Director's growth history

3378.2068, just one entry point

Wang Guodong didn't believe that Song Yunsheng already had the majority in the Standing Committee. Judging from today's speech, only Deng Yuncong and Dou Dangji supported Song Yunsheng.In addition, Chang Youqiang, who was recommended to the Standing Committee by Song Yunsheng in a special way, and Song Yunsheng himself, are only 4 people.The remaining 4 members of the Standing Committee should still be hesitating, they are centrists.Bi Quanli has always been a cadre of the Party and League Department, and has recently shown a tendency to lean towards the municipal committee, but risking offending the mayor in person is probably not what Bi Quanli wanted; Huang Jie is the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, although he is a party official , but the particularity of the Commission for Discipline Inspection determines that the decisions of the Commission for Discipline Inspection have a certain degree of independence; Sheng Zhiren, the head of the organization, was originally Song Yunsheng's hardcore supporter, and today's neutrality is his greatest support; and Wan Daquan, as a representative of the military, generally does not participate. The conflict of local interests, but the relationship between Wanquanquan and Fangyuan is exceptionally good!

Wang Guodong said: "Railway approval is difficult, and all the members of the Standing Committee here are aware of it. If Niu Ren is rejected, it will make the approval even more difficult. If we only build the railway with the approval of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, in the future, we will continue to connect with the management of the railway. There are many difficulties that we cannot overcome. Comrade Yunsheng is quite clear about this, so Comrade Yunsheng found Fangyuan from the Education Bureau. Comrade Fangyuan fell ill because of overwork. During his illness, he still did not forget his work. Not forgetting the task assigned by the leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, he completed three targeted and effective research reports. At the same time, he also used all his own resources to contact the younger brother of Minister Niu of the Ministry of Railways to come to Dongzhou. Comrade tried every means to contact Chairman Niu Ren for us, are we going to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win the approval of the Ministry of Railways?"

Wan Daquan, who had been silent all this time, seemed to wake up at this time, with a loud voice: "Secretary Wang, is this a matter of Fangyuan's contact?" Wang Guodong said: "If Commissar Wan doesn't believe it, you can ask Comrade Yun Sheng. Wan Daquan said, "Mayor Song, did you ask Fangyuan to contact you about this matter?"

Song Yunsheng was shocked in his heart. Could it be that the originally good situation fell short because of Wang Guodong's shift of focus?In the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, you can't tell lies with your eyes open!Because I don't admit it now, it's fine; but Wan Daquan has a close relationship with Fangyuan, for Fangyuan's sake, he forced Fangyuan to transfer to another hospital; for Fangyuan's sake, he took down a deputy commander, Bu Lunjun, these are all facts!Afterwards, Wan Daquan came back to ask Fang Yuan, what is his face and prestige?

Song Yunsheng said: "Yes. The issue of railway approval is really difficult. The municipal government has tried many solutions, but they have not solved it. When I met Fang Yuan by chance, I mentioned this matter, and Fang Yuan said that he could give it a try. "

Song Yunsheng actually admitted that this matter was caused by Fangyuan!This information shocked every member of the Standing Committee in the audience: How deep is the background that a small deputy director can affect the awesome Ministry of Railways!Minister Niu Bi dare not say that he is the best in China, but he only shows a little subordinate in front of the leaders of the Central Political Bureau. He doesn't pay attention to the ministries, provinces and districts at all.Although awesome, it doesn't mean that Minister Niu can't be a human being.Since he became a minister, at the National People's Congress and the CPPCC, there have been very few negative suggestions and committee members' proposals about the railway. It can be seen that Minister Niu's popularity among the NPC deputies and CPPCC members is quite good.Minister Niu is also very good at being a man, at least in front of deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.It has been heard that all deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference take the train to Beijing, and the care they receive along the way is more meticulous than taking care of their parents!Of course, this is only one aspect of Minister Niu's ability to be a human being.During the period when Minister Niu was in power, the salaries of front-line railway employees were relatively poor. Part of the benefits created by the railway were invested in the construction of high-speed railways, and a considerable part was directly contributed to the central finance, making outstanding contributions to the central finance. For important departments, it can be said that all central enterprises cannot compare with the contribution of the Ministry of Railways, including PetroChina and Sinopec.Other ministries spend fiscal money; the Ministry of Railways donates money to finance.Another point is that the Ministry of Railways has not reached out to the central government for the construction of high-speed railways, but instead borrowed from banks.On the one hand, the Ministry of Railways has handed over a large amount of its annual profits to the finance department; on the other hand, the Ministry of Railways has borrowed a large amount of debt for the development of high-speed railways so as not to cause trouble for the central government, which has suffered for the front-line railway employees and enriched the central government.You should know that although central enterprises including PetroChina and Sinopec are 5% controlled by the state, only 10% to 95% of their annual profits are turned over to the central government as dividends that the state should enjoy, and the remaining 90% to 1000% are still kept in Central enterprises, as funds for the development of enterprises in the coming year.Compared with the Ministry of Railways, the performance of these central enterprises is much worse.That's why there are middle-level cadres in the oil industry who ride in million-dollar luxury cars and have a multi-million-dollar chandelier, and that's why there are provincial-level bosses in the mobile communication field who drink Moutai every day.The bosses of some provincial and municipal companies of central enterprises spend the public money as if they were their own, spending tens of thousands of yuan on a meal, which is trivial and drizzle.In order to satisfy their selfish desires, they used the company's money to travel all over China and the world in the name of investigation or exchange and study. Wherever there are places of interest and historical sites, there are footprints of these people.There are also some heads of large state-owned enterprises, whose private life is quite corrupt, changing female secretaries more often than changing clothes, where does the money come from?Public money!But the railway is much worse. Just imagine, can front-line railway employees with more than [-] yuan or [-] or [-] yuan a month be motivated to work?Can the professional attitude reach the level of taking the railway as home?All the profits have been handed over to the finances, and the wages of the employees will of course be less. Even under such circumstances, the national railways still maintain a smooth operation.But accidents happen occasionally, and the lack of professionalism of front-line employees due to low salary may also be one of the reasons.Will Minister Niu know how to behave?Very good!Leaders who are higher than Minister Niu are quite satisfied!When the finances are full and the leaders are satisfied, Minister Niu's position will be stable. As for the life and death of the front-line railway employees, this may not be the priority of Minister Niu.

Wan Daquan said: "Secretary Wang and Mayor Song have worked hard for the long-term development of Dongzhou; Fangyuan has also tried his best to approve the railway. Although I, Wan Daquan, is a comrade in the army, I am also very clear that the railway approval is very important to Dongzhou. The importance and long-term impact of Newport. I vote for it!"

Wan Daquan raised his hand without hesitation, looked at the other members of the Standing Committee, and scanned them one by one.

Wan Daquan's influence among the standing committee members of the municipal party committee has also been increasing recently.Being able to forcibly transfer to another hospital, and being able to bring down the deputy commander for Fangyuan's sake, besides showing his empathy and righteousness, it can also be seen that if Wan Daquan really wanted to do something, he would really do it.The glances swept over one by one, making several people's hearts jump wildly.The situation of the scene has quietly changed: there are already 6 votes in support.

Huang Jie, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, said, "I support taking advantage of this rare opportunity to win the approval of the railway in one fell swoop. At the same time, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection will send an inspection team to monitor whether there is any involvement in the process. If it involves When it comes to □□, no matter who it is, no matter what level it is, follow the procedures.”

Huang Jie also raised his hand. 7 votes!In fact, this means that no matter how many people oppose it, it is a foregone conclusion that the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension Line will be handed over to Niu Ren's railway consulting company for operation.The subtle layout brought pressure to the members of the Standing Committee who did not raise their hands!

Bi Lili quietly raised his hand without speaking.Bi Quanli had no interest in this matter, not to mention that Song Yunsheng's promises in the government put Bi Quanli, the young deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, under great pressure, and he basically had no right to speak.The dispute in the Education Bureau made Bi Quanli's heart fall to Wang Guodong, but Bi Quanli didn't want to break his face!Today, there are already 7 votes in favor, adding to the icing on the cake, and also showing my impartial attitude.Objectively speaking, handing over to Niu Ren's railway consulting company is indeed a matter of once and for all.

Song Yunsheng looked at Bi Quanli thoughtfully.Wang Guodong said with a smile: "Comrade Quanli has also raised his hand, 8 votes!" The drastic change in the situation made Wang Guodong feel relieved.In this matter, Fang Yuan has made meritorious service, but also offended Song Yunsheng and some people involved in this matter!Wang Guodong's original intention was to not want Fang Yuan to be involved in the complicated interest environment prematurely, but he came early and late, and he always wanted to come, so let's regard it as the tempering of Fang Yuan's growth!

Wang Guodong looked at Sheng Zhiren.Today is a good opportunity, halfway through, the pressure will not be too much, just right.Wang Guodong said: "Comrade Zhiren, I haven't said anything." Sheng Zhiren was indeed hesitating. He and Song Yunsheng were drifting away, and they had different views on some things.More importantly, I used to admire Song Yunsheng's skill and ability, but looking at it now, Song Yunsheng probably already has a huge hidden danger!Do I want to stand with a potential gangster who doesn't know when he may be shuanggui in the future?This is a very real problem!All prosperity, all losses!Thinking of this, Sheng Zhiren said: "I think the construction and management of the railway is more conducive to the development of Dongzhou Xingang!" After speaking, he also raised his hand. 9 votes!

This is already an overwhelming advantage!This is also a decisive statement!Sheng Zhiren knew that raising his hand already meant parting ways with Song Yunsheng.There is a little bit of a loss, but also a lot more of release and relaxation!Maybe I won't be Wang Guodong's most trusted person, but at least, when something happens to Song Yunsheng in the future, I won't be implicated and affected!

Wang Guodong took advantage of the victory and pursued: "Comrade Yunsheng, you arranged for Fangyuan to do the approval of the Dongzhou-Xingang Railway Extension Line! Fangyuan solved such a big problem for you, for the city government, and for Dongzhou. You are the linkman." , shouldn’t we also support it?”

Song Yunsheng is really dumb eating coptis at the moment, and he can't tell if he is suffering.Objectively speaking, of course Song Yunsheng knew that handing it over to Niu Ren and China Railway N Bureau to solve it together is indeed the best solution, saving worry and effort, and will save a lot of trouble in the future. development, it is quite beneficial.However, this is an investment of 13 billion!How many people are staring at this big piece of fat, and have already put in a lot of "work" in the early stage!Judging from Lian Song's report, a lot of "work" was done on Lian Song's side!Even, Dou Dangji's performance today can clearly tell himself that he is also "stuck" in.What kind of prosperity and prosperity along the railway line will be brought, those keen real estate businessmen may have gone with the wind long ago.As the real leader of Longwan District, how can Dou Dangji not be surrounded by these real estate businessmen, and those businessmen who want to use the railway to build logistics, commerce, and import and export business?

Before Song Yunsheng could speak, he was surprised to see that Dou Dangji, who had vowed to oppose the operation of the railway consulting company handed over to Niu Ren, raised his hand.What Dou Dangji said next shocked everyone present!Things in the world are fickle, and horses and horses are just floating clouds. It is quite appropriate and vivid to use it on Dou Dangji's head at this moment!

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