Director's growth history

3224.1944. Get angry

The dinner seemed to have a somewhat happy ending, at least on the surface.At the gate of the Jingu Hotel, everyone smiled, shook hands and said goodbye, and each got into the car provided by the company.Miao Dongshun, Si Yushi, and almost all the executives of Jingu stood at the door of the hotel to see the leaders off in person.Fangyuan watched the leaders get into the car and leave, then turned around and shook hands with Miao Dongshun: "Brother Miao, thank you." Miao Dongshun smiled obsequiously: "My brother, what are you talking about? What about it?" Fang Yuan said, "My brother and sister-in-law have put their heart into entertaining these city leaders." Miao Dongshun said, "For my brother's sake, I, Miao Dongshun, are definitely doing my best. It's a pity that my brother's contact is too deep. It’s low, and I can’t talk, so I can only provide a little convenience in cooking and drinking tea.” Fang Yuan said, “I remember what I did!” Miao Dongshun said, “Don’t be too polite, too Being polite is not your own brother." Si Yushi said: "Actually, it is a rare opportunity for Jingu that these city leaders can come. If you don't come, you don't know that Jingu's food is delicious. If you come here once, you may come again often in the future Brother Fang, you are also helping Jingu!" Fang Yuan said: "You can see people's hearts at critical moments! Brother, sister-in-law, my dad and I have also gone back." Miao Dongshun opened the car door himself and sent Fang Yuan and Confucius Tian to the car.

Confucius Tian has been standing on the sidelines and watching coldly.Kong Zitian is a person who is beyond rational. He thinks that he has the face of an executive vice president of a university and deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress, but he has no ability to invite so many standing committee members at once, nor has he the ability to ask Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng to do it for him personally. Fang Yuan's words are even less likely to affect the military. Looking at it now, this must have a close relationship with Fang Yuan.Now, even Miao Dongshun, who looks fierce with a face full of flesh, looks like Fangyuan's follower. His son-in-law is becoming more and more elusive.Two years ago, a college student living in Dongzhou actually asked Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee to come to Dongzhou in person, and asked Bei Zhenlong from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and Tian Guohua from the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee to come to Dongzhou in person. Which way did you go?Who is the old man and the old chief that Wan Daquan, the political commissar of the security area, refers to?What is the relationship between the old chief and Fang Yuan? Wan Daquan, who is out of reach of anyone in Dongzhou City, does his best to maintain it, and he doesn't even allow a report of criticism.It seems that I need to find out secretly.However, I am just the vice president of a university, how should I find out about it?What a problem!Among other things, why Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee supported Fangyuan, I didn't seem to have the means to really understand this point.Are you looking for Liu Jun?As the deputy director of the provincial education department, he usually doesn't even have the chance to meet Secretary Zhao, so how can he know the truth?Secretary Zhao, in the hearts of all the cadres in Qingjiang Province, that is a mountain that cannot be lifted up!Difficulty, what a conundrum!

When Fang Yuan came home, he saw Kong Shuanghua with red and swollen eyes.Fang Yuan walked over: "Shuanghua, what's wrong with you?" Kong Shuanghua burst into tears immediately: "I was worried about you at home, but you were having a good time outside." Fang Yuan said: "I don't have it! Shuanghua You can’t put on a hat indiscriminately!” Kong Shuanghua burst into tears: “Then what happened to that Chen Qiuping who brought you the bag?” Fang Yuan smiled wryly: “I was drunk with Political Commissar Wan, and I slept in a mess at the Jingu Hotel , I don’t know anything. When I was woken up, I was still dizzy! Seeing all the cadres of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School standing in the room, and hearing that Minister Sheng of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee had come, I felt confused I followed everyone to the conference room. Where did I think of the handbag? Chen Qiuping should have helped carry it. She is the director of the office, so she should do this. What's the matter?" Kong Shuanghua said: "I asked Chen Qiuping, Chen Qiuping used to be one of the female teachers who were adopted by Liu Ming. You have a dignified No. 5 middle school principal and more than 300 teachers. Could it be that you can’t find a male office director? Chen Qiuping is a bitch who is willing to be someone else’s mistress bitch!"

Fang Yuan frowned.What Kong Shuanghua said was true, but Fang Yuan sounded particularly uncomfortable.Thinking of his father-in-law still by his side, and thinking of his father-in-law and his wife getting angry because of his missing for a long time, Fang Yuan decided to endure it.Fang Yuan said: "I have already selected someone for the new office director. He is a male Chinese teacher. Now Ruan Shaoxiu is teaching him how to be an office director. I was the principal of No. 5 Middle School for only one semester. In the middle of the semester, I Selecting a suitable office director from among the middle-level cadres can only be done by hand. I also understand some things about Chen Qiuping's past, but I also need to give her a chance to prove that she can be a new person! Facts have proved that in the past semester, she This office director is quite competent. But in order to eliminate the comments from people around me, I also decided to change her to a male office director. Shuanghua, Chen Qiuping and I have nothing to do with each other, and we have never slept. I'm not interested in her. Chen Qiuping is over 30, and in the old society, she is considered a middle-aged woman. Don't think about it anymore, let alone be suspicious. Look at me, I am busy every day, and I keep my toes on the ground. How can I have time? and energy to do these messy things?"

Fang Yuan explained so much calmly. Seeing that Kong Shuanghua was silent, Fang Yuan said: "I am very tired today, physically and mentally. I am going to rest."

Fangyuan ignored Kong Shuanghua any more, pushed open the door of the study, and locked herself inside.Originally, the crisis of absenteeism was resolved, and Fang Yuan's mood improved a lot; now, Kong Shuanghua was depressed once entering the door, and Fang Yuan's heart was blocked.Falling headlong on the bed, Fang Yuan thought bitterly: I just made Chen Qiuping, what can you do with Kong Shuanghua?These thoughts are just thoughts.Fang Yuan encouraged herself: Except for Wang Quan and Ding Chunxiao who must take care of them and their children, she will only have Sisi alone, and no one else will be able to enter her life.The more women, the more troublesome, now, enough trouble.

In the living room, the three members of the Kong family were all sitting on the sofa, silent.Kong Shufang still couldn't hold her breath, and said, "Zitian, Fangyuan doesn't take Shuanghua seriously now." Kong Zitian took a deep puff of cigarette: "I believe Fangyuan doesn't like Chen Qiuping. "Kong Shuanghua pursed his mouth in grievance, and tears flowed down again: "Dad, why are you turning your elbow outward?" Kong Zitian said: "Shuanghua, sometimes you find it yourself when you are unhappy. If Fangyuan comes back, you Immediately make a glass of honey water, pass it over, and care about whether he drank too much alcohol today, whether his body is uncomfortable or not, will Fangyuan still be like this? Shuanghua, you have worked hard for a long time, and you have worked hard to please It is also worthy of reflection." Kong Shufang was a little dissatisfied: "Zitian, it's fine if you don't help your daughter, why are you helping outsiders to criticize your daughter?" Kong Zitian stared at Kong Shufang: "Who is an outsider? Is Fang Yuan an outsider? You all regard Fangyuan as an outsider in your heart, can Fangyuan treat this home as his own? I told Shuanghua, so I am reminding you! I drank so much wine tonight, I must be unwell, you As a wife, why don't you make a cup of honey water? Why don't you care about me? Don't I, Kong Zitian, have made such a great contribution to this family, so I don't deserve your care and concern? Why does it seem like something that is not worth mentioning? Others can do such a small thing, so if you don’t do it, you can’t do it well?”

Kong Zitian stood up, not wanting to talk to Kong Shufang.Originally, he had made up his mind to cut off contact with Xiao Ma, but now, Kong Zitian was a little shaken.Compared with Kong Shufang, although Xiao Ma is a little vain, but she is gentle and considerate, which can make Kong Zitian find the feeling of home that he wants: warm and comfortable, with a relaxed mind.A few plates of exquisite stir-fry, two glasses of red wine, embellished with a romantic atmosphere, reminded Confucius that on the basis of satisfying the basic physical needs, the spiritual needs should also be gradually satisfied.Not to mention on the bed, Xiao Ma is trying to please Confucius Tian in every possible way, and she wears sexy underwear if she needs to wear sexy underwear; Xiao Ma actively cooperates with any method she wants to try; Let Kong Zitian feel a different kind of stimulation, let Kong Zitian experience the joy in bed, it can be better.I have been married to Kong Shufang for almost 30 years. Basically, I am a man and a woman. After eating delicious roast duck for 10 days, I will feel sick and never want to eat roast duck. Can a posture that lasts for 30 years still arouse people's interest? ?Kong Zitian once tried to change, but was dubbed by Kong Shufang as an old man who played a hooligan on the bed.There is a willingness to change, this is called innovation, this is called exploration, how can you play hooligans?No wonder one of the most popular sayings now is: Men all hope that the ideal wife is one who goes out to the hall, goes to the kitchen when she goes in, and goes to bed as a flirtatious woman.How can a rigid wife who only knows how to go up and down, how can Kong Zitian arouse the slightest interest in having sex with such a wife after he has tasted the taste of "going to bed as a coquettish woman"?

Kong Zitian was very depressed, stood up and went into the bedroom, and ignored Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua again.

Kong Shuanghua and Kong Shufang looked at each other, crying.These two women have encountered the same problem: they have less and less common language with their husbands, and they do not know how to communicate with their husbands.My love for my husband is still very deep, but I don't know how to love my husband, and my current love cannot be understood by my husband.Full of grievances, I can't find a place to vent, confide in, or relieve.Kong Shuanghua and Kong Shufang hugged each other and cried.

Kong Shuanghua's bedroom door opened, and Xiaoqing came out from inside.Just now, she was sleeping with Kong Fangrui in her arms.Faintly, she heard Fang Yuan and Kong Zitian talking loudly one after another. She wanted to hear it very much, but she knew that this was someone else's housework, and as a babysitter, she must not interfere.Now, Kong Shuanghua and Kong Shufang are crying together, and Xiaoqing can't lie down anymore.This Auntie Kong is real, Principal Kong is such a good person, she really doesn’t know how to be blessed; this Sister Shuanghua is real, Brother Fangyuan is the prince charming in dreams who can’t be found even with a lantern, and he messes with Fangyuan all day long Big brother is angry.If it were me, it would be too late for me to hurt Big Brother Fangyuan, so why would I provoke Big Brother Fangyuan every day, and make Big Brother Fangyuan unhappy?

However, both Kong Shuanghua and Kong Shufang were crying like this. As a babysitter, if Xi didn't come out to comfort her, I'm afraid they would vent their anger on themselves.Alas, I don't want to be taken advantage of by this.

Xiaoqing cautiously walked in front of the two of them, and said softly: "Auntie, Sister Shuanghua, what can I do for you?" Kong Shuanghua suddenly shouted at Xiaoqing like a roar: "Don't you sleep with Ruirui in your arms? , What are you doing here? Are you here to see me and my mother joke? Get out of your room, get out!"

Xiaoqing's tears rolled down.Sure enough, I became a punching bag.Did I provoke you?You got angry with Big Brother Fangyuan, and you spread it on me, why?Xiaoqing turned back to Kong Shuanghua's bedroom again, thinking bitterly in her heart: You scolded me for no reason and took your anger out on me; then I will take it out on Kong Fangrui!snort!

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