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3474.2160. Half-day Diary of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee

"The mayor is here!" Wang Guodong rubbed his temples, stood up, and greeted Song Yunsheng.Song Yunsheng said: "Secretary Wang, I heard that Lu Yaxiong was shuanggui. What's the matter?" Wang Guodong said: "For the specific situation, I think it is more appropriate for you to contact Comrade Huang Jie. I feel that Lu Yaxiong has accepted a large number of bribes. Very sad." Song Yunsheng said: "I want to see Lu Yaxiong right now." Wang Guodong said: "The Commission for Discipline Inspection handles the case independently, and I cannot make decisions on behalf of the Commission for Discipline Inspection." Song Yunsheng said: "You are the secretary of the municipal party committee." Wang Guodong said: "The mayor , any decision made by the secretary of the municipal party committee also needs to be collectively studied and decided by the standing committee of the municipal party committee."

Song Yunsheng hesitated whether to open the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee.Since the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension was unanimously passed by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee last time, Song Yunsheng had no confidence in his ability to grasp the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.What's more, there are many things that cannot be put on the table; the more they are on the table, the things will not end.

Song Yunsheng thought for a while and said: "If the fact that Lu Yaxiong accepted bribes is true, it will be a major event in our Dongzhou political arena, and it will also be a stain on the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee!" One must be dealt with, and we must not be soft-handed. Allowing the existence of gangsters will hurt the flesh-and-blood relationship between the party and the people, and harm the harmony and stability of the society. It is the biggest cancer in the party. I believe the mayor is also very serious. Clear." Song Yunsheng said: "Yes! But now the Beijing Olympic Games is being held." Wang Guodong said: "So, this matter will not be made public for the time being. After all, it will take time for the Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate this case. Oujiang District, we Comrade Zhaopeng has been arranged to temporarily take on the work of the party committee and the government." Song Yunsheng said: "In order to ensure the stability of Oujiang District, I will go to Oujiang District to investigate and talk to comrades today."

Wang Guodong said: "The mayor works normally, and I support him at all times."

Song Yunsheng left in a hurry.Wang Guodong thought for a while, and a slight smile appeared on his face.Abnormality is a monster!Wang Guodong called Liang Zhaopeng: "Zhaopeng, you worked hard last night!" Liang Zhaopeng said, "Secretary Wang, I want to criticize you. I am also responsible for such a thing." Wang Guodong said: "God will It’s raining, and my mother is going to get married. What can we do? It’s an extraordinary period, and we must do a good job in stabilizing the minds of the cadres. I think that the Lu Yaxiong Shuanggui incident has caused some cadres in the Oujiang District. Negative impact, some cadres have pressure and concerns, and the work in this area must be meticulous!" Liang Zhaopeng said: "Yes, Secretary Wang. I will definitely do a good job in this area." Wang Guodong said: "Listen to the mayor, he today Prepare to go to the Oujiang District for research and get ready."

Liang Zhaopeng was surprised: "What special meaning does the mayor come to Oujiang at this time?" Wang Guodong said: "It would be a good thing if Mayor Song can help you stabilize the morale of the army!" Liang Zhaopeng said: "I understand."

Wang Guodong called the organization department again: "Minister Sheng, do you have time this morning?" I want you and me to see them off." Sheng Zhiren said, "Okay, I will notify Qunfeng and Lei Xianhong immediately."

Twenty minutes later, in the compound of the Municipal Party School, all the students stood up.Accompanied by Qun Feng, Lei Xianhong and others, Wang Guodong and Sheng Zhiren came to the front of the trainee queue.There was warm applause.Lei Xianhong said: "Dear students, today, Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister Sheng of the Organization Department came to see you off in person in spite of their busy schedules, which fully reflects the importance that Secretary Wang and Minister Sheng attach to our students. Let us once again Express our thanks with warm applause!"

The warm applause rang out again.

Wang Guodong waved his hand: "Minister Sheng and I came here to see you off, just to hope that our investigation and investigation this time will be a complete success. Here, I would like to raise a few hopes: First, we must go to the investigation with Dongzhou in mind. The higher you stand, the better you will be. The farther you can see. The investigation is not a tour of mountains and rivers. All students are asked to think from the height of Dongzhou's development and observe from the perspective of how Dongzhou can break through. All ideas and practices that are conducive to the development of Dongzhou are Study hard, memorize carefully, think seriously, and combine it with the actual development of Dongzhou to see who can find the best breakthrough point for the development of Dongzhou; Actions are subject to command. Minister Qunfeng and Principal Lei Xianhong will be with you, and you must ask for leave if you have something to do, and you must not act without permission. Take it seriously. Third, we must conduct investigations in a low-key and humble manner. Although it has been three months since the Wenchuan earthquake, the people still have doubts about government officials going out for inspections at public expense. We must correctly understand the voices of the people, but we must not just because of the people Do not carry out normal work due to doubts. This inspection is to learn, learn from, and improve, so we must keep a low profile. Dongzhou has its own advantages, but compared with Hangjiang, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Nanjing, we still have a big gap .Suzhou is also a prefecture-level city, but the total gdp of Suzhou is more than twice that of Dongzhou, and the wealth of the people is much richer than that of the so-called rich Dongzhou. Suzhou's county economy is a model for the whole country to learn from. Several counties and districts under its jurisdiction are among the top 3 counties in the country, and none of the counties in Dongzhou can be selected. Therefore, our investigation is very meaningful and necessary. All the students are the future development of Dongzhou As the backbone, only by mastering more construction and development skills can we better play a role on a larger stage in the future. Fourth, we must unite as one to investigate. Unite cadres and unite talents. It is not about you personally, it represents the image of Dongzhou City. Fifth, the inspection report must be completed. I will read every student’s inspection report. Finally, I once again wish the inspection team a smooth inspection and look forward to everyone’s safe return !"

The warm applause sounded again.Wang Guodong and Sheng Zhiren stepped forward and shook hands with the students one by one.Many students who had no chance to shake hands with city leaders like Wang Guodong and Sheng Zhiren were very excited.In fact, if there was no Fang Yuan in this class, Wang Guodong would definitely not come to see him off, and the possibility of Sheng Zhiren coming is also very unlikely.The training classes of the party school are held every year. It is already a normal job to train and train cadres. How can the secretary of the municipal party committee show up in every class?However, how many people can figure this out?

After shaking hands, under the leadership of Qunfeng and Lei Xianhong, the students boarded two Toyota Coaster mid-sized vans that had already been parked.This is currently the most popular van for party and government agencies, with stable and reliable quality.This inspection trip was undertaken by these two Coaster.It seems that this investigation trip is not entirely a trip of enjoyment!This bumpy road, I am afraid that some enjoyment students like Lian Hengbo have to endure this unspeakable pain.

Two Coasters drove away from the gate of the Municipal Party School.Sheng Zhiren said: "They are staying out of it." Wang Guodong said: "As long as they are still in the system, how can they stay out of it?" Sheng Zhiren said: "Yes! Secretary, the impact of Lu Yaxiong's incident cannot be underestimated." Wang Guodong said: "According to the preliminary investigation by Secretary Huang and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, it is another major case!" Sheng Zhiren said: "This is the most extensive and far-reaching case in Dongzhou City in recent years. I am worried that if too many people are involved, it will have a negative impact on the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and the secretary!" Wang Guodong said: "If we don't go against it, the people will scold us and even kill us; □□When you see a series of shocking numbers and a hard-to-read □□fact, the people will still scold their mothers. On the other hand, this matter is definitely a multi-edged sword. Choose between two evils If it is light, we still have to unswervingly oppose it. After all, the masses of the people support the anti-anti-government, and the terrorists are also investigated. If there is one less, they will also warn a group." Sheng Zhiren said: "I am worried that it will spread too much and affect the cadres. of stability."

Wang Guodong looked at Sheng Zhiren, savoring his words carefully.Wang Guodong didn't pick up his words, and talked about another matter: "Minister Sheng, I think it is necessary to screen and inspect the candidates for the county magistrate of Oujiang District from now on." Sheng Zhiren said: "Yes, According to the secretary's opinion." Wang Guodong said: "Okay, then I would like to make a request, that is, I hope that the candidate for the county magistrate must be a cadre with both ability and political integrity, and the derby is more important. We must ensure integrity and eliminate Promoted with illness! If the newly recommended county magistrate candidate is found out not long after taking office, and the two county magistrates have problems one after another, I am afraid that the organization department will not be easy to explain at that time!" Sheng Zhiren nodded : "Yes, I will work with the relevant comrades from the Organization Department to carefully select qualified comrades and report the progress of the work to you in time."

Regarding the Lu Yaxiong incident, the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee handled it in a low-key manner. It did not convene the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to report the relevant situation, nor did it carry out a large-scale counter-cracking operation. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection reported the preliminary investigation to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection through normal channels. , fulfilled the necessary work procedures.On the surface, the sea is calm; in fact, the dark tide is surging.Looking at the whole country, a district head is just a small department-level cadre; in Dongzhou, a district head is also a famous prince.In Oujiang District, how many business owners and businessmen knew and interacted with Lu Yaxiong in the process of investing and starting a business?How many deputy district, section-level or even section-level party and government staff have close contacts with Lu Yaxiong?Lu Yaxiong was able to sit on the position of district chief step by step, whose support did he win?There are countless clues and chaos, who is not worried about anyone who is connected or closely related to Lu Yaxiong?Which one has no worries?At such a critical moment, the control and coping strategies of the municipal Party committee secretary are crucial.

Wang Guodong didn't want to follow the example of the municipal party secretary in some cities, who made a big fanfare, singing red and fighting against black people.This does not conform to Wang Guodong's personality, nor does it conform to Wang Guodong's judgment on Dongzhou's situation and the current political situation.Only by doing things in a low-key manner, when all the facts are clear, and after being sure, can we make a decisive attack, so that we can better organically combine the fight against terrorism with the promotion of urban harmony and stability.

Back at the Municipal Party Committee, Wang Guodong summoned Dou Shengzhong, Minister of Propaganda.Wang Guodong said: "Minister Dou, the incident about Lu Yaxiong will definitely ferment. I estimate that there will be a lot of posts about Lu Yaxiong on the Internet in the past few days. You should pay close attention to public opinion, respond in time, and handle it properly. Especially To eliminate rumors, the Venerable Master who spreads false information and foreign forces with ulterior motives should be shielded, and those who should be dealt with by the public security organs should be dealt with according to law." Dou Shengzhong said: "Yes. The Propaganda Department A special person has been arranged to watch this matter. Nowadays, some people, especially some young children, seem to be very ignorant, and they like to spread some hearsay things indiscriminately, and they regard it as fun." Wang Guodong said: "The Don’t be soft on those who are dealt with according to the law; of course, we must also pay attention to the voices of the people. If you find important information that is credible, report it to me in time and tell Secretary Huang Jie. The Propaganda Department should pay more attention to the Internet. It is necessary to study the new situation, new characteristics, and new situations of public opinion propaganda under the new situation, and actively explore effective coping strategies. This is a new topic, and it is also an urgent topic.”

Dou Shengzhong said: "Yes! Now, the work of the Propaganda Department is getting harder and harder to do." Wang Guodong said: "The Propaganda Department is now more responsible than Mount Tai. Shengzhong, we are old friends. The heavier the responsibility of a department, While the work pressure is high, the content of the work is more practical and it is easier to make achievements. After all, Comrade Mingxiang is the chairman of the CPPCC, and the focus of work will gradually transfer to the CPPCC."

Dou Shengzhong suddenly understood many things.Dou Shengzhong said: "Thank you, Secretary Wang. Regarding the response to online public opinion under the new situation, I will personally promote the research and strive for early experience and results. I will take the Lu Yaxiong case as an opportunity to explore effective coping methods and strategies." Wang Guodong said : "The achievements made, the Provincial Party Committee and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee attach importance to it, and the Municipal Party Committee can also be confident!"

Needless to say, but both Wang Guodong and Dou Shengzhong knew it.There are many people staring at that position, no doubt, whoever wins the support of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guodong will have greater hopes.Wang Guodong has no decision-making power, but if the provincial party committee wants to consult the municipal party committee, Wang Guodong has the sole right to speak.

Wang Guodong called Huang Jie again.Niu Decao had originally arrested Lu Yaxiong's case himself.After a night of interrogation, a major breakthrough has been made in the case. Lu Yaxiong admitted more facts of accepting bribes, including accepting business owners, real estate developers, and foreign businessmen investing in Oujiang, as well as some bureaucrats in Oujiang District. A senior cadre, the amount involved is no longer the hundreds of thousands discovered last night, but more than 700 million!Such a big case is the biggest rape case of the Dongzhou Discipline Inspection Commission since Huang Jie took office, and it is also the biggest work achievement of the Dongzhou Discipline Inspection Commission in the past two years!With attractive achievements, how could Huang Jie not go into battle himself?

After hearing Huang Jie's report, Wang Guodong felt very heavy.Wang Guodong said: "Secretary Huang, Lu Yaxiong's case has been personally reported to the Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in accordance with the procedures of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Under the current circumstances, in order to maintain the stability of Dongzhou and Oujiang River, we must do It is best to keep the work secret, so as not to spread rumors and panic. For some deputy county-level and department-level cadres in Oujiang District involved in the Lu Yaxiong case, I suggest taking small steps. After all, the Olympic Games are still going on, and they will soon With the 59nd Plenary Session of the [-]th Central Committee of the Party and the [-]th anniversary of the National Day, we should not let Dongzhou make a sensation in the whole country in such a dishonorable form. Some cadres in Oujiang District who are deeply involved in the case should still be shuanggui; Some cadres in Oujiang District who are not deeply involved in the case and only have a small amount of bribery should take it easy. Whether it is shuanggui or slow, they should keep a low profile. The case must be solid and ensure that it becomes an iron case. As for the timing of the announcement, It will be determined by the municipal party committee after research." Huang Jie said: "According to the secretary's opinion." Wang Guodong said: "The achievements of the anti-*** work are all the results of the work of the Disciplinary Committee under the leadership of Secretary Huang. No one can deny this. Yes." Huang Jie understood the meaning of Wang Guodong's words, and said, "Secretary Wang, I suddenly have a feeling that Fang Yuan is really your lucky general. Without Fang Yuan, Lu Yaxiong's case would not have been exposed."

Speaking of Fangyuan, Wang Guodong had a strange smile on his face, like a smile, or a wry smile.Like Fangyuan, who had an extramarital affair with female entrepreneur Ding Chunxiao, and now inherited Ding Chunxiao's property without knowing why, shouldn't such a situation also be shuanggui?However, Huang Jie's words seemed to have some truth.Now, he was able to control the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, thanks to Fang Yuan's contribution; this big case of Lu Yaxiong provided him with an important opportunity to eliminate Song Yunsheng's influence.Fang Yuan is really his lucky general!Lu Yaxiong double-guided, Song Yunsheng was restless, and hurriedly went to Oujiang District to inspect and investigate; Sheng Zhiren seemed to have something to hide, hehe, this political situation is a bit interesting.

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