Director's growth history

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Crisis and opportunity, sometimes there is a thin line, to the left, is the abyss; to the right, is a bright future.Whether it can turn a crisis into a turning point, whether it can seize a fleeting opportunity or call it an opportunity, in the eyes of many people, it is very difficult.It is easy to think, but difficult to do.During the period of the Three Kingdoms, there was a man named Yuan Shao who had a strong army and a great number of counselors, and the anti-Cao Cao forces in the court also secretly supported him. It can be said that Cao Cao was in crisis and Yuan Shao was at the right time, but Yuan Shao was not a person who grasped the opportunity. The Battle of Guandu was originally a crisis, but it became an opportunity to rule the north; it was an opportunity, but it ruined the bright future.

Now, what is placed in front of Fangyuan is precisely in this line.Is it an opportunity, or a trap?Fang Yuan was also somewhat confused.But based on his understanding of Ding Xiaohua in the past two days and his strong distrust of "pie in the sky", Fang Yuan made a choice in an instant.

"Chairman Ding, can I say a few words first?" Fang Yuan's expression was respectful, but other than that, nothing could be seen.

Ding Xiaohua looked at Fangyuan with a smile: "Okay. Xiaofang made a few very good suggestions for the Nass Group, and now they have been transformed into the company's decision-making. I hope to hear what I like to hear more, which is more beneficial Opinions and suggestions for the development of the Nass Group." Fang Yuan said: "The "Civil Servant Law" and the "Teacher Law" both clearly stipulate that in a situation like mine, it is not allowed to work part-time in a company, even as a consultant, let alone Needless to say, I am a director. To be honest, I don’t even know what a director does. I only know that the chairman is the big boss. Although I can’t be a director of Nass Group, if I need to give advice to Nass Group Whatever, I'll do my best."

Ding Xiaohua's face darkened.

The audience was quiet, all looking at Ding Xiaohua.Ding Xiaohua stared at Fangyuan intently, trying to use his eyes to make Fangyuan give in, but Fangyuan's eyes did not avoid, looking at Ding Xiaohua very purely and calmly.In the past, Ding Xiaohua used this trick not only as a useful means to conquer women, but also as a useful means to conquer subordinates, but today, this means has failed.

After a long time, Ding Xiaohua said leisurely: "Xiao Fang, all the directors here are my old brothers and partners who have been with me for at least ten years. I let Xiao Ke be the director because I am a holding company. In the future, I will The shares will be transferred to Xiao Ke's name; I let you be a director because you are indeed a genius in business, and I hope you can become an important member of the management team in the future. I have been in charge of the Nass Group for more than ten years, and you He is the first person to dare to do this against my will."

Fang Yuan said: "Chairman Ding, I am not from the Nass Group, neither your superior nor your subordinate. I am very grateful that you appreciate and value me. But I am not in the business world, so I am not interested in doing business. I am very interested." Ding Xiaohua said: "Whether you are my subordinate or not, it is unacceptable for me to contradict me." Ding Chuke suddenly said: "Dad, this is not good for you. In the UK, you will be regarded as a Those who want to become Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi in the minds of common people in the West. Fang Yuan is indeed not a member of the Nass Group at present, but whether you will become a member of the Nass Group in the future, why are you so anxious?"

"Hahahaha!" Ding Xiaohua burst out laughing suddenly: "My Xiaoke is still smart. Well, we will not discuss the matter of adding Fang Yuan as a non-executive director today. But not discussing it now does not mean that we will not discuss it in the future. Everyone, vote now , Add Patch Chu Ke as the executive director. Let's vote with a show of hands?"

Undoubtedly, all of them raised their hands.Ding Xiaohua is the controlling shareholder, accounting for more than half of the shares. If they let their daughter in, no one can say one, two, three.Fang Yuan didn't move, Ding Xiaohua seemed to want to let him go: "Fang Yuan, you didn't raise your hand." Fang Yuan said: "Chairman, I'm just kidding, I'm not a member of the board of directors." Ding Xiaohua chuckled: "Okay, okay, I'm so happy Finally, there is someone who dares to contradict me. You are really brave!" Fang Yuan said: "I am making an objective statement, so how can I call it contradictory?" Ding Xiaohua ignored Fang Yuan and said to the audience: "I have three demands: 5. The 5 suggestions put forward by Xiaofang today, each department is responsible for implementing them, and each deputy general manager is responsible for supervising and urging them to ensure that they will see results as soon as possible. Each department will report to me the progress of these 5 tasks every week. I believe that with these [-] [-]. My daughter Ding Chuke will participate in the management of Nass Group from today. Since she is a novice and does not have a specific responsibility, she will follow her first. You, Uncle Sheng, learn. Learn from your Uncle Sheng, and then arrange for vice president or other positions. Third, although Xiao Fang has not become a director of Nass Group for the time being, he is still a distinguished guest of Nass. You can just be a vice president. If anyone can't figure it out, they can talk to me at any time, and we communicate. The meeting is over! Fang Yuan stays, and you, Lao Sheng, stay too."

With countless questions, the vice presidents, ministers, middle-level division chiefs, and managers left the meeting room.Many people looked at Fangyuan intentionally or unintentionally, and then at Ding Chuke.Everyone may think differently, but there is one thing that is very similar: there must be a story between this Fangyuan and the chairman's daughter.

Fang Yuan wanted to leave, but dared not.It's not because he's afraid of Ding Xiaohua, but because he doesn't want to tear his face apart.He now admires Ding Xiaohua very much. Ding Xiaohua understands human nature so thoroughly that he has even been able to grasp human psychology.Every time you speak to the bottom line that you can barely accept, every time you make things so that you are almost ready to turn your face, every sentence has a deep and long-term layout and consideration, with such a person , is no different from being with the king and the tiger, but it can also train yourself better, under the premise of ensuring that you will not die or be degraded.

Ding Xiaohua seemed to ignore the existence of Fangyuan, and said to Vice President Sheng Qiming: "Qiming, we have been friends for decades. You are the pillar of the Nass Group, and your management experience and management level are enough for Xiao Ke to learn for a lifetime. Today I will hand over Xiao Ke to you, you uncle, you have to do your best!"

The words were kind words, but now Fang Yuan knew more and more about Ding Xiaohua's personality, and knew that these few words were far from simple.Anyway, it's nothing to do with him, so it's good to watch the show by himself.

Sheng Qiming said: "Xiao Ke followed me, and I welcome it very much. It can be said that I watched Xiao Ke grow from a little girl with pigtails to a big girl today. It's just that I was so busy all day long that I couldn't leave my feet. Sometimes I really can't take care of my little niece, I'm afraid I'll delay her!"

Interesting.Sheng Qiming is not "very welcome", it is clearly "very unwelcome"!What's the point of arguing over such a trivial matter between the president and the executive vice president?Could it be that the Nas Group is also at odds with each other like the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor?Fang Yuan drank tea and looked at Ding Xiaohua and Sheng Qiming quietly.There are stories everywhere!Sometimes, the process of watching stories is also a kind of learning.Isn't that what the saying goes?A man wanted to butcher a pig. Someone asked him if he had killed a pig before. He said that he had never killed a pig before, but he had seen others do it.Later, it was extended to, have you never killed a pig, haven't you seen a pig run?This is also a kind of learning, a very special kind of learning!

Suddenly there is a faint fragrance in the nose.Turning around, it was Ding Chuke who was holding the teapot and standing beside Fangyuan.Fang Yuan looked at the teacup, sure enough there wasn't much water left.Stretched out the cup, smiled at Ding Chuke: "Thank you." Ding Chuke took the cup, poured water on Fangyuan, put it down gently, showing her white teeth: "You're welcome. The way you sat quietly just now is very attractive to men , it will make a girl's heart germinate." Fang Yuan said, "I'm studying."

Ding Chuke was a little surprised: "Study?" Fang Yuan nodded: "It's learning. If three of us are together, there must be my teacher. Chairman Ding and President Sheng are both seniors I want to learn from." in the meaning.Ding Xiaohua said: "Xiao Ke, why are you so biased? You started to look at Xiao Fang before you got on well with him? Look, my glass has bottomed out, and I don't see you coming to pour a glass of water; Yes, there is no water in your Uncle Sheng's cup, why don't you pour it quickly?"

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