Director's growth history

3466.2152, Accidentally Discovering an Expert

In Sun Hongjun's office, Sun Hongjun, Fang Yuan and Geng Qing sat knee-to-mouth.Geng Qing had probably learned some information, and sat there, smoking silently, without speaking.

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Geng, Director Fang and I are with you today, just chatting casually." Geng Qing smiled: "Talk casually? How about having dinner together at night? Chatting while eating." Sun Hongjun said : "Tomorrow, Director Fang will go to other places for research and investigation with other students in the training class of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee." Geng Qing said: "Actually, I know the two of you are looking for me. Don't worry, for the sake of learning and the stability of Dongzhou education , I will definitely take care of the overall situation."

Geng Qing's words surprised both Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan.Seeing the surprised expressions of the two people, Geng Qing said: "I personally suffered a little grievance, which is nothing. I believe that the city leaders don't want Dongzhou education to continue to be chaotic and fight. I promise, there will be no conspiracy Tricks, never scheming behind the scenes, if there is anything, it must be reported upwards through open and aboveboard channels. Secretary Sun, Director Fang, I don't know this attitude, are you two satisfied?"

Isn't this exactly what the two of them expected?The bone that was thought to be the most difficult to crack turned out to be the easiest to persuade, which was indeed beyond the two people's expectations.

Sun Hongjun said: "Reporting through normal channels is an important political right granted to party members by our party. All real-name reports or reports should be valued and answered by superiors. But Director Geng, you also know No matter what you report, you must have real evidence, not hearsay." Geng Qing said: "Please rest assured, Secretary Sun, that the situation I report is absolutely based on real evidence; and the rumors I heard are only true. It can be used as a reference, not evidence. I believe that if the municipal committee upholds justice, the leaders will uphold justice." Sun Hongjun said: "Director Geng, even if it is to reflect the situation, can you delay it for a while, for example, this year's Teacher's Day is over; for example, after the Second Plenary Session of the [-]th Central Committee of the Party? For example, after National Day." Geng Qing smiled mysteriously: "Secretary Sun, if we clearly know that Passerby A is a rapist, can we Can you tell the police, can you arrest him after a while? If passer-by B is found robbing a bank, can we say this, can we wait for him to finish the robbery before arresting him? Secretary Sun, I see you as a leader Comrade, there is something wrong with your mind! As the secretary of the party, you should be upright, not cover up all kinds of bad people and bad things. I have to report what you said today truthfully, and let the superiors give you an evaluation."

Sun Hongjun really regretted what he said just now.This statement is indeed against the principles of the party, but under the circumstances of promoting stability and harmony from top to bottom, Dongzhou Education is facing a situation where it may be difficult to start a new semester. In a specific environment and a special time, such a statement , there is no big mistake.But it would be a mistake in principle if it is spread all over the world.

Sun Hongjun looked at Fangyuan for help.For some reason, whenever a conflict or difficulty cannot be resolved, Sun Hongjun can't help but think of Fangyuan.Fang Yuan groaned in her heart: I am not omnipotent, Secretary Sun.What Sun Hongjun said just now reminded Fang Yuan: Geng Qing can only be an ally in the united front when necessary, and it is absolutely impossible to become a friend and partner like Sun Hongjun and himself.Fang Yuan can definitely understand Geng Qing's resentment: As a senior deputy director, at the critical moment of his promotion, he was interrupted by Kong Lili, a young woman, how could he not be angry?As a cadre with the same qualifications as Kong Lili, Sun Hongjun was promoted to a real party secretary because of Fang Yuan's support and help. Geng Qing might have opinions on Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan.It's just that the resentment towards Kong Lili and Zhai Xinwen is stronger.At this recent stage, I am afraid that Geng Qing has exhausted all the channels he should confide in. Whether it is the superiors he knows, or his relatives and friends, the scandals between Zhai Xinwen and Kong Lili may have been publicized by him all over the world. .Fang Yuan also thinks that some of her gossip may also have a lot to do with Geng Qing.Could it be that Geng Qing is playing a bigger game of chess?Could it be that Geng Qing not only wants to be a researcher, but even wants to be the director of the Education Bureau?If he really thinks this way, the current Zhai Xinwen is a thorn in his side; and he, who has the strength to compete for the post of director of the Education Bureau in the future, is probably also the object of Geng Qing's focus?

After thinking through this point, Fang Yuan felt a little more uneasy.I can't say that there is no problem financially, but generally speaking, it is still clean.But in terms of the relationship between men and women, I really can't stand the scrutiny and test. Dong Mei, Shao Keqing, Wang Quan, Chi Liping, Song Sisi, Ding Chunxiao, if there is a problem in any link, it will be a matter of ruin.Now, Dong Mei is gradually going away, Chi Liping has disappeared without contact, Wang Quan is far away in the sky, Ding Chunxiao's life has come to an end, only Shao Keqing's house and Song Sisi's ongoing relationship are still time bombs buried around him. Know when to blow up.The last time I talked peacefully about Zhou Yujie, Lu Zhenghong, and Chen Qiuping's scandals with her, Zhou Yujie hugged and hugged her this time, and she was really approaching the edge of danger.In the future, I really can't provoke any women anymore. This is not bringing me happiness, but bringing me a deep crisis!

Fang Yuan said: "Director Geng, I agree with what Secretary Sun said today. Of course, Secretary Sun didn't say it to you. No matter what mistakes a party member or cadre makes, the higher authorities will definitely take care of it when it should be taken care of. Our last The important thing is to do a good job in the work you are in charge of." Geng Qing said: "Director Fang, you know who I am. I am a person who will repay my kindness and revenge. You are in my promotion to a researcher. Help me, I remember your kindness. Therefore, in the Education Bureau, I will never trouble you. "

How could Fangyuan believe Geng Qing's words.Fang Yuan said, "Thank you Director Geng for trusting me."

Geng Qing said: "It should be me who said thank you. The director of the other party, my attitude has always been: I hope we can become good friends, help each other, and support each other. I also want to develop the education of Dongzhou well. I believe that , Director Fang also has the same idea. Then we unite, I believe, we will be able to realize our common aspiration bit by bit."

What a grandiose statement!In this way, everyone will feel comfortable listening to it.However, how much of it is true and how much is false, Fang Yuan really can't tell.

Fang Yuan said: "My principle has always been to be kind to others, and I have never thought of harming anyone." Geng Qing said: "I absolutely believe in this. As for the matter of the school-choice students in No. 5 Middle School, the Education Bureau went up and down, except for Zhai Xinwen. Satisfied, everyone thinks that Director Fang has done a great thing for everyone. This is to be kind to others, and this is to form good karma. In the recent stage, Zhai Xinwen has been devastated by the school selection of No. 5 Middle School. To put it bluntly, it is because he wants to monopolize Everything, he wants to take away all the benefits by himself, not even giving others a chance to drink soup. This is unjust and unhelpful, this is shooting yourself in the foot. Director Fang, on this matter , I can see more clearly that your character is very good, while some people's character has serious problems. Director Fang, do you think such a person should continue to occupy an important leadership position?"

Sun Hongjun was completely left alone.In the current situation, instead of Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan persuading Geng Qing, Geng Qing is doing Fang Yuan's ideological work.This made the two of them even more unexpected.

Geng Qing went on to say: "Stability is a must. Now everyone from top to bottom attaches great importance to stable work. The stability of Dongzhou education also affects the stability of the entire Dongzhou. I, Geng Qing, as a comrade who has been working in an educational leadership position for a long time, It is also necessary to talk about party spirit and the overall situation. But we must be stable, and we must not give up sticking to our principles and bottom line. If we know that some people are corrupt elements, if we know that some people are very disorderly in the relationship between men and women, but If you want to turn a blind eye and listen but not hear, then is this the dereliction of duty of some of our leading comrades?"

As he said that, Geng Qing stared at Sun Hongjun for three or three seconds, which made Sun Hongjun feel a little confused.Geng Qing said: "Director Fang's main responsibilities are teaching work and legal work. If Director Fang came to grasp the anti-government work, it would be called overstepping or exceeding his authority. And if some people do not act or do nothing, they want to make peace with each other. , This is called losing one's position, and this is called being in one's position and not planning for one's own affairs. In my opinion, it is also necessary to reflect on it."

Geng Qing pointed at Sun Hongjun every sentence, almost cornering Sun Hongjun.Geng Qing didn't have the slightest idea of ​​being afraid of Sun Hongjun. As a senior deputy director, Geng Qing had a kind of confidence in front of a party secretary who was several years younger than himself: If you, Sun Hongjun dare to fight against me, then I will Put you and Zhai Xinwen in the same pot.

Sun Hongjun knew very well that his position was not secure.Without Fang Yuan's support, and without the support of party committee members of other bureaus under Fang Yuan's influence, Sun Hongjun, the party secretary, would also be in jeopardy.The respondent who used to be the director and secretary of the bureau's party committee, although he has a sense of justice, has shrunk into an obedient shell.Now he wanted to show his sense of justice, but Geng Qing took advantage of him and attacked him mercilessly.

Geng Qing said: "Of course, Director Fang is dedicated to the public, and I admire it very much. Therefore, I, Geng Qing, will definitely support what Director Fang supports, because I believe that Director Fang is for the good of Dongzhou education. For Dongzhou I, Geng Qing, 100% support the good state education. However, I, Geng Qing, will definitely have my own independent opinions on matters that Director Fang did not express. At this time, I must express my independent opinions. As I said, I will definitely become Director Fang's friend, and I will definitely not stand against Director Fang. Once I speak out Geng Qing, I must believe it. Director Fang, let's shake hands."

It's really hard to hold this hand.But Fangyuan couldn't help but grasp it.What Geng Qing threw was an olive branch, even though there were hidden thorns inside, it looked like an olive branch on the surface.If Fang Yuan doesn't hold it, then he will directly push Geng Qing to the opposite side. Although Fang Yuan is not afraid, Fang Yuan still doesn't want to have another enemy.Fang Yuan smiled and stretched out her hand, feeling Geng Qing's steady and firm grip.Geng Qing said: "Handshaking is very important. I hold Director Fang's hand, and I feel very at ease. Our handshake means that we have become good friends and working partners who help and support each other. Director Fang agrees with me. words?"

Before, Fang Yuan really didn't pay much attention to Geng Qing.Today can be regarded as seeing Geng Qing's political skills.In a short conversation, Geng Qing divided the relationship between Sun Hongjun and Fangyuan, and even faced Sun Hongjun and Fangyuan with different attitudes. Sun Hongjun was Sun Hongjun, and Fangyuan was Fangyuan.More importantly, when it comes to dealing with Zhai Xinwen, Geng Qing has always been at the highest point of morality, making it difficult for Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan to refute.Instead, Sun Hongjun was caught by Geng Qing's small tail in his words, and he was unable to fight back immediately.

Fang Yuan also felt that Geng Qing emphasized that he was in charge of teaching and the legal system, but he was actually reminding himself not to meddle in other people's business.On the one hand, he expressed his firm support for himself. Maybe Geng Qing also considered many factors comprehensively, and felt that it was difficult for him to defeat Fang Yuan with his own strength, so he emphasized that he would fully support himself.But the implicit warning and reminder also made Fang Yuan feel: Geng Qing is the most difficult person to deal with in today's conversation.What makes Fang Yuan strange is: Why has Geng Qing not shown such ability and skill in the past few years, but now, as if he had opened his mind, he suddenly became extremely powerful?

Fang Yuan said: "Of course. Let us support and cooperate with each other in our work so as to develop Dongzhou's education well."

Fangyuan didn't mention friends or partners.Geng Qing didn't seem to care, and said: "What I want is Director Fang's words. With Director Fang's promise, I am relieved. Secretary Sun, Director Fang, people are doing it, and God is watching. I believe that Dongzhou The new semester of education will be smooth and orderly, and there will be no chaos. After all, the city leaders are more numerous than us! If they don’t move, even if we want to move, we will do so blindly and in vain! Secretary Sun, what do you say is not it?"

The sneer on Geng Qing's face made Sun Hongjun sick to his stomach as if he had eaten a fly.Mysterious and mysterious, so that Sun Hongjun can't figure out the truth.The weather was really hot, and even thin beads of sweat appeared on Sun Hongjun's forehead.

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