Director's growth history

3414.2103 Shao Keqing's Schemes

People in the Fangyuan ward were either sitting on stools or sitting on another bed.Seeing Fangyuan push the door in, they all stood up.Ruan Shaoxiu greeted him in a few steps, took the bag in Fang Yuan's hand, and asked with concern: "Principal, how are you?" It's all over." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I've been worrying about it all the time! Finally, I'm relieved. Principal, I thought a lot this morning, and I think the school is really a pure land, too simple. When I look at the problem, it's a bit simplistic. .”

Fang Yuan looked at Ruan Shaoxiu: "Sometimes simplicity is not a bad thing, but if you think about it complicatedly, it will make you lose sight of the situation and grasp the direction." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "I have to think about your two words for a long time." Fang Yuan Said: "It's okay to think about it. Today I witnessed the painful appearance of a comrade who thought too much. In this world, on the stage of life, sometimes you need to gamble. There are fewer and fewer good things." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Yes, the principal is right. Zhang Qiao and I are very clear about how everything came about now, and we will never have both ways."

Fang Yuan looked at Shao Keqing, who was graceful, charming, and undiminished, and said, "Sister Shao, I really didn't expect that!" Shao Keqing looked at Fang Yuan full of love: "Listening to what you and Principal Ruan said, I feel that your current Your realm and level have been greatly improved from last year's you. It is said that if I don't see you in a day, it will be like three autumns. If I don't see you again this year, I'm afraid I won't recognize you in a few years." Fang Yuan Said: "It's good that I know Sister Shao." Shao Keqing's pleasant laughter like a silver bell, gently rippling in the surrounding ward, brought joy to the men, and made Kong Shuanghua very uncomfortable.However, the dialogue between Fang Yuan and Shao Keqing just now has already reduced Kong Shuanghua's hostility a lot: they seem to have not seen each other for more than a year.

Kong Shuanghua was also very concerned about Fangyuan's body: "Honey, I've been busy all morning, how are you doing now? Can I still bear it?"

Fang Yuan said: "Fortunately. The pressure is not small, but the ability to resist the pressure is getting stronger and stronger. Sometimes, the pressure is too small, so that I can't even feel it, and it is impossible to have any effect on my cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. The impact." Kong Shuanghua said: "I have been worried all morning too! I am worried that that ungrateful guy will attack you." Fang Yuan said: "A tiger swallows iron balls, and it must have the ability to swallow iron balls. Don't let this The iron ball shattered your teeth. If you swallow it forcefully, it may not be enjoyment, but endless pain."

Shao Keqing stretched out her thumb: "Fang Yuan, it's quite remarkable that people can see things to this extent. And you are only under 30 years old, but you can have such an understanding. I admire you." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you Shao Sister’s compliment. Perhaps if I have been working as a front-line teacher, it would be difficult for me to have such an understanding. In the past year, especially in the past six months, I have experienced what an ordinary front-line middle school teacher may not have experienced in his entire life. Complicated situation. This is not only a challenge, but also an exercise, and an important life experience. Shuanghua knows that even Ding Xiaohua of the Nass Group can handle such a person, is there anyone more powerful than him?"

"Ding Xiaohua? I know him. This person who is very good at studying thick black studies is a well-known character in Dongzhou Port. Fang Yuan, life has an end, but life has no end. The highest state of thick black studies is black without color. Thick and invisible. People who are really smarter than Ding Xiaohua are not lacking in Dongzhou Port. Ding Xiaohua has only reached the intermediate level of black and bright, thick and hard, and has not yet reached the kind of bright, ruthless, but kind It makes people feel the lofty realm of compassion. Therefore, if there is progress, my sister is happy, but I can't be arrogant and think that I am the best in the world. You must know that there are strong hands in the strong and the strong."

In front of Shao Keqing, Fang Yuan could only be convinced.Shao Keqing's experience is not beyond the reach of a woman from a good family, a Xiaojiabiyu, or a woman from an ordinary family.Shao Keqing may have seen, done, or personally experienced things that some women may not know or experience in their entire lives.Intellectual beauty is not simply understood as knowing what is going on between men and women.To reach this level is really too simple, because as long as you have sex with a man a few times, you can know what is going on between men and women; if you have another child, you will understand what is going on even more.Intellectuality, this "nature", is human nature, the human heart, knowing the essence of a person by looking at the surface, knowing the direction by looking at the deduction of things, and knowing the general trend by looking at the chess pieces. Of course, it also includes being proficient in the things between men and women. .Intellectual beauty is not something any woman can achieve. Only experienced women like Shao Keqing, and women from official families like Zhou Yujie can gradually achieve intellectual and intimate hearts after they have seen and learned a lot.Such a confidante can give people a very high level of spiritual relief and release, but a woman who can only go to bed is still a thousand miles away from her intellect and her confidante.

Fang Yuan said sincerely: "Sister, I was wrong." Shao Keqing said: "You are not happy about a small victory, and you are not discouraged after a big defeat. Although I don't know what happened to the Education Bureau, I can guess that your small victory today , does not mean the end of the matter, but it means that a bigger storm is brewing. In the near future, there may be stormy waves waiting for you ahead. Opportunities belong to those who are prepared. Fangyuan, prepare early, act early Only by planning and considering everything can you be invincible."

When Fang Yuan heard this, he clapped his hands and saluted: "Thank you, Miss Shao, for your enlightenment! I'm still a little proud." Shao Keqing said, "The key is that you are too young. I admire the words of Zhang Ruimin, CEO of Qingdao Haier Group, and I am trembling like walking on thin ice. It is Zhang Ruimin who has such a mentality that enables Haier Group, a giant home appliance enterprise of China’s national brand, to move steadily towards a bigger and stronger direction. From 1984 to 2008, it has been growing steadily. Haier, made in China , This slogan is so inspiring, it also reflects the broad mind of a national enterprise. In the past 20 years, how many home appliance companies have prospered, but the big waves have washed away the sand, and some of the once brilliant home appliance companies are safe today? Beijing Xuehua Refrigerator, Jinan duckling washing machine, Jiangsu Chunlan air conditioner, Guangdong Aiduo vcd, now you want to buy it, and you don’t know where to buy it.”

Fang Yuan thought silently, as if temporarily forgetting everything in the room.Such profound words, probably only Fang Yuan can understand.Kong Shuanghua, Ruan Shaoxiu, and Zhang Qiao were all struggling to listen to the scriptures.As for Xiao Qing, she was even more dazed, she didn't even know who the president of Haier Group was!As for duckling washing machines and snowflake refrigerators, I have never even heard of them.

The ward fell silent.Fang Yuan sat by the bed and seriously digested what Shao Keqing said just now.These words, to many people's ears, sound like a mess; but to Fang Yuan's ears, they seem like oasis and rain.Different realms, different consciousness, the ability to digest and absorb is naturally also different.

Kong Shuanghua sat down beside Fang Yuan with some worry, gently took Fang Yuan's arm, and clenched Fang Yuan's hand.

Seeing Kong Shuanghua's somewhat hostile gaze, Shao Keqing smiled slightly, sat down quietly, and looked at Fangyuan, also with peace of mind, as if there was no arrhythmia or emotional ups and downs.This is the calmness and calmness after experiencing the wind and rain, and this is the confidence that Shao Keqing won Fangyuan's long-term concern with the superb level of a confidante.Kong Shuanghua, even if he was worried, it was in vain, because he did not want to marry Fang Yuan; Square heart.What I said to Fang Yuan today was Shao Keqing's heartfelt words, and it was also Shao Keqing's naked provocation to Kong Shuanghua.Shao Keqing believed that not only Fangyuan remembered her, but Kong Shuanghua would also remember her firmly in her heart, worrying that she would take away her Fangyuan!

Kong Shuanghua was really worried.I have been used to it smoothly, and Kong Shuanghua does have a relatively large lack of experience.Just now they were still digesting the impact of the Ding Chunxiao incident, and now another Shao Keqing appeared.Kong Shuanghua didn't know what to do. What he feared most now was that Fang Yuan would leave him.If Fang Yuan left, what else would he have?nothing left!Because I am Director Fang's wife and Principal Fang's wife, many people respect me; if I am just an ordinary divorced woman, who else can look at me seriously?This is the cruel reality!This is the bloody and suffocating reality!

The delicate woman in front of her is so delicate that her age can hardly be seen!He clearly knows that she should be at least ten years older than him, but why can't he find a little confidence in front of her when he is ten years younger?In terms of appearance, she is not as good as her; in terms of temperament, she is not as good as her; in terms of opinions, she is not as good as her; in terms of level, there seems to be a big gap!The strong inferiority complex gave Kong Shuanghua a strong sense of crisis.When Fang Yuan didn't come, Kong Shuanghua and Shao Keqing could communicate peacefully and friendly, knowing that Shao Keqing was a friend of Fangyuan Youth Federation.But now, Shao Keqing's potential threat has far surpassed Ding Chunxiao's threat. On the contrary, Ding Chunxiao has been regarded as a secondary target by Kong Shuanghua because of his mediocre appearance and old age.

Fang Yuan finally spoke: "Sister, listening to your words is better than ten years of reading! Sister will give me more advice in the future!" Shao Keqing said: "It's more difficult to give advice in person." Fang Yuan said: " Why, sister is going to leave Dongzhou?" Shao Keqing said: "The inspection work in Dongzhou is over. I can't just stay in Dongzhou forever, although Dongzhou is the place where I have worked for more than ten years. I came here today to bid farewell to you. There are still two hours left for the plane at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.” Fang Yuan said, “I’m really sorry, sister. I'm so busy every day, I didn't make time for it." Shao Keqing said: "You have done a good job. My sister is very happy, seeing your earth-shaking changes this year. Compared with a year ago, you are more mature now , I have become more politically wise, and I am becoming more and more like a government official. If you have any difficulties, you can call my sister. My phone number will be opened for you 24 hours a day." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for your trust. Shuanghua , my sister is leaving Dongzhou, do you want to go home and prepare some gifts? I really didn't expect that my sister left so suddenly." Shao Keqing said: "There is no banquet that lasts forever. Today's parting will definitely be in the future. goodbye."

Kong Shuanghua said: "Hello, Sister Shao. My family told Fangyuan that we should prepare some gifts for you. I think it should be. Brother Ruan, take Xiao Qing to my house. Xiao Qing, come here, and I will tell you what to get. "

Shao Keqing said: "Fang Yuan, my brother and sister are really good people! They are generous and have the bearing of a lady." Fang Yuan looked at his wife appreciatively and said, "Shuanghua has made great progress this year." Kong Shuanghua pretended Dadu: "Sister, do you want to communicate with Fangyuan alone?" She said so, but she didn't move her body.Xiaoqing handed Ruirui to Kong Shuanghua, Kong Shuanghua hugged the child tightly, still sitting beside Fangyuan.

Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Principal, then I'll go back first." Fang Yuan said: "Okay."

Shao Keqing said: "No. It's very good for my younger siblings to stay here. Fangyuan and I are friends as pure as water. I appreciate Fangyuan, his talent, ambition, his enterprising spirit, and his Not afraid of the courage of difficulties and challenges, but also appreciate his masculinity. Of course, it’s just appreciation. It starts with appreciation and ends with appreciation.” Kong Shuanghua said: “Fangyuan has such an experienced elder sister like you as a friend, it’s really Fangyuan’s Blessing." Shao Keqing said: "We appreciate each other. However, there will not be too many opportunities to appreciate each other in the future. After all, I work in the Shanghai Stock Exchange and don't usually come to Dongzhou. Brothers and sisters can keep their hearts in their stomachs. I am very happy. I like your little baby, I believe that he will inherit Fangyuan's excellent genes, and will become a man like his father in the future."

Kong Shuanghua looked at Ruirui and said: "Yes, this little guy is smart! He will be as good as his father." Shao Keqing asked: "What's the name of the little guy?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Ruirui." Shao Keqing asked: "Where's the full name?" Kong Shuanghua didn't think much, and blurted out: "Kong Fangrui."

"What?" Shao Keqing, who had been sitting calmly on the stool, stood up abruptly: "What did you just say? You said that Fangyuan's child is called Kong Fangrui? Fangyuan's child does not take Fangyuan's surname, but wants to take your surname?"

Kong Shuanghua was also stunned for a moment, she blurted out without thinking much in her mind just now.Now it looks like I'm getting myself into trouble.

Sure enough, Shao Keqing looked at Fang Yuan: "Fang Yuan, is the child's surname Kong?" Fang Yuan blushed and said, "Yes." Shao Keqing said: "Even the child can't take his own surname, what kind of man is he? You missed me! Fangyuan, you let me down so much!"

Fang Yuan suddenly felt ashamed, and could not help feeling resentment towards the Kong family.It's all forced by Confucius Tian. If Confucius Tian didn't force Ruirui to have the surname Kong, wouldn't I be able to decide what my son's surname is?

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