Director's growth history

3543.2228 Zhai Xinwen clearly gained the upper hand

Standing on the rostrum, Zhai Xinwen is optimistic and confident, and his demeanor and demeanor all show his infinite vitality and combat effectiveness.In the end, he said affectionately: "Comrades, at present, the party and the country are paying more and more attention to education, and the people's expectations for education are getting higher and higher! Facing the higher requirements of the party committee and the government, facing the eagerness of the people Looking forward, we have no reason to fail to run Dongzhou Education. Let us unite more closely to build confidence in running Dongzhou Education and strengthen our determination to run Dongzhou Education well. .I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, Dongzhou Education will have a better tomorrow!"

There was warm applause.Zhai Xinwen took the glass of wine brought by Heping and shouted loudly: "Come, let's drink to a better tomorrow of Dongzhou education, for a more united and harmonious Dongzhou education, and for the health and family happiness of everyone present here!"

Zhai Xinwen's highly provocative words undoubtedly greatly aroused the enthusiasm of the people present.Everyone also shouted: "Cheers!" The sound of clinking glasses was endless.Zhai Xinwen returned to his seat, walked around the table with Fangyuan and Heping, and touched everyone. He drank the real red wine in the glass in one gulp, showing the straightforwardness and boldness of the man.

Zhai Xinwen sat back in his seat and asked Heping: "Secretary He, is my impromptu speech justified?" Heping stretched out his thumb: "Director, what you said is great! I counted carefully. Nothing was missed. It can be seen that you are familiar with the entire Dongzhou education!" Zhai Xinwen said: "If the head of the government does not understand all aspects of Dongzhou education, how can he be competent for the requirements of the municipal party committee, the government and the people? "

He Heping said: "Yes! Director Zhai's words are thought-provoking, and they are worth learning!" Zhai Xinwen said: "We learn from each other." Zhai Xinwen turned his face and asked Fangyuan: "Xiao Fang, what do you think of my speech today? ?”

What a clever method!At this moment, can Fang Yuan say anything wrong?Zhai Xinwen has already inquired about Heping, and he has continued to praise Heping. If he said that Zhai Xinwen's speech implied a little pepper water, it would not only directly conflict with Zhai Xinwen, but also slap Heping in the face.This is simply forcing Fang Yuan to agree.

Fang Yuan said: "The director's speech is very comprehensive, very targeted, and very level. I still have to learn from the director."

Zhai Xinwen laughed loudly: "I am very happy to get such a high evaluation from Xiao Fang! I love to hear Xiao Fang's evaluation, whether it is flattery or sincere affirmation." Fang Yuan's attitude is very Sincerely: "Of course I am telling the truth. The director and I have a lot to learn." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay! From now on, let's communicate more, communicate more, learn from each other's strengths, and make progress together, okay?"

Zhai Xinwen's voice was so loud that Sun Hongjun could hear it, and everyone else at table one could hear it.In the eyes of outsiders, Zhai Xinwen extended a friendly olive branch; in Fang Yuan's view, this is simply a sharp knife to divide and disintegrate the relationship between Fang Yuan and other people.There are not many words, but they are extremely lethal. Fang Yuan answered "yes" or "no", both have distinct advantages and disadvantages.Answering "yes", what kind of psychological changes Sun Hongjun and others will have is unknown; The first brother; answer "no", in front of so many people, this is an open discord with the top executive of the Education Bureau. Leadership support.

Zhai Xinwen's combo boxing today is really good!Had he been waiting for this opportunity?In the past, Zhai Xinwen did not dare to act rashly because he had the support of the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor; now, the support of the mayor is obviously gone; and the support of the secretary of the municipal party committee has also become precarious because of his father-in-law Kong Zitian's seemingly foolish tricks stand up.In addition, the most supportive city leader in Dongzhou City is Wan Quanquan, the political commissar of the garrison area.At this moment, Wan Daquan had already rushed to the First Army to serve as the chief of staff of the army, and left Dongzhou.Could it be that Zhai Xinwen was keenly aware that if he didn't hit Fang Yuan's arrogance at this time, he might never find a more suitable opportunity than now.Just like Gou Jian, the ambition of "recovering" the Education Bureau has probably never disappeared from Zhai Xinwen's heart.And now, Fang Yuan is at a vulnerable time, if he doesn't make a move at this time, how long will he wait?To add insult to injury, it seems a bit unrighteous, but when Fangyuan was strong, did he ever talk about benevolence and righteousness: it is not the actions of a gentleman to add insult to injury, but in order to "recover" the Education Bureau, I would rather not be a hypocrite and be a real villain!A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if you miss it, it will never come again; when the occasion is at the right time, hitting a whole area is actually hitting a large area, dividing a large area, attracting a large area, and shocking a large area.This is simply an excellent opportunity to show off!

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "I definitely have to learn a lot from the bureau chief, but I hope the bureau chief will not hesitate to teach me. I am too young, and all the bureau leaders at our table, I have to learn a lot. Being young means that you have less experience and less experience. How can I improve if I don’t learn with humility? The director is very concerned about me, and I am very grateful. I believe that learning more and improving more is exactly what the director expects from me. If I don’t cherish this opportunity, I will Let the chief down."

Zhai Xinwen smiled all over his face, no matter how annoyed he was, the kindness on his face was clear at a glance, just like a famous film performance artist: "We still have to learn from each other. Threesomes, there is my teacher. In the past half a year, what I have learned is also Unprecedented! What to do in good times and how to deal with adversity are all learning. If you learn, you will gain; after learning, you will know how to overcome difficulties and strive for victory. Xiao Fang, your words have also taught me a vivid lesson. !"

The two most powerful people in the Dongzhou Education Bureau, smiling faces and good words on the surface, secretly competed and competed. There was no sound at table one, and the retired table was also listening. The section chiefs and staff at other tables also stopped eating. , drinking, and cast their eyes on table number one.Today's scene, if made into a TV series, must be extremely exciting. Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan are both called "Actor Kings"; but in reality, the pressure this brings to people is definitely not small.Song Ping was the first one who couldn't bear it again, quietly got up and left table No. [-] and went out with her satchel on her back.This is the second time Song Ping has gone out tonight.

Zhai Xinwen stood up and said, "Comrades, let's eat. Our table number one is also going to eat. Let's eat half full first. After a while, Secretary Sun and I will toast everyone." As he spoke, he picked up his wine glass and said, "Secretary Sun, let's start at our table."

In the past period of time, isn't Sun Hongjun receiving education?But the first move had already lost momentum, and Sun Hongjun himself was single-handedly promoted by Zhai Xinwen, so even if he wanted to fight back, he didn't have the confidence.What's more, although Fang Yuan barely withstood Zhai Xinwen's offensive, he was obviously at a disadvantage.Without Fangyuan's support, Sun Hongjun felt that he was a bit vulnerable in front of Zhai Xinwen.Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, Director Zhai, let's eat too."

There are 11 people at table one, all of them are politicians.Except for Fang Yuan who is younger and has less experience, who hasn't been in the officialdom for decades?There can be a lot of trouble at other tables, but the atmosphere at table one is hard to imagine not being dull.Some were watching coldly, some were observing and pondering, some were looking forward to a more violent exchange of fire between Zhai Xinwen and Fangyuan, some were secretly worried about Fangyuan, and some were worried that Chi Yu would be hurt, so they were more cautious and dared not say a word...Everyone People's mentality is very complicated. How can such an occasion be lively?

Zhai Xinwen said: "The first glass of wine at our table, I want to toast a glass of thank you wine! To be honest, I am very, very grateful to all of us here! All along, everyone's love for education and support for my work have been greatly appreciated. I am so grateful. Even if there is a dispute at work, I understand that it is for doing a good job and for the development of Dongzhou's education. There can be no [-]% harmony in any place. Harmony and disputes, The opinions are not completely consistent, which made me feel everyone's love for education, and I am also making continuous progress and growth in the process of interacting with everyone and overcoming difficulties in work. I thank you all!"

There are many meanings revealed in Zhai Xinwen's words.Everyone laughed and drank the wine in the glass.But the taste of wine is sweet, sour, bitter, or spicy, and only the drinker knows it.It will take time to digest Zhai Xinwen's words.Geng Qing broke the silence at table No. 2004 and said: "Director Zhai's words are sobering and reflective! I remember that in the [-] Athens Olympic Games, a Chinese swimmer told the reporter Say, thank my family, thank my friends, thank my enemies, thank those who love me, thank those who hate me, and thank everyone. Director Zhai’s words resonate with me very much!"

Hey, interesting.At this time, Geng Qing jumped out and quoted the words of the swimmer. What does this mean?

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