily work is piled up into a mountain, you see I am thin now ...When I was a university professor, how could I ever be so tired?" Confucius said: "Government and academia are two concepts. The knowledge in the government is something that a university professor will never understand." Ji Xianming laughed Li said: "You Confucius Tian, ​​you keep your three words in line. I admire your son-in-law very much." Confucius said, "How about letting him study for a doctorate with you?" Ji Xianming said, "Thank you for your trust. I am I want to accept it, but right now, I really don’t have time to bring a Ph.D. I’ll go back to study after my term as deputy mayor is over.” Confucius said, “I can’t delay my son-in-law’s Ph.D. I'm a junior at a normal university." Ji Xianming said, "Oh, if I were a doctoral supervisor at a university, I would definitely accept it. Now, I can only regret it."

Fang Yuan couldn't understand the conversation between the two of them.But the element of acting is indispensable.Fang Yuan was very concerned about the matter of Confucius Tian's conversion to the main hall mentioned by Ji Xianming, thinking about it in his heart, and asked after a while.After exchanging pleasantries with Confucius Tian, ​​Ji Xianming returned to the front court.A cadre of the organizing committee said: "Everyone, please be quiet. Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister Dou of the Propaganda Department, and Mayor Ji of the municipal government have also rushed over now. Now, Minister Dou is invited to speak. Everyone is welcome."

After the applause, Dou Shengzhong said: "A torchbearer, Comrade Fangyuan, said it very well just now. There are more than 500 million people in the city, and 208 torchbearers were selected. On average, one out of 2 people is selected. 6. At present, people all over the country are celebrating the Olympic Games, because the Olympic Games will be held for the first time on Chinese soil, and every Chinese hopes that the Olympic Games can be held successfully. At present, some hostile forces in foreign countries are clamoring and questioning, Some are even secretly making some small moves. In the face of these hostile forces, we must hold a successful Olympic Games to let these hostile forces know that the Chinese people are invincible, and the Chinese people will definitely be able to make joint efforts to make the Olympic Games a success. The Olympic Games will be held well. What we have to do is, during the Dongzhou torch relay, pass on our enthusiasm, enthusiasm and wishes for the Olympics to the people of the whole country through the performance of our torchbearers, and pass them on to those foreign ghosts I won’t say too much, but in a word, I hope every torchbearer can show your style! I wish the torch relay a success.”

Today, the hotel is also very hard.After the meeting, everyone went to the restaurant for dinner.Today's breakfast is extraordinarily rich.After dinner, board the Olympic bus.At this time, Fang Yuan only had a little time, and asked Confucius Tian in a low voice: "Dad, are you going to become a regular?" Dongzhou University has come to investigate." Fangyuan said: "Congratulations, Dad." Confucius Tian said: "This matter is not as simple as imagined. There are many people who don't want me to be the principal. Some people are also collecting my information. What about black materials!" Fang Yuan said, "I believe in Dad's wisdom. If you need your son-in-law's help, Dad can tell you." Confucius Tian said: "Politically, we stand firm and have always maintained a high degree of unity with the Party Central Committee; economically, we Clean and tidy, even if you want to make an article, there is nothing to do. In terms of reputation, through the work of the past year, the affiliated colleges and the majority of faculty and staff are still quite supportive. The current difficulty is the evaluation of the party committee; The details of life. In the university party committee, I have not yet gained an advantage. When it comes to the executive vice-principal, it blocks his progress."

Fang Yuan understood what Confucius meant by the details.It seems that if people in the system cannot handle the relationship with several women, it will be a very troublesome thing after all.Confucius Tian's troubles, so why not my troubles?Song Sisi publicized the fact that I helped Dacheng Company back to life in a small area. It is inevitable that more and more people will know about it. Fang Yuan is also having a headache as to how to deal with this matter.I just don't know, what would happen if Kong Shuanghua knew about this?The colleagues in the Education Bureau and the leaders of the city know about this, what will happen.For the deputy secretary, this is a deadly political enemy, and there is no possibility of accommodating or resolving conflicts.For such an opponent, Fang Yuan's usual approach is to completely defeat him, no matter what method he uses.Fang Yuan whispered: "Does he have no weaknesses? Dad, this matter must be a shock!" Kong Zitian looked at Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan's eyes were firm and decisive.Confucius Tian felt that he was still a little angry with a book, with a little indecision.Confucius Tian said: "I have some of his materials, but it is not suitable for me and my people to take action." Fang Yuan said: "Can you ensure the authenticity of the materials?" Confucius Tian said: "This is no problem." Fang Yuan said: " Dad, give me the copy of the materials.” Confucius Tian said: “Okay, I’ll give you the materials when I go home tonight.” Fang Yuan said: “This son-in-law can’t help you with the details of life. "Confucius Tian sighed and said: "If you do something wrong, you can't live. It's too late to regret it now." Fang Yuan said: "At the critical moment, it is necessary to keep her safe." Confucius Tian said: "But I don't want the backyard to catch fire."

That's true.At the critical moment when the executive vice principal was promoted to the principal, any fire in the backyard or other courtyards would cause endless troubles!Alas, poor father-in-law!O poor self!Fang Yuan felt that he and Confucius Tian really had the same disease!One more woman outside here will be more dangerous and more troublesome!Within the system, there are always constraints; if it is outside the system, look at the big bosses, and even the chairman of the state-owned holding companies, which one does not change every day?But no one cares about them, and there is not much criticism from public opinion, let alone the moral condemnation of ordinary people.But the common people have higher demands on the officials. Once such a thing happens to an official, he will be scolded to death by the common people immediately!How many women private entrepreneurs have outside, sometimes even make young people envious; when such a situation occurs to officials, it is not envy, but jealousy.After every such official is shuanggui, there will be countless spittle stars sprayed into the network, overwhelming!I am still dedicated to my work, and my grades are relatively outstanding. If this aspect of myself is exposed, what will be the result?

Fang Yuan dare not imagine.Fear arose in Fang Yuan's heart.What you have, take responsibility.Except for Song Sisi, he really couldn't provoke any other women.Fang Yuan made up his mind.

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