Director's growth history

3461.2147, a bigger problem than a problem

One night without sex, but with love.For the whole night, Fangyuan held Song Sisi in his arms, letting Song Sisi caress and kiss with incomparable affection.Just such a hug is enough to deepen the already fading love between two people.Especially Song Sisi, the most worrying thing is that Fang Yuan no longer likes her, and Fang Yuan's gentle hug makes Song Sisi's heart peaceful and happy.

At dawn, Song Sisi didn't want to get up, she just wanted to snuggle into Fangyuan's arms like this.Fang Yuan said: "The party school still has classes today, so I have to be there on time." Song Sisi didn't want to be an ignorant type of woman, so she got up with Fang Yuan.Coming downstairs, Zhu Rui had already prepared breakfast.Fang Yuan saw that there were almost 20 cigarette butts on the coffee table, probably the ones Song Dacheng smoked last night.

Fang Yuan said, "Where's Uncle?" Zhu Rui said, "He still wants to sleep for a while. Leave him alone, let's eat." Fang Yuan said, "Auntie, Sisi, I may have to go on a business trip for a few days." Song Sisi's small mouth pouted stand up.Zhu Rui was also very concerned: "Where are we going?" Fang Yuan said: "The Municipal Party School organized us students to visit Hangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou and Nanjing. The time is about seven to eight days. We will start on the 23rd. Come back on the 31st." Zhu Rui said, "Sisi and I really don't want you to leave. It's been a few days, and Sisi will definitely miss you."

Song Sisi's tears really flowed out.Fang Yuan gently held Song Sisi's hand, and comforted him gently: "Sisi, this is not going to the battlefield, but to study and study. Besides, the 7 days are neither short nor long. Just in time, we all use these few days It’s time to reorganize my thinking. As long as it does not affect work and progress, I welcome the birth of this little baby. I know how many difficulties there are, but I still need my aunt and uncle to find ways to solve it. "Zhu Rui's expression was a little sad: "Oh, Xiao Fang, if Dacheng hadn't turned the table back then, would you have married Sisi?"

Heh, it seems that the Song family may have discussed this matter many times.It is estimated that Song Dacheng has been complained many times because of this.In fact, the reason why Fang Yuan will marry Song Sisi is much more complicated than this.Fang Yuan smiled without answering, and concentrated on eating.Zhu Rui said: "I knew it all, it was all in Dacheng's hands. It's okay, let Dacheng solve the problem this time. You can work as you want. Sisi and I have a consensus: we can't affect you. " Fangyuan said, "Thank you, aunt." Song Sisi said, "I just hope you can spend more time with me if you have time; if you have time, you can visit our company more. If nothing else, this company will If it develops well, it will lay a good foundation for him." Song Sisi stroked her lower abdomen lightly, with a happy and expectant expression on her face.Fang Yuan said: "Okay. After I return from field trips this time, I will definitely spare more time to pay attention to the development of Dacheng Company. I recently took over Chunxiao Company and discovered many problems in corporate management. I am also thinking about how to The solution to these problems. I hope that whether it is the school I manage or the company I manage, it should be first-class." Zhu Rui said: "Okay, Dacheng and I will get older and older, In the future, this company will definitely be handed over to Sisi and you. If you participate more, Xiaofang, Dacheng and I will be happier." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for your trust. The current chairman of Chunxiao Company is Kong Shuanghua. I also don’t want to be involved in management. My idea is that I make up my mind and set the direction for major events. I hope Dacheng will be like this in the future, and Sisi will take full responsibility. I will only be there when Dacheng is most critical, when it needs me the most. I will definitely come out without hesitation to solve problems for Dacheng Company."

Zhu Rui and Song Sisi were silent.Kong Shuanghua became a mountain in front of the two of them, which could not be bypassed or pushed away.The atmosphere of the meal became a little dull.Fangyuan hurriedly finished his meal, stood up, and said, "Auntie, Shuanghua now knows about Sisi and I, and I admire her for tolerating Sisi's existence. In the eyes of many wives, there is no I can’t tolerate my husband having other women outside. Shuanghua once suggested that I should leave Sisi, but I said I couldn’t do it. Shuanghua agreed that I still have a Sisi. I also hope, aunt and Sisi , can face up to the existence of Shuanghua. If I abandon Shuanghua, in fact, it can only show that I love Sisi more. If I am a person who wants to change, I believe that Auntie and Sisi will not forgive me I just want to say one thing: I hope that Sisi and Shuanghua can live in peace and friendship in the future, and don't let me be distracted by the conflict between the two of them. I believe that Sisi will be able to do well, in my heart , Sisi has always been so kind, gentle, and tolerant.”

Neither Zhu Rui nor Song Sisi expected that Fang Yuan would say such strong words.But Fang Yuan didn't say anything more, and left the Song family.He knew that his family needed to digest what he said just now.This is the case, if they can get along peacefully, everything will be fine; if they can't get along peacefully, especially if Song Sisi wants to divorce Kong Shuanghua all the time, then the relationship between him and Song Sisi will basically come to an end.Fang Yuan believes that the Song family has the wisdom to solve this series of problems; Fang Yuan is also a little worried: If Song Dacheng really doesn't follow this way, how will the consequences end?There is no other way, the way out is to be a private entrepreneur wholeheartedly, and there is no need to start from scratch!With this as the bottom line, what else are you afraid of?

On the way to the party school, Fangyuan received a call from the squad leader Yan Zhaodong: "Director Fang, today's class is cancelled, and all party school students return to their units to deal with the work at hand; tomorrow morning, we will gather at the party school collectively and take a The train goes to Hangjiang for inspection." Fang Yuan rushed to Chunxiao Company without saying a word.At the company, Fangyuan saw Kong Shuanghua, and said in surprise, "You came so early?" Kong Shuanghua said, "Yes, I don't know how to do it, I have to learn how to do it." Fangyuan said, "Okay, let's discuss it first, husband and wife. everyday things."

The husband and wife conducted in-depth exchanges around the company's daily management, development direction, development strategy, and reform ideas.Fang Yuan discovered for the first time that he and his wife Kong Shuanghua had so much in common.What they said for more than an hour seemed to exceed the sum of what the two of them had said in the two years of marriage.Fang Yuan said: "I can't tell, my wife is still a genius in management!" Kong Shuanghua said: "In the first 26 years, I was influenced by my father; in the last two years, I have been influenced by you. Even if I am a fool, I should learn a little "Fang Yuan said: "Okay, if a husband and wife are of the same heart, their benefits will cut through gold. I will go to Hangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Nanjing tomorrow for inspection. For the company, you should act boldly according to the consensus we have discussed. Right. Zhang Qiao is Ruan Shaoxiu's wife, she is absolutely trustworthy, and you should discuss things with her. I have to rush to school now, wife, please help me pack my luggage." Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, I'll go home and prepare."

Fang Yuan rushed to the railway complex again, and saw his parents and nephew Zhao Chunxiao.Fang Yuan asked: "Chunxiao, have you finished your school work?" Zhao Chunxiao said, "Uncle, it's already been done. I was assigned to Class 68, Grade [-], No. [-] Middle School, and Principal Qiu personally arranged it!"

This is what power does behind the scenes.Fang Yuan called Qiu Zhengxuan: "Zhengxuan, I'm sorry to trouble you about my nephew." Qiu Zhengxuan said, "Director Fang, what are you thanking? This is all our own business, so don't be too polite." Fang Yuan said: "Zhengxuan , I am a little bit worried about whether my nephew will be bullied. My nephew is not very good at speaking Mandarin, let alone Dongzhou dialect. You know, the rural areas in Northeast China are taught in dialects." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Director Fang, please don't worry, Chunxiao is here with me, and I will arrange someone to tutor him in Mandarin during the break time. Our school was influenced by you at the beginning, and several teachers have passed the Qingjiang Provincial Putonghua Tester Certificate. Teaching Mandarin is a must. No problem. As for the students, they usually learn things very quickly, and I think Chunxiao will be able to speak Dongzhou dialect in less than a semester." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you." Qiu Zhengxuan said: " Director Fang, all I do are small things, if I can do something for Director Fang, that is a little bit."

Fangyuan hung up the phone and said to Zhao Chunxiao: "In the future, learn Dongzhou dialect and Mandarin well, and integrate into the school collective as soon as possible." Zhao Chunxiao said: "Dongzhou dialect is really difficult. It's like a Japanese devil, I can't understand a word." Fang Yuan said: "The more you don't understand, the more you have to learn to understand. The southern dialects, Qingjiang, Fujian, and Guangdong, are hard to hear. I understand. Sometimes people from the next village can’t understand the dialect of the neighboring village in Hokkien. This is almost the same in Dongzhou. It took me 4 years to barely understand Dongzhou dialect. " Fang's mother said: "Yes, I went to the market to buy vegetables, and I really understood what they said." Fang Yuan said: "It will be fine after a while. Dad, Mom, I will go on a business trip tomorrow, probably I will be away from Dongzhou for a week." Mother Fang said, "Where are you going? Why is it taking so long?" Fang Yuan said, "For work, I often have to travel. This time I went to the provincial capital, Shanghai city, as well as Suzhou and Nanjing in Jiangsu. Don’t ask about work matters. How is dad?” Fang’s mother said, “Your dad likes to play chess. A chess friend, I go to play chess early in the morning every day."

Just as he was talking, Fang Jingcai walked in from the outside.Seeing Fang Yuan, Fang Jingcai was a little excited: "Yuanyuan, your dad and I are really good today. We won four chess games in a row in one morning! We defeated all four old men!" Fang Yuan said, "Dad, it's a little bit Hobbies are also good. But you must keep your mouth shut!" Fang Jingcai was a little unhappy: "I don't know anyone, even if I talk nonsense, I still talk at home, who should I tell?" Fang Yuan said : "For example, you don't know these old chess friends, let alone talk nonsense about them."

Fang Jingcai was very unconvinced: "Who says I don't know you? You underestimate your father too much. In your eyes, your father is just a slut? Let me tell you, I also know the official! Dongzhou Railway Office Is the retired director of your office a big official? Hehe, my chess friend! We play chess together every day recently, and he calls me brother!"

Fang Yuan was keenly aware that there might still be trouble. How could the former director of the railway office not know which house Shao Keqing lived in?Fang Yuan asked: "You didn't tell the retired director about our family, did you?" Fang Jingcai said: "I didn't talk nonsense. He asked me where I lived, and I told him I lived in the railway complex; he asked me where I lived Which room in the building, I told you, you can't lie about it." Fang Yuan felt his heart sink.Fang Yuan asked, "What else did you say?" Fang Jingcai said, "I just said my son is the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau. He asked what his name was, and I said your name is Fang Yuan."

Fang Yuan was so angry that she punched the table!Fang Yuan said: "Mom, from today on, my dad will never be allowed to go out again! If you go out, you will accompany me!" After finishing speaking, Fang Yuan slammed the door and walked out!Meeting such a treasured father is really unlucky for eight lifetimes!This is true, there is no place to complain if there is suffering, and there is no place to resolve grievances!The retired director of the Dongzhou Railway Office is a real department-level cadre who manages tens of thousands of railway workers. His social experience and official experience are definitely many times better than his own!With just a few words, Fang Jingcai got out information that might be quite useful for the retired director: Shao Keqing's house now lives with a family from the Northeast; The son is Fang Yuan, deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau; how could Fang Yuan live in Shao Keqing's house?What is the relationship between Shao Keqing and Fang Yuan?

The more Fangyuan thought about it, the more angry she became!Fang Yuan is now thinking: Should I send my father back to his hometown in Northeast China?Staying in Dongzhou, I don't know when, I will be pissed off by this old man, life and death!It is possible to die without knowing how.

Fang Yuan got angry, lost her temper and left the house!Fang Jingcai was at home at this time, and he was also furious: "You son of a bitch! You bastard! How did I raise such an unfilial thing like you! Why do you keep me at home? The more you keep me at home, The more I want to go out!"

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