Director's growth history

3424.2112. I have the final say

During the few days of handling Ding Chunxiao's funeral, Kong Shuanghua accompanied Fangyuan all the time, and as Ding Chunxiao's sister-in-law, greeted and sent her off.In the farewell hall of the crematorium, some leaders from various fields related to Ding Chunxiao or Fangyuan participated in the farewell ceremony.The impact of this incident is really great. No one in the city knows the sister-brother relationship between Fangyuan and Ding Chunxiao, but because of Kong Shuanghua's existence, some people who want to use this incident to spread rumors can't help but spread rumors , but there is not much market.On the contrary, Fangyuan's reputation of emphasizing love and righteousness has spread in a wider range.

All because of the presence of Kong Shuanghua.The god-sister recognized by Kong Shuanghua is the real god-sister!As for how many grievances and pains Kong Shuanghua has suffered, only Kong Shuanghua himself knows.After the farewell ceremony, the cremation ceremony was successfully held.The director of the crematorium received instructions from Gu Xiangxuan, the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, to create all conveniences for Fang Yuan, the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau.And the person who called Gu Xiangxuan was Zhou Pengyou, the deputy mayor in charge of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Ding Chunxiao's funeral went smoothly and successfully; Chunxiao's company's production was basically normal.I don't know if it was the influence of Ding Chunxiao's will, or whether Fangyuan's performance in recent days has conquered the hearts of Chunxiao's employees. In short, everyone has accepted Fangyuan as the new leader of Chunxiao's company. Fang Yuan's leadership of Chunxiao Company must be better than Ding Chunxiao's leadership of Chunxiao Company.

Under the superficial calm, potential crises are brewing in the municipal party committee compound, in the Dongzhou political arena, and in the education system.Almost everyone was watching how Fangyuan would deal with the issue of Chunxiao's shares.If this issue is not handled properly, it will naturally become a good subject for many people to use to do things, talk about things, and attack Fang Yuan.

Fangyuan appointed three vice presidents at the general staff meeting of Chunxiao Company: Pan Zhaorong, the manager of the production department, was promoted to the vice president and continued to be in charge of the production department and the human resources department; Xu Yixuan, the manager of the purchasing department, was promoted to the vice president and continued to be in charge of the purchasing department In charge of the marketing planning department and all stores; Zheng Zhibin, manager of the logistics department, was promoted to vice president and continued to be in charge of the logistics department.Zhang Qiao, the former vice president, was appointed as the executive vice president, in charge of the finance department and the general affairs department, and was responsible for the overall work in his absence.The four vice presidents all have the right to directly report to themselves. At the same time, if they are unable to perform their management duties, Zhang Qiao will take overall responsibility for the time being.Fangyuan also appointed a new manager of the production department, Huang Meijuan, the former manager of the human resources department; accepted Pan Zhaorong's suggestion, appointed an old sister of Ding Chunxiao as the manager of the human resources department; appointed the former logistics department to help Zheng Zhibin write the logistics department Tang Jian, a young man in the rectification plan, is the manager of the logistics department.The employee who knocked Ding Chunxiao to the ground was directly fired by Fang Yuan, absolutely merciless.

While sorting out the management, Fangyuan quickly started the renovation project of the company's bathhouse. The first step was to design an IC billing card, put 100 yuan into the employee's IC card, calculate the cost of hot water, and let the employees themselves Save water.Before entering the production workshop, employees must take a shower; when they run out of money, they must recharge by themselves.Employees in other departments are also equipped with ic shower cards, but the top-up value is 30 yuan per month.In this way, the cost increase of the enterprise is effectively controlled.Fangyuan contacted Shu Weirong again to confirm the new workwear fabrics and related prices for the employees. Shuaihou Apparel produced a batch of workwear for Chunxiao Company, temporarily producing summer workwear, three sets for each employee.The no-fault bonus system is also implemented with the support of various departments. It is divided into four levels: 200 yuan for front-line employees, 500 yuan for team leaders, 1000 yuan for workshop leaders and store managers, and 2000 yuan for department managers. The salary increase has also improved the consciousness of employees at all levels to work hard and meticulously...

Many enterprise management reforms imprinted by Fangyuan are slowly rolling out, but Fangyuan still feels that there is not enough time and energy.Fang Yuan didn't want to do everything by himself, but when Fang Yuan really took over the management responsibilities of Chunxiao Company, he realized that the company's management affairs were complicated and the work was not finished.The original Ding Chunxiao-style management method that has been passed down is still far from the scientific management and modern management that Fang Yuan knows.But if you want to reach the sky in one step and become a fat man with one bite, it seems impossible. This management reform can only be carried out gradually.

Fangyuan has high hopes for Huang Meijuan, hoping that the company's change will start from the production department.Only when the production department produces first-class products can Chunxiao Company cooperate in other aspects and continuously strengthen Chunxiao's strength.For this reason, Fangyuan had an individual conversation with Huang Meijuan, encouraging Huang Meijuan to optimize every aspect of the production department, make good use of every employee in the production department, and use the work experience of the manager of the human resources department to mobilize enthusiasm, tap the potential of employees, and give full play to them. maximum potential.Fangyuan told Huang Meijuan bluntly that when she presided over the first cadre meeting, she left a deep impression on herself. She worked hard and did a good job. In the future, she will be entrusted with important tasks and her salary will continue to improve.Huang Meijuan saw success and hope, her eyes lit up.

As for how to deal with Chunxiao's shares in the end, Fang Yuan couldn't make up her mind, and couldn't make up her mind about this asset worth tens of millions.Holding a copy of Ding Chunxiao's will, Fangyuan called on Wang Guodong, secretary of the municipal party committee, again.

Before and after Ding Chunxiao's unexpected death, Wang Guodong was very concerned, but he did not attend the farewell ceremony for Ding Chunxiao's body.However, Wang Guodong knew that Sheng Zhiren, Dou Shengzhong, Deng Yuncong, Wan Daquan, Bi Quanquan, Zhou Pengyou, etc. represented different people and backgrounds and appeared at the farewell ceremony.At the same time, Wang Guodong admired Kong Zitian for his sophisticated skills and political maturity when he arranged for his daughter to participate in the whole process of the funeral.Fang Yuan was likely to be deeply involved in the crisis of the Ding Chunxiao incident, at least Fang Yuan would not be able to tell what kind of relationship he had with Ding Chunxiao.Because of the appearance of Kong Shuanghua, most of the negative effects were eliminated.Although it will never be possible to block some people's mouths, at least it is impossible for larger-scale and deeper-influenced harm to occur. After all, some people with ulterior motives want to create rumors around them, and I am afraid that it is not easy to have a larger market .But Wang Guodong is not without concerns. First, what will the higher-level leaders who care about Fang Yuan's growth think of Fang Yuan?Will she still care about Fangyuan's growth as before?Wang Guodong was most concerned about Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee and the unknown military leader, perhaps Wang Yongsheng, but Wang Guodong didn't dare to make a final decision.The second is how Fangyuan should deal with Chunxiao's problems.Before Ding Chunxiao died, he made a will, and it was said that it was designated to be handed over to Fangyuan, and donations were not allowed.Is Fangyuan suitable to inherit this inheritance?Does this violate the relevant requirements of the "Civil Servant Law" and the building of a clean and honest Party style?

Now that Fangyuan is here, Wang Guodong feels very relieved.Wang Guodong carefully read Ding Chunxiao's will, and asked Fang Yuan: "What are you going to do with this will?" Fang Yuan said: "I want to donate it, but my sister clearly disagreed before she died, and arranged for other Chunxiao employees Write this article in the will. I also know now that as a civil servant, I can’t run a business by myself. I listen to Secretary Wang for everything, and I will do whatever Secretary Wang says.”

Wang Guodong looked at Fang Yuan: "If you take over Chunxiao Company, what are you going to do?" Fang Yuan said, "If I take over Chunxiao Company and continue to work in party and government organizations, then I will entrust a trustworthy and capable If I can't be tolerated by others within the system, then even if I resign, it's nothing. I've already figured it out, the higher the position in the agency, the greater the responsibility and the greater the pressure. Perhaps, to a certain extent, working in a party and government organization is really not as good as working in an enterprise to give full play to the value of people and give full play to their talents. There are too many constraints in the organization, which often tie people's hands and feet .”

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