Director's growth history

3380.2070, Cut off the family's financial resources...

Ruan Shaoxiu saw this letter and proposed to transfer another hospital.Fang Yuan said: "If you transfer another hospital, you will be slapping many people in the face! Shaoxiu, don't tell anyone about this, including your sister-in-law." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I know." Fang Yuan said: "Shao Xiu , have you noticed? In fact, I really want to keep a low profile, but every time I make a sensation in the city. In fact, I really don't want to, but I don't know how to control the situation and adjust the rhythm. Maybe this is my political immaturity Let's go." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "Principal, there are some things I don't even understand." Fang Yuan said, "I've become a pawn now, a pawn used by some leaders to attack political opponents."

After saying this, Fang Yuan sighed heavily.Fang Yuan thought of Shao Keqing who was still in Dongzhou, what was she doing now?This time, the railway business can be done, which is of great benefit to Dongzhou. In fact, it is not Fangyuan, but Sister Shao who really made it happen!Sister Shao, this is a pain in Fangyuan's heart. What kind of friendship is this for someone to give away a house?And what about myself to her?Looking forward and backward, he did not show [-]% sincerity.This time I owed Shao Keqing a big favor again, and I don't know what to pay back?Fang Yuan suddenly felt worried: I wonder if Shao Keqing will come to the hospital tonight?If you really come to the hospital, will there be a "crash" and a "shocking encounter" with Kong Shuanghua who comes here every night?Fang Yuan suddenly felt a little worried.

In the evening, Kong Zitian, Kong Shuanghua, Kong Shufang and Xiaoqing, who was carrying Ruirui, came to the hospital.Seeing that Fang Yuan was in good spirits, Kong Shuanghua handed his son into Fang Yuan's hands.Fang Yuan and his son became intimate.Ruirui is 11 months old and will be one year old in a month. She is very lively and mischievous. Fangyuan can't stand her at all, she crawls around on the bed. Her favorite people are not Fangyuan, but Kong Shuanghua and Xiaoqing.Fang Yuan insisted on hugging Rui Rui, but Rui Rui struggled hard. During the struggle, Rui Rui shouted: "Mom, Mom, Mom!" Kong Shuanghua took it over, the infinite maternal love made Kong Shuanghua proudly hold Rui Rui in his arms Li, happily said: "Rui Rui is called mother again."

After Kong Zitian said hello, he sat quietly on the side, watching the interaction between Fangyuan, Kong Shuanghua and Kong Fangrui.Inexplicably, Kong Zitian suddenly had a strange idea: changing Kong Fangrui's name to Fang Rui, will Fang Yuan and his daughter be happy for a lifetime?According to Fangyuan's current development momentum, one day in the future, after he retires, who can stop Fangyuan from fighting for the rights he wants, including changing Ruirui's surname?Instead of making Fangyuan unhappy all the time in his heart, it is better to eliminate the hidden dangers of conflicts first.However, if she really wanted to change her surname, it also required Fang Yuan to make a promise, a promise that made both herself and Kong Shufang rest assured for a lifetime.

Confucius Tian was very happy to see Fang Yuan's affectionate appearance with his daughter and grandson.But Kong Zitian still wanted to have a private talk with Fang Yuan, and the news from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee also reached Kong Zitian's ears. Fang Yuan's great energy made Kong Zitian surprised and worried.Of course, I was more worried. After all, after the standing committee of the Municipal Party Committee this time, Fang Yuan might have offended Song Yunsheng completely, and life would not be easy in the future.

Kong Zitian looked at his watch and said to Kong Shuanghua: "Xiaohua, you all go home. I still have something to say, and I want to talk to Xiaofang alone." Kong Shuanghua was unwilling to leave: "Dad, if you have anything to say, you still need to carry it on your back. Me?" Kong Zitian said: "It's an official matter." Kong Shuanghua said: "Then I will go aside and not get involved in your conversation. Rui Rui is so close to Dad, I hope Rui Rui can communicate with Dad more. I'm usually busy with work, but now that I'm in the hospital, in fact, father and son spend more time communicating with each other. Fangyuan, what do you think?"

Fang Yuan didn't really want Kong Shuanghua to be involved in the officialdom. At the same time, Fang Yuan wanted to show Kong Zitian the threatening letter so that his father-in-law could analyze it for him.Fang Yuan said: "Xiao Hua, political matters are too complicated. As a family member, it's better to know less." Kong Shuanghua said: "You and Dad talk about yours, and Mom and I don't interrupt." Look at your daughter and know what she is thinking.Kong Zitian sighed: "Okay. Xiaoqing, you and auntie go back first. After a while, Xiaohua and Ruirui will take my car, and then go back." Xiaoqing said, "Uncle Kong, my auntie and I can't go back either. Neither of us can drive. Sister Shuanghua drove us here." Kong Shuanghua hesitated and said, "Okay, I'll go back. I'll come back tomorrow morning. Fangyuan, you like to see your son more. Right?" Fang Yuan said, "Come on. As long as I'm not at work, I want to be more affectionate with my son." Kong Shuanghua said, "Then I'm leaving. You should go to bed early too! Dad, don't talk to Fang Yuan too late! He is still a sick person!" Confucius said, "I know."

Kong Shuanghua left, but Kong Zitian stayed.Weng and son-in-law sat facing each other and did not speak for a long time.Confucius Tian still really spoke: "Xiao Fang, have you heard about the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee?" Fang Yuan said: "I heard that. The unanimous vote passed, and everyone knows the construction and management of the railway." Confucius said: "You are right about this. What do you think?" Fang Yuan said, "The railway should be built and managed. This is crucial to the development of Dongzhou Xingang and Dongzhou City! If you can't grasp this rare opportunity, you will be reluctant to give up some of the construction of the local railway." Interests, I am afraid that it will inevitably cause inestimable impact and loss on the future development of Dongzhou Xingang." Confucius Tian said: "The truth is that, but the construction of a railway requires an investment of more than one billion, Xiao Fang, you have moved It’s their cheese!” Fang Yuan said, “I don’t have the benefit of taking a penny, I’m really thinking about the development of Dongzhou City and the development of Dongzhou Xingang.” Confucius Tian said, “I believe you don’t The benefit of taking a penny, but did the brother of Minister Niu take it? I think it would be tens of millions at least! The tens of millions that Minister Niu’s brother got originally belonged to other people. Xiao Fang, Do you know who they are?" Fang Yuan said, "Let me guess? Song Yunsheng, Lian Song, and Li Quan?" Confucius said, "If the profits of the China Railway Bureau are counted as the original participation in the railway construction If you are interested in the interests of several companies, then you may have moved more people’s cake! Xiaofang, this time the Standing Committee seems to have 13 votes, but I heard that at the meeting, Wang Guodong only won 5 votes, yes After mentioning your name, Wan Quanquan and Huang Jie agreed, and Bi fully agreed. Sheng Zhiren's approval was unexpected. However, Dou Dangji, who originally strongly opposed the construction and management of the railway, suddenly turned 180 degrees. I don't know What is the reason? You started to support the construction and management of the railway, so Song Yunsheng and the other three had no choice but to second Wang Guodong's proposal. The infighting inside is thrilling, and, this time, you have completely offended Song Yunsheng and Song Yunsheng's related people. In the future, the situation where the secretary and the mayor value you, care about you, and cultivate you at the same time may be gone forever.”

Fang Yuan said: "Yes! Dad, do you think Mayor Song will have serious economic problems?" Kong Zitian said: "In the past few years, the top five high-risk industries in China's political system are the director of transportation, Director of the planning bureau, secretary of the county party committee, director of the construction committee, and deputy mayor in charge of urban construction. Three consecutive traffic directors in Henan were arrested for rape. Jiang Renjie, the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction in Suzhou, the richest city in China, has been accused of corruption and bribery 1000 million yuan, creating a record for the Communist cadres arrested so far. The cash found in his home alone is several sacks, the bank card is three feet thick, and there are bundles hidden in the wall, under the floor, and in the study. A bundle of hundred-dollar bills. Why are these positions particularly dangerous? The main reason lies in infrastructure construction, especially transportation construction, and real estate development. Power-for-money transactions are indeed very serious. In recent years, Dongzhou has carried out large-scale Infrastructure construction, such as urban expressway projects, Dongzhou Xingang construction, Dongzhou Xingang railway extension project, etc., from the perspective of the project itself, is beneficial to the country and the people, such as urban expressway projects, a viaduct, can be effectively The phenomenon of urban traffic congestion can be greatly changed; the construction of Dongzhou Xingang is very beneficial to expand Dongzhou's international influence and promote Dongzhou's foreign trade and import and export. However, we should also see that these projects, How many billions, billions, or billions, which company does not pay attention to these projects? As long as one bid is won, the profit for one year is guaranteed; if it can become the general contractor, it will be a big deal. Money. In order to win these projects, who is in charge, who is in charge, and who makes the final decision, naturally becomes the target of important public relations of these companies. There are many methods of public relations. If you need money, I will send money; if you want women, I will send beautiful women; If you like pretense, then send jade and antiques. I can’t judge any cadre in Dongzhou City, and Xiao Fang, you can’t make false judgments in the future, and you can’t take hearsay things as reality. Let alone tell the truth if you know a little bit of the truth. Xiao Fang, if you are the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction, and you receive 1000 million from a certain company, you promise that as long as the higher-level approval is approved, the project will be the general contractor. A certain company, now that the money has been collected, the project has to be handed over to the China Railway Bureau. Tell me, you, the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction, don’t hate you to death? A wiser cadre will definitely take the 1000 yuan. million to relevant companies, but if the deputy mayor keeps 400 million and keeps 400 million for himself, and the other 200 million is given to a more important boss, and 1000 million is sent to relevant personnel in the planning, construction and transportation departments, where will he go? Get back the 400 million? Do you want to get 200 million back from your boss? Do you want to get 1000 million back from the person in charge of the branch office who knows about it? Is this possible? Another way is to wait for other projects or projects , and then contract new projects and projects to this company, the previous [-] million will not be refunded. Xiao Fang, you have offended a lot of people about the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension Line!"

Fang Yuan felt a little painful: "Dad, it seems that I really touched his cheese." Fang Yuan took out the anonymous letter and handed it to Confucius Tian.Confucius Tian read the letter and said: "Xiao Fang, when doing things in the future, you must carefully think about whether you will touch other people's cheese. If it involves too much, if you touch it, you shouldn't and can't touch it." People’s interests, then I’m afraid it’s not the threatening letter today.” Fang Yuan said: “What should we do with this letter? Should it be handed over to the Public Security Bureau for investigation?” Confucius Tian said: “From the letter Look, the other party is just a warning, and has no real intention to do anything. The other party seems to be very afraid of your background and strength, and doesn't want to do it easily. But if Xiao Fang, you touch other people's cakes again, you will die for money, and birds will die for food , who can guarantee that an accident will not happen suddenly? In all countries in the world, some accidents often happen, such as the president of the World Monetary Fund, because it was discovered that the treasury promised by a certain military power to be used as collateral to issue debts turned out to be empty After revealing this shocking secret, he was immediately framed for a sex scandal. The object of the sex scandal turned out to be an ugly black waitress in her 30s. Doesn’t a dignified president lack taste? Experience Such a rich and high-ranking CEO, even if there are some sneaky problems, it is still a beautiful, romantic, or elegant and intellectual woman. How can he want a black man who wants to be educated, uneducated, and unsightly? Female? But the CIA of this military power is not a vegetarian. It directly arrests, then tries, and then makes the currency organization have to stop his position as president. After the new president takes office, the procuratorate of this military power announces that it has become the former president The secret discoverer was acquitted, and he was probably warned: if he talks nonsense after he comes out, he will be arrested again. For me, I think this is just the lightest and lightest move. People with cheese just shut up forever through a traffic accident? In recent years, there have been more ruthless ones. In a city in Guangdong Province, the president of a large company was shot dead in his office. Xiaofang, in Yunnan , in the triangle area, how many wives and children of anti-drug armed police officers were killed by drug traffickers? Maybe these drug dealers are afraid of armed police officers, but are their wives still there? Are their children still in school? How many armed police officers are threatened to face the most vulnerable side of these armed police officers? Living in fear? The original vigor has gradually worn down, and some drug trafficking cases dare not really be investigated strictly."

Fang Yuan listened silently, thinking of Kong Shuanghua and Rui Rui, Fang Yuan also felt a little anxious.

Confucius Tian said: "Some things seem simple, but they are actually complicated. Some things seem complicated, but they are actually simple. Let's just talk about this threatening letter. It's just a naked warning, telling you not to meddle in other people's business. Cutting off other people’s money. Judging from this letter, there is no intention of doing anything yet. But Xiao Fang, if you cut off other people’s money again, it’s hard to say. Maybe I dare not touch you, but Xiaohua and Rui Rui, who can protect them?"

The door of the ward was pushed open after knocking a few times, and a person stood at the door.Confucius stood up suddenly, and asked in surprise, "Why did you come here?"

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