Director's growth history

3538.2223, It's hard to die, Wang Guodong

Wang Guodong bit the bullet and entered the round table meeting room.Confucius Tian and several deputies from Dongzhou University all accompanied him, showing respect for the Secretary of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee.Confucius Tian also enthusiastically introduced Wang Guodong, Bi Quanli, Ming Yuyun, Sun Hongjun, Zhai Xinwen, Fang Yuan and other leaders of Dongzhou City and the Municipal Education Bureau. More than a dozen teachers from Dongzhou University who attended the meeting gave warm applause.

Wang Guodong felt a little more at ease.After expressing his festive condolences to the teachers of Dongzhou University, Wang Guodong said: "I am here today to listen to your opinions and suggestions on the further development of Dongzhou University, and to listen to your opinions and suggestions on Dongzhou's economic and social development. Suggestion. All of you here are representatives of the excellent teachers of Dongzhou University and the leaders of Dongzhou intellectuals. I believe that everyone will be able to provide insightful insights and provide useful reference for the decision-making of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee.”

A professor in his 50s immediately said, "I don't know if Secretary Wang wants to hear the truth or polite words?"

Wang Guodong's heart sank, and he said, "Of course it is to listen to the truth." The professor said, "Well, Secretary Wang is indeed a secretary who is close to the people, just like the rumors. The most respected and loved by our people is the leader who is close to the people. A A leader, who pretends to be the common people in his heart, will be respected and loved by the common people; a leader who only wants to do some political achievements and play some ostentatious things, so although the common people will call him politely when they see him, but deep down in his heart I have already scolded the leader thousands of times for such a leader who does not care about the life and death of the people and only cares about face-saving projects."

Wang Guodong was really embarrassed.Of course, it has become a fairly common phenomenon for leaders at all levels to focus on performance projects and face projects.Objectively speaking, most of the performance projects are not face-saving projects, and they are indeed beneficial to urban development and the improvement of people's lives. However, there are indeed some performance projects of individual leaders, which are good-looking but have little practical use.In some cities, due to the frequent change of leaders, the previous leaders' performance projects have not been completed, and the subsequent leaders will not continue to build the previous leaders' performance projects, but dig new holes. Some of the performance projects have become unfinished projects, not to mention wasting a lot of fiscal revenue, and some are still heavily in debt, which increases the financial burden and taxpayer burden of the city where they are located.For example, Handan City in Hebei Province has had 5 mayors in 4 years. With such frequent mayor changes, how can things be really done well in Handan?

The professor said: "I am from the Chinese Language College of Dongzhou University, and I am a member of the Zhigong Party. My research direction is ancient Chinese characters. I have been a professor for more than ten years. Our philology major must be relatively I can’t major in sports, art, technology, etc., but what I really don’t understand is: Why can’t I, a professor who is not enough to hold a master’s degree, have a salary that can’t even match that of Dongzhou junior high school teachers? Anyway, we are also senior intellectuals. If junior high school teachers Even if you are an intellectual, you can only say that you are a small intellectual at most. The salary income of senior intellectuals is not comparable to that of small intellectuals. Don’t the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have no responsibility at all? I don’t know if your city leaders are sitting in the office , How did you make the decision? Is it really like what the network said, big things are decided by patting your head?"

The professor of the Chinese Department spoke so sharply that even Confucius Tian didn't expect it.Kong Zitian looked at Wang Guodong with some guilt, expressing that he was helpless.Confucius Tian said: "Professor Liu, don't be emotional when you have something to say!" The professor said: "Principal Kong, you have worked hard for Dongzhou University. You have done a lot of things and won a lot of financial support. , The mess made by the secretary has smoothed out a lot of holes. Therefore, I respect school leaders like you who do practical things. My speech today is not false, it is all true. There are also people from the Dongzhou Education Bureau here. Leaders, I believe they should be very clear. But I just don’t understand why the salary of a full professor at a university is not as good as that of a junior high school teacher. A middle school teacher is only equivalent to an associate professor!”

Wang Guodong really didn't know what was going on.He looked at Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary Wang, Qingjiang Province promulgated the "Regulations on Compulsory Education in Qingjiang Province." Vocational high school, technical secondary school, and university teachers are not within the scope of this regulation. Therefore, judging from the current salary level, junior high school teachers have the highest income level among the entire teaching staff.”

Wang Guodong said: "It seems that this policy cannot be decided by the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. It seems very unreasonable for Professor Liu to accuse the Dongzhou Municipal Committee and Municipal Government. If Professor Liu must have objections or other opinions on this salary, I suggest that Professor Liu go to the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security for consultation and understanding."

Professor Liu choked suddenly: "It's not that I haven't reported it. Those people in the Provincial Security Department only fool us university teachers by saying that the superiors have no policies." Wang Guodong said: "The personnel relations and salary relations of university teachers are all determined by the government. The Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security is in charge. The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee really has no decision-making power. Thank you, Professor Liu, for your opinion."

Fang Yuan secretly admired Wang Guodong's strong policy, and he grasped the key points at once, making Professor Liu go from fierce artillery fire to gradual silence.Fang Yuan's heart relaxed a little bit, but within a second, the heart beat violently again.

A young university teacher said: "Dear leaders of Dongzhou City, we are very grateful that you came to visit our teachers at Dongzhou University on Teacher's Day. I hope that this kind of sympathy on Teacher's Day will not be just lip service. The superficial condolences, we need more real respect for teachers, we need to pass Teacher's Day, so that our teachers can truly feel the importance that the party committee and government attach to teachers!"

Wang Guodong really regretted coming to Dongzhou University.This university teacher really has no scruples and dares to say anything!Even this young teacher doesn't have any rules!

Confucius Tian said: "This little comrade, it cannot be said that the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government do not attach importance to Dongzhou University and the teachers. This time, Secretary Wang came to bring 600 million holiday condolences. We need to discuss with other leaders of the municipal party committee to see if we can provide some financial assistance to solve the debt problem of Dongzhou University.”

The young teacher said: "Principal Kong, is the 600 million yuan sent to give benefits to the teachers? If so, it is because the municipal party committee and government care about the lives of teachers, and I thank you. If there is a hole, we really can’t feel it.”

Confucius Tian suddenly lost his temper.Wang Guodong was also a little annoyed: When did it change from a few million to 600 million?This Confucius field really dares to open its mouth like a lion!

The young teacher said: "Secretary Wang, I am a young teacher, and I am now facing the problem of getting married. It is not easy to get married now! As a male teacher, you must first have a house, otherwise, whose family's girls will marry? And what Professor Liu said just now is good, the salary of a full-time university professor is not as good as that of a junior high school teacher, and I, a university lecturer, must not even be as good as a primary school teacher! With such a small salary, how much is the housing price in Dongzhou? 7 square meters, the most expensive place is [-] square meters. I don’t eat or drink for a year, and I can’t even buy a toilet! I’m in a relationship, and I’ve been talking with my girlfriend for several years, but it’s just that I can’t get married. It’s not that I don’t want to get married, but I can’t afford it. We don’t even have a house, so let’s get married and sleep on the road?”

Heh, the sharpness of the young teacher is no less than that of the old professor!

Ming Yuyun said: "This teacher, Secretary Wang has already said that this problem should first be resolved by the school, and second, it should be reported to the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security."

The young teacher said: "This city leader, you are a typical example of standing up and talking without back pain. Yes, I am a teacher at Dongzhou University, but I am also a citizen of Dongzhou! It is clearly stated in my household registration book that I am I am from Dongzhou. I live in Dongzhou and work in Dongzhou. Dongzhou City can ignore the salary of university teachers, but ensure that citizens can afford and live in housing. Isn’t this the responsibility of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government? Responsibility?"

Ming Yuyun was speechless.

The young teacher said: "Actually, I don't ask for anything, what I ask for is fairness. My classmate, who works in a government building in Dongzhou City, received a marriage certificate, and was allocated a set of 2008 square meters of civil servants at the beginning of 75. Commodity housing. Of course, it’s not subdivided. It’s a good name, it’s called distribution. What about the price of distribution? It’s not even 5000 yuan. You can live in a good house for half the price. Young people like me who are not civil servants In comparison, a house saves hundreds of thousands, which is more than half of the money! How many years will it take me to earn these hundreds of thousands!"

This is really a very real problem!When it comes to fairness and unfairness, Wang Guodong and everyone else feel that this is a difficult matter to answer and handle.

Confucius Tian said: "Okay, your speech is over."

The young teacher said: "Principal Kong, I only have a few words to finish, so you should let me finish."

Wang Guodong didn't know when he calmed down.He said to Confucius: "Comrade Zitian, it is good for this young teacher to talk about his difficulties."

The young teacher said: "Thank you Secretary Wang. I only have one hope: Can the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government cooperate with Dongzhou University to build a Dongzhou University teacher community like building a civil servant community to solve the housing problem of Dongzhou University teachers? Question? We don’t ask for allocation, but we also ask for price-limited commercial housing. Please, Secretary Wang! On behalf of the thousands of young teachers at Dongzhou University who can’t afford housing, please ask Secretary Wang.”

The young teacher stood up and bowed deeply to Wang Guodong.

Move the whole body by pulling a hair!Can I make a decision to build a Dongzhou University teacher community?Thousands of teachers means building a very large community.Calculated on the basis of 100 households in one building, to meet the housing allocation needs of more than 2000 teaching staff, a super large real estate with at least 20 buildings is required!Young teachers can make such appeals, but as rulers, they have to think from the perspective of the overall situation: where does the earth come from?Where does the money for building this teacher community come from?Also, if Dongzhou University is agreed, what about Dongzhou Institute of Technology, Dongzhou Normal University, Dongzhou Medical College, Dongzhou Architectural Engineering College and other universities?Their teachers raised the housing issue again, and the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government couldn’t afford it even if they wereted money to sell it!

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