Director's growth history

3250.1966, the mayor attends class

Last Friday, the class schedule for the next week had already been sent to the students.Fang Yuan saw the class schedule on Monday, and followed the class schedule step by step.On Wednesday, teachers from the economics teaching and research department of the school give lectures.Fang Yuan also prepared the textbooks and notebooks as required early in the morning, and came to the classroom early.

But the teacher who was supposed to come did not come.Accompanied by Sheng Zhiren, head of organization of the municipal party committee, and Lei Xianhong, executive vice principal of the mayor's party school, mayor Song Yunsheng actually came to the classroom.All the students stood up and applauded Song Yunsheng.Even Fang Yuan was surprised: Could it be that Song Yunsheng taught everyone today's class?

Sheng Zhiren said: "Everyone, Mayor Song is very concerned about this party school training class and everyone's growth. He came to the party school in his busy schedule and taught everyone in person. This is the first time in Dongzhou party school in recent years. At the same time, there will be a training class for the party school students taught by the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor! Let us give the warmest applause and welcome the mayor to speak for everyone.”

Song Yunsheng seemed to be in a good mood and looked radiant: "Students, when I was the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, I used to give lectures to the students of the party school from time to time. Since I became the mayor, I have visited the party school less often, and I have never given lectures to the party school again. The students have attended the class. This is my dereliction of duty, and I did not care enough for you! Here, I would like to express my sincere apologies to everyone!"

All the students applauded Song Yunsheng.Chen Jian stood up: "Mayor, thank you for giving us a class in person. We are a group of blessed students." Song Yunsheng said: "Chen Jian is too polite. What is blessing? After a class Blessed? Be sure to seek truth from facts!"

It seemed that he was criticizing Chen Jian, but the smile on his face clearly expressed his satisfaction with Chen Jian's proper "flattery".Fang Yuan felt the complexity of human nature and Song Yunsheng's performance.As for Chen Jian, it seemed that he and Song Yunsheng really had a tacit understanding.

Song Yunsheng said: "I am actually very concerned about this training course for department-level cadres. All the students here are the backbone of the development of various undertakings in Dongzhou City. Now and in the future, they will be in Dongzhou City To take on more important responsibilities and more arduous tasks in economic and social development. In order to let everyone better understand Dongzhou, today, I will not follow the scriptures, but I have been the mayor of Dongzhou for two years. Exchange achievements, existing problems and future development ideas in social development. I heard that on Friday, everyone will go deep into state-owned enterprises, conduct on-the-spot research, and integrate theory with practice. This is very good, and I agree very much. If If I have time, I will accompany you for a walk; if you don’t have time, then after you finish your homework, let me take a look. Principal Xianhong, what do you think?” Lei Xianhong said: “The mayor has a lot of opportunities every day, so I can accompany you Our students, I believe everyone will be very grateful; if not, it is really a blessing for all of us to see the homework of the students!" Song Yunsheng said: "Hehe, then don't say unnecessary words, I will start the class now .Minister Zhiren, you can do what you should do, and you don’t have to stay with me.” Sheng Zhiren said, “I want to learn from the mayor too!” As he spoke, he walked to the last seat with Lei Xianhong sat down.

Song Yunsheng said: "Okay, then I will talk to you about my feelings about Dongzhou. What kind of city is Dongzhou? From the perspective of ordinary people in other cities across the country, Dongzhou has several characteristics. The first is Dongzhou is very rich. The Dongzhou real estate speculators, Dongzhou coal speculators, and Dongzhou prospecting groups all swept the country with tens of billions of funds. But is Dongzhou really rich? Dongzhou’s gdp is in The country does not rank in the top 20, and the local fiscal revenue does not rank in the top 20. If you want to upgrade Dongzhou to a sub-provincial city, compared with Hangjiang and Ninghai, the total gdp, fiscal revenue and many other aspects have a big gap The gap, to a certain extent, seems to be really not qualified to be upgraded to a sub-provincial city. Is Dongzhou really rich?"

Lian Hengbo stood up: "Mayor, Dongzhou City is a typical city where the poor are rich and the people are rich. The city government is poor, but the common people have money." Song Yunsheng said: "Hengbo only saw one of them, but not the other. [-]. Compared with Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and other big cities, the per capita income of ordinary people in Dongzhou City has a big gap, and it is obviously not as good as that of Hangjiang. The second characteristic of Dongzhou described by other cities is that there are many bosses in Dongzhou. It can be described in written language, but it can be described in another sentence, that is, there are many private enterprises. This has promoted the formation of a large number of big bosses and small bosses. produced." Lian Hengbo said: "The mayor has a comprehensive view of the problem, and I made the mistake of generalizing." Song Yunsheng said: "Hengbo is modest. You summed it up very well. The country is strong and the people rich, it is us **The goal of the people; every cadre in Dongzhou City should take the city's prosperity and the prosperity of the people as the direction of work. Under the current situation, the priority is to ensure that the people's lives are getting richer day by day, even if the city is a little poorer, the county This is the direction of our governance efforts. The city is poor and the people rich, which just shows that our government is a government of the people and a government that earnestly implements the concept of governing for the people." Lian Hengbo said: "The teaching of the mayor wake me up."

Song Yunsheng said: "What other evaluations do people across the country have on Dongzhou? This is the third characteristic, that is, there are many counterfeit products. Especially in the 90s of the last century, many Chinese private enterprises in Dongzhou can produce almost all products on OEM. , but there is still a certain gap between the quality and genuine products. In intellectual property terminology, it is pirated.”

Every student was moved and felt ashamed.But Song Yunsheng changed what he said just now: "This is the evaluation of Dongzhou by the people all over the country. As a member of Dongzhou, I don't agree with it. I also summarized Dongzhou and summarized these characteristics. : First, Dongzhou is a city with a very rich history. Our Wuma Street already existed in the Jin Dynasty. Tao Yuanming and other poets, geographer Xu Xiake, etc. have left words describing Dongzhou, and our Yandang Mountain, from ancient times to the present, how many moving poems of literati have left behind? Second, Dongzhou is a coastal open city that keeps pace with the times. Dongzhou, in step with the reform and opening up of the country, has even advanced in many aspects Thirdly, the people of Dongzhou are very hard-working. This excellent quality is an important reason why the people of Dongzhou have worked hard to start a business and a large number of private entrepreneurs have emerged. Starting from selling buttons and small commodities, starting from selling Starting as a small worker or a cook, with an indomitable spirit, he formed a primitive accumulation and gradually developed. May I ask, is there any city in the country whose people can endure hardships and struggle like the people of Dongzhou? I have always been proud of the Dongzhou people with such good qualities, this is the spirit of Dongzhou!"

Song Yunsheng became a little emotional, as if he was really immersed in the sensational touch.Fang Yuan was also a little moved. The third point that Song Yunsheng summed up really made Fang Yuan very much agree.In terms of hard work and hard work, the people of Dongzhou City are really first-class in the country.Poverty is not terrible, but laziness!The folk customs of Dongzhou are industrious and industrious.It is this kind of urban ethos that makes Dongzhou at the forefront of reform and opening up.I was able to go from an ordinary teacher to today's step, so why is it not driven by the hardworking Dongzhou spirit?Song Yunsheng summed it up really well!

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