Director's growth history

3384.2074, If one trick fails, there are new tricks

Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that the seats of the party committee members had changed.Sun Hongjun is in the middle, Zhai Xinwen is on the right, Heping is on the left, and outside is the new supervisor Han Suzhen, deputy director Geng Qing, deputy director Kong Lili, deputy director Chen Qizhi, and then myself.On the outside, there is the new deputy director Cao Bensong, followed by Song Ping, the chairman of the labor union, and Wang Xingbang, the deputy researcher. Not one of the 11 party committee members was missing, and all of them were present.

Sun Hongjun nodded to Fangyuan, and Fangyuan nodded to Han Suzhen.Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, the members of the party committee are all here, and the meeting will start now. Before the new chief of the political engineering section is confirmed, we have to trouble Director Cao to serve as the chief of the political engineering section until the end of this meeting, okay?" Cao Bensong said: "Ok Yes, Secretary Sun." Sun Hongjun said: "Now, let Director Cao read out the nominations for section-level cadres and deputy section-level cadres."

Cao Bensong was well-behaved, and explained the candidates that Sun Hongjun had drawn up one by one.This plan has been communicated by Sun Hongjun, Zhai Xinwen and the deputies in advance, and everyone generally thinks it is quite appropriate.After Cao Bensong finished reading, he stopped talking.Sun Hongjun said, "Do you still have different opinions?"

Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "I have some opinions on the candidate for the deputy director of the teaching and research section. I recommend a candidate, Zhao Hanmei, a high school mathematics teaching and research fellow, for your reference. I have also discussed the situation of Comrade Zhou Qifeng with the comrades in the teaching and research section. The ability is good, but the personality is too strong. When things don’t go well, they will put down their picks and play with their temper. Obviously, this does not meet the standard for a cadre to be mature. Comrades can compare and compare. I have Comrade Zhao Hanmei here. Resume, Comrade Xingbang, help share it."

Heh, Zhai Xinwen's work is very meticulous!This is using Zhao Hanmei as a touchstone!Test yourself to see if you still have considerable influence.Sun Hongjun looked at Zhao Hanmei's materials silently, and he was full of confidence in Zhou Qifeng's appointment.With Fangyuan's support, it is enough to influence many party committee members.

Sun Hongjun said frankly: "Since Director Zhai has also nominated a candidate, let's compare the two comrades." Kong Lili said: "In any level of leadership, there should be female leaders. The teaching and research section has always been male leaders. It is not appropriate to be the head of the family. I think it is necessary to nominate Zhao Hanmei."

Deputy director Cao Bensong immediately expressed different opinions: "I disagree with Director Kong's opinion. The director is in charge of the overall situation, and the two deputy directors, generally speaking, one is in charge of the management department and the other is in charge of the liberal arts. Deputy director Liu Yuntang is a physics teaching and researcher. , sub-management section; if Zhao Hanmei Mathematics teaching and researcher is the deputy director again, who will be in charge of the liberal arts? I am the head of the political engineering section, and I personally went to the teaching and research section to investigate. In the public opinion evaluation, Comrade Zhou Qifeng’s score is higher than Comrade Zhao Hanmei’s Quite a few."

Zhai Xinwen said: "I once consulted Comrade Xie Bingguo, and Xie Bingguo thought that Comrade Zhou Qifeng was not suitable." Cao Bensong said: "Secretary Sun and I also consulted Comrade Li Guoqiang, and Comrade Li Guoqiang recommended Zhou Qifeng."

Sun Hongjun remained calm: "Everyone will express their opinions." The new director supervisor Han Suzhen said: "Zhou Qifeng is actually a senior teaching and researcher in the teaching and research section. He has made a lot of achievements in high school Chinese teaching and research. He is not alone. Evaluate who is inappropriate, and whoever is inappropriate. When I was the director, Zhou Qifeng was a language teaching and researcher, and his ability and character are remarkable."

No one spoke again.Zhai Xinwen scanned the audience, Song Ping looked down at the notebook, and Wang Xingbang twirled the gel pen, enjoying himself.Looking at the audience again, there was no one who supported him!Zhai Xinwen's heart was sad for a while, and then a burst of anger rushed up: I trained Sun Hongjun, Wang Xingbang, and Fang Yuan, and now they don't stand by me!What's the point?Are they all white-eyed wolves?

Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang, tell me your opinion. You are the deputy director in charge of the teaching and research section, and you have the most say."

Fang Yuan raised his head and saw that almost everyone's eyes were fixed on him, he became the one who attracted the attention of all, Fang Yuan also felt the heavy pressure.Zhao Hanmei, Lu Yaxiong's wife, I don't have a deep impression of her, I know her well, but I don't feel any special talent.What should I do now?Li Guoqiang needs to implement his vision of future teaching reform. If Liu Yuntang and Zhao Hanmei restrain Li Guoqiang together, it will be detrimental to Li Guoqiang.After passing through a threatening letter, Fang Yuan knew that he would not hurt other people's interests or touch other people's cakes when it was not necessary. In an instant, Fang Yuan made up his mind.

Fang Yuan said: "I think that Comrade Zhou Qifeng is qualified for the position of deputy director of the teaching and research section. Since Comrade Jiang Dacheng of the teaching department is approaching his age, I propose that Comrade Liu Yuntang can be temporarily appointed as the party branch secretary and deputy director of the teaching department. At the same time, nominate Comrade Zhao Hanmei as the deputy director of the teaching and research section. In this case, it is a more appropriate arrangement for Comrade Liu Yuntang, an expert teaching and researcher with deep qualifications and strong abilities. After all, the director of the teaching department also needs to be an expert. I am afraid that it will be difficult for the section chief to be transferred to him. In this case, the two deputy directors of the teaching and research section will complement each other, and there will be no situation where they are all science subjects."

Heping immediately supported: "Director Fang's suggestion is very good. Liu Yuntang has been the deputy director for many years, and it's time for him to be promoted. Jiang Dacheng is about to retire, and Liu Yuntang is going to the teaching department. It is suitable, very suitable!"

Zhai Xinwen's nose was almost crooked from anger.It should be me, Zhai Xinwen, who wants to sell favors to Liu Yuntang, not you Fangyuan.Although Liu Yuntang has been suppressed by him for the past two years, the situation has changed now. When he was about to win him over, Fang Yuan actually gave Liu Yuntang a big favor!Although he also agreed to promote Zhao Hanmei, Zhou Qifeng did not give up.

Sun Hongjun smiled: "Director Fang is very thoughtful. There are female comrades in the teaching and research section team, and they are coordinated in arts and sciences, and Comrade Liu Yuntang is well arranged. I support Director Fang's suggestion. Do other comrades have any opinions? If If there is no opinion, let's vote!"

Zhai Xinwen is now a dumb man eating Coptis chinensis, unable to tell what he is suffering.There was no objection to the result of the vote. Xie Bingguo was appointed as the chief of the Education Section, Shen Jun was appointed as the Chief of the Policy and Regulations Section, Teng Feiyue was appointed as the Chief of the Politics and Engineering Section, Li Guoqiang was appointed as the Director of the Teaching and Research Section, Liu Yuntang was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Branch and Deputy Director of the Educational Science Institute, Zhou Qifeng, Zhao Hanmei is the deputy director of the teaching and research section.

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Cao, I would like to trouble you to perform the duties of the chief of the political and engineering section for the last time. In the name of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, the decision of appointment will be issued today to all bureau units and district and county education and sports bureaus." Cao Bensong said: "Okay." Yes." Sun Hongjun said: "Director Zhai, since the party committee has been established and our new team has been formed, can we also study the division of labor among the leaders of the bureau?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, I am For this reason, I discussed with Fang Yuan just now and exchanged some opinions."

Sun Hongjun looked at Fangyuan, and saw that Fangyuan looked calm, and his inner doubts were a little less.As for Zhai Xinwen's methods, Sun Hongjun had learned a long time ago. At the beginning, Han Suzhen was overthrown at once with a divided wrist. As for Ma Shuntian's resignation, Zhai Xinwen used no means. This is also worth scrutinizing.Sun Hongjun said: "Then, does Director Zhai have a preliminary division of labor plan?" Zhai Xinwen said: "The party and government are separated, and I will not intervene in party affairs; administrative work, as the director, I have naturally thought about it for many days. "

This is a subtle warning, telling Sun Hongjun not to put his hands in the administration.Sun Hongjun said: "The party manages cadres, not only the selection and training of cadres, but also the specific work of cadres. The party committee also has a say."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary of the Red Army, I didn't say that before!" Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Hao served as the secretary of the party committee for a short period of time. For the previous two years, Director Zhai was on the shoulders. The division of labor between the party and the government is naturally The division is not so clear." Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary Sun, what do you want?" Sun Hongjun said: "As the secretary of the party committee, I have to exercise my right to speak. As for the final decision, it will be in accordance with our party's The principle of centralism is determined collectively by all party committee members. In a word, it will not become the way the Education Bureau makes decisions in the future.”

Zhai Xinwen was so angry by Sun Hongjun that he couldn't help laughing: "Secretary Sun, you can do it!" Sun Hongjun said: "The Municipal Party Committee and the Organization Department trust me, so I will be in their position and seek their own government." It’s a good point! Xiao Sun, I support you!” Sun Hongjun said, “Thank you Director Han.”

It seems that Han Suzhen's hatred for Zhai Xinwen is really deep, and she will support anyone who disagrees with Zhai Xinwen.Jumping out to cheer up Sun Hongjun at this time is the same as cheering up Hao Ding before.Fang Yuan watched calmly, scanned the audience carefully, and suddenly found that Kong Lili was the only real supporter of Zhai Xinwen. 11 members of the party committee!There are 9 people who are not of one mind with him, and it is difficult for him to be the chief of the bureau.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes, the centralized system is a fine tradition of our party, and collective decision-making can ensure the scientific nature of decision-making. But I just want to express one point, people must also have a conscience." Zhai Xinwen glanced at Sun Hongjun first, Scanning Wang Xingbang and Fangyuan again, I believe all three of them understood the meaning of this.Han Suzhen sneered: "Speaking of conscience? What a good one! I think everyone should touch their own conscience first!"

Everyone looks at Zhai Xinwen.At the beginning, Zhai Xinwen was able to become the secretary of the party committee, wasn't it the result of Han Suzhen's strong recommendation?But Han Suzhen was finally forced by Zhai Xinwen to fall ill and go home by various means. It seems that Zhai Xinwen didn't say anything about conscience!

The structure of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau has also become more subtle.

Sun Hongjun was very calm.With Fangyuan around, Sun Hongjun has full confidence to pass the content that the party committee wants to pass.Of course, you can't tear your face apart. After all, the director still has financial power. If you do something wrong with signing reimbursements in the future, it will make people feel more uncomfortable.After all, it takes money to carry out activities, travel to study, organize labor unions and women's federation recuperation, cultural and sports activities, etc., and it is not a small amount of money.Sun Hongjun said: "Members of the party committee, let's first listen to Director Zhai's vision of the division of labor in administration. As long as it is reasonable, we must support it."

Zhai Xinwen said: "I have considered for a long time the division of labor among the members of the team. The division of labor between the party committee and secretary, and the division of labor by Chairman Song of the trade union, I do not participate in opinions on this."

Hey, even if Zhai Xinwen participates in opinions, Heping can only be in charge of the political engineering department and the Youth League Committee, and Song Ping of the labor union is in charge of the labor union and the Women's Federation. This is adjusted but there is no way to adjust it.It seems to be giving Sun Hongjun a lot of face, but in fact it blocked Sun Hongjun's mouth when he wanted to reach out and divide the administrative work.

Zhai Xinwen said: "I think Fangyuan's division of labor can be adjusted. Fangyuan is a rare educational special talent in Dongzhou in the past ten years. I believe everyone present is convinced by his teaching attainments. Therefore, the teaching and research section, Comrade Fang Yuan should be in charge of the teaching institute."

The teaching institute was originally in charge of Chen Qizhi.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Although Comrade Fangyuan is not very old, his management ability has also been demonstrated in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in the past year. The practice has shown an excellent level. The school with 300 teachers and nearly 4000 students is well managed. The school The team is becoming more and more united, and everyone is working together to promote the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. These good experiences should be promoted to be more beneficial to the development of Dongzhou's education, so I think it is appropriate for Comrade Fang Yuan to be in charge of the education department."

If Zhai Xinwen's proposal is approved, the deputy director Chen Qizhi will immediately become a polished commander.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Chen, when he was the director of the Education and Sports Bureau in Jiangnan County, the campus security in Jiangnan County was very good. Therefore, I suggest that Director Chen be in charge of the safety department. At present, the country pays more and more attention to community education. Director Chen can also be in charge of the social education office; the promotion of Mandarin is of great significance to Dongzhou. If Dongzhou dialect is spoken throughout the country, few people can understand it, so Director Chen can also be in charge of the language committee. "

The safety department is the department that is most likely to be held accountable by the leaders. If there is an accident in the campus safety, the director in charge will be the first to be punished by the superior, or even dismissed. This has become a high-risk department.Community education and promotion of Putonghua are relatively empty tasks.Zhai Xinwen's move was very ruthless and directly marginalized Chen Qizhi.Not general marginalization, but complete marginalization, depriving Chen Qizhi of the right to speak in the Education Bureau.

Chen Qizhi's expression was ugly, Chen Qizhi felt extremely sad for Zhai Xinwenming's blatant "bullying" of others.Did Zhai Xinwen discuss the division of labor with Fang Yuan beforehand?Just now Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan entered the conference room talking and laughing together, and Zhai Xinwen also emphasized that he had exchanged views with Fang Yuan.If Fang Yuan really reached a behind-the-scenes deal with Zhai Xinwen, he would be completely marginalized.As the deputy director, I am more wronged than Dou E, more aggrieved than my little daughter-in-law!

Many members of the party committee felt the extent to which Chen Qizhi was being bullied.But Chen Qizhi "contracted" the departments that everyone was least willing to take charge of, which meant that he didn't need to take charge of these departments, and no one would take the initiative to recruit the safety department, language committee office, and social education office to him.Zhai Xinwen's moves were too ruthless.Many people don't expect that Zhai Xinwen's moves have just begun, and he has already used the techniques of suppression, win-win, and division to an almost perfect degree.

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