The person who called Fangyuan was Lei Xianhong, executive vice principal of Dongzhou Municipal Party School.Lei Xianhong said: "Director Fang, thank you, my son has successfully entered No. 5 middle school." Fang Yuan said: "Principal Lei, you are too polite. There are not many things I can do, but I can do for Principal Lei. Doing something is not in vain for the training and love of my mentor." Lei Xianhong listened very comfortably, and said: "Love and righteousness are also the practical qualities that a party and government cadre must have. If you get the right way and help others, others will be in the world." At critical moments and when you don’t expect it, I will help you in turn.” Fang Yuan said, “Principal Lei, it’s just such a small matter, please don’t take it to heart.” Lei Xianhong said, “How could it be a small matter? I know , It is definitely not an easy task to enter No. 5 middle school this year. Many people have found top leaders, but they have not entered!"

Hey, Lei Xianhong even knows about this!This is Zhai Xinwen's own trouble, and no one can help him.Fang Yuan said: "The situation in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has been like this for the past few years. Even if I became the principal, I couldn't change this situation." Lei Xianhong said: "After Director Fang became the principal, what do you think? The number of people who go to No. 5 Middle School to study has doubled. I really admire Director Fang’s work strategy this time, uniting the vast majority of comrades.” Fang Yuan said: “Principal Lei has praised the award. In fact, my original intention is very simple. Every bureau leader has relationships to deal with, and has relatives and friends; and the same is true for every ordinary office worker." Lei Xianhong said: "In short, you handled this matter very well. Several leaders talked about it and thought it was a more appropriate way.”

Fang Yuan knew about the close relationship between the Municipal Party School and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.It is also a good thing to be recognized by the department leaders.

Lei Xianhong changed the subject: "Director Fang, I heard that you were discharged from the hospital yesterday." Fang Yuan said, "Yes." Lei Xianhong said, "There is still half a month left to study at the Municipal Party School! According to our According to the relevant regulations, Director Fang should return to the classroom as soon as possible. Everyone misses you very much."

Lei Xianhong's words were very tactful.Fang Yuan felt ashamed: "Principal Lei, I'm really sorry. I was busy dealing with work matters yesterday and today. I was in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School all morning today, and I didn't even have time to go to the bathroom. Can I go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Of course, if possible, it’s better to go the day after tomorrow.” Lei Xianhong said: “Okay, then I’ll wait for you to report for duty the day after tomorrow. Director Fang, there is one more thing. It’s good to have a mental preparation in advance. In order to make this party school training class achieve better results, in addition to the normal training and research, in the last few days, I plan to arrange inspections in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou and Nanjing. The time is about About 8 days. After the students graduate, many comrades will be assigned to more important leadership positions. It is still necessary for the students to broaden their horizons, increase their knowledge, change their concepts, and improve their abilities to learn from the experience of developed cities and advanced regions. Yes. I wonder if Director Fang will be able to spare time? In addition, the expenses for the field trips will be reimbursed by the units where the students work. Director Fang is the leader, so there should be no problem."

Fang Yuan immediately hesitated.To be honest, Fangyuan really wanted to go.This is a rare learning opportunity. After all, if you go to investigate individually, whether it is the party school or the organization department of the other party, they will not make a special trip to receive and arrange the location of the inspection.For such investigation activities, perhaps a little tourism will be arranged, but more of them are real learning and real investigation.Only when reading thousands of books is combined with traveling thousands of miles, can theory be connected with practice, and some superficial perceptions can be truly transformed into profound understandings, which can better broaden horizons, increase knowledge, improve self-cultivation, and enhance talents.However, the school's work is heavy and arduous, and Chunxiao's company's reform and development are also a lot of things. How to make arrangements for my parents and eldest sister's family still needs to worry about it. Still don't know how to handle this.This is not allowed to leave Dongzhou, and go outside for seven or eight days without asking!

Fang Yuan said: "Principal Lei, thank you for your special concern. In fact, I really want to go to investigate. Money is not a problem. The key is that school will start soon, and various tasks are intricate. On the one hand, the work of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School requires Do well, on the other hand, I am also in charge of the policy and regulation department and the teaching and research section of the Education Bureau, and in charge of the teaching work of the whole city. I am afraid that it will affect my work."

Lei Xianhong said: "Director Fang, the initial date is set from August 8th to 24st. School will only start on September 31st! As the top leader, how can I do a lot of work by myself? I believe that Director Fang will definitely be able to arrange it. The job at hand, come to participate in this party school student inspection and study. In particular, the Shanghai stock market is one of the forefronts of China's reform and opening up. It is now the financial center, shipping center, and advanced manufacturing center in the Asia-Pacific region, and it is also the unit with the highest gdp As for Suzhou, the top 9 of the top 1 counties in the country, all the counties under the jurisdiction of Suzhou have entered, and the gdp ranking of prefecture-level cities is already the first in the country. Even counting the municipalities and sub-provincial cities, Suzhou's gdp is only second Among Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, it ranks fifth in the country. Suzhou has created a miracle of China's economic development, and Suzhou's per capita gross national product has reached the level of the world's moderately developed countries for the first time in the country, ranking first in mainland China A city that has popularized education for 10 years. Hangjiang is the capital of Qingjiang Province and the leader of Qingjiang Province’s reform and opening up. Its GDP ranks seventh and eighth in the country, including municipalities directly under the central government. Bininghai and Bidong As for Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, there are many places of interest and historical sites. As the last stop of our investigation, it can also allow us to get a better relaxation. To put it a bit vulgar, we can accept the air of the emperor more. Of course, we still focus on inspections. In Nanjing, we have to learn from the party and government organizations in Jiangsu, an innovative practice that has innovative significance and political construction in the country-public elections. This was the pioneering work of Comrade Li Yuanjiang, then secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee , Minister Yuan Jiang finally became the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, which may have a lot to do with the work pioneering work during Jiangsu’s administration.”

Fang Yuan was really moved by the words.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Lei is so earnest. If I am more sensible, I will be too rude and ignorant. Thank you, Principal Lei. I will sign up for the inspection. No matter how much work is at hand, I have to properly arrange it. If I don't go to Shanghai, Suzhou and Nanjing, I will definitely regret it!"

Lei Xianhong said: "Okay! The day after tomorrow, I will wait for Director Fang to return to the party school for class. Regarding the matter of going out for inspection, the party school will issue an official letter, please support from all units. Your official letter is sent to the Education Bureau. Or 5th?"

Fangyuan thought for a while and said, "Send it to the Education Bureau." Lei Xianhong said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan rushed to the parents' house in the railway dormitory, and saw that Kong Shuanghua had already had dinner with his parents and eldest sister's family.Fangyuan said: "Shuanghua, thank you for your hard work." Kong Shuanghua said: "You are busy with work, and I, as a daughter-in-law, have to take care of it. In the morning, I accompanied my parents, elder sister's family, and went to the nearby supermarkets and farmers' markets. , Generally speaking, I have bought all the daily necessities at home. My eldest brother-in-law didn't let me do it, so I moved them all back home."

Zhao Chun said: "I'm a farmer, and I have the strength. I won't be tired to move this little thing." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, everyone has no plans for this afternoon, so follow me to Chunxiao Company immediately."

Fang Jingcai said: "Yuanyuan, last night, the comrade who sent me home really gave me 6 bottles of Moutai! This Moutai wine is really delicious! My father and I have been drinking that Shaodaozi wine all my life. , Or drink sorghum wine, or Erguotou. Looking back now, those wines are really bad! Moutai is better! I drank half a bottle at noon today, and I will drink the other half in the evening."

Fang Yuan was really speechless for this clown father.Fang Yuan said, "Dad, even the combined salaries of Shuanghua and I can't afford you to drink Moutai! Do you know how much a bottle of Moutai costs?" Fang Jingcai said, "It's a gift from someone else. Just drink what you want." Fang Yuan said: "You are really not afraid of my making mistakes! Dad, I...I...I really don't know what to say about you! This bottle of Moutai costs 1000 yuan, and I only earn 4000 yuan a month. A month's salary To buy 4 bottles of Moutai, you have to eat, drink, and spend money on milk powder and toys for Ruirui. Shuanghua and I have to tighten our belts. If you dare to drink up my month’s salary in 4 days Dad! Have you ever thought about it? They gave you 6 bottles of Moutai, why? What qualifications and face do you have to let them give you 6 bottles of Moutai?"

Fang Jingcai is a person who has grown up in the valley all his life, and he couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time.

Fang Yuan said: "When people give you Moutai, they are actually giving me Moutai in a disguised form. They gave me Moutai worth 6000 yuan, and they also spent thousands of dollars to treat me to dinner, which adds up to 1 yuan. Why do people give me so much? Is friendship really so valuable? Dad, there is no free lunch in the world, and there will never be pies in the sky. You drink this Moutai, and I will find a way to repay this debt of favor. You Do you know? The process of repaying the debt of favor may be a process of making mistakes, and there may be a mistake, and my positions as deputy director of the Education Bureau and school principal will all be wiped out, and I will be nothing."

Fang's mother was anxious: "Yuanyuan, why don't we return the remaining 5 bottles of Moutai to others? You must not make mistakes! If you make mistakes, who will your parents count on to take care of you?" "

Fang Jingcai wiped his mouth: "Oh, yes, there is no pie in the sky. Mom, I got caught. Yuanyuan, or these 6 bottles of Moutai will not be refunded. Dad has been greedy for some wine all his life. Let's not be an example, okay?" Okay? Dad won’t drink the remaining 5 bottles, I’ll save them for the holidays and birthdays. I usually drink Shaodaozi wine!”

Fangyuan said: "It's not that I won't let you drink some good wine. Shuanghua, in the future, I will buy 10 bottles of wine for 80 or 80 yuan a month for Dad. For the time being, there are still some wines at home, so don't buy them for now. I will drink them all later." Once it’s up, just buy the seven or eighty yuan ones.”

Fang's mother said: "How much is it? Your dad likes a drink, a burning knife for 3 yuan a catty, and you drink a catty a day. Drinking seven or eighty yuan a day is burning money! Don't drink it, don't drink it!"

Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, in the past few years, there is still some wine at my father's place and Fangyuan's. Drink it first. When it is gone, I will study it again. What Fangyuan said today is a bit heavy, but it makes sense. Dad, Mom , if Fang Yuan no longer serves as the deputy director of the Education Bureau or the principal, what will you two do? What about Ruirui and I? Who will the elder sister and elder brother-in-law rely on in the future?"

Fang's mother stared at Fang Jingcai: "I told you to control your broken mouth, but you can't control it! If you can't control it any longer, I will really sew your mouth up with needles and threads!" Fang Jingcai said: "I can't bear it anymore. Stop talking. Do you want me to be dumb? You have to suffocate me? I’m not staying in Dongzhou anymore, I’m going back to Jilin, or go back to the village to feel comfortable!”

Mother Fang said: "You go back. You go back, I won't go back! I want to guard my son, my grandson, and my wife every day!" Fang Jingcai said: "Then I won't go back either. I also want to guard my son and wife. Grandson." Mother Fang said: "Then you just control your broken mouth!" Fang Ping said: "Dad, look at you, you have been here for two days. If what you say is heard by those who want to harm my brother , definitely hurt my younger brother. My younger brother is right, there is a good thing, and our family is secretly having fun. This is what I told Chun Xiao and Zhao Chun these days. We don’t show off, show off, people are jealous, and some have bad intentions If someone hurts my brother, it will be a big loss. Dad, you and mom, stay at home from now on, what do you want to eat, what do you want to drink, tell us, and we will buy it. The day is boring and boring, look TV. Didn’t we search last night? We can search more than 100 channels.”

Looks like she still has great potential!Fang Yuan looked at the eldest sister with astonishment.

Mother Fang said: "Pingzi is right. From now on, I will take care of your dad and stop him from talking nonsense."

Fang Yuan said: "Chunxiao Company is my sister's company. After my sister passed away, I was appointed to inherit this company. Now, I can't name the management of the company. Originally, it was decided that my father would name the chairman of the company, and Shuanghua Named as the vice chairman. Now I have temporarily changed my mind. Dad, you will name me as a major shareholder and let my family Shuanghua be the chairman. As for whether you will be the chairman in the future, that’s another matter. When can you control this? If you open your mouth, you should; if you can’t control it, you can stay at home.”

Fang Ping said, "Yuanyuan, what am I doing?" Fangyuan said, "Sister, you go to the cafeteria first. I will let you follow the person in charge of the cafeteria and participate in the whole process. You know what to do and which links are prone to problems. Which links are easy to get kickbacks. You just look at it now, even if you see something, you don’t need to say it. When you have figured out the way, you can manage the staff canteen of Chunxiao Company. Now we will open it for you every month. 2000 yuan salary. One day in the future, when I become the person in charge of the cafeteria, can I raise my salary again?” Fang Ping said, “2000 yuan a month! Good, good, good! Your brother-in-law and I can’t earn 2000 yuan a year. , now it’s 2000 yuan a month, and 24000 yuan a year.” Fang Yuan said, “Brother-in-law, I’m going to let you go to the fleet for scheduling. At the beginning, you should learn more, listen more, and watch more. Chunxiao’s fleet is very Big, daily purchases and deliveries cost a lot of money. Now it’s managed by outsiders. Are there any places that take advantage of Chunxiao’s company? There must be. Three big parts: one is the consumption of gasoline and diesel , to make a statistic; the second is whether anyone has used the public car for private use; the third is the car maintenance. I am going to introduce a policy, that is, whoever has the lowest monthly fuel consumption and whose car is usually maintained the least, every month You will be rewarded; whoever consumes the most fuel per month, and whoever has a car with a lot of maintenance, will fire the driver and recruit a new driver. I hope that in the near future, the big brother-in-law can manage this fleet. We must manage one The team sounds simple, but it’s actually quite complicated. My eldest brother-in-law has been working as a farmer, and I won’t let you take over the team until you are fully mature. Every month, I will start with a salary of 2000 yuan. As for the parents , Brother Wang said yesterday that for the endowment insurance, 5000 yuan will be paid from Chunxiao’s account this month. After the endowment insurance is completed, the monthly subsidy will be determined according to the situation. I will arrange it like this, you guys Can you see it?"

Fang Ping and Zhao Chun said repeatedly: "Okay! That's great!" Fang's mother said: "Give us two 5000 a month, it's not enough. Will this make you make mistakes?" Fang Yuan said: "No .”

Kong Shuanghua said: "Don't let me be the chairman. I think Dad is very suitable!" Fang Yuan said: "This company is mine, and I can say whoever is suitable is suitable. Shuanghua, you come to be the chairman, the general manager I am going to hire another one. Of course, on the surface, I have no direct relationship with this company, but in the final analysis, I have the final say on this company! My wife, you are taking care of this stall for me, and at the same time, you are using this company to exercise and improve your skills. Ability in all aspects. When the time is ripe in the future, there will be more businesses and bigger stalls, and you will be in charge!"

I don't know why, but Fang Yuan feels that she is so proud that she even speaks so forcefully!

Fangyuan clarified some arrangements of Chunxiao Company, and said to his family: "I will arrange a car to pick you up and go to Chunxiao Company to meet with the management. From now on, Shuanghua will be the person in charge of Chunxiao Company. At that time, Dad needs to bring his ID card to sign a few words, and then follow Shuanghua to sign and it will be done."

At this time, Fangyuan received a call from Miao Dongshun.Miao Dongshun always had a loud voice: "Brother, I heard that my godfather has come to Dongzhou. Why don't you tell me about such a big matter? Let me pick you up! Brother, what are you doing? Eldest brother is not happy when he is an outsider! Where do you live now? I’m here to meet godfather and godmother!”

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