Seeing Fang Yuan's complexion changed, Na Hong was even more panicked and at a loss; the other cadres who were familiar with Fang Yuan didn't know how to persuade Fang Yuan; Yu Yalun and other people who had just arrived couldn't say anything.

Fang Yuan relieved his mood, and said calmly: "I really want to transfer you out of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School this summer. The principal, I very much approve of your ability in art education, and so do your comrades. But why do I Want to transfer you? Do you know the reason?"

At the critical moment, Yang Mou came out, and Fang Yuan felt that his anger was smooth.Even if you offend Nahong, you must be upright, put the truth in the sun, and let the sun judge light and darkness fairly.Na Hong said: "I...I..." Na Hong muttered, as if she hadn't realized her problem existed, but through the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, she knew that Fang Yuan didn't like her very much.

Fang Yuan said: "I want to transfer you, the reason is very clear. Today, I will talk about some of your problems in front of all colleagues, not only to let you know how to correct yourself in the future, but also to tell you clearly , put your mind into your work. As long as you do your job well, as long as you go all out to do your work instead of playing tricks, then I will consider your future progress for everyone. After all, I am a member of the Party Committee of the bureau, although It affects the overall situation, but you can still submit some ideas to the Bureau Party Committee for study and discussion. In the past few months, many comrades in Dongzhou No. Are you focused on your work?"

Everyone has thoughts, and what Fangyuan said is true. Qiu Zhengxuan, Dai Lianghua, Zhang Yueyu, Ruan Shaoxiu, Huang Jiawei, Ruan Shaoxiu, Chen Qiuping, and Yang Yingxian, have been in charge of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for less than a year since Fangyuan took full charge of the work. Eight people from Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School have been promoted to the main or deputy department level, and another Zhou Yujie, although he has no clear position, has also moved from the school to the Education Bureau, and then became the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee.The so-called specialization of the Youth League Committee is due to lack of qualifications, and there is still a year to wait. If there is no accident, Zhou Yujie will be able to be promoted to the Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Education Bureau by this time next year.Without Fangyuan's strong support, how could so many cadres have made progress?

Fang Yuan said: "The principal's first shortcoming is that he does not take the overall situation into account, does not consider the feelings of other colleagues, and does not listen to the opinions and suggestions of other vice principals. It seems that in 5, only if I say a few words can you force yourself to I can listen to it, but as to whether it is true or not, whether I listen to it in my heart, and whether it is really implemented, it is hard to say. The second shortcoming is that I like to tell stories. Secretary Dai is also a lesbian. You and Secretary Dai In comparison, they are not on the same level at all. Secretary Dai does his duty well in the work assigned by the school. Even if he feels wronged sometimes, he does not complain or explain, and strives to do a good job. This is a qualified and mature cadre What about you? When you are aggrieved, you make the whole world know about it, and then make rumors, or even create rumors out of thin air, say something that shouldn’t be said, do something that shouldn’t be done, and become a rumor maker and spreader.”

That Hong lowered her head guiltily, hating Fang Yuan to the extreme.I lost all face today.

Fang Yuan said: "The third shortcoming is that you like to be in the limelight. When you encounter a good thing, you rush to it. If you do a little work, you hope that the superiors will know that you did it. You are the most credited. When it comes to bonuses, you wish you could always take the first share. You also thought that as the principal, you should not only consider how much work and achievements each person has done, but also take into account the relationship between all cadres and teachers in the school. Is there a balance? Is there a balance? You don’t think about it! You just want you to get more! Acknowledge your contribution. Principal Huang led the comrades in the high school group to create a new history of Dongzhou No. 5 high school college entrance examination. Is it the biggest contribution? You What about you? You have achieved certain results in your artistic work, and everyone knows that you want to come out to compete. Can your artistic achievements be compared with the results of the college entrance examination? In the eyes of parents, is it a successful program that is important or theirs? It is important for your child to be admitted to a good university? But you don’t want to, until you finally get the highest bonus, then you shut up. Is this a qualified party member and cadre? Let’s put it bluntly, if you do art work, if If the school does not provide manpower and financial support, can you still do the same thing? It cost the school nearly 8 yuan to hold a party. If you don’t have money, can you still do it?”

Yu Yalun, Chen Yufeng and Tao Duanhua also lowered their heads.Fang Yuan was criticizing that red, so why not pointing them out?

Fang Yuan said: "People are self-motivated, and others like to show off. These are two completely different concepts! Now let's talk about your fourth shortcoming, that is, you don't pay attention to unity..." Fang Yuan eloquently summed up that Hong didn't pay attention to unity, and when encountering problems Seeing shortcomings such as wanting to shirk responsibility, not doing overtime work without overtime pay, etc., she also mentioned that the provincial leader visited Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and Na Hong rushed to say that the student art evening was planned by her.Fang Yuan said: "It was indeed planned by you, and you also contributed, but from the provincial leaders, to the city leaders, to the bureau leaders, they didn't see your work, but felt that you were ridiculous, you know? ?Do you think you can attract the attention of the provincial and municipal leaders? Do you know how a city leader commented on you? He said you don’t understand the rules! On such occasions, even I and Director Zhai You don’t have many opportunities to speak, and you jump out of a small sub-subject, where can you speak clearly? What kind of rules is this?”

The red air didn't dare to take a breath, it was filled with hatred and fear.

Fang Yuan said: "At this year's bureau party committee, do you know what kind of situation you are facing? If I don't agree to keep you, all the principals of the 72 schools in the world will not welcome you. If the 5th middle school doesn't keep you , you will face layoffs and unemployment! No school will keep you, where will you go?"

Na Hong couldn't bear the pressure, couldn't bear the loss of face, so she burst into tears.

Fang Yuan said: "I don't know whether you realize this or not. What I know is that you just want to stay in No. 5 High School, have a good reputation as the vice-principal of No. 5 High School, and have more benefits than other schools." Treatment! Don’t you think so? You have never realized that if I don’t keep you, you will have no way out! I keep you not because of the face of the old secretary Ma Shuntian, but because of you He is still a talent, and he has relatively high attainments in art education. As long as he can correct his shortcomings, he can still make a certain contribution to the school. If you look at character and virtue, then you think you still have the face to stay in Hong Kong. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School? Look at comrades Dai Lianghua and Qiu Zhengxuan in No. 5 Middle School. They work overtime almost every day until 68 or [-] in the evening. How about you? I think you really have nothing to do. You are the first one to drive out of the school after school Yes, it’s you most likely! Did Comrades Dai Lianghua and Qiu Zhengxuan ask for overtime pay? No! You don’t have overtime pay. If I hadn’t insisted on it, you would never have worked overtime! This is the realm, and this is the gap! Therefore, Dai Lianghua was promoted to the vice-chairman of the trade union of the Education Bureau, and Qiu Zhengxuan presided over the work of the [-]th Middle School, all of which were done and worked out, not by selling words or thighs!"

Fang Yuan slightly regretted saying "sell thighs".But Fang Yuan didn't want to take it back. This actually revealed the improper relationship between Na Hong and Ma Shuntian. At the same time, Fang Yuan was also reminding other women not to have such thoughts.Now that Chen Qiuping is gone, the number of women around her has not decreased, but has increased. The entire school team has 4 women, Yu Yalun, Na Hong, Chen Yufeng, and Tao Duanhua. Except for Na Hong, the rest are around 30. It is indeed a little young.Get a vaccination first, and take preventive measures!

Na Hong was almost ashamed, and hated Fang Yuan to an extent that could not be described in words.But she didn't dare to refute, Fang Yuan's piercing words made Na Hong more or less aware of her current situation.

Fang Yuan said: "Na Hong, put your mind into your work and how to make the work in charge more productive. The new semester is coming soon, so you must cultivate your spirit of taking the overall situation into account, unite your comrades, and work hard. Think carefully about how to abide by the rules, think about how to make everyone like you and not hate you, think about the bad influence that you once liked Zhang's parents and Li Jiashou, and even more Always remind yourself that if you don’t behave well and do good things, even if Secretary Ma Shuntian comes to find you personally, no one will be able to save you! No school wants you, and this is not a shelter for you! If you can’t get rid of those bad habits, if you If you can’t prove yourself as soon as possible, after one semester, no one will be able to intercede, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will hand you over to the Party Committee of the Bureau, and let the Party Committee of the Bureau decide where you will go!”

Dai Lianghua and Huang Jiawei felt that Fang Yuan's words today were a bit harsh, although they also agreed with what Fang Yuan said about Na Hong's flaws.However, both of them chose to remain silent.

Beating Nahong brought Yu Yalun, Chen Yufeng, and Tao Duanhua a spiritual impact that was unprecedentedly shocking!Unexpectedly, when the young Fang Yuan criticized a deputy, he could be so ruthless and harsh!Although there is a little more awe of Fang Fang in my heart, there are also some shadows buried!

Fangyuan said: "Everyone, I criticize Nahong for the sake of work. I hope that our 5th Middle School will have such an ethos, that is to bury your head in work, do your job well, and make achievements. I am a workaholic. In May, when I led the teaching and research staff of the teaching and research section and the participating teachers to try out the lectures, there was absolutely no rest, and there was no rest. There was no overtime pay, and I still had to do it! At that time, Principal Qiu was working on junior high schools, and Principal Huang was working on high schools. It doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night! I don’t care if you’re beautiful or not, or whether you say those flattering words. What I’m looking at is work! Get the job done, and I’ll think ahead for you! I hope, Dongzhou No. 4 Middle School can become a new starting point for your career progress, and it is a good platform and stage for you to prove yourself and show yourself!"

Standard one-word speech!But everyone didn't feel that this didn't seem like it should be, as if it should be like this.

Fang Yuan said: "Principal Ruan, please arrange a banquet tonight to send off Chairman Dai Lianghua and Principal Chen Qiuping, and welcome Secretary Yu, Principal Yufeng and Chairman Duanhua to No. 5 Middle School. Call Zhou Yujie, the director of the Education Bureau. Invite her over, she is also from Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School!" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Okay, principal. What is the scope of attendance?" Fang Yuan said: "Our school's existing middle-level and school-level cadres." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I'll arrange it right away."

Fang Yuan said: "Director Xie of the Teaching and Research Office and Director Xie of the Kindergarten Office are still waiting for me. The current meeting is like this. Chairman Dai, please perform your duties as the secretary of the school's general party branch and talk to Comrade Na Hong. Secretary Yu If you want to participate, can you join us too?" Dai Lianghua said: "Okay, Director Fang. Director Fang, I would like to hand over the candidates for the middle-level cadres of the school." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, wait until I talk to Director Xie and Xi Jinping After the director has finished talking, I will come back to listen to your report! Secretary Yu, the party management cadres, you also participate!" Yu Yalun said: "Okay."

Fangyuan greeted Huang Jiawei and Chen Qiuping: "Jiawei, Director Chen, please accompany Principal Chen and Chairman Tao around the school." Huang Jiawei said, "Okay."

Dai Lianghua walked up to Na Hong: "Principal, let's go. The meeting is over, go back to our office and sit down." Seeing that Hong was heartbroken, Dai Lianghua hated and pitied her!Na Hong got to where she is today, completely on her own fault; and Fang Yuan's beating mercilessly made Dai Lianghua feel that she had to do ideological work to understand Na Hong, so that Na Hong would not hate Fang Yuan but be grateful to Fang Yuan. problem.Yu Yalun's psychology is even more complicated. Yu Yalun knows that his ability is not too strong, and it is inevitable that he will make mistakes in his future work. If he is criticized like Nahong today, can he bear it?Alas, the task assigned by the leader is absolutely impossible to complete.Now in No. 5, as long as he listens to Fang Yuan honestly, how dare he have his own ideas!The situation of the bureau's party committee was already clear. Even Zhai Xinwen couldn't control Fang Yuan's presence; Zhai Xinwen seemed to be able to control the situation only with Fang Yuan's absence.It is really difficult for me, the former secretary of the Youth League Committee, to shoulder the heavy burden that the person who appears to be Hao Dingyi is actually the person of Zhai Xinwen!I don't have much foundation in the first place, so what can I use to challenge Fangyuan?How dare they make small moves when Fang Yuan is not present?

Fang Yuan was the only person left in the meeting room.Ruan Shaoxiu came in and stood next to Fangyuan: "Principal, the hotel has been booked. The president said that she called you several times and you turned off the phone. She is very concerned. I briefly talked about the illness, and the president said She will come over with Mr. Miao to see you later." Fang Yuan said, "Don't let them come. I really don't have time today! Let's talk about it when we meet tonight." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "Okay, I will call Mr. Si later. One thing, Secretary Yu and the others are here, how to arrange this office?" Fang Yuan thought for a while, and said: "Principal Yang Fang's office is for Secretary Yu. Let Huang Jiawei and Chen Yufeng share an office, and the two of them happen to study and teach together. .You share an office with Nahong and Tao Duanhua. Ordinarily they should be separated, but do you understand what I mean by keeping you in Nahong's office?" Ruan Shaoxiu said, "Understood." Fang Yuan said, "Now Nahong hates me to death. But you don’t have to worry about Shaoxiu. There are advantages and disadvantages in everything you do. It depends on whether the advantages are greater or the disadvantages are greater. I offended that Hong, and that Hong can’t make a big wave, because her own reputation is already rotten. What she said Few people will believe it. She will definitely jump out and become someone else's pawn, but if she is a sensible person, she should work honestly. If she jumps out, it will be when she leaves No. 5 High School. Time to see which school she can get a job at!"

Fang Yuan didn't say a word, that is, which school dares to take in Na Hong, then the principal of this school,'s too late.

Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Principal, I will have a good grasp of Nahong's words and deeds and report to you in time." Fang Yuan said: "Today's criticism of Nahong may have an impact on the minds of Secretary Yu. Let's see how to do a good job of psychological dredging." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Understood. I have something to report to the principal." Fang Yuan said: "Please tell me." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "This time Feng Jieyu was not promoted, but Chen Yufeng took his dream position. I have a If there is such a concern, Principal Chen's management work in the junior high school may not be so smooth." Fang Yuan nodded: "That's fine, this is not only a test of Chen Yufeng, but also a test of Feng Jieyu. I want to see who is the real cadre. "

Ruan Shaoxiu couldn't help but began to admire his immediate boss again. As a leader, he really looked at things from a different angle!

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