Director's growth history

3447.2133 Treasures also need to be in pairs

Fang Jingcai is really a "master", he speaks without restraint, hurts people without limit, even Fang Yuan was furious on the spot!A banquet that was supposed to be harmonious, lively, and joyful, suddenly became hard to swallow because of Fang Jingcai's few words!

Kong Shuanghua's teary eyes caused Fang Yuan to feel an inexplicable hatred for her father!He really regrets now that he brought Fang Jingcai to Dongzhou to settle down!With such a "living treasure" father, God knows what jokes will be made one day and what consequences will be caused.A country old man in a remote rural area is indeed limited by his vision and knowledge. Could it be that he has been reminded not to talk nonsense? Doesn’t he know the ideological gap and the gap in life that are difficult to eliminate between himself and the big city?

Fangyuan stood up on the spot and said, "Brother Miao, you can eat here. Tonight, Shuanghua and I will eat by ourselves, so we won't be here."

Then, Fang Yuan said to Kong Shuanghua, who was already sobbing softly: "Shuanghua, let's go. My dad was talking nonsense just now, don't be angry, let's go out and relax!" Kong Shuanghua nodded meekly, and stuck his head in the In Fangyuan's arms, she couldn't bear the grievance in her heart anymore, tears soaked Fangyuan's shirt in an instant!

Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi were dumbfounded.Seeing Fangyuan leave the private room with Kong Shuanghua on his arm, Miao Dongshun didn't stop him, and it didn't matter if he didn't.Looking at Fang Jingcai again, Miao Dongshun really wanted to go up and slap this bad old man a few times!Treating guests today is completely flattering Fangyuan!Fang Yuan is gone, the main character is gone, no matter how loudly he flatters, but Fang Yuan can't see, then he is still flattering!

Fang Jingcai saw Fang Yuan leaving with his daughter-in-law, and was also furious: "You brat, you forgot your father after marrying a daughter-in-law! How could I give birth to such an unfilial thing like you!"

Fang's mother was so angry at Fang Jingcai: "Shut up! You are going to let your son and daughter-in-law divorce with your broken mouth, aren't you? Look at what you said? I'll go after my son, and you keep it for yourself. Here it is!"

Mother Fang stood up and went after Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua.Fang Ping said: "Zhao Chun, let's follow mom, don't let mom and brother have trouble!" Zhao Chun agreed: "Hey! Let's go, Chunxiao, and go after uncle and aunt."

In the blink of an eye, only Miao Dongshun, Si Yushi, Fang Jingcai, and two waiters were left in the room.Fang Jingcai looked at the Moutai in the glass, feeling a bit reluctant to part with it: "Oh, good Moutai is hard to drink, really! Shunzi, look at the dishes on the table, look at the good wine, it's wasted What a pity!"

Miao Dongshun really wanted to kick over the table now!Si Yushi had already stood by his side, and gently grabbed Miao Dongshun's arm.Miao Dongshun took a few breaths and said, "Xiaoshi, stay here with your godfather! I'm going to see my brother."

Si Yushi said in her heart: I can't stay here either!Let me accompany this dry old man, what kind of a deal is this!But Miao Dongshun's words also have his reasons. Miao Dongshun has a hot temper, and the feast he carefully prepared tonight is to get closer to Fang Yuan. , Fang Jingcai is a magic horse?

Si Yushi said: "Okay, I'm here to accompany godfather. That old Miao, you must control your temper!" Miao Dongshun said: "I know."

Miao Dongshun rushed out the door, and the waiter gently closed the door, but Miao Dongshun couldn't help spitting hard at the door of the private room.If you don't spit this mouthful, you can't bear the evil in your heart!Damn it, you old bastard, you ruined my plan of Miao Dongshun!

Si Yushi looked at Fang Jingcai, feeling extremely disgusted in her heart.Years of experience in hotels made Si Yushi resentful in her heart, and she smiled on her face: "Godfather, do you think you are eating here, or are you packing up the food and wine and sending you home, and you can eat when you go home?"

Fang Jingcai looked at the Moutai wine, but couldn't move his feet: "Daughter-in-law Shunzi, why don't I drink two cups here first?"

Si Yushi almost couldn't stand up anymore: At this time, this wretched old man actually came here to drink?If this wretched old man is really his father-in-law, can he accept it?

Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua didn't go far, they were on the side of the road not far from Jingu Hotel.Lying in her husband's arms, Kong Shuanghua couldn't restrain the pain in her heart, and cried very sadly.Perhaps, at this moment, only Fang Yuan knew why Kong Shuanghua was crying so sadly; perhaps, at this moment, even Fang Yuan couldn't fully figure out why Kong Shuanghua was crying so sadly.Fang Yuan knows that Kong Shuanghua's inner world has been under a lot of pressure recently and conflicts are deep. Song Sisi, Ding Chunxiao and Shao Keqing's three extramarital women are exposed one by one. Whoever is his wife will feel bad.Kong Shuanghua was able to accept all this magnanimously and silently, and after his parents came to Dongzhou, he was busy buying this and that, and he had fulfilled the responsibility of a daughter-in-law. Under such circumstances, Kong Shuanghua has done a good enough job to prevent the old man from seeing that she and him have just experienced a serious marital crisis.However, this father of mine didn't zip the door, and the words he said today are as vicious as they want!Can a daughter-in-law in a city be compared to a daughter-in-law in the country?Is a daughter-in-law good or not, does it have anything to do with how much housework she can do?Among other things, Kong Shuanghua knows the general situation, takes into account the overall situation, can endure humiliation, and can maintain the dignity of her husband. From these points, Kong Shuanghua is the best!

Fang Yuan patted Kong Shuanghua's back lightly: "Shuanghua, I know the pain in your heart! I also know the grievance in your heart! I am your husband, and my evaluation of you is better than anyone else's evaluation of you. It's all important, right?"

Kong Shuanghua gave a soft "hmm".

Fangyuan said: "I want to say that my wife, Kong Shuanghua, is the best wife in the world! During the two days my dad came to Dongzhou, you did a very good job, and you have fulfilled your duty as a daughter-in-law! You You don't owe him anything, he's unfair to you!"

This basically went to Kong Shuanghua's heart, Kong Shuanghua felt that tears kept gurgling out like waves.

Fangyuan said: "I'm sorry for Shuanghua, it's me! Shuanghua has never been sorry for me! I apologize to you instead of my dad! You just treat my dad as confused, okay? What he said, you can listen to it with your left ear and listen to it with your right." Ear out, okay?"

Kong Shuanghua arched vigorously in her husband's arms, expressing her agreement.

Fang Yuan said: "Today, it is very inappropriate for my dad to compare you with Sister Si. You are my dignified wife, and you should always compare wives with wives, not wives with that."

Fang Yuan's words hit Kong Shuanghua's heart even more, making Kong Shuanghua feel: In this world, the person who understands her most is her husband Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan said: "Shuanghua, let's go home." Kong Shuanghua raised his head, his eyes were red from crying: "Then what should they do?"

Fang Yuan said: "You are not wrong. My dad is at fault! Let's go, let's talk about it another day. My dad, alas!"

Kong Shuanghua said: "My car is over there." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I will drive, and I will be the driver for my wife."

At this time, Fang's mother came after her out of breath, and followed Fang Ping, Zhao Chun and Zhao Chunxiao.Fang's mother grabbed Kong Shuanghua's hand: "Girl, I will apologize for the old man! What he said is fart, don't take it to heart!" Fang Ping said: "Yes, brother and sister! I Dad is an idiot, so don't care about it like this idiot!"

Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, sister, I'm fine! It's much better to go out and relax."

Fang's mother said: "I know, Shuanghua is a good girl! Go, go back with mom, I'll ask your dad to drink you a glass of apologetic wine! If he doesn't drink, I'll never end with him!"

Kong Shuanghua said: "Look at what you said, no matter what, that is Fang Yuan's father, my father-in-law! How can I make him apologize? What's more, if someone does one thing wrong, just apologize to me once, then Is this apology enough?"

Kong Shuanghua didn't look at Fangyuan, but when he looked at Fangyuan, his face became hot.

Fangyuan said: "Mom, Shuanghua and I went home directly today. If you want to eat, go back and eat. If you don't eat, go home and make some. I don't want to go back."

Fang’s mother said, “Yuanyuan, you’re not going back, are you?” Fangyuan said, “I’m actually very tired during the day, and I was going to go home by myself at night. But brother Miao prepared it, so I have to come. Now, again Going back to eat, I’m not in the mood anymore. From now on, mom and sister will live together, and you can live your life as you like! Shuanghua, I, and Ruirui go to see you every week, and it’s impossible for you to see each other every day us."

Fang's mother said: "But, I came to Dongzhou, and I hope to see you and my grandson every day."

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Mom, I live with my father-in-law and mother-in-law now, and there is no place for you to live in. Besides, even if I have a place to live, I think I can't stand living with my father! Or don't It’s good to live together. If you live together, there will be too many conflicts. In the end, you can’t live anymore. It’s like being an enemy. That’s not good. It’s better for me and Shuanghua to visit you every week. If you are sick Yes, that's okay, I'll contact the hospital and a good doctor. Usually, let my sister take care of you and Dad."

Mother Fang burst into tears: "Actually, I still want to live with my son and grandson."

Fang Yuan suddenly felt that her mother might be better than her father, Fang Jingcai, but her speech was also poor.Isn't it hurting the hearts of the elder sister and the elder brother-in-law to say such things in front of the elder sister and the elder brother-in-law?

Fang Yuan looked at the faces of the eldest sister and the eldest brother-in-law, and they really looked not very good.Fang Yuan said: "Sister, brother-in-law, in Dongzhou City, it costs one or two million yuan to buy such a house! After you take care of your parents for a hundred years, this house will be yours to live in. If you don't take good care of it, the The younger brother said the ugly words first, the house is mine, and whenever I want to take it back, I will take it back."

Fang Ping was really nervous: "What is Yuanyuan talking about? Parents are my own parents, how can I not take good care of them?"

Fang Yuan said: "That's right. Take good care of your parents. When the time comes, your younger siblings, you and your eldest brother-in-law will be paid more! Chunxiao Company is also mine, but I plan to hand over the management to your younger siblings. Also, in the future, Chunxiao will go to college, find Work, marrying a wife, these things have to be considered early, right?"

A few words from Fang Yuan immediately suppressed Fang Ping and Zhao Chun's dissatisfaction to the bottom of their hearts!Even if the mother of the other party was a little dissatisfied, she didn't dare to show it.

Fang Yuan said: "You take good care of your parents. Shuanghua and I will go back today."

Miao Dongshun chased after him: "Brother, don't go!" Fang Yuan held Miao Dongshun's hand: "Brother, I'm sorry. I made you laugh." Miao Dongshun said: "Don't tell me , I, like my godfather, can't speak. I often say the wrong thing! Brother and sister, don't take things to heart today! Everyone can see clearly who is right and who is wrong. "

Kong Shuanghua had already calmed down: "Brother Miao, thank you. Fangyuan and I are indeed a little tired today. Thank you Brother Miao for hosting a banquet for my parents-in-law and my elder sister's family. Thank you!" Miao Dongshun said: "Your brother and sister It's really too polite. I know that brothers and sisters don't want to go back today, so it's okay, I'll go back to accompany godfather, godmother and Pingzi, and finish the meal. You have to eat your stomach, right?"

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, big brother." Miao Dongshun said, "My brother, why are you being so polite? My brother, which home are you planning to go back to?"

Fang Yuan was stunned: "Brother, what do you mean?" Miao Dongshun twitched himself: "Look at my bad mouth, I'm almost catching up with my godfather! I mean, should I go to the house in the civil servants' community, or go to work?" Father’s house, or Principal Kong’s house?”

Fangyuan said, "Shuanghua and I will go back to our current home." Miao Dongshun said, "I mean, I'll arrange a cook right away to make you some delicious food. You go back first, and my driver will come back later." Bring food to your home!"

Fangyuan said: "No need, big brother. Let's go home and make some by ourselves." Miao Dongshun said: "You must let me deliver it. You didn't eat well in our hotel today, I feel very bad If you don’t let the big brother cook for you and send it over, the big brother won’t be able to sleep well tonight.”

Fang Yuan said: "Okay, big brother is worrying." Miao Dongshun grinned: "That's right. This is a good brother, a family!" Fang Yuan said: "I always make trouble for big brother." Dongshun said: "No trouble, no trouble! But, in a few days, I really need to find you, and you have to help my elder brother. It is useless to ask anyone for this matter, only you can help elder brother "Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I will definitely help with elder brother's affairs." Miao Dongshun said: "I can rest assured. Godmother, Pingzi, let's go back and finish this meal. Don't worry about my brother. , I will arrange for the cook to prepare the meals and send them to my brother’s house.”

Mother Fang remembered what Fang Yuan said just now, and couldn't help asking: "Yuanyuan, how many houses do you have? I don't understand Shunzi's meaning, you seem to have several houses!"

Fang Yuan felt herself faint.It's enough to have a baby daddy, now look at it, why does this mother have a tendency to be a baby!

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