Director's growth history

3373.2063, behind the rejection

13 billion is really a small amount for a country; but for a prefecture-level city, this is not a small infrastructure investment.Whoever can contract such a project will have a profit of at least hundreds of millions of dollars. Even if it is given to relevant leaders with decision-making power of several million or tens of millions, there is absolutely no problem with net profits of tens of millions.Therefore, road construction has always been an industry with a high incidence of crime in recent years. In Henan Province, the three provincial traffic directors were all sent to prison for corruption and bribery. As a result, for nearly a year, no one wanted to Taking over the position of director of the Henan Provincial Department of Communications led to the fact that there was no one in charge of the work for a long time in this hotly sought-after post at the departmental level, and only a few deputy directors took over.It's easy to understand when you think about it. To build a highway requires an investment ranging from a few billion to tens of billions. What kind of economic benefits does it contain?If anyone wins the bid, it means that money will flow in; and the winning bidder will quickly transform from Party B to Party A, and construction machinery companies, cement companies, steel companies, transportation logistics companies, etc. will become Party B, bidding to provide products or services to the winning bidder.If a cement company can win the bid, it may have all the profits for a year, and the production scale will be further expanded.The successful cement bidder was quickly transformed into Party A, and those companies that provided river sand and sea sand began to act, bidding for sand supply from cement bidders; Even if it affects the accumulation of groundwater and river water and affects the environment, it will not hesitate to dredge sand.This is a very systematic interest chain, because the profits are astonishing, often some central enterprises with first-class qualifications for road and bridge construction also join the ranks of trying to win the bid by various methods such as bribery, and use improper methods to cooperate with the local road and bridge state-owned company , Private road and bridge enterprises, whoever fights will send more money, and whoever fights has a strong background.From China Railway First Bureau to China Railway Ten Bureau, to provincial road and bridge companies, municipal road and bridge companies, municipal companies, and private road and bridge companies all over the country, they are all using bribes to fight for construction rights, rather than comparing anyone's technical level better.Even the road and bridge companies with the best technology must follow the unspoken rules here.In many cases, the directors of transportation in many provinces do not want to collect money in their hearts, but they are still raped. A former director of transportation in Henan said that he once rejected tens of millions of yuan from a state-owned road and bridge company. But then he received a call from an important leader in the province asking this central enterprise to win the bid, and he could only let this central enterprise win the bid.Afterwards, the state-owned Luqiao Company still sent over millions of dollars, and it would not do if they didn’t accept it, because if they didn’t accept it, they would be cut off from the system. It's almost over.In Anhui, Guizhou and other provinces and autonomous regions, the director of the Department of Transportation has been involved in the case of expressway violence. Among them, Ma Wanli, the former Director of Transportation of Guizhou, once worked hard to change the backward traffic situation in Guizhou. He was on the front line and made a huge contribution Contribution, and later because of the defeat of the competition for the vice governor, he was disheartened, and finally the all-pervasive road and bridge companies used money to break through the defense line and became a gangster, which is very regrettable.

After listening to Song Yunsheng, Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Song, Dongzhou Xingang is an important decision for Dongzhou to achieve a greater take-off. If we don't want to join the management of the railway, it will definitely affect the future transportation capacity. Of course, the mayor has to decide I also support the construction of the local railway. However, the condition proposed by others is that the construction of the railway must be handed over to them, so Dongzhou does not need to worry about the approval."

Song Yunsheng looked at Lian Song, looked at Li Quan, and said, "Xiao Fang, can you let me or Mayor Lian visit and communicate in person. Many things can be discussed again!" Fang Yuan was suddenly disappointed. The image of Song Yunsheng, who is capable and dedicated to the people, is greatly reduced in Fang Yuan's mind.Fang Yuan believed that what Shao Keqing said was true, so what else could he say at this time?Fangyuan said: "Mayor, if this person is not allowed to do this project, I'm afraid he will not do the work approved by the Ministry of Railways." Song Yunsheng said: "This person is so ruthless that even the scum will be taken away. What! Dongzhou cannot afford this price. Xiao Fang, tell me, who is he?" Fang Yuan said, "I don't know who he is now, but I believe that he is someone who can impress Minister Niu. "

Lian Song said: "Director Fang, Mayor Song thinks highly of you, and we all envy you for your great love! Every improvement you make is not only proposed by Mayor Song, but also fully supported by Mayor Song. And you Working in No. 5 Middle School, how much support has Mayor Song given in the past year! In order to improve the appearance of the school, Mayor Song allocated special funds; in order to update the school’s teaching facilities, Mayor Song allocated special funds; in order to reward Dongzhou No. 5 High School for the college entrance examination For the good results, Mayor Song will reward you heavily. Director Fang, Mayor Song is a good leader who values ​​love and righteousness, and I believe you can feel this too."

Fang Yuan recalled an incident mentioned by Lian Song, and felt a little moved: "Yes, Mayor Lian, I am very grateful to Mayor Song. But I am also a small person, what can I decide? The conditions proposed by them are very simple. , Dongzhou Railway Extension Line, let him do it, it can be merged into the management, local railways can also be done by him, and he is responsible for running the approval. If it is merged into the management, he will be responsible for the implementation of the investment of the Ministry of Railways. I only I want to do something for Dongzhou, Mayor Song asked me to think of a way, but I have no other way. It’s hard to find such a way, if the mayor doesn’t agree, then forget it. I have no other good way.”

Song Yunsheng's face softened: "Xiao Fang, I didn't mean to blame you. I only blame some people for having too much appetite. But sometimes, all the rights are handed over to others, and comrades can't agree. !Okay, take care of your illness. I will discuss this matter with Mayor Lian and Li Quan."

Song Yunsheng, Lian Song, and Li Quan left.Fang Yuan called Shao Keqing and briefly talked about the meeting with Song Yunsheng.Shao Keqing said: "It's normal. If my guess is correct, Song Yunsheng has been deeply involved in this matter. Maybe he has already agreed to certain companies to hand over this project to them. 13 billion Well, it is estimated that some people have been eyeing it. However, from a strategic point of view, it is indeed very important for Dongzhou Xingang to repair this railway as soon as possible. If you can't give up your own interests, this railway will be very difficult. It was approved. I just talked to that person on the phone, and he said that he is very interested in this railway and plans to come to Dongzhou in the near future. Of course, the conditions he offered are very simple: whether it is the management of the railway or the local The railway must be handed over to him. Now there is a new problem, and he has stated that if he is not allowed to do it, then this railway extension line is absolutely impossible to approve."

Fangyuan frowned like a river.God, things are complicated again!This is simply forcing people to go to Liangshan. If they don’t go, they have to go, and if they go, they have to go. There is no other choice.Fang Yuan was surprised: "Sister, who is this, so awesome?" Shao Keqing said: "Second Brother Niu! Minister Niu Bi's younger brother!" Fang Yuan was even more surprised: "Sister, how do you know this great man?" Shao Keqing said : "My current husband is the deputy director, in charge of infrastructure work. The jurisdiction of the Shanghai Bureau is very large. How many railways are built every year in Huizhou, Jiangsu, Qingjiang, and Jiangxi provinces! There are many projects, all of which are the second Brother is doing it! This second brother has a good appetite and can eat it all. Of course, with him, the approval and progress of the project will be smooth! Who dare not sell the face of the second brother?" [Note: This plot is completely fictitious, Hereby explain. ]

Fang Yuan seemed to understand a lot of things, but seemed even more confused.Fang Yuan suddenly realized that he had fallen into a huge trap.If I didn't find Shao Keqing myself, the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension Project might be pushed forward slowly and could be approved by the Ministry of Railways one day in the future; now that I have found Shao Keqing, Shao Keqing has found a very awesome person, Niu Bi's relative Brother, however, if the project is not given to him, the approval for this railway extension line will never be approved!This is simply cheating!If you really can't get it approved, then not only did you not make any meritorious service in this matter, but you became a sinner of Dongzhou City through the ages!How can this be done?Fang Yuan was helpless.

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