Director's growth history

3248.1964, all are scheming

People from Fangyuan are still attending classes at the party school, but their hearts have already flown to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.If you say you don't worry about it, can you not care about it?The Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection told his father-in-law and Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee to pay attention to money and beauty, and even mentioned that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had received anonymous letters about the relationship between men and women.Fang Yuan really wanted to thank the provincial leader face to face, with his sincerity.However, since the leader does not want to affect his party school studies, it is not suitable for him to run there.

Fang Yuan just endured it.During class break, Chen Jian said: "Director Fang, congratulations!" Fang Yuan was taken aback: "Congratulate me for what?" Chen Jian said: "Principal Kong is a veritable principal this time. To the main hall, this is a big step in life!" Fang Yuan said: "Thank you. My father-in-law has indeed made a big step this time!" Chen Jian said: "Dongzhou University is really interesting! From Fu Fengde's accident to Ma Jun was suspended, and it took only three days for Principal Kong to be promoted. Interesting."

interesting?Fang Yuan looked at Chen Jian and knew there was something in his words, but he didn't understand what he said.Fang Yuan didn't want to get entangled in this matter, so he said calmly: "Secretary Chen, we, a small deputy, can't take care of the matter of the prefecture-level cadres?" Chen Jian said: "That is, that is."

Lei Hengliang seemed to be particularly fond of Fangyuan. Before the last class, he said to Fangyuan, "I heard that Secretary Mao of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has gone to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. If you need to ask for leave, you can go?" Fangyuan really wanted to go , but held back.Fangyuan said: "Principal Lei, I'd better go to class and compete with peace of mind. What happened last week is a profound lesson for me." Lei Hengliang said: "That incident is over, and we don't need to mention it again .”

While eating at noon, Fangyuan received a call from Ruan Shaoxiu: "Principal, are you out of class?" Said: "Go ahead."

Ruan Shaoxiu introduced the situation in the morning to Fang Yuan in detail, and he even grasped the key points, what Dai Lianghua said, what Sun Hongjun said, what Mao Zhiting said, what Wang Guodong said, and Song Yunsheng said.After listening to Ruan Shaoxiu's report, Fang Yuan's impression of Dai Lianghua changed a lot.Regarding Sun Hongjun's report, Fang Yuan felt that it was very successful, and Sun Hongjun should be more confident in being promoted to the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau.When Wang Guodong was about to talk to her, Fang Yuan felt a little uneasy: it must have something to do with money, beauty, and prevention of rape.If Wang Guodong asked, how should he answer?Can I honestly confess to Secretary Wang?Regarding Song Yunsheng's coming to the Municipal Party School to attend classes, Fang Yuan guessed one or two of Song Yunsheng's intentions.Fang Yuan lamented: Lost the opportunity at one step, and lost the opportunity at every step.Through this time, Secretary Wang personally attended the party class and reviewed the assignments in person. Some potential department-level cadres will be favored by Wang Guodong and he will pay attention to them.Mayor Song only started to act at this time, isn't it a bit late?

Soon, Fangyuan received another call from Dai Lianghua.Fang Yuan didn't say that Ruan Shaoxiu had called, and patiently listened to Dai Lianghua's report.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Dai's report was very good. I will not be at the school in the future, so you can report on behalf of the school." Dai Lianghua said: "Thank you for the principal's trust."

Chen Qiuping also called.Chen Qiuping's narrative is different from Ruan Shaoxiu's, with more emotional elements.Chen Qiuping said: "Secretary Mao from the province is very kind to you. Secretary Wang Guodong is very kind to you. Secretary Sun from the Municipal Education Bureau is also very kind to you." Fang Yuan couldn't help but joked: "You are also very kind to me. Good." Chen Qiuping said in a low voice, "Really?" Fang Yuan immediately regretted it.Words spoken are like water poured out, which cannot be taken back even if one wants to.Fang Yuan deliberated for a long time and said, "Director Chen, get ready to be Principal Chen." Chen Qiuping said, "You know, I didn't intend to be Principal Chen." Fang Yuan's heart was full: "I know."

He had no choice but to hang up the phone, Fang Yuan knew that he couldn't go on.Thinking of Mao Zhiting's statement that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had also received an anonymous letter reporting Fangyuan's relationship with men and women, Fangyuan felt pain in his heart: he should stop, but he was disturbed by it. Chen Qiuping's problem must be broken once and for all.I can't delay any longer. If I continue to delay, I will definitely fall into her gentle hometown.This woman is really nice to Fangyuan now.

Just as he was thinking, Sun Hongjun called.Fang Yuan said: "Congratulations to Secretary Sun." Sun Hongjun said: "Thank you! Without you, there would not be such a good opportunity." Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun is a person who is prepared. The person who prepared it. Secretary Sun did not bring a speech script, and he was able to report the discipline inspection work of the Dongzhou education system in a vivid and impressive manner. I believe that the six standing committee members from the city were very impressed. Secretary Mi of the Education Department will leave a deep impression on Secretary Sun. That day is not far away." Sun Hongjun said, "Thank you." Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Sun, I have something to trouble you." Sun Hongjun said "Among us, why are you being polite?" Fang Yuan said, "I was thinking that it's time for Chen Qiuping to leave Dongzhou No. 6 Middle School. To tell the truth in front of Secretary Sun, I really have nothing to do with Chen Qiuping. She is doing well, and she is also very kind to me. I am worried about the future, so I plan to change to a male office director this semester. In the future, I will never appoint a woman to be the office director again." Sun Hongjun said: "Fangyuan, I'm really happy for you if you think like this. Look at how leaders care about your growth now. It's not worth it if you capsize because of women. In fact, if you don't say it, I'm already planning to take Chen Qiuping Transfer away from you. I have been to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School a few times, and I saw her eyes full of affection when looking at you, and I am very worried about you!" Fang Yuan said: "Yes, actually it was all because of my unintentional intention. The other party is affectionate. I really don’t know how to deal with such a thing.” Sun Hongjun said: “This is actually a compulsory course for many leading cadres today. How many cadres stumbled because of women’s affairs. Temptation is also an important aspect of testing a cadre. Fang Yuan, if you need it, I am willing to supervise you in this matter." Fang Yuan was very moved: "Okay, Secretary Sun, I welcome you to supervise me in this matter! Young, there are many things that may not be able to be grasped. With the supervision of Secretary Sun, I believe that all mistakes that should not be made will definitely not be made." Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, let's supervise and remind each other, Let’s jointly develop and maintain Dongzhou’s education well.”

At this moment, the two hearts were tightly stuck together.

In the restaurant of the party school, Fang Yuan arrives late.Mo Xiaohan said: "Director Fang, you are really busy at work! In this short period of time, you have answered a lot of 10 calls, right?" Fang Yuan smiled indifferently: "Although I am studying at the Party School, I am still a member of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. The principal of the school is also a member of the Municipal Education Bureau. Some jobs can only be communicated at noon and evening." Mo Xiaohan said: "It is still easy for people like us. When studying in the party school, there is no one to find The people in Corey did the job directly, without me, I am equally capable. We are also dispensable people!" Lian Hengbo said: "Director Fang is replaceable. Just received the news, Mao Zhiting, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, has just inspected Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, accompanied by Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Song of the Municipal Government, and spoke highly of the work of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. In the past month, three members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee have visited , without exception, all went to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Chief Mo, do you think you have such a great ability?" Mo Xiaohan said with a sour heart: "Of course not." Lian Hengbo said: "Then we should When you shut up, you still have to shut up." Mo Xiaohan sighed.

Fang Yuan did not sit with everyone.On the contrary, Wang Song saw Fang Yuan sitting there, walked over with his own plate, and sat beside Fang Yuan: "Hello, Director Fang." Fang Yuan smiled at Wang Song: "Hello, Director Wang." Song said: "Some people in our class have long mouths and long tongues, Director Fang doesn't care about them." Fang Yuan said: "In society, it is better to be remembered by others than to be forgotten." Wang Song thought about it After thinking about it, he said: "Yes. If you think about it, even if it is jealousy, it means that our ability is better than that of the other party. If you forget it, it is simply to underestimate, and to ignore it at all." Fang Yuan said: "Be good at yourself. Do your own thing well, and try not to face confrontation. But we are not afraid of confrontation. Soldiers will block you, and water will cover you." Wang Song said: "When you need my help, just ask. Director Fang, it's a big deal. You go to Standing Wang; I, Wang Song, can do small things, just call me, and I'll be there on call." Fang Yuan looked at Wang Song, and couldn't tell what it was like.It should be principled!Could it be that the comrades of the police only care about friendship and not principles?Wang Chuyin contributed a lot to his father-in-law's promotion this time, and he owes a lot of favors.How to return this favor is really a troublesome matter.I have to discuss this matter with my father-in-law.As for Wang Song, it's really hard to say what kind of favor he will owe, it's better not to owe him.

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Director Wang, I will have to trouble Director Wang in the future." Wang Song said: "It's easy to say, easy to say."

Fangyuan had lunch and returned to the dormitory.After listening to reports from Ruan Shaoxiu, Dai Lianghua, and Chen Qiuping, and talking to Sun Hongjun, Fang Yuan felt really tired.In fact, I was very tired in the morning, but now, I let go of all my worries.As long as you can control women's sex and money, you can hope to develop better.The father-in-law was also promoted to the president of the university as a matter of course.What else do you want?Fangyuan fell asleep and slept soundly until she was woken up by her roommate Chen Jianfeng.

In the afternoon class, Fang Yuan didn't say a word, but concentrated on listening to the class and taking notes.The professor worked very hard and paid attention to the interaction, but Fang Yuan couldn't show any interest in the interaction.Perhaps at this time, what Fang Yuan wants most is to keep a low profile and keep a low profile.

During class break, Huang Feng said: "Director Fang, after class this afternoon, follow me to the Municipal Committee Office. Let's have a working meal at the Municipal Committee Office tonight." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, Section Chief Huang." Huang Feng He didn't say anything else, and Fang Yuan didn't ask anything else.But Fang Yuan guessed something: Maybe Secretary Wang of the municipal party committee wants to see me?

Mo Xiaohan next to him couldn't help sighing again: "It's really uncomfortable for Section Chief Huang to be dumbfounded with Chief Fang!" Zhang Yitong said: "What else can you do if you feel uncomfortable? Can you still follow?" Mo Xiaohan said: "Now I think Fangyuan is really unfathomable." Zhang Yitong said: "The background is very strong, and it is an absolute high-quality potential stock. Be optimistic, hurry up! I will cheer for you!" Mo Xiaohan said: " If you want to fall in love, you do it, don't involve me." Zhang Yitong said: "I want to fall in love, can he fall in love with me?" Mo Xiaohan said: "He doesn't like you, can he still fall in love with me? Zhang Yitong said: "You are prettier than me, you have a good figure, and you are good at singing and dancing. As long as you let him taste you, he will never forget you." Mo Xiaohan stretched out his hand and slapped Zhang Yitong: "Let you talk nonsense again." Zhang Yitong said: "You can only talk nonsense. Now, if any woman can take him down, then this woman is absolutely amazing." Mo Xiaohan said: "How about we join forces?"

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