Director's growth history

3219.1940, Big trouble

The student Lei Xianhong cared most about was Fang Yuan.In the morning, Fangyuan asked him for leave, saying that Tian Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, inspected Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and he wanted to accompany him.Lei Xianhong immediately agreed, and did not remember to ask for leave, which was counted as attendance.Lei Xianhong is very familiar with these small tricks in the officialdom. They can win people's hearts and build popularity at the same time. Sometimes, a small thing can often make people feel better.

But in the afternoon class, Lei Xianhong didn't see Fangyuan.Lei Xianhong wanted to ask in person, but didn't.If you don't ask, you shouldn't; if you ask, you should, but it may have bad effects.Lei Xianhong said: "Student Huang Feng, come out with me." In the past two days, Huang Feng and Fang Yuan got very close, and Lei Xianhong felt that Huang Feng should know Fang Yuan's whereabouts.In the corridor, Lei Xianhong asked, "Where did Fang Yuan go in the afternoon?" Huang Feng said, "At noon, Chief Fang received a call from Wan Daquan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and political commissar of the police district, and went out."

Hey, it's also close to the military!Lei Xianhong sighed: Among the current department-level cadres in Dongzhou City, there is no one who can take all the provinces and cities, and all the military and land, right?Lei Xianhong said: "Accordingly, Fang Yuan has something to do, so he should ask for leave with me. In the morning, Tian Guohua, the Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee, inspected Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and Fang Yuan called early in the morning to ask for leave." Huang Feng said, "I don't know about this. Fang The director answered the phone and left in a hurry." Lei Xianhong said, "Got it."

Lei Xianhong returned to the principal's office and was waiting for Fangyuan's call, but after waiting for a whole afternoon, she still didn't get it.Lei Xianhong was very disappointed: Don't you have dinner at the party school at night?The party school started for 5 days, and Fang Yuan was absent for 4 and a half days, which created the history of the party school!On the afternoon of the first day, I went to the mobilization meeting for the torch relay, followed by the torch relay for three days, met Tian Guohua this morning, and was with the political commissar of the garrison this afternoon.How to record Fangyuan's attendance?You must know that the Organization Department of the municipal party committee is the closest to this aspect.Lei Xianhong has never encountered such a "serious absence" like Fangyuan.

Lei Xianhong began to pace back and forth in the principal's office, feeling a little annoyed.But she told Lei Xianhong rationally: Don't write down the conclusion of absence easily.After 30 years in the officialdom, Lei Xianhong has been deeply impressed: People with a strong background like Fangyuan should only make friends, not make enemies, unless the other party becomes his political opponent, and he should not use his talent to make enemies.

During dinner, Lei Xianhong deliberately stayed in the restaurant for a while, but still did not see Fangyuan.Back in the office, Lei Xianhong called Fangyuan. The phone rang many times, but no one answered.An ominous premonition suddenly arises: nothing will happen to Fang Yuan, right?If something happened to Fangyuan, and it happened during the party school, then I, the executive vice principal and head teacher, would be the first person responsible!If Fang Yuan died, then he would not even think about doing this job.

Lei Xian was sweating redly.It's all cold sweat!Lei Xianhong called Fangyuan several times, but the ringtone still rang for one minute and no one answered.Lei Xianhong was really scared. The strong sense of fear made Lei Xianhong's hands tremble.

Lei Xianhong thought about it and decided not to report to the Organization Department yet.I found Kong Zitian's phone number and dialed it: "Principal Kong, I am Lei Xianhong, the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee." Kong Zitian said, "Hello, Principal Lei." Just a polite word. Your son-in-law, Director Fang of the Municipal Education Bureau, didn’t attend class at the party school in the afternoon, and he didn’t ask for leave. Call him now, but there is no one answering. What should we do now?”

Confucius Tian also became anxious when he heard this: "Principal Lei, do you know where Fang Yuan went in the afternoon?" Lei Xianhong said: "According to the students' report, I had lunch with Wan Daquan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Political Committee of the Garrison District." Confucius Tian said : "Principal Lei, thank you! You didn't tell anyone else about this, did you?" Lei Xianhong said: "Not yet. However, I am mainly worried about the accident of Director Fang!" Kong Zitian said: "Thank you for your concern. I Contact first to find out the situation. Principal Lei is waiting for my news." Lei Xianhong said: "Okay."

Kong Zitian immediately dialed the phone to Fangyuan's mobile phone, but no one answered.Confucius Tian was also a little anxious, and dialed home again.When Kong Shuanghua received a call from his father and heard that Fang Yuan was missing, he cried on the spot: "Dad, where did Fang Yuan go? He is the backbone of Ruirui and me!" Kong Zitian said, "Don't worry, I'll think about it right away." There is a way to contact Fangyuan." Kong Shuanghua said: "Can I not be in a hurry? Fangyuan is my husband! No, I will go to find Fangyuan now!" Kong Zitian said: "Where are you going to find?" Kong Shuanghua said: "I will go Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Confucius thought for a while and said, "Go."

Confucius Tian was not familiar with Wan Daquan, nor did he have Wan Daquan's phone number.After much deliberation, he is still familiar with Deng Yuncong, maybe the executive deputy mayor has a way.Confucius Tian called Deng Yuncong: "Old Deng, I am Zitian." Deng Yuncong said: "You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, what's the matter?" Confucius Tian said: "My son-in-law can't be found, I am in a hurry !" Deng Yuncong was taken aback: "Didn't Fang Yuan attend the party school? Why can't I find it?" Kong Zitian explained the situation.Deng Yuncong said: "This Wan Daquan has been in the earthquake-stricken area of ​​Sichuan recently. Why did he come back suddenly? Okay, I will find a way to contact Wan Daquan." Confucius said, "Old Deng, hurry up! My daughter is in a hurry!" Deng Yuncong said: "I know, Fangyuan is very precious in your family, and now it is also included in the training targets of reserve cadres in the city. Don't worry, I know it."

As a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Deng Yuncong naturally had Wan Quanquan's cell phone number.Called Wan Daquan, but no one answered.Hey, Wan Daquan, is he drunk at noon?Or something happened with Fang Yuan?I called the office again, but no one answered.Deng Yuncong asked the secretary to come in: "Help me get in touch with the garrison headquarters. I have something important to contact Political Commissar Wan Daquan." The secretary said, "Okay, Executive Deng."

Kong Shuanghua drove to No. 5 Middle School with tears in his eyes.It's almost 19 o'clock, at this point in time, it is supposed to be home early.Fortunately, Kong Shuanghua told the messenger that she was Fang Yuan's wife, and the messenger said: "Secretary Dai, Principal Ruan, and Principal Huang are all here." Kong Shuanghua ran upstairs, found the vice principal's office, and rushed in.

Ruan Shaoxiu knew Kong Shuanghua, and was startled: "Mr. Kong, what's wrong with you?" Kong Shuanghua saw Ruan Shaoxiu as if he saw a relative: "Principal Ruan, Fang Yuan can't be found." Ruan Shaoxiu jumped up: "What? The principal can’t be found? Isn’t Principal Fang attending the party school? Why can’t he be found?” Huang Jiawei also stood up: “Who told you that Principal Fang can’t be found.” Kong Shuanghua said: “My father.” Huang Jiawei said: "Principal Kong of Dongzhou University?" Kong Shuanghua said, "Yes! Isn't Fangyuan in the No. 5 middle school?" Ruan Shaoxiu said, "No. This morning, Principal Fang was here. Crying loudly, this crying attracted Dai Lianghua, Chen Qiuping and Feng Jieyu.Ruan Shaoxiu briefly introduced the situation, and Dai Lianghua was also anxious.Dai Lianghua said: "Principal Fang is still assigning work at the school in the morning! Could it be that he is doing something somewhere?" Kong Shuanghua said: "I called him, but he didn't answer! I am worried that someone will not be kidnapped or something will happen." The more Kong Shuanghua thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she let go of her voice to cry.

Chen Qiuping, who was standing aside, was also heartbroken, and tears were falling down.Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Mr. Kong, sit down first. Let's think about where Principal Fang might have gone." Chen Qiuping said: "Call the police. The longer it drags on, I'm worried that something serious will happen to Principal Fang!" Looking at Chen Qiuping's tears It fell with a clatter, and everyone present was in a state of disarray.

Huang Jiawei said: "Mr. Kong, let's look for clues together. I don't know what else Principal Kong told you. Can you tell us? Let's sort it out together, maybe we can find Principal Fang." Kong Shuanghua Said: "My dad said that Principal Fang and Wan Daquan, the political commissar of the security area, went out for lunch at noon, and there was no news after that." Huang Jiawei said, "This information is very important. How can we contact Political Commissar Wan Daquan?" Chen Qiuping said: "We have a student's parent, who is the head of the frontier defense regiment, called Huang Run. I think we can contact the head of Huang first to see if he can get in touch with the head of the group, and then ask the head of the group to contact the security area. "Huang Jiawei said: "Okay, Director Chen, you are in charge of this clue now, and finish this matter well." Chen Qiuping ran out immediately.Dai Lianghua said: "The deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, Heping, is also the political commissar of the frontier defense regiment who has just changed jobs. Maybe he can also get in touch with the political commissar of the garrison area." Huang Jiawei said, "Lianghua, you are in charge of this line, okay? ?” Dai Lianghua said: “Okay, I will contact the director immediately.” Dai Lianghua also left the office.

Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Director Fang sometimes drinks at the Golden Valley Hotel. I'll contact the Golden Valley Hotel." Huang Jiawei said, "That's right. This is also a useful clue. Principal Ruan, you are in charge of this line." Ruan Shaoxiu After taking a look at Huang Jiawei, he felt a little displeased, but Fangyuan was the most important thing. Ruan Shaoxiu immediately dialed the phone in the office: "Hello, Jingu Hotel? I'm Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, let me ask, Fangyuan Fang from our school Is the principal eating at your Jingu Hotel at noon today? What? Yes! Great! Where is Principal Fang now? He drank too much at the Jingu Hotel and is still sleeping! Great!"

Huang Jiawei was also excited: "Okay, let's go to Jingu Hotel right away! Teacher Kong, you don't have to worry." Kong Shuanghua said: "Go, go right away!" Huang Jiawei said: "Director Feng, call Secretary Dai immediately , Director Chen, don't contact me anymore, go to Jingu Hotel immediately!"

But Chen Qiuping and Dai Lianghua's phone calls have already been made.Huang Run directly contacted the security area; Heping first reported the matter to Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi, which frightened Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi too.Hao Dingyi immediately reported to Bi Quanli, who was also taken aback.Zhai Xinwen didn't report and immediately called Dai Lianghua.At this time, Zhai Xinwen heard Dai Lianghua say that Fang Yuan had a drink with political commissar Wan Quanquan at noon and was still sleeping at the Jingu Hotel. Zhai Xinwen's mouth showed a smug grin.Heh, it seems that it is better to make this matter bigger.Zhai Xinwen immediately reported to Song Yunsheng that Fang Yuan was missing and would not be studying at the party school in the afternoon. Now, Fang Yuan's family members are looking for Fang Yuan everywhere.Song Yunsheng was taken aback: "How did this happen?" Song Yunsheng immediately called Sheng Zhiren from the Organization Department: "Zhiren, the discipline in your party school class is very bad! Fang Yuan is missing, do you know?" Sheng Zhiren was at a loss: "What? Fang Yuan is missing? Isn't Fang Yuan studying at the party school?" Song Yunsheng said, "Immediately implement it! A dignified deputy department-level cadre disappeared when he said he was missing." Sheng Zhiren was sweating on his head, and immediately called Lei Xianhong.Lei Xianhong cried and said, "Minister, I'm sorry, I didn't do my job well. Fang Yuan really can't be contacted now!" Sheng Zhiren, who had always been calm, stood up from his seat in shock: "What did you do? The deputy director-level cadres are lost!" Lei Xianhong cried: "Minister, Fang Yuan left after answering the call from Wan Daquan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and political commissar of the police district. He didn't ask for leave, and he didn't report to me. "Sheng Zhiren said: "Leave this alone, and find a way to find Fangyuan immediately. The matter of the party school will be studied later!" Sheng Zhiren said: "I have already reported this matter to Director Fang's father-in-law Kong Zitian!" Sheng Zhiren was so angry Cursed: "Why didn't you report to the Organization Department first? Who else do you want to alarm? It was obviously a family scandal, but now it's all right, Mayor Song knows it, who else doesn't know?"

Sheng Zhiren was so angry that he dropped the phone.Immediately called Qunfeng, the executive vice minister, and briefly explained the situation. Sheng Zhiren said to Qunfeng: "Contact the security zone immediately. No matter what, you must find Fangyuan today. After you find Fangyuan, ask him to come to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee immediately." , I want to see him!" Qunfeng said, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

Qunfeng returned to the office and immediately reported to Wang Guodong: "Secretary Wang, I have an important report for you." Qunfeng explained the matter, and Wang Guodong said: "Fangyuan must be found as soon as possible. This is the first priority. The second , is to try not to spread the matter as much as possible." Qun Feng said: "Understood. Please rest assured, Secretary Wang, I will definitely follow your instructions."

Wang Guodong put down the phone and said to himself: "You are still young." Wang Guodong picked up the phone and called Dou Shengzhong: "Shengzhong, has Minister Tian sent you to the plane?" Dou Shengzhong said: "On the plane. Secretary, Minister Tian is very satisfied with Dongzhou's work! He is especially interested in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School's experience in promoting the school's connotation development in terms of brand building, culture building, and quality building. Wang Guodong said: "Okay! But now there is a more urgent job, you can arrange it." Dou Shengzhong said: "Okay, please give instructions from the secretary."

Wang Guodong briefly explained the situation.Dou Shengzhong said: "Secretary, what do you mean..." Wang Guodong said: "I am worried that someone will make a fuss about Fangyuan and publicize it on the Internet and in the media. Unfavorable! The Propaganda Department should do a good job in guiding and controlling public opinion in this area, and turn this small matter into a big one instead of turning it into a big event!" Dou Shengzhong said: "Okay, I will arrange the Propaganda Department to come immediately Do this job well." Wang Guodong said meaningfully: "Boss Bei and Minister Tian both value the people and things that the big boss values, so we should pay more attention!" Dou Shengzhong said: "Yes! In a short period of time, the two All the giants of the provincial party committee are here!" Wang Guodong said: "Shengzhong, if we don't see such an obvious signal, we will have worked for more than 20 years in vain." Dou Shengzhong said: "Please rest assured, the secretary, I am planning on this matter. We attach great importance to it online, and strive to wipe it out tactically, and will not let a post that should not appear appear on any website or forum." Wang Guodong said: "I have always been very relieved of Shengzhong's work."

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