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3548.2233. It touches on a deep-seated problem

Song Yunsheng felt that he should speak.The current situation has been completely controlled by his own side. Wang Guodong has experienced another blow, which is rare in the past six months.

Song Yunsheng said: "Comrades, as the mayor, I know more about the current specific situation. The root cause of the complaints and visits caused by the demolition is that the compensation conditions for the demolition cannot meet the requirements of the demolisher. Many shanty towns, when there is no demolition, Almost 17.5% of the people are looking forward to the demolition; when it is necessary to renovate the old city or the village in the city, the vast majority of the people are still good. They are grateful and grateful to the government for the demolition. After all, after the demolition, they can live in improved new Houses; but no matter what we do, we still cannot meet the high requirements of a small number of people. There is a typical case of the Bureau of Letters and Calls. There is a demolition household in Lubao District who rents a public house of 90 square meters. What are the conditions for demolition? On-site For resettlement, we will arrange two sets of three rooms with an internal area of ​​90 square meters, otherwise the demolition agreement will not be signed. Such an exorbitant request, even if the Prime Minister comes, there is no way to agree. If her original house is 17.5 square meters, and It is a private house with property rights, so it is very likely that two sets of three will be agreed. But what is her house? It is a rented public house, not a private house, and the area is only 90 square meters. If she agrees to her unreasonable request, other more than How to arrange for 90% of the demolished households? The fundamental purpose of the old city reconstruction is to improve the living conditions of ordinary people; but we cannot rule out that some ordinary people want to make a fortune by taking advantage of the opportunity of demolition. The so-called nail households in demolition, The so-called skeletal households have not demolished or signed the demolition agreement for a long time, which also affects the progress of the overall project, affecting more than 90% of the people who have signed the demolition agreement to move back. Because the overall project starts one day later, the people will move back later One day. Some demolition of nail-biting households has been delayed for several years, often affecting more than 10% of the other people who have signed the agreement and cannot move back! There is a case in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, which is the demolition of the subway, just because the two households refused to sign the agreement Agreement, vowing to guard their original dilapidated house, resulting in 50 years, other relocated households still can not return. Other demolished households have the heart to kill these two old neighbors! What is the root cause of this phenomenon? In the final analysis, it is our laws and regulations that are not perfect, which to a certain extent has led to no way to deal with these nail households. In many countries, a referendum system is adopted, the minority obeys the majority, and every stakeholder If the other side gets less than 50% of the votes, the minority will obey the majority. This is very mature in many countries. I once had this idea that if a certain area is demolished , we also conduct a referendum for each demolition object. We are a socialist country, we cannot use 50% as the dividing line, then use 90% or 95% as the dividing line, one person, one vote. If there are more than 90% or 95% The demolition conditions supported by the majority of the people, the remaining 5% of the people must obey the majority, so that there will not be so many contradictions in letters and visits, and there will not be so many nail households! Our current laws and policies are to take The 5% of people can’t do anything!”

Chang Youqiang said: "The state leaders don't let our cadres say that there are villains among the common people, and that every common man is good. If every common man is good, why are our prisons full of thieves and thieves? Criminals, murderers? No matter from the perspective of history, or from a large number of contemporary facts, some ordinary people’s awareness is indeed not high, just like these nail-biting households that ask for sky-high prices and open their mouths. What national interests, What collective interests, go to the side. As long as I don’t agree to my personal interests, I will not demolish! Who can do anything to me? I don’t care if the railway construction is delayed for ten or eight years. What’s wrong with Dongzhou Xingang Good influence; I don't care what effect the delay of railway construction for ten or eight years will have on those ordinary people who have moved back. This is the 5% of ordinary people! Aren't they troublesome people, they still deserve our love, sympathy, and encouragement Good people?"

Today's discussion by the Standing Committee has indeed touched on a deep-seated contradiction in China's reform.

Dou Dangji said: "There are no petition bureaus in foreign countries. The establishment of petition bureaus is a typical rule of man, not rule of law. Foreign people have grievances, and the only way is the court. In some countries, the third trial ends, and in some countries In our country, the second instance is terminated. We also have courts, but after the second instance of the court is completed, we can not only apply to the higher court for review, but the review will be terminated. It is said that such cases go through four levels: county, prefecture, province, and the Supreme Court. If it is wrong, it must be wrong, but if the people on the losing side refuse to accept it, they can still go to the Letters and Calls Bureau to petition. This is simply illegal! From any angle, there is no such reason. This is probably It is also one of the characteristics of China. The courts are final, and you can still go to the Bureau of Letters and Calls to petition. Can you find a second country in the world that is like this? Can you say this to a certain extent, and the Bureau of Letters and Calls can override the courts? Of course, I have violated party discipline by saying these words, but as secretary of the Lubao District Party Committee, I have to devote a lot of energy every year to handling complaint disputes and cases, which greatly involves my use of Time and efforts to develop the economy and improve people’s livelihood. Today, I’m just complaining about the conflicts of letters and visits involved in the construction of the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension Line. If the municipal party committee wants to punish me, I fully accept it.”

Song Yunsheng said: "The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee is a place to talk about sex. Every member of the Standing Committee should speak freely and know everything. At the same time, the speaker is innocent. Comrade Dangji's speech, I think, is very thought-provoking. Bureau, in essence, connives some people who are dissatisfied with the society and demand extremely high conditions to petition! If you have grievances, you can go to the court!"

Wang Guodong said: "Although you can speak freely, you must also talk about party spirit and discipline, and you can't just talk about it."

Shi Mingxiang said: "Secretary Wang, Mayor Song, members of the Standing Committee, the central issue we are going to study today is: how to resolve the contradictions and hidden dangers of letters and visits caused by the construction of the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension Line. Off topic. In 15 days, it will be National Day; in 20 more days, the Third Plenary Session of the [-]th Central Committee will be held. How to reduce the number of people running to Hangzhou and Beijing is the focus of our research. As for The referendum system and the abolition of the Bureau of Letters and Calls, which cannot be resolved in Dongzhou, are issues at the national level, and I don’t think it is necessary for the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to conduct research.”

Dou Shengzhong said: "I feel that Mayor Yunsheng and Comrade Dangji's statement of abolishing the Letters and Calls Bureau is irresponsible and will affect the comrades who work hard on the front line of letters and calls at the city and district levels. Enthusiastic about their work. They have worked very hard, but our city leader said that the Bureau of Letters and Calls will be abolished. It is indeed a bit irresponsible to say so."

Dou Dangji said: "This matter has nothing to do with Mayor Yunsheng. I am willing to take all the responsibilities! The rule of law has been mentioned for so many years, and this road is still very difficult. To a certain extent, it is a heavy responsibility. But the road is far away. Comrade Shengzhong, do you agree that the establishment of the letter and visit department is the rule of man, not the rule of law?"

Dou Shengzhong did not answer directly: "I think this is precisely the embodiment of the superiority of the socialist system."

Dou Dangji snorted and didn't go any further.

Shi Mingxiang said: "The Bureau of Letters and Calls is under a lot of pressure, Dongzhou City is under a lot of pressure, and Longwan District, Lubao District, and Oujiang District along the railway extension line are under great pressure. Now, it is indeed time to solve it immediately. It’s time to ask questions. I suggest that the discussion at the institutional level, can we temporarily come to an end today?”

Finally back to the topic!Focusing on how to resolve the contradictions of letters and visits and eliminate the hidden dangers of letters and visits, the Standing Committee members brainstormed and reached several consensuses: 2000. Immediately hold a city-wide letter and visit work meeting. Tasks; 25. Implement the responsibility system for letters and visits, and implement it at all levels. Specific to individuals, including cases, people, and resolutions, to ensure that during the Third Plenary Session of the [-]th Central Committee and the National Day, no one goes to Beijing to petition the province; [-]. Representative Wang Guodong The municipal party committee, condolences to the staff working on the front line of letters and visits; Fourth, Song Yunsheng personally supervised the handling, and the municipal finance allocated [-] million yuan in special funds for letters and visits to resolve a batch of backlogs of letters and visits before the National Day.All districts and counties also need matching funds, the sum of which should not be less than the total amount of the city's special financial funds; Fifth, Shi Mingxiang is in charge, and the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Letters and Calls Bureau of the Municipal Party Committee are jointly responsible. The letters and visits departments carry out a concentrated letter and visits supervision and inspection activity to fully understand the current situation and specific conditions of letters and visits in various districts and counties and key letter and visit departments, and put forward further work requirements.

A vigorous special petition campaign was launched.On this day, a post appeared on the forum of Dongzhou News: Some civil servants bought 8 sets of affordable housing in Lubao District at once.In just a few hours, this post became the most popular post, and Tianya, Sohu Community and other major forums have already reposted it. The Propaganda Department of Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Lubao District were caught off guard...

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