Director's growth history

3411.2100 Competition among section chiefs

The situation has developed to such an extent that many people did not expect it.All Zhai Xinwen was left with was anger, while Xie Bingguo was overwhelmed with worry.

The bureau chief's office meeting ended in a result that no one expected.Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang, come to my office." Under Zhai Xinwen's and Kong Lili's jealous eyes, Fang Yuan followed Sun Hongjun to Sun Hongjun's office.After closing the door, only Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan were in the room.Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang, you gave me a big gift today, and gave a lot of deputy directors, and taught me a vivid lesson!" Fang Yuan said, "Actually, I was inspired by it last night. I Originally, the 100 quotas were handed over in order to allow the Municipal Education Bureau to handle some more important, more urgent, and more difficult relationships, but if the 100 quotas were monopolized by one person, then it would go against my original intention, and it would be against my original intention. The wishes of the vast majority of comrades are contrary to their wishes." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes! There are thirty or forty people from all walks of life who are looking for me this year! With these 10 quotas, some of the most important and urgent relationships can be properly settled. It’s been dealt with.” Fang Yuan said: “There are still 20 mobile quotas!” Sun Hongjun said: “What do you mean?” Fang Yuan said: “These 20 mobile quotas are for ordinary staff and deputy directors of the bureau. It is inevitable that their close relatives and friends have been asked, and they also worry about what to do. These quotas are given to such front-line comrades, and they will support them more; if these quotas are monopolized, they will only Lose more popular support." Sun Hongjun said: "Actually, I still hope that the situation can be stabilized." Fang Yuan said: "Yes, I also hope that everyone will put their minds on how to develop Dongzhou's education well. However, some People just want to fight for power and profit, and want to deal with others. You can’t always pinch others as soft persimmons, can you?”

Sun Hongjun sighed.What happened in the latest stage, it seems that Fang Yuan never took the initiative to provoke anyone, but there were always people who took the initiative to provoke Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun, in fact, the majority of comrades want to do things. Whether Director Han, Secretary He, Director Chen, or the newly appointed Director Cao, they all want to do things. Your responsibility is It's getting more and more serious, to shape the team, to uphold the atmosphere, this is your duty as the party secretary!" Sun Hongjun said: "I'll have a good talk with Director Zhai again. What I'm worried about is that he has lost his mind now. In fact, if Director Zhai devotes all his mind to his work, Dongzhou Education has great hope." Fang Yuan said: "If Director Zhai devotes his mind to work, I will definitely support him in the field of management. Yes." Sun Hongjun stretched out his hand: "Director Fang, it is a blessing for Dongzhou Education to have leaders like you in the Education Bureau." Fang Yuan said, "This sentence should be reversed. The Education Bureau has cadres like you, Secretary Sun. , is the blessing of Dongzhou education.”

With the same mind and similar wishes, Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan looked at each other silently, everything was in silence.

Fang Yuan came out of Sun Hongjun's office and saw Xie Bingguo waiting there with a look of bitterness and hatred.Fang Yuan said, "Bingguo, are you looking for Secretary Sun?" Xie Bingguo said, "No, I'm waiting for Director Fang here." Sun Hongjun said, "Did Director Fang find my office?" Wait, there will be no other leaders communicating with Director Fang in the middle. I am almost dying of worry." Fang Yuan said, "There are always more solutions than difficulties. Let's go to my office."

When Fang Yuan arrived at the door of his office, Wang Xingbang, Lu Zhenghong, Shen Jun, and Li Guoqiang were all waiting there.It seems that Fang Yuan is always looking for something; it seems that Fang Yuan's desire to go back to the hospital this morning may be delusional again.Fang Yuan said: "Excuse me, everyone wait a moment. Section Chief Xie is standing at the door of Secretary Sun's office waiting, one step ahead!" Wang Xingbang said: "Thank you for the bureau assistant, you can report quickly, I have something urgent !" Xie Bingguo said: "If the matter cannot be resolved, my report will not be completed." Wang Xingbang said: "It seems that Director Han is in charge of the basic education department, and Director Fang is not in charge of the basic education department!"

Xie Bingguo was annoyed, and inevitably felt resentful: "Director Wang, oh, it seems that Director Fang doesn't take charge of the office! You are only allowed to set fire to the state officials, and you are not allowed to nod the common people. You are crushed to death by the first rank!" Wang Xingbang said: "I The matter we are talking about is a serious matter, it is about the adjustment of Director Fang’s office, which is closely related to Director Fang, can I discuss it with others?” Xie Bingguo said: “I asked Director Fang to report to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School about school selection. The director is the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, so why don't I go to Director Fang, and you, Director Wang?"

The conflict between the section chiefs intensified in an instant.It turns out that the organization is usually harmonious on the surface, and there are some struggles in the dark, which is normal, but on the surface, it is still possible to maintain reason.But at this moment, although Xie Bingguo was half a rank lower, he was very angry, because Zhai Xinwen dropped his notebook in the director's office, which made Xie Bingguo at a loss.Xie Bingguo is fully aware that Zhai Xinwen may have agreed to hundreds of people, but now there are only 10 quotas, plus the 20 who are mobile, and there are only 30 people. Zhai Xinwen may be very difficult to handle. !Of course, this is only a superficial phenomenon. Zhai Xinwen's prestige has been ruined, and he has lost his absolute command in the bureau, which is probably the root cause of his failure.At that time, Zhai Xinwen had only one sentence to Xie Bingguo: "Go and find a solution."

This is the director's order!I think of a way to solve it?What can I do?Xie Bingguo didn't support Zhai Xinwen's plan to do this from the bottom of his heart, but now he messed up the matter and asked me to solve it?I am not a fairy!I am a small section chief, a small section chief sandwiched between the bureau chief and the powerful deputy chief!

In normal times, Xie Bingguo would not have dared to contradict Wang Xingbang. After all, Wang Xingbang was at the deputy director level, so his rank was there.But right now, he was really in a hurry.

Seeing Xie Bingguo's aggrieved appearance, Shen Jun was more or less secretly pleased: Fortunately, he left the post of chief education section, otherwise he would be the daughter-in-law today.Zhai Xinwen was indeed a bit outspoken about this matter; however, Fangyuan's methods were stronger, turning the number of school-choice students in No. 5 Middle School into porridge in everyone's bowls. If Zhai Xinwen really wanted to grab it, he would cause public outrage.What does it mean to draw salary from the bottom of the pot?Although Shen Jun didn't personally experience it today, judging from the information fed back after the meeting, this is the bottom line!

Fang Yuan said: "Section Chief Xie is a little restless now. Director Guoqiang, you can communicate with Section Chief Xie again. I will talk to Director Wang first. Our matter is simple. It is not difficult to change offices. A few minutes That's good." Wang Xingbang bowed slightly, gave Xie Bingguo a complacent look, and followed Fangyuan into the office.

Wang Xingbang closed the door of the office lightly, but tightly without leaving any gaps.Xie Bingguo was stunned, he came first, but came later; Wang Xingbang came later, but became advanced, what is the reason?Could it be that Fang Yuan is dissatisfied with herself?Li Guoqiang said: "Chief Xie, old leader, shall we go for a walk in the yard?" Xie Bingguo said: "No, I'll just wait here." It’s better.” Xie Bingguo looked at Li Guoqiang and said, “I just realized now that it’s actually quite good to be the director of the teaching and research section. It’s just about teaching and research, how simple!” Li Guoqiang didn’t like to listen to him. Feeling the heavy pressure, in Xie Bingguo's eyes, he became innocent!Li Guoqiang said: "I'm a new soldier and I don't have enough experience. I will often ask Section Chief Xie for advice in the future. Let's go, it's better to walk outside than to wait here. I want to report to Director Fang who is in charge. Well! In this way, when the two of us come back, you report first, and I report later, okay?" Xie Bingguo was indeed full of anger, and Li Guoqiang came, and there happened to be someone to confide in.Xie Bingguo said, "Okay, let's go outside for a walk."

Xie Bingguo and Li Guoqiang left.There was a soft "hum" in Shen Jun's nostrils.Lu Zhenghong smiled lightly: "Chief Shen, have you now realized the benefits of following Director Fang?" Shen Jun said: "Yes! How happy I am to be free!" Lu Zhenghong said: "Follow the correct path If you follow the wrong direction, you will get farther and farther away from the goal. If you step on two boats, I think it means that the thighs are not split enough, and they are completely cracked. Only then will you know pain and regret .”

Shen Jun looked at Lu Zhenghong in astonishment: "Chief Lu, there is so much philosophy in your words!" Lu Zhenghong said, "I learned from Director Fang." Shen Jun was about to praise Lu Zhenghong, but saw When the door opened, Fang Yuan smiled and sent Wang Xingbang out.Wang Xingbang said: "Director Fang, please stop." Fang Yuan said: "Director Wang is interested, thank you." Wang Xingbang said: "It is the duty of the office director to serve the leaders well." Fang Yuan nodded.

Fang Yuan looked at Shen Jun and Lu Zhenghong, and asked, "You two, who will go first?" Lu Zhenghong raised his hand: "Director Fang, I only have a few words, one minute." Fang Yuan said, "Then you come in first." Let's go." Lu Zhenghong smiled playfully at Shen Jun: "I'm sorry, Section Chief Shen, but I'm the soldier that Director Fang is leading in the Regulations Section, so I have to go first."

Shen Jun suddenly realized that compared with Lu Zhenghong, he seemed to be at a disadvantage everywhere.After carefully savoring the very philosophical words Lu Zhenghong said just now, Shen Jun seemed to have realized something.The wrong direction and the right direction; stepping on two boats, hehe, this little girl is quite good at this aspect.Are you not firm and thorough enough?Are you also not very good at confessing and expressing merit?So what should I do?

As expected, Lu Zhenghong came out soon, her face was flushed with red, like a cute big apple.Fang Yuan didn't send it off, so Lu Zhenghong led the door by himself, and said to Shen Jun, "Section Chief Shen, I'm done with Director Fang. Now it's your turn."

The words were so ambiguous that Shen Jun couldn't help but think of the scandals between Fangyuan, Lu Zhenghong, and Zhou Yujie that were circulating behind the scenes of the Education Bureau.Of course, there are also scandals about Director Fang, that is, some things between Fang Yuan and Chen Qiuping, the current vice-principal of No. 42 Middle School.Shen Jun said, "Thank you." As he spoke, he knocked on the door gently, and heard Fang Yuan say, "Please come in." Shen Jun walked in, and said to Fang Yuan, "Director Fang, I thought about the new semester last night. I want to report to you on the work of the Policy and Regulations Section, please give me instructions."

Fang Yuan said, "Sit down, Chief Shen." Shen Jun handed over the materials and sat down quietly by himself.Fang Yuan looked at the material monographically. It was a material with only two sheets of paper, on which were written plans for the policy and law department in the new semester in three aspects: official document production, legal education, and news publicity.After Fangyuan finished reading it, he said to Shen Jun: "It seems that you haven't fully studied the functions of the policy and law department! Fast, it doesn't mean good, I want quality fast! I think, if the new semester's policy If the legal work is done according to your plan, you, the chief of the policy and regulation department, are incompetent."

Shen Jun never expected that the amiable chief in charge yesterday would give himself a blow the first time he met today!

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