Director's growth history

3336.2029, better than rehearsal

Wang Guodong glanced at Sheng Zhiren and nodded.Sheng Zhiren said: "Tell me specifically." Sun Hongjun fondly recalled Fangyuan's outstanding contributions to the development of Dongzhou's education in the past few years, allowing Wang Guodong and the other three to review this history.Sun Hongjun said: "If an outstanding talent like Director Fang can be placed in an important position in education, it will definitely make education have a brighter future. However, because he is still lacking in maturity, sometimes he is not thorough enough when considering problems. Bad cadres, likes and dislikes are written on their faces, which will make Comrade Fangyuan hurt the feelings of many comrades invisibly. At this time, it is especially necessary to have a comrade who is loyal to the party and responsible for education to remind him and supervise him , Restrain him, let him play a better role within the framework of the system, instead of breaking through the system and letting the horse run freely."

Sun Hongjun spoke to Wang Guodong's heart.Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Red Army is really good. Every one of our comrades must consciously do things within the framework of the system, and not go beyond the limits and self-inflated. Fangyuan’s nomination, while other party committee members, including comrades Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi, did not object to Fangyuan’s nomination. What do you think?” Sun Hongjun said: “What I thought at the time was, how to do things that are beneficial to work. I The objection to Chen Qiuping staying in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is because Chen Qiuping has a very bad influence on Comrade Fang Yuan because of her good looks and is also the director of the office. Staying in No. 5 No. 5 Middle School is not conducive to Comrade Fang Yuan's dedication to work." Wang Guodong said: "Is there a special relationship between Fangyuan and Chen Qiuping?" Sun Hongjun said: "It is understood that Fangyuan is quite satisfied with Chen Qiuping's work, but only limited to work. As for whether Chen Qiuping has a crush on Comrade Fangyuan, it is hard to say. Yes. I insisted on transferring Chen Qiuping from the No. 5 Middle School because of precautionary considerations." Wang Guodong said: "You are right. It is not easy for the party and the government to train an outstanding talent. The party must not only manage cadres, but also care for them , to prevent outstanding talents from making unnecessary mistakes." Sun Hongjun said: "I must keep Secretary Wang's teachings in mind, and I will speak out when I should speak out. Sometimes opposition is actually a concern for comrades." Wang Guodong Said: "Minister Sheng, Comrade Red Army's words contain dialectics!" Sheng Zhiren said: "Yes. Comrade Red Army, there are two more objections to the nomination. What do you think?" Sun Hongjun said: "My second This time I objected to Na Hong Tiaoli 5 Middle School. Comrade Na Hong is a comrade with outstanding artistic expertise but also has many small problems. She is very vain, loves to show off, and likes to take credit for herself, and sometimes evades responsibility To be honest, I don’t like such comrades either. There are three reasons why I prevented Comrade Fangyuan from being transferred from Nahong. The first one is that Nahong is still needed for work in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Nahong has artistic expertise, and Dongzhou The [-]th Central Committee is vigorously highlighting the characteristics of art and science and technology, and comrades like Na Hong are needed to strengthen the extensive and in-depth development of art education. The second is to remind comrades Fangyuan to be tolerant, and every comrade has shortcomings. As a principal, what we have to do is not to drive away comrades with shortcomings, but to make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Comrade Fang Yuan finally listened to my advice, which in itself shows that Comrade Fang Yuan is a broad-minded comrade. Comrades who are good at listening to other people’s opinions.”

Hey, it was originally a self-praise, but now I give Fang Yuan a little praise.

Sun Hongjun continued: "The third reason is that Nahong's reputation due to some shortcomings is relatively good. No principal of other schools is willing to accept such a deputy. After thinking about it, Comrade Fangyuan can manage it. Other schools don't want it. Then let Comrade Fang Yuan handle this difficulty, this in itself is also a training and test for Comrade Fang Yuan."

Wang Guodong, Sheng Zhiren, and Bi Quanli all laughed.Wang Guodong smiled and said: "You, you..." Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Wang, I am in charge of organizational work, and I have nothing to do." Yes. It is not easy to do any job, and of course there are many difficulties in arranging personnel for education. I am the secretary of the municipal party committee, and I feel deeply. I believe that Minister Sheng and Mayor Bi also feel deeply. Comrade Red Army can find them so safely. To come up with a more appropriate method is a qualified party secretary!"

Bi Quanli felt bad, and said, "I heard that Na Hong asked Comrade Ma Shuntian, who had retired, to go to the Education Bureau and begged Hao Dingyi, Zhai Xinwen and other comrades to leave the No. 5 Middle School without transferring Na Hong. Is there such a thing?"

Sun Hongjun said: "There is such a thing. But when I analyze the whereabouts of Nahong, I will not put the request of the old secretary Ma Shuntian at the forefront. If the work requires it, the adjustment must still be made, and it will not be because of Ma Shuntian’s intercession changed. The reason why Na Hong stayed was indeed influenced by Ma Shuntian’s old secretary. Ma Shuntian’s actions made the principals of other schools even more afraid to accept Na Hong, and no one was willing to accept someone who did not obey orders She even wants to be Empress Dowager Cixi's grandma! In this case, it is better to stay in No. 5 Middle School, and let Comrade Fangyuan sharpen his character in the process of leading Comrade Nahong, and promote his maturity earlier, so that he can contribute to the education of Dongzhou Make a greater contribution to the development!"

Wang Guodong and Sun Hongjun are simply too satisfied.Looking at Bi Quanli, Wang Guodong felt a little contemptuous: his work ability is not outstanding, his mind is not broad-minded, but relying on his background in a special system, he has accelerated his career advancement.But the realm and ability are not up to the quality that a deputy mayor should possess, which is also far behind Song Yunsheng.No matter how bad Song Yunsheng is, his ability to work is a rare one indeed.And Bi Lili, what expertise does he have?

Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Hongjun is really good. I heard that you still oppose Fangyuan's promotion of the dean of the school?" Sun Hongjun completely let go. He felt Wang Guodong's appreciation and decided to speak more clearly: "Yes, Wang Secretary. As the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, you must consider the adjustment of cadres from the perspective of the overall situation and the whole system. In the past year, 5 middle-level middle-level teachers in Dongzhou 5 were promoted to vice-principals, which is among the 72 bureaus in the city. It is unique in middle schools. During the summer vacation, another deputy principal was transferred to No. 68 Middle School to take charge of the work, and a vice principal was promoted from No. 5 Middle School to No. 68 Middle School. This counts as six vice principals, including one executive vice principal. As the deputy secretary in charge of the cadres, we also need to consider the feelings of the principals and secretaries of the other 6 schools, and the feelings of the middle-level cadres of the other 71 schools. We must not let them think that other schools are deans and office directors. There will be no chance of promotion, which will affect the harmony and stability of education, and affect the enthusiasm of middle-level cadres in other schools."

The more Wang Guodong watched, the more he liked Sun Hongjun, the more he listened to what he said, the more in line with the party's organizational principles, and the more he heard, the more he felt that Sun Hongjun's overall view and party spirit were quite good.

Sun Hongjun said: "In addition, the vitality of education must be enhanced, and the focus should be on the flow of educational talents. If the vice-principals of Dongzhou No. 5 are all promoted from Dongzhou No. 5 and become self-breeding and inbreeding, in fact, it will be very difficult for Dongzhou No. 5 The long-term development of the middle school is quite unfavorable. Only by transferring new comrades from other schools can we introduce living water to Dongzhou No. 5 middle school without creating a pool of stagnant water."

Wang Guodong couldn't help applauding Sun Hongjun.Sheng Zhiren and Bi Quanli also applauded.

Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Wang, Minister Sheng, and Mayor Bi, I have said something, and I have already thought so in my heart. If what I said is wrong, please criticize more." Wang Guodong said: "You are right. If The party secretary of every department can think about problems like you, so why don’t the cause of Dongzhou party and people not prosper?” Sun Hongjun said: “Of course, this also needs to fully affirm Comrade Fangyuan’s open mind and broad mind. I am just a deputy secretary of the party committee. Although I want to stop it, if Fangyuan does not accept my opinion, I think the final result may not be that three comrades were transferred from other schools to the No. 5 middle school, one secretary of the general party branch, one Vice-principal, a labor union chairman. Comrade Fang Yuan agrees with me, which shows that Comrade Fang Yuan humbly accepts the correct opinions of others, and shows that Comrade Fang Yuan thinks about problems from the standpoint of work. This point is worth learning for me. Very admirable."

Wang Guodong said: "Two good things and one good. Minister Sheng, you have recommended a good cadre to the municipal party committee!" Comrade, if the Municipal Party Committee entrusts you with a heavier burden, do you have the confidence to do well?"

Sun Hongjun was very excited, but remembering the consensus reached with Fangyuan, he suppressed his excitement and said calmly: "Secretary Wang, I have been doing party affairs and organizational work in the Education Bureau. , I am still a layman when it comes to the administrative work of education, the law of educational development, and how Dongzhou education should develop. If the organization must impose a burden on me, then I will work hard even if I put my head on the ground and do my best. Do it. But I am afraid that I will live up to the expectations of the leaders.”

Wang Guodong said: "The Municipal Party Committee advocates making the best use of people's talents. You will definitely not be allowed to engage in administrative work. You must give full play to your strengths. Comrade Red Army, if you no longer serve as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, I ask you to recommend a new one." Deputy Secretary of the party committee, who do you think is suitable?"

Sun Hongjun was amazed, what Fang Yuan was thinking was almost exactly the same as the current rhythm, but the link of evaluating Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi was missing.Sun Hongjun thought for a while, and said: "Report to Secretary Wang, I think Comrade Cao Bensong, the chief of the political engineering section, is more suitable." Wang Guodong said, "Isn't this inbreeding?" For two years, he has been the head of the Department of Sports, Health and Art of the Education Bureau. Comrade Cao Bensong is close to 50 years old this year, and he is much older than me. In terms of emotion, no leader hopes that the deputy's qualifications will be older than himself, and his age He is older than himself, because it is quite difficult for such a deputy to lead. However, Secretary Wang asked me to recommend him, and he must hope that I can recommend it from the standpoint of work needs. Therefore, although Comrade Cao Bensong is older, his His character and his party spirit can be fully affirmed. During his one-year tenure as the chief of the political engineering department, the party affairs work of the Education Bureau has been solid. More importantly, Comrade Cao Bensong has kept his duty and has a strong sense of confidentiality. There is a clear separation of powers and responsibilities. If he comes to serve as the party secretary, with his age and his mature and prudent character, he will definitely become the new party secretary and director's right-hand man, and it will definitely have a positive effect on the development of Dongzhou's education. .”

Wang Guodong nodded: "Okay, I learned a lot from the conversation with Comrade Red Army today. Comrade Red Army, please do your job well. What I want to say is that Dongzhou Education needs comrades like you, and the municipal committee needs comrades like you! "Sun Hongjun stood up and bowed deeply to the three leaders: "You must live up to the hope and great trust of the leaders, fulfill your duties, and go all out." Wang Guodong said: "I hope you can maintain your true colors. No matter who you are, as long as you do harm Regarding Dongzhou education, we will resolutely resist." Sun Hongjun said: "Definitely!"

Wang Guodong stood up, stretched out his hand, and held Sun Hongjun's hand tightly.Wang Guodong felt the firmness of Sun Hongjun's hand, and also felt the slight trembling.

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