Director's growth history

3386.2076. Who is more noble than whom?

Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan sat down on each other's knees.Fang Yuan said: "Congratulations to Secretary Sun for the complete success of presiding over the party committee for the first time." Sun Hongjun was also quite satisfied with his first official party committee, saying: "Whoever does things sincerely will win support." Too much scheming and not really thinking about Dongzhou education.

Fang Yuan said: "No one is willing to lose everything in the past." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes! I know him too well, and he will definitely have successors. Do you have any good ideas?"

Having experienced an unforgettable heart-to-heart exchange, the hearts of Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun have been closely united.Fang Yuan also heard about Sun Hongjun crying for his illness afterwards.In front of Sun Hongjun, Fang Yuan felt that he should speak clearly if he had something to say: "Director Han has rich experience and is also an old leader who wants to develop Dongzhou education well. We should respect Han." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes! Today you propose to let Director Han is in charge of the education department, this is definitely a stroke of genius." Fang Yuan said: "In fact, only Director Han is in charge of the education department, or I am in charge of the education department. Under the new situation, we can hold on. This is not a lie, Xie Bingguo said With the title of assistant to the director, Director Chen really can't hold him down." Sun Hongjun said, "What do you think of Xie Bingguo?" Fang Yuan said, "He is a cadre worth cultivating with top-notch work ability and first-class professionalism. "Sun Hongjun said: "But I think he is too close to others."

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun is discovering and cultivating talents for the development of Dongzhou's education. He will definitely pay attention to talents. Secretary Sun must also have the wisdom to let a capable comrade like Xie Bingguo know what to do. "Sun Hongjun nodded: "As long as Xie Bingguo walks the right path and does the right thing, I will definitely train him with all my heart. After all, our Dongzhou education needs capable talents too much. The more talents, the better the development of Dongzhou education." Fang Yuan extended Reach out: "Secretary Sun, let us work together to make Dongzhou education better tomorrow." Sun Hongjun also extended his hand: "Director Fang, if you need the cooperation of the party committee, just say so." Fang Yuan said: "Definitely."

Sun Hongjun said: "This time the party committee, we temporarily gained the upper hand, but the situation in the Education Bureau is very complicated!" Fang Yuan said: "Yes! The more complicated it is, the more support we can win. Let's talk about Geng Deputy Director Qing, I guess he won’t be in a good mood recently.” Sun Hongjun said: “Yes! This time, Zhai Xinwen recommended Kong Lili. In the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee, there were big differences between Geng Qing and Kong Lili, so Secretary Wang Guodong Suspend voting on the appointment of this researcher. After all, it is a non-leadership position and will not affect the overall situation." Fang Yuan said: "So there is such a storyline!" Sun Hongjun said: "Yes." Fang Yuan said: "The more Geng Qing's mood Not good, the more we can win over him. After a while, Director Geng and I will meet and we will have an in-depth exchange." Sun Hongjun said: "The united front will become bigger and bigger."

Both of them firmly believed that Geng Qing probably hated Zhai Xinwen to the bone by now.Seniority and ability are not bad. Dongzhou’s vocational education has been carried out quite well. It has provided a large number of blue-collar skilled workers for the prosperous Dongzhou economy, and has also made a great contribution to promoting employment.Of course, the objects of vocational education are students who are not able to enter high school and whose academic level is relatively poor, but it is precisely because of better vocational education that it is guaranteed that these students who are not very good at learning can have their own life after they enter the society. To become a qualified laborer for the cause of socialism, not a scum of mixed society.Who can obliterate the contribution of vocational education.After all, society needs not only high-end talents, not only people who can sit in the office, but also a large number of front-line industrial workers and front-line service personnel.

Fang Yuan said: "Deputy Director Chen Qizhi is actually a talented person. Being able to manage the education work in a Jiangnan County well shows that he has the ability to comprehensively manage a wider range of education work." Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang, now let Director Chen Said, of course it is the target we are fighting for. However, you must not take it lightly." Fang Yuan was stunned and looked at Sun Hongjun in surprise.Sun Hongjun said: "I am an old political worker. Dongzhou education includes the education of the districts and counties below. I am very clear. Director Chen is the director of the Education and Sports Bureau in Jiangnan County. You must know that for a county, education expenditure It has always been the largest expenditure in the entire county's fiscal expenditure. From this perspective, the importance of the director of the education and sports bureau is self-evident. Therefore, in some counties, the director of the education and sports bureau will be concurrently served by the deputy county magistrate The director of the education and sports bureau must be accepted by the county party secretary and the county head at the same time before he can take office, otherwise the forced appointment of the director of the education and sports bureau will not be stable. With a relatively good relationship, you can imagine that his wrist is not inferior to Zhai Xinwen. He is suppressed by Director Zhai and has no chance to stand up for the time being, but he still has all his strength behind him. If he turns over, God knows what will happen Situation? I don’t want the education system to continue to fight. I just hope that everyone will perform their duties and do their jobs well. If Zhai Xinwen comes up, he will beat his predecessors; if Chen Qizhi has a chance to stand up, he will lose again People from Zhai Xinwen, so is our education in Dongzhou good?"

It seems that I have to look at Chen Qizhi differently.Recalling that Chen Qizhi has been working hard at the Municipal Education Bureau for more than half a year. No matter what job he is assigned, even if he is reluctant to do it, he seems to be doing it seriously.Especially in the on-site quality education meeting in Qingjiang Province in March, the reception, board and lodging, and safety were all the most cumbersome things, but Chen Qizhi also completed them very well; after that came the education supervision work. After being unhappy at the office meeting, Chen Qizhi also completed the education supervision work. In the education supervision work, he also established working contacts with the first departments of the four districts and five counties and the county and district leaders in charge of education, and established the city education supervision work. The initial position of the deputy director of the bureau; now, in charge of the safety department, the language committee office, the social education office, and the teaching institute, has he accepted the arrangement of the party committee, endured the humiliation, and went to familiarize himself with the work that he was not very familiar with. It is possible to quickly open up the situation and win the support of these four departments.Fangyuan suddenly remembered Mencius's famous saying: Those who are entrusted with great responsibilities must first suffer from their hearts and minds, exhaust their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies...Chen Qizhi can now treat all these with a calm state of mind, and his ambition is not small , Its heart is very big!

If he can become a partner and friend at work, then Chen Qizhi can be regarded as very good; but if he becomes a competitor or political enemy, then Chen Qizhi hides it so deeply, and when he turns around one day in the future, he will fight back hard. Must be extraordinary!

Sure enough, Chen Qizhi should be treated differently!Fang Yuan suddenly thought, in fact, Chen Qizhi gave up in charge of the education department. Why didn't the two temporarily avoid the flames of war, watch the tigers fight from a distance, and watch Han Suzhen and Zhai Xinwen fight against each other. What about the relatively marginal second-class departments such as the Language Committee Office, the Social Education Office, etc., seeking to gain a firm foothold and establish their own cronies?What a brilliant and formidable person!

Fang Yuan remained silent, and Sun Hongjun didn't bother.After all, Sun Hongjun is in his early forties, and his social experience is much richer than that of Fang Yuan.As a person without roots, Sun Hongjun has also endured humiliation over the years to get his status today.In Sun Hongjun's view, what he lacked was precisely Fangyuan's strong background, which could even influence the standing committee of the municipal party committee, making those who opposed it in the standing committee of the municipal party committee finally raise their hands in favor.Among other things, the army forcibly transferred Fang Yuan to the Affiliated Hospital of Dongzhou Medical College, which has never happened in the history of Dongzhou; Sun Hongjun asked himself that the approval of the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension Line was absolutely impossible, and Fang Yuan was easily handled. , It is said that after a phone call at the hospital, the younger brother of Minister Niu of the Beijing Ministry of Railways rushed to Dongzhou.It is definitely the best candidate to form a strategic partnership with Fangyuan.Sun Hongjun has a judgment that the future director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau must belong to Fang Yuan. He has established the most friendly relationship with Fang Yuan. It is very helpful for a person like himself who has no foundation to be the party secretary of the Education Bureau.Fang Yuan is too young, so he will definitely not stop at the director of the education bureau. If Fang Yuan is promoted to the deputy department level and recommends the director of the education bureau, then he is likely to shoulder the responsibility of the party and the government.If Fangyuan develops further, is it possible for him to follow Fangyuan's progress, rise all boats, and become a dignified department-level cadre?The wiring should be careful and the layout should be long-term.Sun Hongjun firmly implements his plan: follow Fangyuan's footsteps closely, and maintain a high degree of consistency in interests with Fangyuan.When interests are inconsistent, one can temporarily sacrifice one's own interests.At the same time, try to remind Fang Yuan not to make mistakes that should not be made, and ensure that Fang Yuan avoids detours on the way forward. In this way, the faster Fang Yuan progresses, the faster he is likely to progress.Fang Yuan needs a bosom friend by his side, a friend who can remind him but not criticize him directly.I have to work hard to be such a round friend!

As for the other people in the Dongzhou Education Bureau, how could Sun Hongjun completely get rid of the traditional Confucian thought of "those who follow me will flourish, and those who oppose me will perish".Sun Hongjun is not a saint, but an ordinary man of flesh and blood. Limited by his vision of being a commoner, his measurement is not big enough to hold a ship, and his vision is not just to stand on the top of the Great Wall and watch the vicissitudes of the world.After analysis, Chen Qizhi has long been regarded by Sun Hongjun as his potential biggest competitor. In terms of age, Chen Qizhi is comparable to Sun Hongjun; in terms of ability, Sun Hongjun even feels that he is not as good as Chen Qizhi.Therefore, at this stage, with Zhai Xinwen Chong at the forefront to crowd out and suppress Chen Qizhi, Sun Hongjun naturally has to stand by and watch, and even help Chen Qizhi at some point.Now, Fang Yuan pointed out that Chen Qizhi is a talent, which really shocked Sun Hongjun.Sun Hongjun didn't want Fang Yuan and Chen Qizhi to get too close. If the two of them became good friends, then his importance would decrease; and if Fang Yuan discovered too many advantages and abilities of Chen Qizhi, he would even alienate himself, or If you no longer regard yourself as the most reliable partner in education, and put yourself in the second or lower position, then it will affect your long-term layout.Therefore, Sun Hongjun had no choice but to put Chen Qizhi's eye drops on Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan didn't speak, and Sun Hongjun was still a little uneasy: What should Fang Yuan do if he finds out about his little trick?The two sat quietly like this.Fang Yuan was thinking about things and people, while Sun Hongjun was waiting calmly. As an old political cadre, he could endure loneliness and keep his thoughts in his heart. This is the basic quality that every old political cadre possesses.

Fang Yuan finally spoke: "Secretary Sun, at this stage, Chen Qizhi is still an important vote for us to win. Sometimes, this vote can also change the final result of the bureau's party committee and director's office meeting." Fang Yuan thought about many things clearly : As long as Chen Qizhi is dedicated to the development of Dongzhou's education, such people should strive to become friends.What Fang Yuan didn't understand was: Why doesn't Sun Hongjun seem to like Chen Qizhi so much?If Fang Yuan really knew Sun Hongjun's psychology, Fang Yuan would also be worried: Is it the right decision for me to associate with Sun Hongjun, who is my closest friend so far?

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang is right. The theory of the united front is that by making our friends as many as possible and making our enemies as few as possible, the enemy's enemies can also become our friends. Senior Mao is amazing! Now, we really need to unite with all the objects we can unite, and firmly grasp the general direction of Dongzhou's education development in our hands." Fang Yuan nodded, and tightly held hands with Sun Hongjun.

After leaving Sun Hongjun's office, Fang Yuan went to the Peace Office.Here in Heping, Fang Yuan heard a shocking news, which suddenly cleared up many mysteries in his heart.

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