Director's growth history

3503.2189. Greeting the leader is the most troublesome

bother you for something.Fang Yuan maintained a high degree of vigilance against Su Jinbo. A former colleague who hadn't contacted him for a long time suddenly found him, and it took noon. Fang Yuan could not but suspect that there was an unusual motive in it.Anyone can think so.

Fang Yuan said: "Director Su, there is no need to visit at home. If you have anything to say, call." Su Jinbo said: "I have already arrived in your community, Secretary Fang will give Jinbo a chance." Fang Yuan said: "If you have something to say Su Jinbo said: "In the past few years, I have been cared by Secretary Fang, but I have never had the opportunity to express my gratitude. Teacher's Day is coming soon, and I also want to report my thoughts and work to Director Fang."

A fart director of general affairs also comes to report on thoughts and work?Fang Yuan really felt ridiculous!Except for the middle level of No. 5 Middle School, and the staff members of the Policy and Regulations Section, those who report directly to him now must be at least a section-level cadre.A general affairs director of a foreign school with whom he has no direct superior-subordinate relationship comes to report his thoughts and work at this time, so there is no need to think it is weird.Presumably, Su Jinbo came to give gifts today, right?In broad daylight, if you move a big box to your house and let outsiders see it, what will you think?

Fang Yuan said: "What's the matter, let me tell you on the phone. I'm not at home, and I'm going to another school for the first-term inspection in the afternoon." Su Jinbo said: "Secretary Fang, for the sake of our old colleagues, you can give us an appointment." Take a chance, okay?"

Fangyuan hung up the phone directly, and called Kong Shuanghua again: "Su Jinbo, the director of general affairs at No. 3 Middle School, is the general affairs director of our former No. 68 Middle School. He is probably here to give gifts, so you can't take anything he gives. His things will be very expensive. It’s hot.” ​​Kong Shuanghua had already wiped away her tears, and said calmly, “Okay, I know.”

Fang Yuan watched Su Jinbo drive the car to the downstairs of Fang Yuan's house.Sure enough, I took out the big box and small bag from the trunk, hehe, I really did a lot of preparations.Fangyuan sent Su Jinbo a text message: "I will not accept anything you send to my house; if you insist on putting it down, you can get it back from the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Education Bureau tomorrow morning." Su Jinbo put down the things and looked at them. After finishing the text message, he stayed there for a while, as if Sun Wukong had performed a body-holding technique.

Fangyuan started the Passat and went straight to No. 42.On the way, Fangyuan received a call from Li Guoqiang: "Secretary Fang, I have just arrived at No. 42 Middle School with my team. There is still a little time before 1:3, shall we wait for you here?" Fangyuan said, "Let's start." Li Guoqiang said : "Okay. At noon at No. [-], Principal Yao Changqing was very hospitable. He entrusted me to say hello to you and said that if there is anything wrong in the work, he is willing to review it face to face with you."

Fang Yuan immediately thought of Su Jinbo, giving gifts with so many things in broad daylight, this is simply making a name for himself!Fang Yuan said: "Don't be smart, don't shoot yourself in the foot. Uncle, don't worry about this matter." Li Guoqiang said: "Yes."

Fang Yuan's words are like an imperial decree, and Li Guoqiang's words are absolutely right.Li Guoqiang usually has a good relationship with Yao Changqing. Today Yao Changqing complained to Li Guoqiang at noon that he didn't know how he offended Secretary Fang, but Li Guoqiang didn't quite believe it.Li Guoqiang knows Yao Changqing too well. It turned out that he got along well with Fangyuan when he was in No. 68 Middle School. When he was the principal of No. 3 Middle School, he was also kind to others, and his popularity and social relations were good.Now, Fang Yuan mentioned not to be smart, not to shoot yourself in the foot, Li Guoqiang immediately realized that the situation seemed serious.It wasn't that Li Guoqiang didn't want to help Yao Changqing, but that Li Guoqiang didn't dare to help. More importantly, Li Guoqiang already regarded Fang Yuan as his nephew, and Li Guoqiang would not forgive Fang Yuan for anything that hurt Fang Yuan.Li Guoqiang even immediately thought, if Yao Changqing really offended Fang Yuan, then can the teaching and research tutoring from the teaching and research section to No. 3 Middle School be suspended this year?Without Fangyuan, I would not be where I am today, especially in the process of being promoted to the secretary and director of the teaching and research section, and helping to fight against the deputy director of the district mayor's wife. Li Guoqiang was full of affection for what Fangyuan did. As for the usual friendship between him and Yao Changqing, that Just the portion is too small.

Soon, Fang Yuan received a call from Chen Xinhua, the principal of No. 42 High School: "Secretary Fang, I am Old Chen from No. 42 High School. I don't know when you will arrive. I will greet you at the door." Fang Yuan said, "Principal Chen, you are too polite. I have 10 minutes at most, and I will arrive at No. 42 Middle School." Chen Xinhua said: "Then, Principal Chen and I will meet Secretary Fang at the door."

Principal Chen?Fang Yuan suddenly remembered that Chen Qiuping was in No. 42 Middle School.God, why did I choose Shiguo 42?Fangyuan thought of another person, Zhou Susu.This woman seems to be also in No. 42, serving as an educational supervisor at the vice-principal level.Hey, I went to No. 42 by myself. I don't know if I went deep into the dragon's pool and tiger's den?

Fang Yuan thought again, this Chen Xinhua also seemed to be a very scheming guy.He didn't arrange for Chen Qiuping to accompany the teaching and research staff to the class, but arranged to greet them. Did Chen Xinhua also hear some gossip about himself and Chen Qiuping?

No wonder Fangyuan was thinking wildly, Chen Xinhua really thought so.Fang Yuan did not give Yao Changqing a good look at this matter in the morning, although it was only a short two or three hours, it has already spread widely.The principal and secretary of the high school that Fang Yuan will supervise, as well as the cadres of the Municipal Education Bureau, are now almost known to everyone.As for why Yao Changqing offended Fang Yuan, there are different opinions and no consensus.But there is one theory that caught Chen Xinhua's attention: Yao Changqing had been very close to Zhai Xinwen in the past few years, and he didn't have Fang Yuan in his eyes.Fangyuan has always been friendly and considerate to his own people. Anyone who is close to Fangyuan, including the cadres from the No. 5 middle school, including the cadres from the Policy and Regulation Section of the Education Bureau, and the teaching and research section, have relatively good political arrangements.However, Yao Changqing, as the principal of the original 68 Middle School, did not get very close to Fang Yuan, but became Zhai Xinwen's die-hard fan. This is probably the reason why Fang Yuan did not want to see Yao Changqing.Leaders don't wait to see a person, sometimes it's not necessarily a criticism, just showing a face will kill the people below.Yao Changqing went to the No. 3 Middle School to inspect the guide, and it was quite late, which is proof one; if he did not visit the guide after he went, this was proof two; the director of the teaching and research section Li Guoqiang gave all the opinions on the tour guide, which was proof three; he did not stay for lunch Working meals, this is proof four.The information from several proofs is gathered together, and there is only one conclusion: Fang Yuan really hates Yao Changqing now!

If Chen Qizhi was not popular with Yao Changqing, it would be nothing; but Fangyuan is different!Fang Yuan's energy is so amazing that even the deputy commander of the army was defeated, and a dignified health director at the division level was sent to prison. This is definitely a master in Dongzhou!

Although Chen Xinhua was more than ten years older than Fang Yuan, but in front of Fang Yuan, he absolutely did not dare to put on a big man.What's the use of seniority?Even Zhai Xinwen had to listen to Fang Yuan's opinion before making a decision. As a senior, would he dare to wrestle with Fang Yuan?Isn't this throwing eggs at rocks and asking for trouble?

Therefore, Chen Xinhua kept his posture very low.Of course, to think about the superiors, you also have to think about Fang Yuan's preferences and thoughts.Chen Qiuping was promoted to the post of vice-principal of No. 42 Middle School by Fang Yuan against all opinions. What does this mean?Chen Qiuping is likely to be having an affair with Fang Yuan!He worked as the office director for Fangyuan for half a year, and he waited on Fangyuan every day, whether he served Fangyuan on the bed or not, this outsider had no way of knowing.Even if she didn't go to bed, there was no doubt that Chen Qiuping was promoted by Fangyuan.Therefore, Chen Xinhua decided that he and Chen Qiuping would personally receive Fangyuan.As for Zhou Susu, Chen Xinhua also found out clearly that this woman used to fight against Fang Yuan every day in 68 Middle School. I hated Zhou Susu even more in my heart, and realized that it was not easy for me to be the principal!

Of course, the homework Chen Xinhua has done is far more than this.Chen Xinhua has already found out that Wang Weizhi and Sun Sizong are both Fangyuan's classmates.This is a very important resource!Such resources are not used, but they are not used in vain!This afternoon, Wang Weizhi prepared a Chinese class, while Sun Sizong prepared an interest group activity that can fully reflect the concept of quality education, and some students presented an interest group activity class of "Chinese Studies Appreciation".The reason is very good.Fang Yuan is an expert in Chinese teaching, Fang Yuan came to listen, comment, and guide, it was a seamless arrangement.

When Fang Yuan's car approached No. 42 High School, Fang Yuan saw Chen Xinhua and Chen Qiuping standing at the school gate.Seeing Fangyuan's car, Chen Xinhua waved his hand, and the electric door opened immediately.Fangyuan didn't stop, and drove directly to the shade of the campus trees.Both Chen Xinhua and Chen Qiuping trotted over. Chen Xinhua opened the car door for Fang Yuan more respectfully than Yao Changqing: "Secretary Fang, welcome, welcome."

Fang Yuan got out of the car, shook hands with Chen Xinhua, and looked around: "Principal Chen, the school layout is very grand, the scenery is very pleasant, and the environment is also very tidy!"

Fang Yuan's opening made Chen Xinhua relieved: "Secretary Fang, thank you for your praise of 42 Middle School! You are welcome to visit 42 Middle School in person in your busy schedule." Fang Yuan said, "This is my Work."

Chen Qiuping looked at the extremely adoring, admiring, extremely successful, and extremely handsome man standing in front of her eyes, her heart was surging, her eyes were full of love and joy: "Principal, hello. We meet again."

This is really meeting old friends!Fangyuan's heart was full of mixed feelings, he stretched out his hand, gently grasped Chen Qiuping's soft and boneless little hand, and nodded: "Principal Chen, we meet again. In fact, it didn't take long, and you left No. 5 Middle School Just a month." Chen Qiuping said, "But I feel like it's been years."

Seeing that Chen Qiuping was a little emotional, Fang Yuan was really afraid that Chen Qiuping would say something inappropriate again, so she said to Chen Xinhua: "Principal Chen, Chen Qiuping is a comrade who came out of the No. 5 middle school. If there is something wrong, the criticism should be severe." When it is time to help, you should help more!" Chen Xinhua said: "Xiao Chen has outstanding work ability after entering No. 42 Middle School, and I am very satisfied with his work performance. The cadres trained by Secretary Fang are all top-notch. Fang Yuan said: "Chen Qiuping is still young, so there must be a lot of work experience to be lacking. If she has a passion for work, I agree with that; but work experience is far from being accumulated in a day or two. President Chen, you should shoulder the burden. It is the best way to let Chen Qiuping exercise his ability and accumulate experience at work." Chen Xinhua nodded again and again: "Yes, what Secretary Fang said is too right. This new semester, I am going to give Xiao Chen a A lot of burdens. Although there are many vice-principals in the school, there are not many who can really take on the responsibility. Let’s talk about Zhou Susu, who occupies the position of vice-principal, but can’t perform the duties of vice-principal. He complains every day. Not only are you not actively working on the work, even if you explain the work, you don’t finish it all at once. I said Secretary Fang, you have experience in fixing these comrades who don’t do anything but make trouble, so you must pass it on to me!”

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Principal Chen, I am not omnipotent. Which school does not have similar comrades?" Chen Xinhua thought for a moment, and suddenly said boldly: "Yes, any principal who is like the red type will have a headache. .”

Unknowingly, the psychological distance between Fang Yuan and Chen Xinhua quickly narrowed.Chen Xinhua said: "Secretary Fang, come to my office to rest first?" Fang Yuan looked at his watch and said, "Class is about to start. I'm in No. 42 Middle School. I have to attend a class." Chen Xinhua said: "That's really That's great. Secretary Fang is a master of Chinese teaching, No. 1 in the Dongzhou education system! Whoever is lucky enough to be guided by Secretary Fang is absolutely lucky. Secretary Fang, shall we go to a Chinese class?" Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Familiar with the road, Chen Xinhua led Fang Yuan to the door of a classroom in the teaching building.Chen Qiuping followed Fangyuan, never taking her eyes off Fangyuan for a moment, the more she looked at her, the more she fell in love with her, the more she looked at her, the more she missed her.Chen Xinhua gently pushed open the classroom door and said respectfully, "Secretary Fang, please!"

Fangyuan strolled into the classroom, the first thing he saw was the teacher on the podium.The moment he saw it, Fang Yuan was stunned. The quiet woman in front of him was the only female classmate Wang Weizhi he had a crush on during his studies at Dongzhou Normal University!

Wang Weizhi originally knew one thing about today's bureau leaders who came to listen to the lectures, but not the other.Yesterday morning, Principal Chen Xinhua called Wang Weizhi to the principal's office. His attitude was unprecedentedly friendly.He said earnestly: "Xiao Wang! The leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau will come to the No. 42 Middle School this afternoon. The leaders are disappointed, don’t let me and the school down. How about this class, if you do well, I will reward you in return; and it may be a new opportunity for your career and work development. If the bureau leaders are optimistic about your ability, they are optimistic about you You may soon have the opportunity to take a market class or a provincial class and win the first prize." Naturally, Wang Weizhi also attached great importance to it, and carefully prepared this class when he returned to the office.The competition among middle school teachers is very fierce, and it is not easy for the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau to attend a class. After all, there are very few bureau leaders who come to the school, and there are too many teachers in the school. Spiritually, study this lesson over and over again.And yesterday afternoon, Chen Xinhua even personally listened to Wang Weizhi's trial lecture, and personally instructed Wang Weizhi how to improve some deficiencies in the teaching, so as to prepare the class more wonderfully.Just when Wang Weizhi was still working overtime in school to revise the lesson plans after work, Wang Weizhi's good friend came to tell her that there had been rumors in the school that she had an affair with Principal Chen, so this most important day Each class is taught by her, and Principal Chen personally guides and comments.

sky!Where are these rumors?What this good friend said made Wang Weizhi very stressed. Wang Weizhi said: "This is absolutely nothing. I am also very surprised. Why did Principal Chen let me take this class. However, since he asked me to take this class, then I will Take advantage of the opportunity and strive for a good class."

With this mentality in mind, Wang Weizhi carefully prepared this class.It never occurred to her that the bureau leader who came to attend the class turned out to be her classmate Fang Yuan in college!When Wang Weizhi saw Chen Xinhua's obsequious smile and accompanied Fangyuan into the classroom, Wang Weizhi was also stunned, his mind went blank, and he couldn't think of anything in the blink of an eye when he had a clear idea of ​​teaching in class.She stared blankly at Fang Yuan, and stood there in a daze.

Chen Qiuping is such a delicate person, she can tell at a glance that the relationship between Wang Weizhi and Fangyuan is not simple.In an instant, Chen Qiuping felt a lot of jealousy in her heart, even though it was just dry vinegar.

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