Director's growth history

3216.1937, astonishing

Fang Yuan understood what Liu Ming did.This Liu Ming doesn't see the benefit and doesn't let go!No wonder he was able to keep a mistress?The money came so easily!However, I can't make such a mistake!For tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or even millions, it is not worth losing a bright future.

Fang Yuan said: "This year, No. 5 Middle School has achieved good results in both the college entrance examination and the senior high school entrance examination. There are probably a lot of students who want to study in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Fang Yuan frowned thinking of the 29 children that An Dongsheng was about to introduce. "This will definitely far exceed the number of students that our school can accommodate. Principal Huang, please calculate how many students can be accommodated in the first and second grades of senior high school; Director Feng, calculate how many students can be accommodated in the first and second grades of junior high school. Take this number Tell me. At present, for all those who call or visit to ask for school choice, they will only register and not accept. This matter is definitely an offending thing, and I don’t want to offend all the superiors and all walks of life by myself. So, I will think of an appropriate way to break down this pressure. What you have to do now is, if you come to ask again, register your name and relevant information, and ask them to go to the Basic Education Department of the Municipal Education Bureau for further consultation. School. I want the vast majority of students to enter Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School through official methods. Otherwise, one is that I will easily make financial mistakes, and the other is that I really can’t afford to offend too many people.”

Fang Yuan picked up the mobile phone, found Shen Jun's mobile phone number, and dialed it: "Section Chief Shen, hello." Shen Jun said: "Hello Director Fang. What instructions does Director Fang have?" Fang Yuan said: "I have a job to ask. Suggestion. Section Chief Shen, I have an idea, whoever wants to choose a school in No. 5 Middle School should go to the Basic Education Department to register, okay?" Shen Jun's head immediately grew bigger: "Director Fang, this is not very good." Fang Yuan Said: "I am studying at the party school, and I don't have the energy and time to deal with these things. Chief Shen, you can report this matter to the director in charge, Director Zhai, and Secretary Hao. The advantage of doing business is to avoid black-box operations. I Well, you won't make financial mistakes, and you can save a lot of calls." Shen Jun had a headache.But Shen Jun didn't dare to object to Fang Yuan's meaning, and he understood what Fang Yuan said.If the Department of Education can control part of the power in transfer or school choice5, then the status will definitely rise in a straight line; but at the same time, it will also face many problems: how to coordinate the interests of all parties.If the coordination is not good, it is no longer the cadres of No. 5 Middle School who offend others, but the education department.Shen Jun said: "I will report this matter to Director Zhai and Director Chen." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan said: "I haven't found a better way for the time being, let the basic education department take the responsibility. It seems that the power of our school has been reduced, but in fact, many unmanageable relationships have also been passed on to the Municipal Education Bureau. Yes. Everything has advantages and disadvantages, and we will study a better way later. Secretary Dai, our school cadres and teachers, if they have a relationship and want to choose a school, they will only register and let those who want to choose a school Go to the Basic Education Division of the Municipal Education Bureau to apply for registration. I am studying at the Party School and I don’t have the energy to take care of this matter, let the Municipal Education Bureau find a way.”

The red standing there was anxious, forgetting that he was still being "punished to stand", he couldn't help but said: "Principal Fang, you can't leave it all to the Municipal Education Bureau! I have already promised several people, and I want to help them transfer to Let’s come to our school.” Fang Yuan smiled lightly, “Then you can talk to Chief Shen of the Education Department of the Municipal Education Bureau and ask Chief Shen to register.” Na Hong said, “I’m from our No. 5 middle school.” Fang Yuan said: "In order to prevent everyone from making unnecessary mistakes, especially economic mistakes, the school from Secretary Dai to every ordinary teacher, except for the biological children of the teaching staff, all others are treated equally. To introduce students, you can, register at the school, and at the same time go to the education department. Registration. I think, this year's research into Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, I am afraid that the Education Bureau will hold a director's office meeting to coordinate and balance."

Those red eyes turned green.She received benefits from others. She thought that with her contribution to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in the past year, Fangyuan would give her face no matter what.Now, Fang Yuan wants to push this matter to the Education Section of the Municipal Education Bureau for the Municipal Education Bureau to study and coordinate. Then her own face is with the director and the secretary. Who will give her this face?Na Hong said, "It wasn't done like this before." Fang Yuan said, "Do I have to be the same as Liu Ming and Yang Fang, the two former principals? My method, although it reduces the power of the school a little, But it is more sunny and transparent, which can prevent everyone from making economic mistakes. Isn’t it better? People used to feel a little embarrassed to refuse things that they couldn’t do themselves, but now they can directly push it to the Education Section of the Municipal Education Bureau. Isn't it good?"

That red was speechless.

Fang Yuan said: "Let's do this tentatively. President Huang and Director Feng will stay here for a while, and the other comrades will dismiss the meeting. Then the principal, hurry up and write a self-criticism and report it to Secretary Dai. You don't have to stand here anymore."

Huang Jiawei and Feng Jieyu stayed.Fang Yuan went straight to the point: "Director Feng, I used you as the vice principal of the middle school, but you don't have a title, you don't mind!" Feng Jieyu stood up and said, "Thank you for the training of the principal." Fang Yuan nodded and signaled to sit down.Fang Yuan said: "I want to tell you two things. The first thing is the teaching plan for the new semester. I don't want clichés, I want innovation, and I want practical results. Today I mentioned the school's cultural philosophy and teaching philosophy. The goal is to improve , development, transcendence, and excellence. The requirements for cadres are the same, the requirements for teachers are the same, and the requirements for students are also the same. Thinking about how to fully implement quality education, how to comprehensively improve the professional quality of teachers, and how to comprehensively improve the quality of education, How to enable teachers and students to acquire the awareness and ability of lifelong learning. Now, it seems that the 5th Middle School is brilliant, but the pressure of the society, the expectations of the leaders, and the expectations of the people make the 5th Middle School can only advance, not retreat, or even If there are fewer students, I am afraid they will be scolded. So we can only bite the bullet and muster up the courage to promote the school to achieve a new and higher level of progress. I want to see your teaching plan moving towards this Goal-driven approach." Huang Jiawei said: "Principal, I have long wanted to focus on teaching like this. You let me go and give me a chance, and I will definitely not let you down. In the 2009 college entrance examination, I strive to be better than this year. "Feng Jieyu said: "I will ask the principal for more instructions and report more." Fang Yuan said: "The second thing is how many students can be accommodated in each grade and class. Now, every class is full. For sure. Only the first year of junior high school and the first year of senior high school, it seems that we can accept a few more students. What I mean is, you count the number of students in each class of each grade. According to the provincial regulations, the maximum number of students in each class is 45. How much has been exceeded at present? If 50 students are accepted, how many students can be accepted in each grade? If 55 students are accepted, and 60 students are accepted, how many students can be accepted in each grade? Get the statistics and tell me directly, I Report to the Municipal Education Bureau in person. The figures you count will not be told to others, including comrades in the school. In front of you, I don’t need to hide. The place for entertainment is stationed in Longwan District, and some should be reserved for Longwan District; Dongsheng Group has set up a scholarship, can we not leave some for Dongsheng; the Public Security Bureau has done a lot of work to maintain the law and order in No. 5, and the Public Security Bureau will definitely do the same Keep a few. You can know it in your heart, but you can’t spread it out. That is to say, the school will have a few flexible places, but I don’t want to manage the vast majority of places, just leave it to the Municipal Education Bureau.”

Huang Jiawei and Feng Jieyu nodded.Huang Jiawei said: "Principal, I support you to do this. Immerse yourself in the coordination of relationships between people every day, so how can you have the energy to engage in professionalism? In addition, I think the students who have been selected by Principal Liu Ming in recent years must have accepted them." A lot of money, but it didn’t break out. If it breaks out, I’m sure I’m going to jail. Principal, you hand over this hot potato to the Municipal Education Bureau. You can have more energy and time to study teaching work, and you can avoid it. I made mistakes. I still need to reserve some places that should be reserved, and those units that have contributed to our school must of course be taken care of. Everyone understands this, and it is also under the sun, and no one will question it.”

Fang Yuan said: "It's good to understand. In fact, if the school can withstand various relationships and pressures, it is best for the power to stay in the school. But my mind is really on how to do a good job, not on handling these relationships. Do I have a feeling of meritocracy?" Huang Jiawei said: "If the party and government organizations at all levels in China can only treat talents, then China will be better. From top to bottom, how many virtuous or talented A guy with no morals and no talent, occupying the latrine and not shitting? Only by promoting talent can the Chinese nation achieve a great rejuvenation. Promoting and appointing cadres based on their relationship will only make China worse."

Fang Yuan looked at Huang Jiawei, wondering why Huang Jiawei was so bold today and said such deviant words.

Huang Jiawei said: "Principal, to tell you the truth, for a person like Na Hong, she should have been punished long ago. In addition, I admire you very much. Zhang Yueyu never flatters. He just does his job honestly. You immediately promoted him to be a deputy. Principal, this shows your character. Xiao Feng is also the director who works honestly, and you are about to entrust him with a heavy responsibility. I, Huang Jiawei, admire you very much."

Fang Yuan's heart was a little moved.

Huang Jiawei continued: "Actually, I used to be a young man who didn't know how to flatter the leaders. So Liu Ming didn't like me, and Principal Yang Fang didn't like me too much. But the principal, you dare to use me, promote me, and reuse me. I, I have the feeling that a scholar would die for his confidant. I feel that if I can’t do anything, I’m sorry for the kindness of the principal. I have been the vice principal for more than half a year, and I just focus on teaching honestly. Do a good job in the first grade. I think you promote me because you want to see the grades, not how much money I, Huang Jiawei, gave you and how much I flattered you. I don’t give money, I just listen to the principal and put Do a good job. I think the principal will not treat comrades who sincerely work for you badly. You know who has made achievements!"

Fang Yuan suddenly felt that he didn't know Huang Jiawei.Hey, this guy, these words are not flattery, why does it smell like flattery!

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