Director's growth history

3497.2183, Fangyuan will hit a wall

When Cao Bensong heard that Fang Yuan wanted to pay, he became impatient: "Secretary Fang, if you talk about money with me, you will definitely be out of touch. This little pectoral is not worth much." Fang Yuan said: "But That can only represent your heart, not mine." Cao Bensong said: "Okay. I bought this pectoral at the mall for more than 800 yuan." Fangyuan took out 900 yuan and handed it to Cao Bensong: "This money You must accept it." Cao Bensong said: "Okay, I'm not polite to Secretary Fang either. As long as Secretary Fang can go, I'm more than happy. You know, Xiaohan has suffered a lot in the past few years."

Fang Yuan left Cao Bensong's deputy director's office and returned to his office, only to find several people standing at the door of the office.Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Everyone, I have other things to do this afternoon. Thank you for your trust. If you have any questions, please talk to me tomorrow, okay? If there is something urgent, you can talk to me on the phone." Shen Jun said: "Secretary Fang, What I want to report is about tomorrow's supervision." Zhang Yuanqing said: "I also have some things to report to Secretary Fang about the sports competitions for primary and middle school students in the new semester." Fang Yuan said: "Section Chief Zhang is in charge of Director Cao." Zhang Yuanqing said: "But Director Cao can't get sponsorship! Last semester, coaches and athletes have already tasted the sweetness of high bonuses and high benefits. If there is no sponsorship support for various sports competitions in primary and secondary schools this semester, It’s really difficult for me to be the section chief.”

Lu Zhenghong said: "Secretary Fang, the probationary period for new teachers is one year, and training is arranged during holidays throughout the year. I would like to ask Secretary Fang to explain the first lesson of this new semester." Fang Yuan said: "I What can I say?" Lu Zhenghong's eyes lit up: "Director Fang, you have too much to say. For new teachers, it took you 6 years to grow into the leader of the Education Bureau. A legend. Of course, I would like to ask Mr. Fang, your role model and model, to tell new teachers how you won the first prize in the provincial class. This process of growth is for young teachers and new teachers. The best example."

Fang Yuan wanted to go to Chunxiao Company to take a look.Dacheng Company has a problem, Fang Yuan is very worried about what will happen to his company.Although none of the company's shares are in his own name, but in the names of his father and daughter-in-law, this is actually his own property.In the evening, there is no time; then you can only use the limited time in the afternoon.Although it is said that during working hours, one should not engage in part-time jobs, but Fang Yuan has something on her mind, so she can't let it go.What's more, now who would dare to ask where Fang Yuan went?

Fang Yuan was hesitating whether to leave or stay, Li Guoqiang hurried over, saw Fang Yuan, and shouted loudly: "Secretary Fang, I have urgent work to report."

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Well, I don't need to go back to No. 5 High School this afternoon. Come one by one. Shen Jun, come in."

Shen Jun followed Fang Yuan into the office.Fang Yuan said: "Sit down. If you have something to say, don't be polite first." Shen Jun said: "Okay. Secretary Fang, I have two tasks to report. The first item is the news promotion about the initial inspection Work. Do you need to contact the reporters of the city media to follow up the report? Please give us instructions on how to grasp the internal information of our bureau. The second item is about the innovation work goal of the new semester law department. Last semester, Section Chief Teng has done a good job, and Dongzhou City has done a solid job in governing education according to the law. I heard that the province will select a "Demonstration City for the Fifth Five-Year Law Popularization in Qingjiang Province". I wonder if we can also participate. "

Fang Yuan glanced at Shen Jun: "Let's talk about the second thing first. Judging from the title of this award, it has nothing to do with education. I think the leading department must be the Municipal Bureau of Justice, not the Education Bureau. Therefore, we cannot pay A lot of manpower, financial resources and material resources have been used to make wedding clothes for others. You have found out clearly whether it was judged by the family or the judicial department."

Shen Jun blushed: "Yes, I must understand clearly."

Fang Yuan said: "It is very good to make achievements in work; but no matter what kind of work, it must be close to reality. The policy and regulation department has four important functions, one is the research of policies and regulations, the other is the drafting of educational documents, and the third is Administer education according to the law, educate and popularize the law, and the fourth is news and publicity. In fact, every job has a lot to do. But what do I hope you can do most?"

Shen Jun said: "Please give instructions from Secretary Fang."

Fang Yuan said: "I hope to use your rich experience as the chief of the basic education department to propose a plan or outline for the scientific and rapid development of Dongzhou education in response to the shortcomings of Dongzhou education. We must focus on solving the problems of Dongzhou education in the development process. For the outstanding problems we are facing, we must focus on providing high-quality, efficient and satisfying education to the people. Forward-looking thinking is the premise of scientific decision-making; the key to successful education lies in decision-making. If there are achievements and achievements in this aspect, then it is the blessing of Dongzhou education, which is far more meaningful than getting a title!"

Shen Jun said: "I must follow the spirit of Secretary Fang's instructions and make the formulation of an educational plan or educational idea that is in line with Dongzhou's reality the focus of my work."

Fang Yuan said: "This plan or idea must be outlined in three years, five years, ten years or even a long-term vision. Chief Shen, do you know? I am feeling the pressure of development all the time now, how to develop, how to speed up development , How to make development have quality and benefits are all issues that I often think about in my mind. How to manage people well, how to make full use of available resources, and how to achieve new breakthroughs in management through strengthening system construction and mechanism innovation, I don’t even sleep Unconscious."

Fangyuan spoke from his heart. Of course, the pressure is not only from the development of education, but also related to the development of Dacheng Company and Chunxiao Company.But according to Shen Jun, what Fang Yuan thinks about is education development.Shen Jun was a little moved: "Secretary Fang, I am deeply inspired by your instructions. I will definitely do a good job in this matter."

Fang Yuan said: "About the news propaganda, I think it is necessary. Of course, the focus of the propaganda must be placed on Secretary Sun and Director Zhai. I don't want to talk to any reporters here. Internal propaganda can be done through the office to get the leaders of the bureau Write down a brief itinerary to let grass-roots counties and schools know that the leaders are doing things for the development of Dongzhou education."

Shen Jun said, "Understood."

Fang Yuan said, "Let Zhang Yuanqing in." Shen Jun said, "Okay, Secretary Fang."

Zhang Yuanqing came in and bowed deeply towards Fangyuan.Fang Yuan couldn't stand up: "Section Chief Zhang, what are you doing?" Zhang Yuanqing said: "I sincerely express my apology to Secretary Fang. I did some things that I was sorry to Secretary Fang in the past, and now I think about it. I especially hate myself. There is no point in explaining more reasons. I just want to sincerely apologize to Secretary Fang and promise that at any time in the future, such a thing will never happen again."

Fang Yuan couldn't find any problems with Zhang Yuanqing's attitude.But if Fangyuan really wanted to forgive Zhang Yuanqing, it couldn't be solved with just a bow or an apology.What Fang Yuan hates the most are those who spread rumors behind their backs. This is a matter of character, and only people with bad character will behave like this.Zhang Yuanqing himself has a bad character.Today, Zhang Yuanqing came to apologize, but I dare not say that it is Zhang Yuanqing's sincerity.Perhaps, Zhang Yuanqing saw that his education in Dongzhou was getting stronger and stronger, so he couldn't give in.In the words of the ancients, those who know current affairs are called heroes.Zhang Yuanqing wants to be this hero!

No matter what Zhang Yuanqing's mentality is, Fang Yuan can't beat the smiling face.Beware is necessary, but how to get along on the surface is still how to get along.Fang Yuan said: "Chief Zhang, I fully approve of your work ability. I believe you understand the truth of being a man before you do it." Zhang Yuanqing said in a low voice, "Yes, I especially regret what I did that I shouldn't have done. There are a lot of things to do. Secretary Fang has a lot, as long as you can forgive Yuan Qing, please watch Yuan Qing's performance in the future." Fang Yuan said: "People are not sages, who can do nothing? Section Chief Zhang, let's all look forward together. Zhang Yuanqing bowed deeply again: "Thank you Secretary Fang."

Fangyuan said: "Sit down and talk about work." Zhang Yuanqing handed over to Fangyuan the arrangements for elementary and middle school students' basketball, football, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, ball, swimming and other competitions on weekends and holidays in the new semester.Zhang Yuanqing said: "According to the spirit of the State Sports General Administration and the government, it is necessary to popularize Sunshine Sports and strive to enhance the physical health of primary and middle school students. We must take advantage of the east wind of the Olympic Games to make the majority of primary and secondary school students fall in love with sports and exercise. The new In the semester, the amateur sports competitions are quite substantial, with weekly and monthly competitions. Director Zhai has allocated some funds, but compared with last semester, this amount of funds is still stretched, barely enough to cover the venue rental fee. Referees’ work subsidies, award-winning sports teams and athletes’ rewards are all gone. I have reported this matter to Director Cao, and he is also worried about it. Director Fang, the more I feel you at this time The role is so great, the more I can feel that you have continuously made great contributions to the teaching quality of Dongzhou Education, and the contribution of sports work is also great. You have attracted 100 million sponsors, so that the business sports competition last semester was successfully completed .I believe that everyone will remember your contribution."

Zhang Yuanqing's flattery, closely related to work, made Fangyuan feel more comfortable listening.It has to be said that Zhang Yuanqing is a talent; if he is a talent with good moral character, then Fangyuan will definitely reuse him!Fang Yuan said: "What does Section Chief Zhang want to do?" Zhang Yuanqing said: "Secretary Fang, can you contact Mr. Xiong of Shunfeng Shoes, and ask for another sponsorship in the new semester. Of course, Secretary Fang, don't worry, he has sponsored , our publicity and services to others must also be in place, so that Shunfeng Company can feel that the money is not in vain.”

Fangyuan found Xiong Yayan's phone number and dialed it: "Sister Xiong, I'm Fangyuan." Xiong Yayan was very happy and surprised when she received Fangyuan's call: "Xiao Fang, you have become a big leader, why do you think of my sister again? "Fang Yuan said: "My sister has contributed to the education of Dongzhou, how can I forget it? Sister Xiong, how is the company's situation now?" Xiong Yayan said: "With your light, the sales of the Shunfeng shoes are still quite good Now, the market share of Shunfeng shoes is not bad in Dongzhou, and it is currently ranked first." Fang Yuan said: "How about sponsoring the sports competition of the Education Bureau in the new semester?" Xiong Yayan said: "Originally, you spoke , I sponsor sponsorship, there is absolutely no problem. However, I really have no such interest now, after all, the profit of a pair of shoes is limited, especially the shoes sold to elementary and middle school students. If I sponsor another 100 million, it will take three months in a semester , I don’t know if the company’s profit can reach 100 million.”

Fang Yuan's heart skipped a beat: "Sister Xiong, I think we need to meet." Xiong Yayan said, "Okay! I've wanted to treat you to dinner for a long time. At the next gathering, call Shu Weirong, call me Ji Meijun. When do you have time?" Fang Yuan said: "If I have time, can I call you? I really don't have time today." Xiong Yayan said: "Okay, everything depends on your time. Knowing that you are a big leader, It's getting more and more busy. Meijun and I have time at any time, and Sister Shu is also very busy, and we haven't seen each other for a long time. It's a pity that Chunxiao can't come. Sigh!"

Mention Ding Chunxiao again!Fangyuan's heart throbbed.When they met, it was inevitable that Ding Chunxiao would be mentioned, and Fang Yuan also lost interest in this meeting.

Fangyuan hung up the phone and said to Zhang Yuanqing: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Xiong is not interested in sponsoring the competition in the new autumn semester!" Zhang Yuanqing said, "Yes! Director Cao and I have already contacted Mr. Xiong. The promotion of its company's products is not in place; the service is not very good; also, some athletes don't wear downwind shoes. In short, Director Cao and I have actually promised that in the new semester, we will increase The strength of the publicity and support, but Mr. Xiong is still not satisfied, and has no desire to cooperate. Secretary Fang, you know, the effect of the publicity last semester was very good, and most of the students wore these shoes."

Fang Yuan was a little angry: "Everyone lives the same without this earth. I will figure out a solution for this!" Zhang Yuanqing said, "I am so grateful to Secretary Fang." Fang Yuan suddenly remembered the table tennis racket of the small state-owned enterprise that went bankrupt factory, I remembered the severe situation that Dacheng Company is facing now~~ Can you make a fuss about it?Fangyuan felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and felt that it was more important to go to Dacheng Company to discuss sponsorship with Song Dacheng, Zhu Rui, and Song Sisi than to meet Su Ruihan!

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