Director's growth history

3532.2217, Fang Yuan is also receiving education

Before Fang Yuan left, he arranged for a car to send Han Suzhen and An Dongsheng back in peace; he also personally sent An Dongsheng away.When Fang Yuan decided to leave, Ding Xiaohua said: "Xiao Fang, the scene we agreed on hasn't started yet!" Fang Yuan said: "Chairman, please wait a few more days, okay?" I booked a table at Jingu Hotel, you can't let me waste it!"

Fang Yuan said: "Okay. No matter from which point of view, I shouldn't reject Chairman Ding." Ding Xiaohua said: "You change your name, I want to be your uncle Ding, instead of being rejected every day. Call him Chairman." Fang Yuan said, "If you don't call him Chairman in public, what would be appropriate?" Ding Xiaohua froze for a moment, stretched out his thumb, and said, "There is yours, Xiao Fang."

Room for three people.

Ding Xiaohua said: "I brought the wine myself. This is real Lafite, and it tastes good." Fang Yuan said: "I've already drank a lot, I really can't drink it." Ding Xiaohua said: "Let's celebrate! Sheng Qiming It is very likely that my son will lie on the hospital bed forever; if the lumbar spine is cured, he will have to stay in prison for ten or eight years. In these ten or eight years, do you think my Xiao Ke has grown up in an all-round way? I have worked in the Nass Group for ten or eight years, and I have the experience and prestige that I should have. I have almost gotten along with my uncles and colleagues in the Nass Group, and everyone is used to Xiao Ke. It's half the head of the family. Shouldn't we celebrate such a big happy event?"

This old fox thinks so far!It turned out that what Ding Xiaohua wanted was the time difference of these ten or eight years!At that time, whoever will manage the Nas Group will be inferior to Ding Chuke who understands the situation and is familiar with the people. I am afraid that no matter how tricky he is, it will be difficult to achieve the goal of grabbing the class and seizing power.

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, then I congratulate Uncle Ding and Chu Ke."

The three wine glasses collided, and everyone drank the less than half of the glass in one gulp.

Ding Xiaohua sighed.Fang Yuan looked at Ding Xiaohua, knowing that he should have something to say next, but he kept his face and looked at Ding Xiaohua.Ding Chuke is naturally a little more experienced. At this moment, she is very happy.Ding Chuke liked being alone with Fangyuan; Ding Chuke also liked Fangyuan calmly coping with the big scene of 500 people tonight-this is the ability to control the overall situation, not everyone has this ability.

Seeing her father sighing, Ding Chuke couldn't help asking: "Dad, why are you still sighing when you are so happy?"

Ding Xiaohua looked at Ding Chuke with some disappointment.It should be Fang Yuan who asked this question.The daughter couldn't help but ask, and it was obvious her shortcomings: too kind, too naive, too impatient.And Fang Yuan is much older than her daughter.

Ding Xiaohua said, "Xiao Fang knows why I sigh, right?"

Fang Yuan said: "Uncle Ding, you are very scheming, how can I know which one you want to play?"

Ding Xiaohua laughed loudly: "If I am an old villain, you are a young villain. Xiao Fang, if you are my son, how wonderful it would be!"

Fang Yuan said: "You can't say that. Since ancient times, famous people came from poor families, and the children of rich families are rich. Isn't there such an example around us? Dad is the second in the company, but his son is very unworthy. He has become a second-rate child in society. A new member has been added to the prison. Can you say that the conditions of the family are not good? It should be said that it is too good, so good that he is allowed to make mistakes from childhood to big mistakes, and finally the mistakes are irreparable."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Yes! From this point of view, my Xiao Ke is still a good boy." Ding Chuke looked a little shy: "Dad!" Fang Yuan said: "Chu Ke is really good." Ding Chuke was very happy: "Thank you Fangyuan’s compliment.” Ding Xiaohua said: “It’s a pity that during those years of studying in the UK, many of the people I met were Catholics. This made Xiao Ke focus on goodness, and her humanitarian thoughts increased, but she lost her decisiveness. In which place, in which country, and in which company do things, kindness is just righteousness; at critical moments, what is most needed is ruthlessness. Xiao Ke can't do this. This is why I sigh."

Fangyuan understood Ding Xiaohua's mood.Think about yourself at work, sometimes you are soft-hearted, but what does soft-heartedness bring?It was the other party who rode on the head next time to do his best.When facing all the teachers and the majority of colleagues, one should be kind, which is the righteousness; but in the face of those provocateurs, kindness means weakness and incompetence, and it will cause irreversible negative effects. Should we kill decisively, we should kill decisively .

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of a more meaningful sentence: "Uncle Ding, Chu Ke, if you give the wolf a chance to make a comeback, you will definitely get the wolf to retaliate more viciously."

Ding Xiaohua nodded: "Yes. I remember Lei Feng's famous saying is still very reasonable: treat comrades as warm as spring, and treat enemies as ruthlessly as autumn wind sweeps fallen leaves. Xiao Ke, when it is time to show affection, you must speak Friendship, for example, to your father and Fang Yuan, you must be kind and warm like spring; but when you treat enemies, competitors, and those who may threaten you, you still respect benevolence and morality, that is to yourself, Irresponsible to the family."

Ding Chuke said: "The Lord said that to forgive a person's faults is to improve one's self-cultivation."

Ding Xiaohua shook his head in disappointment: "We have to adapt to China's national conditions, son. Let's say Britain and the United States are Catholic and Christian-dominated countries. Does their government have such tolerance? No matter what they say It sounds so nice and kind. What we need to focus on is what they are doing. Who beat China 150 years ago? It was Britain, it was France, they spread Catholicism, but what they did was robbery, burning the Old Summer Palace, and separatism China has a large amount of territory, are they doing good? They are just using good lies to cover their aggression and plunder with a gorgeous camouflage. The United States, known as the most corrupt country in the world, the people of Iraq Under the rule of Saddam Hussein, it was stable and wealthy, and the education level of the common people was No. 1 in the Middle East. The United States, under the banner of the Communist Party, eliminated Saddam Hussein and brought Iraq the democratic election of one person, one vote , What is the result? The Kurdish-inhabited areas in the north are self-governing, and the Shiite-inhabited areas in the south are self-governing. There are shootings and bombings happening all over the country every day. , was killed by a bomb. Is this the benefit of American-style violence in Iraq? What the United States wants is not Saddam’s life, but Iraq’s oil. In the name of violence and freedom, to eliminate The most fundamental purpose of other countries is to plunder other people's resources. What is oil? It is resources, and it is a lot of money!"

Fang Yuan said: "I agree with Uncle Ding's words. What you say is not necessarily true. The United States has always wanted to promote the Communist Party in China. Does the United States really hope that China will be stronger after the Revolution? No! The United States wants to use The □□ method, let China fall apart, let China's central government become a weak central government, so as to ensure that the hegemony of the United States in the world is not threatened! Look at what the United States has done to China! Garrison troops in South Korea and Japan , garrisoned troops in Okinawa, among which there is a carrier formation, the most important purpose of which is to block Chinese warships in the offshore and achieve a large encirclement in the east; the Taiwan issue has not been resolved for a long time, and the unification of the Chinese nation has not been completed , not because of Taiwan, but because of the obstruction of the United States. The United States hopes that the relationship between mainland China and Taiwan will always be neither unified nor independent. Aircraft carrier; in the southeast of Taiwan, there is an overseas territory of the United States called Guam. The most advanced American F22 fighter jets and B2 strategic bombers are all concentrated there. Is deploying so many advanced weapons there to show favor to China? A blind person can see that this is a threat to China. Once a war breaks out, the American planes in Guam will take off and bomb the Chinese mainland. Looking at the South China Sea, it is obviously a matter between China and Southeast Asian countries, but the Americans want to Let me get in. Recently, the Philippines and Vietnam have been making frequent troubles on the South China Sea issue. Without the support of the Americans, would they dare? Especially the Philippines, which used to have military cooperation with the United States, was instigated by the United States, and the Philippines also had the courage to rush As far as the front is concerned, the reason why China’s South China Sea is not peaceful is because the United States is doing things wrong; looking at the south, the relationship between India and China is good and bad. Whenever the relationship with China improves, the United States will provoke India and China’s territorial issues , will invite out this old and immortal thing to mess up. The government-in-exile of the Great Tibet established by □ has no taxation and no financial resources. What should we do? The U.S. Treasury Department allocates 2400 million U.S. dollars every year as the financial pillar of this government-in-exile The United States is openly supporting the secession of China! Looking at the west, the United States has occupied Afghanistan, and there are 10 US troops stationed in Afghanistan. On the surface, the occupation of Afghanistan is to eliminate the Taliban’s extremist religious organizations, but in fact it ?I analyze that the United States has three major goals. The first is to plunder the copper resources of Afghanistan; the second is to contain Russia in the north; the third is to contain China in the east. militants of the Uighur forces, gave them guns, taught them how to make improvised bombs, trained them how to make bomb attacks, and even directly supported these Uyghur independence forces with a large amount of US dollars. Once there are unstable factors in Chinese society, the United States can directly disclose Support the Uyghur independence forces and enter Xinjiang from Afghanistan; if the Uyghur independence forces are suppressed by the People’s Liberation Army, the U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan can use the slogan of opposing the killing of civilians and directly enter Xinjiang for military intervention. In Uzbekistan, the United States has built a China Asia's largest air force base, a large number ofWhat is the reason for the fighter jets and strategic bombers stationed there?The north keeps Russia in check, and the east can bomb China's Xinjiang region at any time as needed.In the north of China is Mongolia.In Mongolia, the atmosphere of corruption is now permeating the whole country. Except that Mongolia has been worried about destroying foreign countries because of its decreasing population, the instigation of the United States is also indispensable.In recent years, the Mongolian army and the U.S. military have conducted military exercises every year to strengthen the cooperation between the United States and Mongolia, at least to form a tacit understanding and cooperation on the battlefield.It is said that our military exercises are not aimed at any country, but everyone understands that the true purpose of the United States is to target China! "

"Why is America so bad!" Ding Chuke also became indignant.

Fang Yuan said: "But the words spoken by the United States and the words of high-level government officials are all good-sounding terms such as □□, morality, and □□. No matter how nice they say, they can't change their ugly faces. I believe in Hu In general, we must listen to its words and observe its actions. When we look at a country or a person, we should not only listen to what he said, but also what he is doing? Chu Ke, you still think that the United States is a very good country. country?"

"No! It's bad! The intestines are so bad!"

"No!" Ding Xiaohua denied Ding Chuke's words, "Xiao Ke, you are still too young. The United States is not called bad, it is just its essence. The United States has been the leader in the world for more than 60 years. What the United States fears most is that there will be a The country can push him down from the boss position. In the past, the Soviet Union was the most likely to become the boss, so the United States regarded the Soviet Union as its main enemy. In order to contain the Soviet Union, it even established diplomatic relations with China. After the Soviet Union, it was Japan. In 1986, Japan's gdp reached one-half of that of the United States. Japan is an ally of the United States! But what can an ally do? The United States can't watch Japan grow bigger! The United States forced Japan to sign the Agreement, but Japan did not want to sign it, but there were 1988 American troops stationed on Japanese territory, and it was the cannons on Japan's neck that made Japan sign this unequal agreement. As a result, Japan has been stagflation ever since. Up to now. The United States can do this to its allies, let alone China? Now that China is rich and its gdp is rising, the United States is worried that China's strength will threaten the position of the United States in the world. Therefore, the United States does not encircle How can it be possible to block China without doing everything possible to suppress China? We may better judge the situation by looking at the world; let’s look at the Nass Group, and then look at the competition between the Nass Group and those companies such as Procter & Gamble, Henkel, etc. I understand more clearly that there is no win-win cooperation in essence, only life and death. At critical times, it is necessary to be ruthless. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself; to be cruel to the enemy is to be kind to oneself. Of course, we don’t mind When exercising to the United States, we can also deal with our enemies with beautiful slogans such as love, cooperation, win-win, and love. Whether what we do is particularly good, this is not necessarily the case. In short, everything is for our own interests, and everything is for the interests of Nass! The hypocrisy of the United States is doing well in the world; why can’t we learn from the United States? What kind of hypocrisy? On the surface, the truth of the United States is seductive; but in essence, the hegemony of the United States is not threatened, the interests of the United States cannot be damaged, and the resources that the United States wants must be able to occupy. This is the fundamental consideration of the United States government. Where, what, what, are all lies and lies that the United States talks about to deceive some foolish intellectuals and young students!"

Ding Xiaohua is also an angry youth!No!Ding Xiaohua is not a cynic, he is a very pure villain, a person who sees the essence of things clearly!Perhaps, Ding Xiaohua's Nass Group's ability to achieve such extraordinary results in the encirclement of multinational corporations has a lot to do with his understanding of the essence of things in this world.Is he using American-style hypocrisy to manage Nurse, facing those competitors and enemies around him?

Fang Yuan didn't speak, but kept thinking silently.This evening, Fang Yuan received a profound education at Ding Xiaohua's place.

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