Director's growth history

3214.1936, a new effect

Under the guidance of Zhou Yujie, Tian Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, visited the school's history museum, art classroom, dance classroom, pottery classroom, science and technology classroom, and instrumental music classroom with great interest.Wang Guodong has been here many times, and each time he has a new experience.In particular, the school history museum has added new content: In the 2008 college entrance examination, the passing rate of the first-level exam and the passing rate of the undergraduate course both hit record highs.In the new results of 2008, many teachers of the school won the first prize in the Qingjiang Provincial High Quality Class Competition. Among them, the principal Fang Yuan won the first prize in the Qingjiang Provincial Senior High School Chinese Quality Class Competition, which is also impressively listed in the latest content of the school history museum .In addition, the school also specially prepared a publicity exhibition room to display the news and publicity reports about Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in the past few years in a classroom.Wang Guodong found that even one classroom was not enough to promote the promotional materials of Dongzhou No. 5 High School.Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School

When I came to the school's reception room, the guests and the host were seated separately.Fangyuan invited Zhai Xinwen, Hao Dingyi, and Sun Hongjun to sit in front. Who would dare to sit there at this time!In the end, Fangyuan took the main seat, while Tian Guohua, Wang Guodong, Dou Shengzhong, Ming Yuyun and others took the guest seats in turn.Wang Guodong said: "Minister, please give me instructions." Tian Guohua said: "Just now I was just looking at the flowers, and I would like to hear from Comrade Fang Yuan about the relevant work." Wang Guodong said: "Fang Yuan, then you can talk about it." Fang Yuan Said: "Okay, let me introduce the relevant work in Dongzhou 5 to the heads of state."

Fang Yuan gave a brief introduction to the progress and achievements of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in the past year.This, in the materials prepared by Ruan Shaoxiu, was written in great detail, but in fact it was all in Fangyuan's mind.Fangyuan attributed these achievements to the care of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the leadership of the Municipal Education Bureau, the school's competent team, and the joint efforts of all the teachers in the school.Fangyuan decided to withdraw from the manuscript.When I introduced Minister Bei last time, I focused on talking about it from the perspective of developing ideas and using cadres.Obviously, Minister Tian is the Minister of Propaganda, so Fang Yuan changed his perspective: "Everyone, summing up the achievements and progress of the past year, I have extracted the following points: First, the school must strengthen its characteristic construction in order to achieve connotative development; It is that the school must strengthen the quality construction in order to achieve connotative development; the third is that the school must strengthen the cultural construction in order to achieve connotative development; the fourth is that the school must strive to form an atmosphere and synergy that promote the development of the school in order to achieve connotative development.” Fangyuan broke away The manuscript prepared by Ruan Shaoxiu talked eloquently. Regarding the construction of characteristics and quality construction, what Fang Yuan talked about was somewhat consistent with the previous few times, such as the development of the school's artistic characteristics, ceramic characteristics, and technological characteristics, such as teaching students to master the scientific method of learning. An important prerequisite for quality improvement.But what Fangyuan emphasizes is the cultural construction of literature.Fang Yuan said that campus culture plays a vital role in the cohesion and long-term development of the school.Before 5, Dongzhou No. 2008 High School already had a relatively good foundation. After I served as the principal, I put forward the new cultural construction brand of "inheritance, transcendence, leadership, and excellence" and the new teaching of "teaching is for not teaching". Brand, and with this concept, permeate every teacher and every student.It inherits the fine traditions of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, surpasses the former No. 5 Middle School, and surpasses the Provincial Experimental Middle School, Hangjiang Middle School, and Ninghai Middle School, which have better education and teaching quality than Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School; the leading meaning is to Strive to take the lead in Dongzhou city first, take the lead in Dongzhou city, and gradually strive to lead the province; excellence means to expect that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will never be satisfied on the road of development, even if it surpasses some famous schools, it will not stop moving forward We will strive to achieve better and faster development, and truly run a high-quality school that the people are satisfied with. The teaching culture construction of "teaching is for not teaching" is taken from the Chinese motto "teaching a fish is worse than teaching him to fish", which embodies the cultivation of teachers' teaching and educating ability and teaching efficiency, and the cultivation of students' self-learning ability , the key point is to give full play to the subjective initiative of students. Each student's learning method is different from person to person, which embodies the concept of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Through the cultivation of self-learning ability, students are guided to actively seek knowledge, explore life, and cultivate innovative spirit. , the ultimate goal is to allow students to study in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for 3 years, and benefit for life.Regarding the atmosphere for promoting school development, it is one aspect to actively strive for the support of superiors, and timely education and publicity, for the promotion of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, introduce the supervision of the news media and the supervision of the people, build self-confidence for teachers and students, and improve the quality of teachers. A sense of responsibility and a sense of mission are of positive significance.

Neither Ruan Shaoxiu nor Chen Qiuping could remember.Ruan Shaoxiu felt very ashamed. Principal Fang didn't pay attention to the carefully prepared manuscript. The four points he talked about are so refined and advanced!Chen Qiuping's admiration and secret love for Fang Yuan has reached an incomparable level.Chen Qiuping doesn't even know how to love Fangyuan, how to express her love for Fangyuan!

Wang Guodong, Ming Yuyun, Zhai Xinwen, Hao Dingyi, and Sun Hongjun were all very surprised.Because not long ago, when Fang Yuan reported to Minister Bei Zhenlong, it was not about this content.Some of today's views are not only close to the functions of the Propaganda Department, but also a reorganization and improvement of the previous views.Dou Shengzhong was very happy in his heart. Although it was not in the schedule in advance, it was a special request from Minister Tian Guohua to come to this point, but Dou Shengzhong felt that the brightest point of today's investigation and research itinerary was Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. up!Tian Guohua said with emotion: A young cadre admired and valued by Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee is indeed very thoughtful and capable.My trip to Dongzhou this time was worthwhile!

Fangyuan finally reported: "Everyone, the cultural concept and teaching brand of Dongzhou No. 5 High School are still in the process of being formed and yet to be further enriched and improved. I especially hope that this concept of cultural construction can support Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. To achieve long-term sustainable development in China, I don’t want people to talk nonsense, and I don’t want to give up the original good ideas and good practices after the school’s cadres are replaced. Therefore, I use the first word of school culture construction as It is 'inheritance'. Realizing innovation, enrichment and development on the basis of inheriting the fine tradition, this is better than changing the way of thinking when changing a leader, which can ensure the long-term sustainable development of the school. Dear leaders, some of my ideas and practices, There must be many imperfections, please criticize and correct the chief.”

Tian Guohua nodded with a smile.He looked at Wang Guodong, and Wang Guodong said: "Please give me instructions!" Tian Guohua said: "I am very inspired! Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School can achieve so many remarkable achievements in just one year, which is closely related to cultural construction. Inseparable, inseparable from atmosphere creation, inseparable from characteristic construction, inseparable from quality construction, and also inseparable from Comrade Fangyuan, the young head of the family." Wang Guodong said: "Yes, Minister. Comrade Fangyuan It has been listed as a key training reserve cadre by the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, and is currently studying at the Party School of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee." Tian Guohua said: "Then let me raise a few hopes. First, I hope that Dongzhou City will promote the main theme of socialism in the propaganda In the work, it is necessary to strengthen positive and typical publicity like Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Second, I hope that all systems and departments in Dongzhou City will strengthen cultural construction, and promote the connotative development of various systems and departments through cultural construction, and make Dongzhou Build a strong cultural city. A school with cultural connotation is a cohesive and sustainable school. By extension, a city with cultural connotation is also a city with cohesion, innovation and charm. Third, I hope that through the selection of cultural , The typical deeds and typical characters of the publicity system lead the direction of the media and public opinion, let all the people fully understand and trust the advantages of reform and opening up and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and play their due role in maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony As for Comrade Fangyuan, the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee has included it in the training scope of key reserve cadres. There should be an awareness of echelon building; everyone should start to establish a mechanism for echelon building.”

The purpose of Tian Guohua's coming to Dongzhou seems to be clearly revealed at this moment.Tian Guohua came to Dongzhou not only to complete the political task of the torch relay, but also to visit Fangyuan, which seemed to have been arranged in his preset itinerary, but he did not inform the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department in advance.Tian Guohua's last few words seemed to be beyond the scope of the Propaganda Minister's functions, but as a leader of the provincial party committee, it seemed that such a few words were not exaggerated.

Wang Guodong said: "Minister, please rest assured that the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee will implement your instructions." Dou Shengzhong said: "About your three hopes, the Propaganda Department of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee will hold a meeting to study the topic, come up with work opinions, and report to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. It will be studied and passed, and fully implemented in the city." Tian Guohua nodded: "I see, today's itinerary in No. 5 will end here, okay?"

Tian Guohua stood up and shook hands with Fangyuan: "Comrade Fangyuan, I will always pay attention to you. I hope you will strictly demand yourself, work hard, and live up to the ardent expectations of leaders at all levels!" Tian Guohua believes that Fangyuan understands what he said. It means that the "leaders at all levels" actually refers not only to the leaders of Dongzhou City, but also specifically refers to Secretary Zhao and Tian Guohua of the Provincial Party Committee.

Fang Yuan nodded solemnly: "Please rest assured, Chief, I must be strict with myself, work hard, and strive to make new and greater achievements for the development of Dongzhou's education at work." Tian Guohua said: "Here is my contact Way. I hope that I can often see good news from you. Of course, if you have any difficulties or problems that require me to coordinate and solve them, you can also contact me directly."

A business card, an ordinary piece of cardboard.Fangyuan took it in his hand and felt heavy.The eyes of many people around were a little hot: Minister Tian's business card, why didn't you give me one?Fangyuan, why is she so favored?Jealousy, envy, iron heart, loyalty, different emotions spread in the reception room.

Tian Guohua stopped talking, and accompanied by Fang Yuan and Wang Guodong, he walked into the reception room and went downstairs.When he was about to get on the bus, Tian Guohua said: "I hope that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will become an advanced model of cultural construction in Qingjiang Province in the near future and an advanced representative of propaganda work. 'Inherit, surpass, lead, and excel', this I remember the idea of ​​campus culture.”

Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Fangyuan, the study of the party school attaches the most importance to combining theory with practice. Your good ideas, good experience, and good results in your work can all be combined with the learning tasks of the party school and the homework assigned by the party school. Theoretical connection The actual work is the most vivid work."

Fang Yuan was moved.He understood what Wang Guodong meant, and said gratefully, "Thank you chief, thank you Secretary Wang."

Provincial and municipal leaders left by car.On campus, Zhai Xinwen, Hao Dingyi, Sun Hongjun, Fang Yuan and other Dongzhou No. 5 high school people, the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared.Fangyuan asked for instructions: "Secretary Hao, Director Zhai, Secretary Sun, please go upstairs and sit down for a while and give instructions." Zhai Xinwen looked at Fangyuan with complicated eyes, and smiled: "No. There are still things in the bureau!" Hao Dingyi Fang Yuan was envious, jealous, and a little afraid. He felt that he should get closer to Fang Yuan and communicate more, but he just didn't know where to open the gap.After glancing at Na Hong and Zhai Xinwen again, Hao Dingyi said, "Director Fang, I will definitely attach great importance to what you told me yesterday. At the critical moment of accelerating the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, the Party Committee of the bureau will definitely do its best Eliminate resistance as much as possible, and create a good development atmosphere for the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you Secretary Hao."

Dai Lianghua vaguely understood the meaning of Hao Ding's words.Hao Dingyi just took a look at that red one!It seems that the eye drops I put on Fangyuan have worked.This and that red, from the current point of view, are indeed a burden to the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, rather than a help.

Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Hao is right. The party committee of the bureau is to escort every school."

Zhai Xinwen looked at Sun Hongjun in surprise, but did not speak.Sun Hongjun doesn't care about Zhai Xinwen's attitude, what he cares most about now is Fangyuan's attitude.Sun Hongjun believed that Fang Yuan understood the meaning of this sentence.Sun Hongjun has made up his mind to tie his progress to Fangyuan's chariot.Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, Fang Yuan, young cadres who are valued by the leaders of many provinces, you can't just look at the position in front of him.Minister Tian of the Provincial Party Committee gave Fang Yuan his business card, but Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi did not have it; Secretary Wang Guodong personally said that Fang Yuan was included in the key reserve cadre training plan, which is No. 1 in the Dongzhou education system. !At the critical moment, Zhai Xinwen couldn't help him, so why should he sacrifice his life for him?The two times of help Fangyuan gave in times of crisis, and this time he met with Sheng Zhiren and Huang Jie separately for the possibility of being promoted to party secretary, made Sun Hongjun full of genuine gratitude to Fangyuan.I don't care about your Zhai Xinwen's attitude anymore, I sincerely hope that Fangyuan can develop better.For Fangyuan to develop well, the most important thing to do this year is to transfer Chen Qiuping from Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School!

Zhou Yujie stood behind.Seeing Fang Yuan's more mature and stable demeanor, Zhou Yujie's heart was also ups and downs.However, there is indeed one very important thing at present, and that is to tell Dad what Minister Tian of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee said today, and what Secretary Wang Guodong of the Municipal Party Committee said.Zhou Yujie believes that this is very important to her father Zhou Peng.

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