Director's growth history

3369.2059, the beginning of a new struggle

problem?What's so scary about puzzles?I have died (dizzy) several times.When encountering difficulties in the future, never shrink back, just face the difficulties!In recent days, I have experienced so many complicated situations, encountered so many complicated people and things, and have I made it through step by step?Those students in the party school, who didn't have ulterior motives?That Ding Xiaohua is the most difficult person I have ever met, but isn't he slowly getting over it now?The party committee of the bureau that was studying personnel was so depressing, but wasn't it a relatively normal one?Bu Lunjun's wife made a big fuss at 68 Central, scaring Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi enough. This time the difficulty was a little bigger, but there are always more solutions than difficulties. Now, isn't everything calmed down?Difficulties are tests, difficulties are opportunities, don't worry about such things anymore.The result of anxiety is to make myself pass out again, and pass out more often.Therefore, don't be anxious, don't worry, and be calm, you can also solve these problems.

Fang Yuan said: "I understand Secretary Sun's mood very well at the moment. If you need help from me as a patient, please be polite to Secretary Sun." Sun Hongjun said: "I definitely won't be polite, so I came here to discuss with you first." Fang Yuan said: "Please tell me." Sun Hongjun said: "Cao Bensong was promoted to deputy director, and the candidate for the chief of the political engineering section was vacant. I think Zhai Xinwen must have his ideas, but I also have my own ideas. I hope that this political worker The chief of the section has a good character, a decent style, and fair handling. He can select and train cadres with both ability and political integrity for Dongzhou Education. Therefore, it is not very easy to choose. Zhai Xinwen may not be optimistic about the person I am optimistic about; I'm worried about his character."

Fang Yuan said: "Who does Secretary Sun like?" Sun Hongjun said: "I am optimistic about Teng Feiyue. But I am afraid that Zhai Xinwen will disagree!" Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun, as long as we hold the bottom line of cultivating talents for the development of Dongzhou education , then we are not afraid of offending anyone.” Sun Hongjun said: “I just became the secretary of the party committee, and I don’t want to immediately cause internal struggles in the Education Bureau. After all, unity is very important.” Fang Yuan said: “There is nothing wrong with unity. Yes, but unity also has a bottom line. When we choose people, we choose the most suitable people, not whoever flatters the loudest. I agree with Secretary Sun’s choice of Teng Feiyue.” Sun Hongjun said: “But I don’t I hope that Jia Liang will take over as the chief of the Policy and Regulations Section. After all, Jia Liang did not really rely on his character and ability to enter the agency." Fang Yuan said, "It's not Jia Liang's turn. If Secretary Sun promotes Teng Feiyue, this move by the Education Bureau will be nothing. It’s time to go. Let me give you an idea, and Secretary Sun will see if it’s okay? Teng Feiyue, the chief of the Policy and Regulations Section, will be the chief of the Political and Engineering Section, Shen Jun, the chief of the Education Section, will be the chief of the Policy and Regulations Section; Xie Bingguo, the director of the Teaching and Research Section, will be the chief of the Education Section; Li Guoqiang, secretary of the party branch, was transferred to the director of the teaching and research section. Then a deputy director of the teaching and research section can be promoted."

Sun Hongjun's eyes lit up.He thought carefully about Fang Yuan's nomination, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became.The future Dongzhou education needs a large number of backbones, among which Teng Feiyue, Shen Jun, and Xie Bingguo are one of the best.Of course, Zhang Yuanqing was originally included, but it is a pity that Fang Yuan has already excluded him because of his bad character.Teng Feiyue, Shen Jun, and Xie Bingguo could not only work in one position, but had to change multiple positions for training. Shen Jun went to the Policy and Law Department to improve theoretical cultivation and macro decision-making ability. After training in the two most important positions of education cadres, he will definitely become one of the effective and qualified education leaders in the future; Teng Feiyue originally only did literary and practical work, and has formed a rigorous and meticulous work style. It also requires this rigorous and meticulous work attitude.

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang hits the nail on the head!" Fang Yuan said: "I have been reading some books recently, and I feel deeply. In fact, it seems to move one person, but after careful consideration, this position can move a lot of people." Then this situation will become more active, and it will be more conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of some comrades.

Sun Hongjun said: "I'm a little worried now, Shen Jun doesn't want to go to the Policy and Regulations Division." Fang Yuan said, "It's okay, I'm in charge of the Policy and Regulations Division. I can meet and talk with Shen Jun once." Sun Hongjun looked at Fangyuan , seemed to understand Fang Yuan's deep meaning: "Yes, Shen Jun can learn a lot by going to the Policy and Law Department!" Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Sun is dedicated to selecting cadres for Dongzhou Education. How can I not give my full support?"

The two held each other's hand in a tacit understanding, and both regarded each other as comrades and comrades in the development of Dongzhou's education cause, and they could walk together with one heart.

After Sun Hongjun left, Fang Yuan called Li Guoqiang: "Uncle Li, I have a question for you." Li Guoqiang said, "Director Fang, please tell me." Fang Yuan said, "If you come to be the director of the teaching and research section, what are you going to do? "Li Guoqiang froze on the phone all of a sudden.Did this happiness come too soon?Just became the secretary of the teaching and research section, solved the main department, and in the blink of an eye, became the director again?Where is Xie Bingguo going?Was it promoted?

Li Guoqiang didn't dare to ask, how dare Li Guoqiang put on airs of "uncle" in front of Fang Yuan, his former nephew?Li Guoqiang said: "Director Fang, if I am the director of the teaching and research section, I will try my best to implement the new teaching idea of ​​'teaching is for not teaching' in the teaching and research work of the city, from improving teachers' teaching methods and improving teachers' learning efficiency; guiding students' learning methods. To start with improving students' learning efficiency, seek benefits from classroom teaching, and demand quality from scientific teaching, refine and promote the good experience and good practices summed up by Director Fang in Dongzhou 5, so that the quality of education in Dongzhou can be further improved "Fang Yuan said: "Okay. Let me ask another question. If you were asked to recommend a candidate for the deputy director of the teaching and research section, who would you recommend?" Li Guoqiang thought for a while and said, "Director Fang, please give me instructions." Fang Yuan said: " If you want to make progress in the teaching work of Dongzhou, the consideration of ability is the first; of course, if you want to better grasp the overall work of the teaching and research section of Dongzhou, the former neglected comrades will definitely go all out to support you after being promoted by you. Work."

Li Guoqiang immediately thought of Zhou Qifeng, who had competed with Xie Bingguo for the post of deputy director of the teaching and research section back then, but had been left out by Xie Bingguo all the time. , and also guided Fangyuan's class.Li Guoqiang tentatively asked: "How about Zhou Qifeng, a high school Chinese teaching and researcher?" Fang Yuan said: "I don't ask about this, and I will actively recommend whoever I think is suitable. You just need to tell me the name, and I will support this person in the party committee." " Li Guoqiang said firmly: "It is Zhou Qifeng. In fact, a few years ago, his ability and prestige, he can be the deputy director of the teaching and research section." Fang Yuan said: "We must attribute this credit to you, let him completely Understood." Li Guoqiang said, "Yes."

After making this phone call, Fang Yuan felt a little tired.Lie down quietly and feel that your health is so important to you.How to improve one's physical endurance and mental stress?running?I have been hospitalized for many days, but I have no other feeling, except that my body is not as strong as before, and I always feel tired, which is obviously the result of lack of physical exercise.But what kind of sports is right for you?

The phone rang frequently, and Fang Yuan really wanted to turn it off.But my body has recovered, and many things at work can only be done through mobile phone contact during my hospitalization.Although the hospital has installed a telephone, there are still few people who know this number, so naturally they mainly answer calls with mobile phones.

Fang Yuan picked up the phone, glanced at it, and immediately sat up.Fang Yuan said: "Xiu Shao, come in later." Ruan Shaoxiu sent Sun Hongjun away and returned to the ward.Seeing Fang Yuan's current posture, it was another important call, so he quickly said, "Okay."

Ruan Shaoxiu left, Fang Yuan picked up the phone: "Sisi, how many times do you call a day?" Song Sisi said: "A hundred calls are not enough." Fang Yuan said: "Sisi, I understand how you feel." Song Sisi Said: "I just want to go to the hospital to see you, I feel very sad if you don't let me go." Fang Yuan said: "If I don't support or oppose your coming, will you come?" Song Sisi said: "I... ...It’s better not to go. Many leaders go to see you every day. If I go, it must have a bad influence on you.” Fang Yuan said: “Yes, my Sisi is the most understanding.” Song Sisi said: “But I really I miss you very much. Fangyuan, how long has it been since I saw you? How long has it been since I last saw you at the Affiliated Hospital of Dongzhou Medical College? I miss you during the day and lie in bed at night, I miss you more."

Young women who have just tasted sex, after experiencing the initial pain, the desire in this area is naturally quite strong.This "thinking" contains many meanings.

Fang Yuan suddenly discovered a serious problem: when she woke up in the morning, her little one would soar into the sky; why has she been sluggish in the past few days?It can't be... Fang Yuan was taken aback.After talking with Song Sisi for a long time, Fang Yuan felt extremely tired. After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan just wanted to lie down and take a good rest.This made Fang Yuan urgently realize that physical exercise is very important and urgent.

After Ruan Shaoxiu came in, Fang Yuan said: "Xiu Shao, I feel very weak now, I want to do radio gymnastics to exercise." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I have to ask the doctor about this." Fang Yuan said: "Do Do you still have to ask the doctor when you are doing radio exercises?" Ruan Shaoxiu smiled: "Principal, your health is precious now, if something happens to you, no one can afford it! If you don't say anything else, just look at the municipal hospital. Long, you have to come here once or twice a day, and you can see how much the superiors attach importance to your condition." Fang Yuan waved his hand a little helplessly.I am almost becoming a giant panda in captivity. How can I face the difficulties in the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and the obstacles in the progress of Dongzhou education?

Ruan Shaoxiu came back soon, and said to Fang Yuan: "Principal, let me take you for a walk. The doctor does not agree with you to do radio exercises. The doctor thinks that although the amount of exercise is not large, it is still a bit intense for your body. "Fang Yuan said: "I am only 28 years old!" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "But you are also a patient!" Fang Yuan sighed: "Let's go, let's go outside for a walk."

When you are out for a walk, don't be idle.Fangyuan received a call from Zhai Xinwen.After Zhai Xinwen was concerned about Fang Yuan's condition, he turned to the main topic: "Xiao Fang, Cao Bensong has been promoted to deputy director. What's your opinion on the division of labor?" It's just a card out.To show respect is to hope that I can agree with myself, and then strive to form a united front, so that Zhai Xinwen's opinions can pass through the party committee in one fell swoop.

Fang Yuan said, "What are Director Zhai's ideas?" Zhai Xinwen said, "I have a preliminary idea. Xiao Fang, you will no longer be in charge of the Policy and Regulations Section. How about taking charge of the Education Section? From now on, you will be in charge of the Education Section, the Teaching and Research Section, and the Teaching Institute. The whole teaching is entrusted to you. I think this is what the city leaders mean, right?"

Use the city leaders to pressure me?Fang Yuan said: "My body is like this, and I don't want to change the division of labor. In order to improve the quality of teaching in the city, it is no problem for me to continue to take charge of the teaching and research section. I am familiar with the business of the policy and regulation department, and I don't want to change it. Director Zhai, don't give me any more I have added the burden, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, plus the teaching and research section, policy and regulation department, I feel that the pressure is enough." Zhai Xinwen said: "That's fine. However, some comrades are really incapable of being in charge of the education department." Fang Yuan knows, Zhai Xinwen Ready to completely marginalize Chen Qizhi.As soon as Hao Ding was gone, Bi Quanli's prestige also plummeted. Chen Qizhi, who had been standing in the same trench with Bi Quanli and Hao Ding at that time, would become Zhai Xinwen's first soft persimmon to pinch.Who made Chen Qizhi unfounded?Who told Chen Qizhi to come from the county below?Who told Chen Qizhi to wear a pair of pants with Bi Quanli?

Fang Yuan doesn't want to confront Zhai Xinwen face to face for the time being.Fang Yuan said: "Actually, as long as there is an effective education section chief, it doesn't matter who is in charge." Zhai Xinwen said: "That's true. Shen Jun has done a good job, but he still seems a little soft."

It seems that Zhai Xinwen is not too satisfied with Shen Jun.I don't know if Sun Hongjun called Shen Jun to the secretary's office after returning to the Education Bureau, and Zhai Xinwen was upset when he saw it.It's hard to tell.Fang Yuan said: "Actually, among the cadres promoted by Director Zhai, there is really a suitable education section chief." Zhai Xinwen said "Oh" and said, "Who is it?" Fang Yuan said, "Xie Bingguo."

On the other side of the phone, there was silence for a while.Zhai Xinwen said: "Xie Bingguo is indeed more suitable. He is proficient in teaching management, and if he is engaged in education management, he will become a rare comprehensive education talent and reserve cadre." Fang Yuan said: "Yes! Director Zhai stands tall and sees far. "Zhai Xinwen said: "But how does Shen Jun arrange it?" Fang Yuan said: "Isn't there a lack of a political engineering section chief?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Political engineering section chief, Shen Jun can't do it." Fang Yuan said: "Well, let Shen Jun do it According to policies and regulations, let Teng Feiyue go to the political engineering department, what does Director Zhai think?"

There was silence on the phone again.After a while, Zhai Xinwen asked again: "What's your opinion on the teaching and research section?" Fang Yuan said, "Let Li Guoqiang take the lead. I'm in charge of the teaching and research section, and Director Zhai will support me in this area." Zhai Xinwen really didn't dare to refute it. Fang Yuan's face: "Okay, Xiao Fang has the final say on the personnel affairs of the teaching and research section. I will support whoever you nominate." Fang Yuan said, "Then thank you Director Zhai." Zhai Xinwen felt that the peach he gave was big enough, Don't click too clearly and hang up the phone.Fang Yuan let out a long breath.Ruan Shaoxiu was terrified when he heard it next to him: My mother is here, the Education Bureau will soon be bloody again, right?

Accompanied by Ruan Shaoxiu, when Fang Yuan returned to the ward, he saw two uninvited guests standing at the door of the ward.One of them had a kind face and a pleasant smile.This not only surprised Fang Yuan, but also made Fang Yuan feel kind.A problem that made Fang Yuan confused and anxious was completely solved because of the arrival of this unexpected guest, which became a pleasant surprise.

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